Directions ((attn Fallon))
The waves came in with a soft regular swish. The sea was calm, like the sky above it. Aislinn sat in the sand watching the sun go down in its fiery blaze, painting the sky and the ocean in pinks, oranges and crimsons. She had lost track of time having sat there for at least an hour deep in thought. She was considering looking for work. Not that she needed the money, with her share of the inheritance and the exchange rate moving over to the States, she was a millionaire here. She had checked her balance again today to find that the funds had finally cleared. She would never need worry for money.
But it was not money that drove her, it was boredom. She could not just continue to roam aimlessly. Getting a job would at least force her to be sociable, make friends, maybe even meet someone...special. She wondered what it would be like to go home to someone who loved her, paid her attention just for the fact she lived. Not someone after her wealth or title, to groom her into becoming just another member of the aristocracy. It was partly why she had left. Here she was completely unknown, and had done her best to try and lose whatever ghastly airs and graces she might have picked up growing up in the castle. It was not so much that she didn't like the upper class lifestyle, but to her it was too restricted, people choosing her friends for her, the circles of people she should be seen with. It was time to fit in, to be allowed to be herself somewhere. Working would allow this, wouldn't it?
She frowned as she shifted her weight off her now numb backside and stood, shaking life back into her limbs. She pulled her shirt tighter round herself. The sun had set now, and a pale moon was illuminating the quiet waters. Yes, she would find something to occupy herself with, something, or if she was lucky, even someone to give her a purpose in life, a direction to take.
She looked up at the pale orb of light hanging in the sky and suddenly smiled. She would worry about a job tomorrow, tonight she would enjoy the night again. She closed her eyes, feeling the sand under her bare feet and the moonlight on her skin. She raised her arms in an almost pagan reverence, and then oblivious to anyone who might have been watching, she twirled in the sand, spinning around with her arms outstretched like she used to do on the shores of the loch by her home, until she landed giggling in a dizzy heap on the sand.

Spending the past hour playing with Austin, Fred, and Tut...Cheyenne, Wilma, and Cleo having been sent off to be primped and pampered at the pet salon, Fallon found herself becoming full of even more energy rather than becoming tired. Once the boys took off to hunt for dinner, she debated joining the girls, or just going off and seeing what mischief she could get herself into alone. She adored her children, but on occasion also enjoyed her solitude.
Then too, lately with Cyrus being gone, Fallon had way too much alone time, and tried to do everything she could to stay busy so she wouldn't find her situation unbearable.
Working at Heolfor had turned out to be more time consuming than she ever could have imagined, but she enjoyed it thoroughly. Feeling needed, and hearing what good she was doing for the clan, was totally rewarding, and now that the children were becoming so independent, it gave her reason to get out of bed every night.
The scent of the ocean called to her. Ger Korgji was surrounded by forests, but close enough that in the event of a good wind the salty air could be detected from their back yard. It had been ages since she'd run along the sandy shore, and the thought of doing that now was incentive enough to send her running.
Breaking free of the trees, the moonlight glimmering on the ocean, as well as the wet sand, Fallon breathed in the fresh air, and almost felt like she was flying. Her straight line became a series of curves as she ran to the water's edge, then up the shore, and back again. It was exhilerating, and Fallon was oblivious to everything around her except the earth, water, sky, and moon.
Before she got too far from home, she slowed her gait, intending to see if she could smell crabs near by. She was hungry, but wanted the taste of seafood tonight. She would have her bloody cocktail before bed, but now she wanted some shellfish to gnosh on. Coming up to an outcropping of rocks, she caught the odor of what she was looking for, and reduced her pace to that of a slow crawl.
Poking her cat nose into the crevices of the rocks, Fallon caught a big, juicy crab, and pulled it from its hiding place. She was lucky she had reached it from behind, and didn't need to fight off its claws. Holding it with her paws, against the rock, Fallon pulled the shell apart with her teeth, and feasted on the succulent meat inside. After she caught another two crabs, and had devoured them in a similar manner, she began her journey again, her head toward the heavens, not paying much attention at all to her surroundings. That was until she nearly stumbled over a body on the beach.
Had she been in human form she would have made an exclamation of surprise, apologized, and continued on her way. In her bobcat form she instead let out one of her cat screeches, stopped, and sniffed toward the body.
It didn't take her more than a second or two to realize this woman was alive, and just resting on the sand. Oddly enough Fallon didn't move away, but remained poised within inches of the woman. She had no fear of this person, but more so did not want to frighten the woman with her presence. Fallon rarely came across people while in her cat, and with the absence of fear now, thought it might be a little fun to see what would happen.
"C'mere puss, I won't hurt you." She spoke as people often do to animals, never really expecting anymore of an answer than a miow, keeping her voice soft. "Here kitty..." she chuckled softly under her breath, "imagine finding a cat on a beach." The last comment was more for herself than the cat's benefit. She stayed crouched, but didnt move any closer, waiting to see if the feline would come to her or high tail it out of here.
((/ooc I've never seen a bobcat, but I'm assuming by the pic in your sig that its like a Scottish Wildcat. If I'm wrong, I'll edit

