Update to Werewolf Physiology - Scents


Werewolf Scents:

When in wolf form - your scent is like that of any other wolf. It is unique and distinctive, but it is still the musky odor of a wolf. There is nothing to indicate whether your scent is that of a man changed into a wolf, or a true feral wolf.

When in human form - your scent is that of any other human. There may be a trace of a musky odor but to another were it would most likely seem as if you owned a dog or perhaps a wolf hybrid. When in human form, your wolf odor is not strong enough to alert other weres to your identity.

Pack scents - there is no way to separate the Kadzait from the Vyusher by scent alone. In order to recognize a scent, you must have met the person in wolf form before, or have smelled their scent and known it was they who left it. It is a calling card and it is very particular from wolf to wolf, but without knowing more, it is just a scent.
