Barrel of a gun.
((Continued from - If I fell))
Do you mean this horny creep
Set upon weary feet
Who looks in need of sleep
That doesn't come
This twisted, tortured mess
This bed of sinfulness
Who's longing for some rest
And feeling numb
-Depeche Mode, Barrel of a Gun
It was huge and beautifully covered with neon, twinkling lights. Up and down. Up and down. Ellis stood watching mesmerized by the dancing unicorns, mermaids and seal shaped boats as they traveled in a circle in front of her. The smell of cotton candy, sickly sweet. The cheapness of the bright paint was rivaled only by the smell of stale food, musty board walk wood and gritty dirt underneath her nails.
Ellis looked down at her hands. The dirt was shoved painfully up into the bed of her nails and her tips bled thick, fat droplets of red blood. Her shoulders ached and her head throbbed. It was maybe the loud music being piped out of the frightful color nightmare in front of her, aching her mind.
She was alone, standing there watching the...merry go round, her mind told her. It was a merry go round on board walk near a pier. The salt water was soaked into her clothes still and sticky with...blood. It spun round and round, slowly up and down in front of her until she could see the people riding the mermaids, unicorns and seal shaped boats. Till she could see Simon. Only her mind told her it was Simon because the bloody pulp of a man that was draped over the purple seal did not look like him.
Her head throbbed and the muffled music was getting louder as the merry go round slowed down. It was her turn to ride it.
Ellis opened her eyes.

Smart, these werewolves, Simon decided. They knew enough about them to keep them weak by draining the blood out of them or else they ran the risk of a vampire's 'fight or flight' response or to the Tacharan's, blood lusting. The minute they woke him up, his body went into hyper drive but that was squelched by several gun shots to the chest and an immediate and painful beating. They at least let him pass out from time to time, that was nice of them.
Another barrage of fists hit him in the solar plexus and face, splitting his lip in another inconvenient place and blurring his right eye. He could barely breath as they kicked him in the stomach and pulled at his arms which, he discovered in an most unpleasant way, were clamped behind him just above his elbows. It felt like a long cylindrical tube about a foot long, fitting tightly on his arms just above his elbows. They held his arms about six inches apart, just far enough to not completely dislocate his shoulders, but close enough to make standing difficult. His arms were certainly dislocated or at least still attached by sheer will but the pain radiated up his neck and down his back.
With bleary, bloodied eyes Simon coughed up more bright red blood and tried to get an picture in his head of the room he was in. It appeared to be a fruit cellar or basement in a cabin somewhere. It was cold, dank and musty. It was honestly perfect, he thought as a fist flew across his face, cracking his cheek bone. Where else could they keep them alive, albeit barely, and continue the torture without being discovered? They had to be in the woods, maybe on their property, Simon wondered as he lost another tooth.
They dropped him finally and his face bounced off the dirt floor of the cellar. His blood shot eyes peered through the swelling from around his eyebrows and saw a pair of blood covered boots. Someone rolled him over, onto his back and he looked up. Above him was the thick necked individual that had come through his bedroom door.
'My name is Michaels and you are my guest. Gonna get some sleep, are we?' The thick neck fellow laughed.
Simon swallowed as best he could, clearing the blood out of his mouth.
'Yesssth,' he slurred. 'I...hadth...c...considered....a nap.'
'Oh, ok then.'
A final kick across the face caught him, surprisingly enough, off guard and it half turned his body toward the opposite side of the basement. Ellis was laying in a heap, unharmed he was pretty sure, but there was no telling when her turn would come. The man called Michaels knelt down and followed his gaze.
'Don't worry, we'll give you a break once she wakes up.'
Simon blinked slowly and even that hurt. His eyes watched Michaels stand and walk out with two other men. The clamp dug into his back as he laid there staring up at the ceiling. He tried to roll over but found he couldn't even lift his legs. With a final sigh Simon finally let the rest of a properly beaten man take him over.