Without warning, Fallon made a quick dash toward the woman, but instead of landing on top of her, Fallon jumped over her, and ran off a few feet. Turning, Fallon again approached the woman, and cried out. This time she was quieter, and moved close enough that if the woman raised her other hand, she would be able to touch Fallon's head. Then she purred, and waited a few seconds to see if the woman would try again.

She drove her head forward, pushing into the soft hand, up along her arm, and butting against the woman's side, and breast, before crawling upon the woman's lap, and situating herself there.
At first Fallon sat there, closed her eyes, and took in the woman's scent. It was a mixture of some fresh soap smell, and the salt of the nearby ocean. There might have been one or two other scents mixed in, but they were very slight. What she was smelling now seemed to both calm Fallon, yet also cause her skin to tingle. It was a very odd sensation that she wasn't sure she liked. Yet she refused to move away.
Curling up into a ball, Fallon nudged the woman's other arm, licked her skin, thinking she could, and she wanted to, so why not. The skin of the woman was also salty, but just minimally, and pleasantly seasoned.
Fallon laughed to herself, as she wondered what this woman must be thinking. The laugh would have sounded like a soft bobcat cry, that again transitioned into purring. A whiff of crab meat roused Fallon from falling asleep, until she licked her paw and removed that scent. The crab had been tasty, but was now interfering with Fallon's emotional well being, by intruding on the more lovely odors immediately surrounding her.
"Why can't humans be like cats, hmm? So easily pleased, loving unconditionally?" she mused aloud, although no one but the cat was there to hear her. She scratched the feline behind the ear.

Crawling out of her nestled spot, Fallon stretched across the woman's lap, and ran her head beneath the woman's arm, and hand a couple more times. Emitting a soft cry, she stepped down from the lap, and turned. Looking into the woman's face she made a few more cat like sounds, as she tried to thank the woman for her kindness. Fallon knew, of course, that unless the woman had some extraordinary powers, nothing she said would be understood. Still she felt the need to make some attempt.
Wondering if she could revisit this woman tonight in human form, and satisfy her other curiosities, Fallon then dashed off toward the trees again. This time she ran in the opposite direction from which she came, hoping that was the direction the woman had been heading. When she found a truly secluded spot, Fallon shifted back to her human side, and righted her appearance. Sticks were pulled from her hair, sand brushed off, clothes checked to make sure nothing was tucked up where it didn't belong. As soon as she felt presentable, she ran to the edge of the trees, and saw her new friend was still nearby. Fallon then walked in the direction of the woman, heading to the water's edge from the forest.
"It's a beautiful night, isn't it, though I have to say I'm surprised to see anyone else out here."
When she was within hearing distance, Fallon greeted the woman in a way much more conducive to her new agenda.
Then a voice made Aislinn just about jump out her skin. She whirled around to face the woman, wondering for a brief second if it was Theo wandering in the dark again too, but it was not. Evidently, roaming dark deserted places at night was a fairly normal occurance in Nachton. Once over her initial surprise, the Scot smiled.
"Aye, that it is. Beautiful I mean." She glanced over the moonlit waters again, then in the other direction seeing forest. Where had the woman come from? " come out here often?"

"I do come out here quite frequently, though its been a while since I was last here. I brought my cat out for a romp, but I think she's having fun with me now...she ran off, you see."
There was something familiar about this girl, and she didn't really look more than a girl.
"I don't suppose you've seen my little minx, have you?" Thinking on the fly like this didn't always work well for Fallon, but tonight everything seemed to come so easily to her.
As she spoke it occurred to her that this woman was about the same build, and age as Ana, though Ana's hair was darker. There also seemed to be a similar innocence about them both, but an innocence tinged with heartache.
Mentally shaking herself, Fallon stopped herself from imagining too much.
"It's not that I'm too worried...if I don't catch up with her here, I know she'll find her way home. I trust her...its the other crazies out in the world I am concerned with."
Fallon was dressed casually, but wore an ankle length skirt of soft brown cotton, and a pale coral colored tank top. It was a muted outfit, but one she felt comfortable when out running along the beach. The less buttons, and zippers she had to deal with, the better. A pair of tiger-eye earrings Cyrus gave her were the only other things she wore, period. The night was warm, and she had planned accordingly.
"And you? Do you come out here often?"
She held out the other to the woman. "I'm Aislinn Ross." She smiled again, slightly nervous though otherwise genuine. She was never normally so bold, but she felt drawn to this woman some how.

