The Doctor Is In (open)
Xeph was humming, slightly off-key, as he held a few radiographs up to he light in order to see them better. He nodded to himself with satisfaction. The laprocopsy he'd just finished on this particular dog had revealed that she'd ingested two magnets, which had managed to attract each other and adhere through the lining of her small intestine. The surgery had been successful, but he'd wanted to repeat the rads just to make sure he'd gotten any and all foreign bodies out of the dog's abdomen.
His schedule was pretty light for the rest of the afternoon; a few routine exams and vaccinations, one or two re-checks for illnesses. The last few slots remaining would fill up though; they always did, with walk-ins.
Sliding the rads back into their manila envelope, Xeph filed them away in the cabinet. His assistant was out to lunch after having helped with the surgery, and Xeph had his clinic to himself for a while. Located just off what the Nachton denizens called "the strip," it was tucked between two buildings on the corner of the main drag and a side street. From the windows in the reception area Xeph could see both streets, and engaged in some peple-watching now, sitting at the front desk with his long legs stretched out and his hands tucked behind his head, white coat hung over the chair behind him.
The big lug had been acting strongly since the break in. Reign had expected he’d be unsettled, she sure as hell had been… was. However, she’d also expected Sirius would settle back in. In stead he’d remained rather clinging, not wanting to leave her side, and seemed somewhat short tempered of late as well. Perhaps that had something to do with the fact that they’d been more or less living out at Bastian’s place for the past week or so.
What it all amounted to is she thought they should pop in and see the doc. Finding a spot for her Magnum she walked round the back, snapped on Sirius’ leash and let him hop out of the car.
“You be good now boy-o. Last I checked you liked the doc and I’ve been worried about you.”
Sirius merely sat there looking at Reign expectantly only moving to walk beside her when she started towards the door. Well at least his manners hadn’t suffered in all this.
Opening the clinic door, she spied the man himself relaxing at the front desk.
“Heya doc. Pulling double duty today?”

Then, tilting his head at the pair, he furrowed his brow slightly. "Last I checked your boy was up to date on all his shots. What brings you in? Everything all right?"
Xeph rarely forgot a canine face or name, and was pretty good at remembering the humans they went along with. Sirius was a great dog, and like most he was generally pretty happy to see Xeph. Now, even though his tail wagged, the big shepherd seemed a bit hesitant and that was unusual for any dog in close proximity to the Kadzait veterinarian.
Hopping up and throwing his lab coat on somewhat haphazardly, Xeph came around the front of the desk and crouched down, inviting Sirius to come closer.
Hans could be a down right slave driver. But that was neither here nor there.
The Doc’s immediate reaction and good memory for her mutt was one of the reason’s Reign liked and trusted him so much. She didn’t care if he remembered her or not but knowing Sirius was everything to Reign.
Sirius’ reaction, however, was not what she had hoped. He’d always liked the vet, more so than any other vet she’d taken him to, but even now he refused to move away from her side. The leash was slack, there was nothing holding him in place, but he wasn’t even interested in sniffing the floor that a thousand other dogs had tread.
“To tell the truth I’m not sure. He’s been acting damned odd, not quite possessive but… I guess you’d call it clingy for about a week… two… now.”

Standing and straightening to his full height, he said, "Come on," and led the way to one of the exam rooms. He knew Sirius would follow; his abilities ensured that, even if the dog wasn't completely inclined to do so. Entering the room, he pated the treatment table.
"Up, boy."
Once Sirius was situated, Xeph turned back to Reign. "Anything unusual happen in the last couple of weeks? Something out of the ordinary at home? Anything as little as having had company he's never met before, or moving furniture around?"
Grabbing his stethoscope, Xeph waited for Reign's response while he listened to the big dog's heart and lungs. No murmurs, no arrythmias. Pulses strong and synchronous. No wheezing, everything clear.
Reign frowned at the question. She didn’t want to discuss the last few weeks. She wasn’t really ready to chat about things. For her boy though she sucked it up.
“Well…” She began hesitantly, “we’ve had a rough few weeks. I had my place broken into. He was a great help.”
She absently pet the big dog. Her ex had intended him as a bodyguard and that’s exactly what Sirius had tried, with some success, to do.
Reign, however, didn’t mention the other help came from her friendly neighborhood werewolf. She had a feeling that Bas’ lupine appearance had unsettled Sirius but she also thought he’d be over it by now.
“It was a hell of a mess, and I’ve had to call in a contractor to replace windows and doors so in the mean time we’ve been living with a friend a ways out of the city. Nice big spread plenty of room for him to run, but it hasn’t been much of a vacation for him.”

His nose told him both of them were well enough, but even if it hadn't Reign didn't appear to be bandaged or bruised anywhere visible. Bad luck, though. He'd thought Nachton was a relatively safe city, but Xeph hadn't been born yesterday. Crime happened every day, everywhere. It just sucked when it happened to someone you know, and to someone whose dog you liked.
Taking a peek in his patient's eyes and ears, then examing his gums, Xeph shook his head. "You have to wonder what people like that are thinking. Did they catch whoever's responsible?"
Rough break for Reign too. Xeph assumed she lived alone. She did say "I've had to," not "we've had to," and she was staying with a friend. At least she had someone to fall back to for help. Otherwise he might have offered, and that could have proven... difficult.
Straightening and giving Sirius a once-over with his broad hands, Xeph shrugged at Reign. "Just from looking at him, I can't say for sure if there's something physically wrong. Everything looks and sounds and feels fine. If you want, I can run a blood panel just to make sure his internal organs are working right. Is he eating and drinking well?"
Lucky as all hell Bas had pushed at her wishes and wandered by. But even with that she’d still been having nightmares. Not too often but vivid. But those were getting better the more time passed, and the more time she spent with Bastian.
“No. No, they haven’t. The cops said it seems random but that’s all they’ve said.”
She tried not to think about the fact that Bastian, and maybe the cops too, thought it could be a professional job. Who the hell would want to break into her place? And why? She wasn’t famous, not really, she didn’t have a lot of stuff or some deep dark secret.
“Yeah, he’s been eating and drinking just fine.” She grinned a bit, “that might be the one part of his personality that hasn’t changed, he still eats like a horse.”
They didn’t really –need- to run the blood panel, she knew that. At least she knew that with her head but this was her mutt and Reign didn’t always think with her head when it came to him.
“Do you think it could just be stress? I mean is there a good way to get him over it or is it just time? But… maybe we should run the panel … … just in case….”

