Waylon O'Seighin
Basic Information
Birth Name: Waylon Doyle O'Seighin
Aliases: Stefan Coanda, now just Waylon
Place of Birth: Yreka, California
Age:(real and apparent): born February, 12 1889. 119/ 28
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: Helicopter Pilot
Past Occupation: Bull Rider, Rancher, Fighter Pilot, Gunsmith
Hair Color: dark brown
Length and Style: short, between 1/2" and 1"
Eye Color: dark brown
Skin Color: farmers tan
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 210
Nationality: American(Italian and Irish)
Race: Vampire(Anantya)
Body Type: Linebackerish
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator/gifter(if a PC): Catina Dalca was an old, but Waylon never knew how old, Anantya vampire of Romanian blood. She called her home Europe and had estates scattered about the continent in France, Spain, Bavaria, Romania, Hungary, and Sicily. From these spots she would conduct the business of the Clan, whatever it may have been. In 1917 she was in France protecting clan assets from, as well as making trouble for, the Germans. She wasn't exactly told to make trouble, but she never really liked those damn Prussians to begin with.
It was in June of 1917 when Catina was causing trouble in German rear positions that she watched a French wing of fighters make a valiant effort against superior numbers at twilight. She watched what appeared to be the flight leader make a stubborn foe of himself while protecting his one remaining pilot. The pilot went down not far from her position and she made her way to the crash site out of curiosity. Catina was impressed with this pilots' determination to survive as she watched him make his way the three miles into town. And so when he passed out at the door of a two-story house, Catina took him in and decided he might be a useful asset to have in the future. Though she would have rather had a familiar this man, an American, she noticed, was going to die quickly, so she turned him.
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality: Waylon is a cowboy with a stubborn streak a mile and a half wide. And it's for that reason that he only ever does anything when he either wants to or he deems it necessary to get ahead in this long life of his. He treats women with his own sort of mountain chivalry and old timers with great respect(even human old timers). Waylon believes that respect is one of the three most important things in life, but if you do not show respect, you cannot receive it. Though slow to anger, when he does get pissed it's a sight to behold. He is polite and reserved around folks he doesn't know, but around those he does he is friendly. He has a dry and sarcastic sense of humor and a face that often shows little or no emotion, making it hard to tell whether he is joking or serious. Though he usually means well by his jokes, it does not endear him to some individuals.
It has always taken Waylon a while to make friends, though he is friendly to most. It's a trust issue, he wasn't a trusting soul to begin with as a human, and after he was turned it became an even bigger problem. Despite this though, he will never betray a true friend, even if it puts him directly in harms way. Because of this he does not take kindly to betrayal and will get his revenge in such situations. He always keeps his word of honour (even to an enemy). Even so, he has the kind of personality that folks either like or hate, there is rarely an in between opinion of him. Though he has been known to kick up trouble on occasion, in reality he is a man with a strong sense of honor, justice and morality. He will not hesitate to defend someone who is being treated unjustly.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.):Waylon O'Seighin is about your average height but is built like a brick shit-house. He walks with his back and shoulders straight. He has a penetrating gaze. So much so that some people will not even look him straight in the eyes. Waylon usually runs around in what most would consider typical hick fare; wrangler jeans, collared work shirt, cowboy or work boots, and either a Stetson or baseball cap. He will get dressed up though when the situation requires it, just don't expect him to deviate much from his normal get-up.
3.What does your character like?:honesty, justice, his freedom, collecting firearms, country music, flying, rodeos, horseback riding, actually he's found that motorcycles and ATVs are a blast to ride too.
4. Dislike?: The government, they're always poking into folks business. Spiders, narrow minded people, folks that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, bullshitters, overly arrogant bastards, grunge music, rap, and cities.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.: N/A
6. What are your fears?: Failing at anything, even as a young child, what Waylon saw as failure or defeat was unacceptable when he had his hart into it. It started off as being way to hard on himself, but it eventually turned into a tenacity that leads him to push himself too far at times.
Loosing his freedom. Waylon grew up during a time when, as a child, you could get away with almost anything within reason. The years have gone by he has watched the simple freedoms he had when he was young disappear before his very eyes. This has manifested itself as a burning desire to never be tied down by commitments, except by those to the clan and his true friends. He still has his honour to keep.
Waylon's biggest fear is letting someone in too close and being betrayed. It's always been in his blood to watch for those people around him that would take advantage of his willingness to help others. Though it may be an unreasonable fear around most humans, he has found it most useful around a few of his own kind.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?:
Strengths: expert marksman, well trained with his knives, tough, tenacious, his father was a well known bare-fisted boxer in New York City, so Waylon learned accordingly, intelligent, good judge of character, a 30 year practitioner of Krav Maga. A master in the art of hijacking, and non to bad at not being seen.
Weaknesses: More of a marksman and gunfighter than a swordsman. Though excellent with a knife in both throwing and hand to hand combat, he is at a disadvantage in a sword-fight against a well trained swordsman.
Very stubborn, if Waylon does not see the benefit of doing what is asked, he won't do it. That doesn't mean that he won't do what he is asked, or ordered, to do. It just means that he needs an explanation as to why it is required of him.
Waylon is a klepto when it comes to motorised vehicles. He'll steal anything with an engine if it catches his eye. He rationalizes the problem by making himself believe that he can treat the contraption better than it's owner. And he doesn't like the fact that he has to get rid of the vehicles he steals, but he knows the repercussions of he holds on to them. It's an affliction really; Waylon has the annoying habit of treating his vehicles like they were his children or some such.