'My name is Michaels and you are my guest. Gonna get some sleep, are we?'
It helped to know their captor's name. It would make killing his family that much easier.
She did not flinch as she heard them give Simon a few final blows and then drop him onto the ground to fall unconscious. His sense of humor despite his pain almost made her laugh out loud.
'Don't worry, we'll give you a break once she wakes up.'
Ellis closed her eyes. It took everything not to shiver. Vampire or not, she still knew when to feel fear. Any immortal who lived their life without fear would die by it, that much she had seen over the years. She enjoyed a challenge but knew her limitations and she respected the fear that curled up at the bottom of her stomach. Knowing that there was someone who enjoyed causing pain more than she did made that fear grow.
The door closed as the men left. Ellis waited a full five minutes before she risked even changing her breathing pattern. There was thumping of heavy boots above her which led her to believe that they were in a basement of some sort. She tried not to think about the hopelessness of their situation - the fact that no one knew where they were and that no one was going to come and help. Simon was in no condition to help and she was next and knowing men as well as she did - from the 21st century to the 3rd - a woman held captive had a poor chance of dying without being humiliated.
Her choice to stay still was a smart one. The door opened again and one of the men brought in a wooden square table, planting it against the wall next to her. She tried to calm her nerves as she listened to the sound of metal being placed on the table. Having to fight to keep her body relaxed was making her heart pound a thousand beats a minute.
Ellis almost flinched at the noise but listened carefully.
'What are we going to do about Michaels?'
'They don't deserve any better, Piper.'
In a lower, hushed voice. 'But you know what he'll do. How'd he even get this detail with his record?'
'Have you not noticed? They have both killed at least four of us Pipers.'
Pipers? That's what they called themselves, they were Pipers?
Again, in an even lower voice. 'But you KNOW what he'll do, sir. There's no stopping him.'
'And why should we? Is that charged? Let's go then.'
The fear in her stomach twisted painfully. This was bad. Very, very bad.
Ellis waited fifteen minutes this time before even opening her eyes. She blew the hair out of her face and turned her head. She was laying on her left side, arms clamped in something incredibly debilitating and painful. Rolling onto her stomach she pulled her knees up to her chest and pushed off the ground with her chin. The muscles in her back screamed from the pain but she successfully rolled back onto the haunches of her feet.
The top of the table next to her came into full view and she gulped. Several shiny instruments were laid across the table - a few she was well acquainted with and a few she wouldn't even use.
Fuck me, she mouthed.
Looking over at Simon, Ellis held back a silent sob. His face was ground beef.
Oh god, Simon, she mouthed quietly to herself.
She listened to his breathing was which watery and irregular. It was loud in her ears, so loud that it was all she could hear. His eyes were swollen shut and his face was covered in his blood. For the second time in her long and somewhat ugly life she found herself apologizing to Simon for essentially ruining his life.
'Jesus Simon, I am so sor...'
Ellis straightened and turned to the side, making herself a slim a target as possible as the door flew open and a .40 caliber bullet whistled by her neck, into the mud wall. Another three followed and she turned again, moving with as much speed as she could to avoid the first two but took the third into her shoulder.
It pushed her back against the wall, but as quickly as it happened she was halfway across the room running at the gunman when suddenly something peculiar happened. He moved just slightly to his left and before she could react the arrow from a compound crossbow passed just under the gunman's armpit and traveled the short distance across the room to Ellis in less time it took for her to take a step. She felt the arrow pierce her chest and slam her back against the wall with a sickening crunch from her pinned shoulders.
'Miss Duban?'
It took a moment for Ellis to figure out what had just happened. Her name filtered in through the pain and blurred vision. Her head hung down and she looked at the arrow sticking out of her chest. She couldn't move. The arrow had passed through her, into the wall behind her.
Aint that a bitch, she thought to herself.
Looking up she saw again the face in the rear view mirror during the car chase. His voice was already painfully familiar.
The thick neck individual smiled and fired another arrow, this time into her left thigh. Baring her fangs she looked down at the second arrow and then glared back up at Michaels. She was pinned against the wall.
'Welcome to the party, Miss Duban. Now we can begin.'
Quietly he watched as LT entered the room and threw down a zip lock plastic baggy. It banged against the glass conference table in front of the Commander. Brig picked it up and raised his eyebrows, nonplussed. The two men conferred in hushed voices as the rest of the Pipers looked on. Marthinus was confused at first why he had been called into the meeting. As Hammerthynn entered, it occurred to him.
Marthinus was being groomed.
He clenched his jaw and with a deep sigh tried to disperse the tension his body was already beginning to feel. A Piper, he realized. They were going to make him...a Piper.
He knew very little of the group, only that they were descendants of both the Jamesons and Hammerthynns. That they all had the bitter memory of whatever it was Ellis and Simon did to them, so many generations ago. The same memory he had ingrained in his mind - the unclear but very determined memory that made his grandfather his mortal - or rather immortal - enemy.
Hammerthynn took the baggie out of Brig's hand and turned it over. His face was just as expressionless as usual, save for a slight flare of his nostrils. Marthinus looked into the faces of the rest of the Pipers.
He counted each face. Five. Six. Curious, he thought. Four were missing.
Brig knew it was a matter of time before the vampires started using silver bullets. He had expected it much sooner.
LT leaned in close and whispered.
'It's Michaels. He's a liability.'
Brig merely looked at his LT, waiting for an explanation as to why when he realized that Michaels wasn't present. The look at LT's face would appear that he just realized it as well. Opening his mouth, his first word was drowned out by the blare of an alarm.
A tinny voice began to babble incessantly in the ear piece that was dangling on his right shoulder. He had taken it out briefly to speak with his Beta and LT. Replacing it he tucked the piece back in his right ear.
'Say again.' Brig listened.
Marthinus pushed off the door frame and backed out of the way as the Pipers rushed out. The LT was directing them out to the wooded grounds of the property. As they all rushed out, Marthinus turned to follow the last Piper exiting the ready room.
It was the LT's voice.
'Stay here.'
Marthinus immediately felt his hackles rise but he nodded. Taking orders still left a bad taste in his mouth but he stood aside to let the Beta, the Commander and the LT out. As the trio ran down the hallway, their voices filtered back to him - key words standing out the most.
Standing alone in the ready room, Marthinus crossed his arms and walked around the glass table. He picked up the baggie that had been left there and turned it over in his hand. His eyes unfocused as he tried to picture the items in his left and right pants pocket. Small, cylindrical and...hopeful. Hope. He had been lacking that as of late, a little of it would be nice.
Marthinus eyes flicked over to the ready room's computer.
There were four Pipers missing but not presumed dead. Not by the tone LT had taken in mentioning the new Piper Michaels name.
They were going to track his whereabouts. He was missing, along with his team. They had Ellis and Simon. There was no doubt about it now. Marthinus looked at the door and then back down at the computer. Door. Computer. This was a risk, a very stupid risk but a loyalty was laying itself down on the line and it was asking him - which family was he going to protect?
Marthinus pulled back the chair and sat down at the computer. He was now treading on dangerous waters - using his access to penetrate the security files, he momentarily stopped and ran his hands over his mouth. The computer chirped happily at him, ready to submit to his will. He began calling up all the information he could on Michaels. A new arrival, but very distant cousin of the Jamesons. Violent, aggression issues but more importantly a misogynist. If they were with Michaels and if he managed to subdue Ellis....Suddenly Marthinus was very scared, but not for her.
For them.
Frantically Marthinus tried to identify and locate Piper 5's transponder. Michaels wouldn't just kill Ellis. No, he would do much more to her and if she managed to free herself...
The rest of the Pipers were out trying to contain the brush fire caused by the lightning storm. He'd have to go now, by himself, to find them. Because this was no longer about his loyalties to Tacharan and Ellis - this was about saving the Pipers who were out there - alone with Ellis and Simon. Two ancients, one with bitter memories of an oppressed woman with a seething hate toward rapists and one very stupid werewolf who had planned to do just that.
The GPS system pinged at him, homing in on their transponder. Marthinus transferred the information to his blackberry and pushed away from the desk, knocking over his chair as he rushed out of the ready room to his car.