"Sure," he responded to her question, "it could very well be just stress. Your his Pack and something bad has happened to you. You're stressed out and he feeds off of that."
It was a useful trait to have as Alpha, to innately know what would help someone get along better and what wouldn't, but it applied to those outside his Pack and he used it here. This issue went beyond just Sirius. Even common sense could have told Xeph that, but he wanted to be sure. She was shaken, unsettled, by recent events and it would give her comfort to know that SIrius, at least, was going to be all right, which would in turn help him relax some.
Smiling reassuringly at Reign, Xeph opened the drawer under the counter and pulled out a syringe and two vials. "We'll run the panel just in case," he said, making up her mind for her. "Bad enough to be having a streak of rotten luck with that break in; at least this way you'll know if Sirius is just off his game too, or if there's something more happening."
The big dog let him draw blood without a fuss, and within a few moments Xeph had his 3 mL's and was labeling the vials and enticing Sirius with a cookie.
"I'll be able to tell you in about ten minutes, but if you'd rather not wait I can just call you with the results."
[ooc: permission to use abilities on Reign]
Reign smiled ruefully and absently rubbed Sirius’ head. The big dog turned to look at her and licked her wrist, just the once. Crazy mutt. Reign decided right there and then she wasn’t going to stress any more… … well she’d try not to. If she chilled maybe, Sirius would. She wasn’t quite 100% ready to move in with Bas, but maybe she’d move some of Sirius’ stuff out there too. Maybe if he had more of his own environment around that would help too.
Thank god, the doc just moved a head with things. She didn’t want to think about it, not really.
She giggled at Sirius snuffled at the offered treat, finally taking it from Xeph. He took it quite delicately, almost daintily, as if he knew how big he was and he was being careful of the doc’s fingers. Of course once he got it safely to himself he tore into it with gusto, you’d think she didn’t feed him.
“Nah, we’ll wait. It’s a long drive and if something is a bit off I’d just as soon not make the trip again.”
Not that anything was wrong. She was down right willing nothing to be wrong and god help the microbe that crossed Reign’s will.

"He can hop down now," Xeph said to Reign. "I'll be just a few minutes."
Back in the lab he tossed one vial into the centrifuge and used the last bit of blood to run a CBC while the machine whilred away quietly. While the CBC ran, he fetched the first tube from the centrifuge, tipped the serum into a little cup, and ran it through the Idexx machine.
The entire process only took a few minutes, but Xeph had always found the task enjoyable. Perhaps because getting results was his favorite part of the job. Anyone with a DVM could make a diagnosis, but to him, confirming that diagnosis through research and testing was the pleasant part.
Looking over the results, he took a minute or two to make notes on the computer into Sirius' record and then returned to the exam room.
"Everything looks good to me," he confirmed. "To be honest, I'd guess that your boy is just a little stressed out. Try to give him a little extra attention in the next few days. If you're staying with a friend, make sure SIrius has a few things of his own, with your smell on them, so he can feel at home. Scents are very important to dogs. Give him an area of the house that can be his alone, for his bed and his toys and food."
Xeph grinned. "Centuries of breeding, and they still need dens to feel cozy."
Tucking the paperwork into Sirius' file, Xeph handed the big dog another treat. "I suspect he's just antsy from worrying about his 'pack.' He's busy checking out the new territory and making sure you're okay in it. He'd feel better if you were in your own den, but you need to point out to him that you both have a temporary den for the time being."
Having said all he could to put Reign's fears to rest he added, "If anything seems to be changing, or if he's not getting better over time, just give me a call."
If he was sick he wouldn’t want to play would he? Nope. At least that is what Reign tried to convincer herself. She really didn’t want to be worried about Sirius. She had enough to think about… truth be told she could probably handle anything life threw at her except losing her family or one of the two men in her life.
When Xeph came back, in she easily gave the command ‘quite’ in Latin and the mutt settled in lying next to her. It meant she had to look up at the doc as she sat on the floor but it didn’t seem awkward or wrong to her. She just nodded at the advice, unconsciously she started to smile… a little bigger as his words sunk in and relief washed over her. It was so good to hear nothing was wrong.
She stood up and managed not to hug the doc. He was a nice guy and not bad looking but… well… he was the doc.
“Great. That’s just great. I’m sure we can find him a spot to hide out when he want some space and I’ll spend some more time with him too.”
Not that Sirius was ever ignored or neglected but a little more never hurt.
Giving her certified healthy mutt a firm pat, she offered her hand to Xeph.
“That’s much doc. We’ll be in touch if anything else comes up. Its just good to know he’s OK.”
She’d settle up at the desk stop at her place and get some more of his things and head back to Bastian’s.
((OOC… Reign out pending response))