His loyalty. Waylon's loyalty has got him burned in the past by those he thought he could trust. So he vowed to do his best to never let that happen to him again. Because of this Waylon trusted almost no one and let even fewer souls close to him.
Vampire -
Abilities: Perception, Shape Shifting(Great Horned Owl)
Flaws: Won't feed on children.
Hobbies & Skills: firearms, knives, grand theft auto, automobiles, horses, and flying.
Cosmetic Traits: Has a beard with a slight red tinge that he keeps short. Slight two inch vertical scar half an inch outside his right eye he got at 17.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention - Taps his heel when irritated.
Personal History: Waylon Doyle O'Seighin was born to Cowen O'Seighin and Alessandra Toscanini on a ranch 40 miles south of the Oregon-California border in 1889 on a freezing winter morning thirty minutes after midnight on the 12th of February. Waylon was the forth child and first son in what would end up being a line of four girls and two boys. He would lead a life of your typical son of a rancher. Working hard and growing up right under his parents fair but firm guidance learning many skills that a good rancher needed to know. In his family life there was little privacy and plenty of lessons that would be learned.
At the age of 14 Waylon begun his foray into Bull Riding, doing well in local rodeos and giving his father a big head because of it. By 1907 at the age of 18 Waylon met a beautiful 17 year old young woman of Basque blood named Katalin Azarola. They hit it off and in two years where hitched and living on a portion of land bought from his old man. Life was hard but good for the young couple and in 1911 their first child, a boy, was born. Four years later the last of five children would be born. By the time American volunteers were heading off to France in 1916 to fight "The Great War", Waylon was feeling a bit restless with the life he lived. With that in mind and a strange fascination with these "Aeroplanes" being used more often; the 27 year old rancher and father of five went off to join the famous Lafayette squadron of American volunteers fighting for France.
After learning the basics of flying from a pilot friend of his, Waylon set off to France and joined the squadron he would eventually lead for a brief period of time. During his 9 months fighting in north eastern France, Waylon gained a reputation for being a man with a cold killer instinct that was hard to detect by just talking to him. Despite this he always gave respect to an enemy that made a good show of themselves, and always honoured the bravely fallen. After racking up an impressive tally of 42 confirmed kills and 12 unconfirmed, Waylon was made flight leader in late June of 1917. Being flight leader and a bit of a well known to German fighter pilots was nowhere Waylon wanted to be; but it was his job and he would do it, all of its perks with it. Two weeks later his flight was caught with its pants down, and the pilots of 8th flight found themselves heavily out numbered with 25 German fighters to their six. They fought hard but one by one the men were knocked out of the sky until Waylon and his wing-man were left. While protecting his good friend Waylon was caught off guard and a German adversary of his shot up his starboard wing and tail to pieces. Despite an almost uncontrollable plane he managed to crash land 15 miles behind German lines. Gravely wounded and in enemy territory, Waylon was not in a good way. But he managed to make it to a rather large house on the outskirts of a town whose name he couldn't recall at the moment. With holes in his gut and right leg, and a busted arm and collar bone, Waylon stumbled up to the big house. The last thing he remembered was his head smacking the hard oak door.
When he came to Waylon was told he was a "new man", so to speak, by a beautiful dark haired woman. Waylon was a skeptical man so it took convincing and a lot of angry words before it settled onto him just what he now was. Despite not wanting to believe a word of what he was hearing this woman, Catina Dalca, had saved his life and therefor he owed it to her to stick around for a while. And stick around he did, fallowing his mentor in this new life to her home country of Romania after the war. During his time at her side Dalca taught Waylon everything he would need to know about doing the jobs she required of him from her acquaintances and Dalca her self. He proved to be a quick learner and was soon learning the arts of espionage, combat, and generally being a busy woman's' right hand man. As well as learning a bit about theft and other such unsavory things to pass the time. Waylon got quite home sick after a few years and would check up on his periodically through his years. But through the years at Dalca's side Waylon never once broke his oath to the woman that saved him and for the most part the only soul he would trust in his vampiric life. But alas, things do not last forever. And in 1956, while Waylon was causing trouble up in Hungary, he got word that his mentor and friend had been killed by a group of rouge vampires making money off the communists.
After this tragic day Waylon mostly quit doing jobs for the clan in eastern Europe and wondered for many years wherever his whims took him. During this time perfecting his hit-man and theft skills, doing odd jobs to pass the time. By the 90's Waylon started to settle down again, getting tired of being a thief and wanting to see what his old family was up to. To this end he moved to Canada, and took up flying again, this time those damn flying machines which physics says should not fly, helicopters, for Anantya. Throughout the fallowing years this was Waylon's job, but he could never give up grand theft auto, if just to keep things interesting. Feeling restless again, Waylon, left Canada to move to what he heard was the seat of his clan, Nachton, in 2007 to see what kind of time he could waste in the vampiric capital.
Known Languages : English, Romanian, Russian, and bits and pieces of Italian, French, and Basque.
Weapons of choice : Twin short-barrelled Ruger Redhawk .454s, Ruger P345 .45ACP, sawed-off 10-gauge pump action Mossberg, and a Marine issue Ka-Bar.
Favorite color : dark blue and dark green
Favorite material : rawhide leather
Noteworthy Possessions : Black 1987 Dodge Ram, forest green Triumph Rocket III, midnight blue 1968 Plymouth Roadrunner
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