'Don't like...women you...Michaels?' She cackled, her throat gurgling with blood as he took a step toward her, his boots now covered in both her and Simon's blood. The steel toe of his right boot kicked her in the ribs. The pain radiated out and pierced her brain like a gunshot. Curling up into fetal position or as best she could with her arms still in the clamps, she coughed up bright red blood onto the already blood saturated dirt floor.
Michaels walked past her back to the wooden desk. He was systematically going through the choice of devices they had laid out earlier. She was already missing two fingers, up to the second knuckle and shot a good half dozen times - but she wasn't really sure about that since the beaten started quickly and maintained a sick yet consistent pace. Michaels was enjoying it - it was either the low guttural laugh or the raging hard on he was sporting that tipped her off. Yes, the gentleman had issues.
Curiously enough the other Pipers elected not to participate in her beating. It was all Michaels. Ellis opened a swollen eye and looked out. The door was open and standing outside she could see two more men. They were just behind the threshold of the door, watching with rigid faces. A third was upstairs. Looking up Ellis listened for the soft thumping of boots - it was moving from one end to the other. That one was pacing. He was probably the one questioning the other about Michaels. She lowered her eyes back down again. Apparently seeing her and Simon dead was just fine by them, they just didn't want any part of the fun before the end. Ellis made a mental note of the faces of the men just beyond the door. They would die first. Michaels though...
He'd die last.
Ellis tried to concentrate on separating the pain from her thoughts but it was beyond difficult. It radiated all over her and the amount of blood loss was keeping her from regenerating at any reasonable speed to be of any help to herself and Simon was still unconscious on the ground. Her heart ached looking at him. He was there from almost the beginning and had always promised to be there at the end, whenever that came. She blinked the blood out of her eyes and looked at him with the caked blood on his curiously relaxed face.
The clanking of metal broke her train of thought as Michaels picked through the instruments. With a rough sigh Ellis tried to think. She had no idea where they were or if they were even still in the city. Inhaling deeply again she tried reaching out with her abilities but it was useless. All she could do was take in the fresh pine scent in the air and the cold aroma of the dirt beneath her. Pine. They were outside city limits, in the acres of forest toward the mountains in the north. The middle of no where.
Michaels boots stirred and Ellis looked up in his direction to see his hand come down and grab a fistful of her hair. Wincing, she felt him lift her off the ground, pointing her face at his. She couldn't see his right hand but she heard the clanking of metal coming from it. With sick realization she realized what he was going to do.
'Open wide.'
Michaels lifted the heavy pliers in his hand and pried them into her mouth, claming down around her left fang. She tried kicking her feet but she dangled from her hair as it threatened to rip out. With a smile she would never forget, Michaels leaned in close and licked the side of her face, running his tongue along her left cheek.
Then he pulled.
He was pacing the floor, all six foot seven of him. Shorty was of course ironic, but he liked the nickname just the same. The newbies didn't get nicknames so when he received his, he took it with pride, but there was nothing like being called a Piper. He tried to remember this honor when the screaming from below in the basement began.
He was born into his life and the pack with the same memories as the other Pipers. His father and his father's father passed the memories down from their father to him and he'd pass it on to his son, but the screaming from the basement wasn't something he wanted to remember. This was a memory he would be ashamed of passing on to his son.
Michaels was torturing the Duban vampire. He had watched as the others beat Huntington within an inch of his immortal life but Michaels was going solo with the woman. No one wanted any part of it, but they were letting it happen.
'Just kill her,' he said. 'What are you waiting for?'
Michaels and his group commander just looked at him. He wanted her dead as much as the rest of them, but he did not sign up for torture. Shorty just wanted to walk in there and put a bullet into her brain but Michaels refused. So now, he was upstairs listening to the screaming coming from the Duban woman. He closed his eyes and covered his ears with his hands, trying to block it out.
Then it stopped.
Shorty lowered his hands and wiped the beads of sweat off his top lip when Michaels came up the stairs and into the room. He was followed by the other two Pipers.
'Shorty!' Michaels exclaimed happily. He was holding something in his right hand. 'Would you like a souvenir?'
Shorty flinched as Michaels tossed something small and white at him. He caught it in his left hand. Opening it up only added to the sick ball of shame curdling in his stomach. Looking at it, his face twisted up in disgust.
'You cheapen the name Piper.' Shorty turned his hand over and dropped the fang onto the ground. He looked at each of the men. 'All of you.'
Michaels watched as Shorty turned to leave. In the wake of the other Piper's declaration he had dropped Duban's fang on the ground. He followed behind Shorty and retrieved the lone fang. Straightening up he called out to Shorty.
'Piper.' Shorty turned and looked at Michaels with his hand on the door knob. He was going to leave and tell LT what they were doing. What *he* was doing. They couldn't have that.
Michaels drew his weapon and put a bullet into Shorty's right eye. Two of the other Pipers ran to Shorty, kneeling down over him.
Looking back at the other Pipers he raised his gun at them. Michaels put a bullet in between the eyes of the two near Shorty and with his left hand he pulled his other gun and shot at the Piper next to him from the hip, hitting him square in the left eye.
'I'm gonna have me some fun.'

