Ghosts of Christmas Past
Now that Fallon was working for Anantya, and spending more and more time at Heolfor, she thought it might be a good idea to use Cyrus' suite there, and commute less during the week.
Her brood was showing up less and less except to sleep, and rarely required her attention for problems, and such. The need to be at their beck and call diminished as they grew and matured. Though she loved them all dearly, and still spent regular time with them, they just didn't require the overseeing they did at an earlier age.
Then too, they always had free reign of the house, and meals were served by the staff on a regular basis, without fail too. So Fallon could spend more time away from Ger Kogji, and life could continue on without issue.
Also, there was the whole bit about how much of Cyrus was imprinted on their home, and how she just couldn't get past the expectation of seeing him every time she rounded a corner, or entered a room. That hurt the most, and even with time fading the sensations, they remained.
Having a reason to get out of the house, and a reason to go to work, and a reason to think about things besides her self and problems, was a godsend. Fallon doubted she had thanked Morrigan enough, but wouldn't have the opportunity again for several weeks. So she would make the best o fit until that time.
Walking into her...their bedroom, Fallon could still smell Cyrus around her. It was an oddly comforting sensation, that ultimately would seep into her pores, and fill her with a feeling of warmth, and love. If that was all it took to make her happy, she could live out the rest of her days there, where she stood. But it took more.
Making quick of things, Fallon pulled out a large trunk from the back of her huge closet, and set it on the bed. Packing...ugh...not a favorite pastime by any means, but one that needed to be done, and not the type of thing Fallon would pawn off on staff.
Maybe if Suki had been around, Fallon could have enlisted her friend's aid in this matter. But shortly after Cyrus had left, Fallon gave Suki a bonus, and told the young woman to take a couple months herself, and take advantage of the lull. Though she put up quite a fight, Suki ultimately agreed, and left town.
No, this was something Fallon had to do on her own, and something she didn't really mind at all anyway.

As she stood folding clothes and placing them into the trunk, Fallon felt the soft fur of Tut, and the claws of Austin, and looked down to see two of her children. Tut was rubbing up against his mother's leg, and Austin apparently wanted to be held, and now clung to Fallon's hip. The had apparently come into the room, simultaneously, to say hello.
Fallon pulled Austin up into an embrace, then bent down and scooped up Tut as well, holding them both together in her arms.
"Heavens but you are all growing up so quickly! Pretty soon I won't be able to hold more than one of you at a time."
Nuzzling against them both, it occurred to her it might be fun to shift, and have a real romp. Frowning slightly she realized now really wasn't the time, but in a day or two she'd make a special effort to return and do just that.
"I don't suppose either of you knows where your other brothers and sisters are? It would be so nice to have you all together now."
Suddenly overcome with love for her family, and a strong sense of missing Cyrus, Fallon blinked hard to keep back the tears. Nothing would be accomplished now if she broke down, other than probably scaring the children. She didn't have time for that either, truth be told. The sooner she moved some things back to Heolfor, the less she'd have to worry about, and the sooner she could start taking care of business.
Squeezing both kittens to her once more, Fallon set them down on the bed, and returned to her packing.
"I know I should probably stop calling you all kittens now. Anyone can see you're nearly fully grown...but no, you'll always be my kittens."
Her laugh was soft, and short, but clear and sincere. She could never remain depressed when in the company of those she loved.

Feeling too 'antsy' to remain inside, it occurred to her that a nice run along the beach might be just the ticket to what ailed her. Or, if nothing else, it would give her some sort of release, even if it wasn't what she would have preferred.
Shifting into her bobcat, Fallon left the house, and scampered her way through the forest to the beach. Once she'd had her fill of the heady fresh night air, she'd make her way back to Ger Korgi and have Ginger drive her and the trunk to Anantya. She'd worry about finding something, or someone to feed on then. She had time.
Continued Here