Burger joint

Pual walked into the crowded resturaunt, looking for a table. A seat near a window caught his eye, and he made his way towards it. He sat down, eyeing up the crowd. Most of them were just people haveing a nice meal. This seems fine, he thought. A waitress came up to him, and took down his order on a little notebook. He ordered a burger, onion rings, and a shake, then resumed people-watching. Finally, a chance to relax.

Steven 16 years ago
Steve raced down the strip, not planning to stop. However, a black Humvee caught his eye. He knew that car, and the thought of the last time he had seen it made him grin. Pual was in town. He pulled over reluctantly, checked the Humvee's license plate (USMC101, definitly Pual's plate), and walked into the resturaunt. Scanning the resturaunt, he quickly found the Marine, sitting at a table near a window. He walked over to the table, and grinned at his old friend, his hand loosely on his Desert Eagle, which was strapped to his leg as usual. He sat down, straddleing the back of a chair.

"Hey, Jarhead. Long time, no see!"
Pual 16 years ago
Pual looked liked he seen a ghost ," Damn dude how have you been?" All Pual could do is smile,then it became to a light laugh.

(OOC-Permission to shake Steve's hand?)
Steven 16 years ago
Steve shook his old friend's hand, smiling at his suprise. "Oh, not too bad, thanks. How about yourself?" Steve remebered the last time he had seen Pual. The memory of carrying the wounded Marine to the hilocopter was burned into his mind. "Nikki asks about you often," he said. His voice lowered. "How have you been holding up?"
Pual 16 years ago
Pual raised an eye brow noticing the lowered voice. "I've been better." Remembering the last time he saw Steven which has been years since Iraq."The war is still continuing sadly,more of our boy's been killed".
Steven 16 years ago
Steve shook his head. "Man, you really need to loosen up. It'll do you good. Think of something else. I know how you feel, but you'll need to keep your head on straight here." The thought of vampires made Steve wince. Well, that and the bullet hole in his shoulder. He looked at his friend. Something made him think of Trin, and he grinned at the thought of what she'd say about Pual. He popped his neck, then spoke again. "You ever get yourself a girl?" Steve grinned wickedly. "Unless you've come out of the closet. If that's the case, Nikki's gonna kick my ass for letting down a fellow soldier!"
Pual 16 years ago
All Pual could do is laugh at the remark about Nikki. "How's Nikki doing?" trying to eviode the fact about lady's he had one to many heart brakes to even think about getting a girl.
Steven 16 years ago
He seemed to be trying to avoid thinking of women, so Steve let the subject drop. "She's fine. I've been trying to get her to move here so I can keep an eye on her. You heard what happened, right?" The thought of what his sister had done, and what the doctors had said, felt like somone had driven a spike through his heart.
Pual 16 years ago
"I thought they where rumors are they true?"Pual really didn't know what happened to Nikki .
Steven 16 years ago
Steve shook his head. "Well, she definitely vandalized those stores. But I don't care what those god-damned doctors say, my sister is not insane." He glared at Pual, as if he had said that Nikki was crazy. Just the thought almost killed Steve. Why the fuck did they think his sister was nuts?!?!
Pual 16 years ago
Pual glared back like they were having a showdown "Im so sorry for what happned i would have helped you but i wasn't here"Pual felt like he was about to cry. After all Nikki was like a sister to him.
Steven 16 years ago
Steve's face softened. Pual had been quite close to Nikki for years. Steve felt a stab of remorse at the sight of his friends face. "Tell you what, let's talk of something else." His mind raced, searching for a new subject. "What do you do for a living now? Killing Chinese Barking Spiders for little old ladies?"
Renee 16 years ago
Renee was wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans. She was out and about shopping for furniture. Which lead her to thinking about Steve. She should have called him, but she'd been so busy she hadn't had time to do much else but supervise the movers. She had three trucks full of stuff and they all seem to arrive at the same freakin' time. Today was her first chance to get out and get her office stuff that she was wanting.