Frantically Simon fought against the pain and tried to roll over, looking for her. The last time he felt anything like that was when Ellis was being electrocuted in Hillman's compound. Rolling onto his stomach he switched sides and came face to face with whatever fell on him.
Lying in a pool of blood, motionless and beaten beyond recognition was Ellis. Fresh blood was seeping out of her mouth, onto the blood caked dirt floor. The top half of her face was covered with her matted black hair but he could see the cuts, bruises and swelling underneath. Moving closer he whispered to her.
'Oh god, Ellis? Can you hear me?'
Her eyes opened slightly or at least as far as they could beneath the swelling. The whites of her eyes were blood shot and her lips cut and swollen. Simon's face winced in pain just looking at her.
'Did they...?' He didn't want to ask if they had raped her but to his relief she shook her head slowly. Looking at her, beaten and barely conscious his heart ached painfully. There was nothing he could do to get them out of their situation, but he wouldn't let them humiliate her.
'I won't let them, Ellis.'
Nodding slowly she closed her eyes and sobbed quietly. Slowly a smile touched the corners of her lips, revealing her missing fangs. Simon felt his chest tighten and through his swollen eyes, he felt tears well up into them. After he had passed out they must have tortured her relentlessly - the beatings, gunshots and of course ripping her fangs out. He touched her forehead with his.
'I promise.'

