Well, here I am... lol.. now what?
So, first, I figure, say hello, and see if I meet anyone nice enough to wanna play with (once I'm all official and whatnot).
To introduce myself, I'm an avid roleplayer (been playing roleplaying games since about 1980). I currently run a board of my own, based mainly in Joss Whedon's Firefly Universe. (We do have a third story now, a modern day superhero sort of thing - like SA, that one isn't based on any established mythos, just our own sort of thing).
Reading about the SA system being it's own - not White Wolf, or Whedon, or (god forbid) Anne Rice (don't get me wrong, I just HATE whiny ass vampires, her books are cool) - well, I really love that idea. I get SO tired of vampires based on all of the above, it's nice to see someone being original. I'm as protective of my Firefly stories being as canon as possible, I respect the idea of keeping this place canon to it's mythology as well.
I love to write, and I love the creative process that play-by-post gives you, with so many peoples' input. This place looks like a lot of fun!
My bad!
Go, be free! RP like the wind!