Happy b-day Amby!!
Happy b-day girlfriend :love2 may there be many more to come

Amberelle DeEspionne
16 years ago
hehehehe.. Danke. Seems our cute little blonde is turning 32 today. Ahh such a baby compred to some of her "family" hehe

Dawn Ratana
16 years ago
*smacks Amby with a piece of cake* Wooohoo!

16 years ago
No cake-bra?

Amberelle DeEspionne
16 years ago
I was just sitting here trying to decide if I was happy there was no cake bra. *giggle*

16 years ago
*hits Amby with a cake-bra*

16 years ago
Many happy returns!
cake bra? *boggles*
cake bra? *boggles*