"It's nice to meet you, Aislinn. My name is Fallon Arslantai."
Fallon was now picking up a slight accent when Aislinn spoke, but didn't think much of it. So many people she knew were from other countries, and regions of the United States that those without accents were becoming the minority.
When she took Aislinn's hand, Fallon hoped her own wasn't too cool. Being a vampire aside, Fallon's hands and feet were always cool.
"I can understand then, why the ocean would call to is a majestic place, and one I find capable of washing my worries away, if only for a short time. I also like the mountains, but we're a bit farther away from them here. So I spend my time divided between the forests and the ocean."
Withdrawing her hand, Fallon placed both in the pockets of her skirt, and started taking steps, moving slightly closer to the water's edge.
"A word of caution though...this may all seem very beautiful, and serene now, and Nachton is a lovely place to live, but we're not without our share of wackos."
A brief glimpse of that night at the marina, when Panos caught Fallon flitted through her mind, but she shook it off. Either Panos had left town, or died, or turned over an unexpected new leaf, because Fallon hadn't seen him in months. Not that she was disappointed at all. She smiled at Aislinn, hoping her words didn't sound too dire. She would never want to think she scared the woman away from the ocean completely.
"And have you come to live here Aislinn, or just visiting?"
Fallon's steps were short and measured. She was very interested in this young woman, but a little too antsy to just stand still. Besides, she liked the feel of the cool ocean lapping at her toes.
She drops her boots on the dry sand. God, what was with her tonight? She had an overwhelming desire to... She looked around the dark beach devoid of anything but the moonlight, then back at Fallon with a grin. "Back home, my brother and I would swim in the loch in the dark when we were kids."
Her grin faded to a half smile as she remembered those rare moments when she felt she had something in common with the brother with whom she had shared a womb with for nine months. Then in a deft movement she stripped off her jeans and tshirt, wriggled out of her under wear until only her long strawberry blonde hair gave her any kind of modesty, then dashed into the cold water with a gasp. She dunked under the water then surfaced again, with her hair plastered to her face and laughed. Even in the dark her golden eyes shone with mischeif.

"You don't have to ask me twice."
Pulling her tank off over her head, and shimmying out of her skirt, Fallon followed the nude Aislinn, and was soon immersed, and swimming toward her new friend.
This was exactly what she needed, to pull herself out of the dumps. If Ana couldn't be here to have a tickle fest with, it looked like the powers that be had provided her with a decent substitute.
Diving as deep as she could in the still shallow water, Fallon's feet propelled her upward once she reached the sandy bottom. Shooting from the water, covered in diamond like droplets, her body glistened in the moonlight, as did her companion's. Fallon took special notice of Aislinn's breasts as they glimmered, and briefly wondered what it would feel like to take the cool, firm nipple between her lips, and suckle.
Not quite accustomed to looking upon women in that manner, Fallon could feel her face heat up, and was glad it was too dark for Aislinn to notice. That she missed Cyrus was a given, but was she really beginning to think of finding sexual satisfaction elsewhere?
"Oh but the water feels great! I haven't done this in...well, I'm not sure I've ever done this."
She laughed freely, and remembered a time when she and Cyrus had gone into their pool sans clothes, but the ocean? No, she couldn't remember skinny dipping in the sea, ever.
"You mentioned a brother? Is he back in Scotland?"
Though she really didn't often like to talk about family with people, having had such issues with her own, it was now a time for some small talk to take place. It never occurred to her to consider Aislinn as her source of food for the evening, but since this reckless abandon had come over her, she was starting to think of all manner of slightly crazy thoughts. And in order to take advantage of the opportunity that seemed to be presenting itself, Fallon would need to befriend this woman in a way to insure at least a small amount of trust.
"I have two actually, one is a twin, the other just a terror." She laughed. "Funny thing is though, most think my older brother is my twin, we have the same eyes, whereas my twin is dark like our father. They are still in Scotland yes....well, my brothers are, Father is dead." The last comment lacked any emotion, as if she still didn't know what to make of her fathers death.
She was sorely tempted to splash Fallon, but despite the fact that they were both stark naked within moments of meeting one and other, Aislinn did not want to be too rude. "What about you? Any family? Skeletons in the closets perhaps?" Her smile had returned now that she was directing conversation from her own distant family. She wasn't keen on divulging too much, but she was no liar either and found it very hard to do so. She moved closer, well within a good splashes range.

