The not so grand entrance
The train screeched to a stop and the train conductor shouted their location.
Nachton City!
Panos Mehalitsenos stretched his arms above his mess of hair. He had been sleeping since they broke down in the middle of absolutley nowhere. Now, four hours later they finally arrived. Panos brought his knees down from being propped up on the trains wall.
Shit. He sighed.
His left pant leg was streaked with grease. The corresponding wall his a large amount of grease lubed around one of the bolts holding the wall panels together. Funny how he hadn't seen that before.
After waiting his turn inline, he stepped off the train and checked his watch. It was getting close to dawn, he had only about an hour left before the sun began to rise and fill the sky with its wicked wrath.
Sir! Sir! You left this behind!
Panos turned to see a thin petite woman charging at him waiving a book high in the air. He stopped and let her catch up to him.
Why ma'am, i was finished with that book and hoping to pass it on to the next person on a long trip like ours.
The woman blushed and looked down at her feet.
Oh,...I'm sorry, i didnt realize..
Hush now, don't worry yoursel about it. There will be more train rides now wont their? Are you, by chance, From Nachton?
No, but my mother lives here, I've visited her alot since she's been ill. I'm afraid she's got dementia now so i come in hopes i can jog her memory.
The girl shrugged and began to walk, Panos kept in step with her. He cocked his downward at her and gave her a sly grin.
Well then, do you mind helping me out? I'm new to this town, i'm here to live with my...cousins.
She nodded and smiled and he slipped his arm behind her back.
Well then lets leave this depot!
He escorted the woman behind the massive train station and glanced once over his shoulder as they dissapeared in the shadows.

(ooc: out)