I think you deserve a medal or something. You kept this train wreak as on-track as possible, while dealing with a ton of other bullshit. Now, I don't have the green to send you a medal, but, um, A mental high-five should work for now. *puts first two fingers to temples* ONE! TWO! THREE! *mental high-five* Oh yeah!!!!
Oh, by the way, sorry I had to bail on you guys. My father had to go to the hospital yesterday, so I kinda had to run.
The end of the Zombie event...finally. =x
Thanks to everyone who participated and had patience while I went through the fun craziness called pregnancy, sleepless nights, moving and living out of a suitcase (still doing the latter). I really should have ended this all back in November but I just couldn't focus at the time =/
I hope everyone enjoyed the ending. Thanks again!
16 years ago

Amberelle DeEspionne
16 years ago
Awesome job Roz, and it was great fun!!!! Now no more babies, weddings, selling houses / moving and etc for the staff for at LEAST six months!!!! (I kid.. some what..)

Ellis Duban
16 years ago
Hope your pa is doing ok, Steven. =)

16 years ago
Wonderful diversion ROz, as usual
Its always such fun to participate in these events - they never disappoint.