Talking about brothers gave Fallon a moments pause, and she wondered how her own brother was doing these days. She had checked up on him a few months back and found he had graduated school, but was working as a carpenter for a large construction firm. While it wasn't exactly what Fallon might have wanted for him, it was his life, and she could only hope he was happy. Her sisters were as dead to her today, as they had been all those years ago when they had deserted her.
Aislinn's brief reference to her father wasn't missed by Fallon. There was little emotion there, that she could detect, and she just assumed the man had either died years ago, or there had been no love loss between him and Aislinn. Either case made little difference to Fallon. Family, before her life in Nachton, just held nothing for her, so she gave it no thought.
"I'm married, and my wonderful husband is overseas on business. He's my family, and I miss him terribly, but there just isn't anything to be done until he resolves the issues he went to take care of. Then we also have our six children...Cleo, Fred, Austin, Cheyenne, Tut, and Wilma."
Fallon was grinning like a mad woman, assuming Aislinn would misunderstand and think the kittens were actual children. Anyone who knew Fallon, and Cyrus knew automatically that they had no human children, but it seemed to be a funny joke to pull on someone who would have no reason to know.
As an afterthought she remembered the whole 'bobcat' pet issue, and added...
"And of course the minx you met earlier."
The feel of the water under her body both calmed, and relaxed Fallon, as well as stirred something deep inside her. Thinking of Cyrus, now had her motor beginning to had been so long since they'd had sex, and she had already suffered bouts of horniness. It wasn't too strange that she would be again feeling that way, especially with such a gorgeous young woman so close. She shuddered involuntarily, and had to concentrate to avoid sinking in the water.
Aislinn suddenly froze. She had traced her fingers along Fallon's side as she had mused and now paniced. What the hell was she doing, touching this woman she had only just met? Why was she touching anyone in fact? Never in her life had she touched anyone, male nor female, so intimately. She snatched her hand away, embaressed and sure that Fallon would be mad. She mumbled a 'Sorry', then waded towards the shore again, muttering to herself in Gaelic at her own stupidity. This night had felt so magic, now surely she had ruined it.

Fallon's feet dropped to the sand beneath her again, and she watched as Aislinn walked away.
"Sorry? I didn't mind, really. In fact...well, if you knew some of the things that had been going through my mind ever since I saw you naked in the water would be me apologizing."
She held her hands out in an open gesture of forgiveness, even though there was absolutely nothing she needed to forgive.
Walking slowly behind Aislinn, in the younger girl's wake, Fallon thought of anything she might say to rectify things.
"If the truth were felt quite nice. I'm afraid I've been more than lonely with my husband being gone for so long. My children...they're kittens keep me company in their way, but there is a lot to be said for the touch of another body."
Was it enough? Would Aislinn now think Fallon was a wanton hussy for not rejecting her touch? Fortunately for Fallon, however the situation ultimately concluded tonight, she would survive.
Though other ideas were now becoming of interest to her, and she realized Aislinn might serve more than one purpose tonight.
"You okay?"
"No, I am not okay really." She drew herself up, for she had pride still, even standing there butt naked. "But I will be fine." She met Fallon's eyes with her own golden eyes.

But with Cyrus gone, and no return in site, Fallon was feeling less and less concerned with propriety. It wasn't really about being faithful, she realize, but more about scratching an itch. Well, that and just being close to someone, and scratching that itch together. She really had never been all that fond of least not while alone.
As she spoke she walked slowly in Aislinn's direction, until she was only a foot or so away. She spoke in a voice just loud enough to be heard over the surf, and one that she hoped was soothing, and calming.
"You've never been with anyone...sexually before?" Talking about sex wasn't any more difficult for Fallon to do, than discussing the weather. Her background in teaching English was probably partially responsible, along with the personal growth she'd been through over the past couple years. Not much scared her anymore, or embarrassed her either. Her sense of confidence had grown by leaps and bounds thanks to Cyrus, Aishe, and Ana, along with the facts of her newer lifestyle.
Yet she also didn't want to press Aislinn...afraid she might frighten the young woman away, and lose any chance she'd have whatever possibilities were presenting themselves.
Waiting patiently, Fallon reached up and ran her index finger down the side of Aislinn's cheek, and then took a lock of wet hair between her fingers, and wrapped it around them, rubbing the ends of the silky gold.
'Sheesh, what a thing to be thinking of' she thought, only just stopping herself from bursting out laughing.
She took a step towards Fallon. She raised a hand and mirrored Fallon's touch along her cheek, but Aislinn then carried on, tracing her finger down the side of her neck, feathersoft along her collarbone and down over the swell of her breast til she reached her nipple. She met Fallon's eyes again as she cupped her breast in her hand, her touch both warm from her own natural body heat, yet at the same time cool from the water. It felt immensly strange to be holding another womans breast in her hand, but at the same time at this particular moment in time, it felt right.