She was walking down the strip to see if she could find any other stores that might sell office supplies. All she was lacking of getting was a chair. She strolled pass the burger place and smelt food drifting around her. She put her hand on her stomach as it made a sound.

"Oh, I hear ya."

She turned around and balancing the bags that she was carrying, opened the door carefully to the burger joint. Before she was all the way in she surveyed the crowd and spotted Steve. At the same time she time she spotted him she bumped the door jam and bags made a crashing sound as they hit the floor.

"AH!" , she said and added a little squeal behind it.

Looking down at the floor she didn't look back up she just knew her face was getting a red tint to it. So, she squatted down to pick up the bags that she lost.
Kyle Evans 16 years ago
Kyle was trying to enjoy his burger. Really. He was. He wasn't eavesdropping on the conversations happening in the place because he was bored. Kyle Evans was never bored.

Actually yeah he was very bored at the moment.

Kyle swiveled around in his bar stool at the counter and checked out the restaurant. Two men were sitting near a window talking quietly to one another and there were a few other patrons, indulging in a quick meal. Kyle spun around again in his barstool, considering ordering a milkshake to go with his greasy, yet very delicious burger when there was a crash at the door. Nearly falling off his chair, Kyle grabbed the counter with one hand and shot a look in the direction of the noise.

Oh - damsel in distress, Kyle thought and slid off his stool.
Renee 16 years ago
Why didn't she think of this before? She could put some of the smaller bags into the larger one. She just prayed that she hadn't broke anything. She grabbed a pink bag with white letters on it that said La Petite Coquette, she heard a stool or something move and looked in the direction she heard the noise. She gave a weak smile and looked back down with a sheepish look on her face.
Kyle Evans 16 years ago
Kyle ran his hand down his black tie, smoothing it as he walked towards the young lady. 'Allow me!' Picking up the bags, he combined the bags in a more efficient manner and held them out at arms length. 'Shopping is always fun - till you gotta make it to the car, am I right? I'm Kyle. Kyle Evans.'

He flashed her a grin and wondered to himself if he would have helped her if he was still sauced up. Probably not - being sober seemed to have that 'nice' effect on him. 'Where ya want them?'
Renee 16 years ago
Renee smiled up at him and stood up. She nodded, but then what ever else he was saying went in one ear and out the other.


Nobody knew her here, except for Steve but he didn't know her last name yet. So it couldn't be a trick, or could it?
Kyle Evans 16 years ago

Had he said something wrong? Kyle's smile froze in place as he held her bags. Usually most people said hello but this was different and welcomed - it was most certainly better than wrangling with Nova or running from gunfire - if he was lucky. He would have straightened his tie again, had his hands been free but instead he looked down at his clothes - crisp baby blue button up, black slacks and black shoes and then back at the woman.

'Evans. With...an E?'
Renee 16 years ago
Renee started grinning as she followed his eyes. Well, at least he had taste. By the time he met her eyes again they had mischief written all over them. She knew that Evans was common but she never really met any one with the same last name.

She giggled as he said, 'Evans with an E'.

"I know how it is spelt, I spell it everyday", she said and started walking to a table near Steve and the other guy was. She stopped at the table right before theirs, "here would be fine Kyle, Kyle Evans that starts with an E." She sit down the pink bag on the table that she was holding and waited for him to sit her bags down before she introduce herself.
Kyle Evans 16 years ago
Ahh, Kyle nodded and followed her to the table near the two men. Another Evans, he wagered. He set her bags down and cast a backward glance at his meal, which had been unfortunately taken away already.

'Cripes the service here is like my mother's house - can't leave a glass sitting by itself for more than five minutes.' He mourned the loss of his hamburger and turned back to the woman. 'So you're an Evans, too? I'm gonna guess we're probably not related.' He gave her a mocking suspicious look and a grin.
Renee 16 years ago
She smiled and gave a slight nod of her head, "Yes, Renee Evans. I don't recall you at any of our family reunions, do you have family in Georgia?"

She gave him a grin,
"unless you're my long lost brother?"

She sat down and gesture for him to sit down as well. "Well, since you lost your first meal. Would you like to join me?"