She mumbled the words as best she could through the pain in her mouth. It twisted in her like a dull knife. Michaels had yanked them clean out of her mouth, for which she should be thankful. He could have just broken them out - either way once the fangs were out he dropped her on the floor, next to Simon.
'I'm gonna have to say...we're both not having a good day.'
The words were hard to form but it was worth it to see Simon smile, if only a little. She pressed her forehead back against his taking comfort in him being there but the guilt festered inside her knowing that it was because of her that he was going to die along with her.
'Listen, if you can get out....'
Simon pulled back and glared at her. He shook his head and Ellis watched as a tear dislodged itself from his swollen eye and ran down his dirtied cheek.
'God damn it, Simon. You shouldn't be here.' He kept telling her to stop, but she kept going. 'If it wasn't for me...if...' He told her again to stop. 'You don't deserve didn't deserve any of what...I did.'

'If it wasn't for me...if...'
'Ellis, stop.'
'You don't deserve didn't deserve any of what...I did.'
He yelled in her face and they both turned toward the door, listening for the others upstairs. After a few moments Simon looked back at Ellis.
'I'm not leaving.' She began to cry harder now, the tears doing their best to push past the swollen skin and caked blood. Then suddenly a gunshot rang out.
Ellis tried to turn her body toward the door but he stopped her.
'No, no.' He coaxed her back to look at him. 'Look at me. We started this life together, you and I. If I ever had a purpose, it was to be here for you. From the beginning, it's all I ever wanted, Ellis. Was to be there...for you.'
Two more gunshots rang out and then there was silence. He tried to ignore the silence and concentrated on Ellis' watery green eyes. Through the blood shot whites and matted hair, he tried to see what it was that drew him in so many years ago.
'Hiding, behind the pain, remorse and guilt was the woman I fell in love with and stayed in love with. I don't know what else I could do or could have done.'

'I love you, Simon. I always have and always will. It took you killing me to realize what I had.' Ellis looked into his hazel eyes and above her she heard foot steps moving across the floor.
'I never deserved you and you don't deserve this.'

'It doesn't matter anymore.' He smiled at her as he listened to the footsteps come down the steps to the basement.
'I love you.'
The basement door opened and Michaels walked in, holding his weapons in both his hands. He set them on the table and Simon watched as the werewolf turned and crossed his arms.
'Isn't that cute?' Michaels said. Simon looked back at Ellis and he saw it, for the first time, terror in her eyes.
Michaels walked toward them and grabbed Ellis by her arm, lifting her up painfully. He pulled the arrow left in her chest out and was covered by the spray of blood. He seemed to not even notice it as he threw her onto the table, her arms and backside up.
'Michaels. Don't do it.'
'Not only am I going to do it, but you're going to watch.' Michaels dropped the arrow and smiled.
Ellis had her face looking down at the table in front of her. Simon tried to roll over onto his stomach to get a knee up underneath him as Michaels began to undo the belt of his camouflage paints. He closed his eyes, trying to focus when Ellis called his name. He didn't want to look as he heard Michaels beginning to rip at her clothes. She said his name again and he opened them just as he got his knee underneath him, ready to push up off the ground.
Ellis was looking at him from over her shoulder. She stuck her chin out and motioned toward something on the table next to her. Blinking he couldn't quite make it out. Suddenly Ellis pushed back against Michaels, knocking the table and its contents to the floor - all but the item she pointed at. She managed to catch that with her shoulder before it slid off.
Simon blinked again, his eyes trying to focus on the stick. His eyes grew large as he realized just what it was.

He had killed his team and meant to do whatever he wanted now.
Not if she could fucking help it. Not now. Not after she had seen the one thing that would save her and Simon. She pushed back against him hard enough to rock the table and she caught the glimmer of hope with her shoulder before it rolled off. Now she had to make him mad.
She called out to him, over her shoulder. He was trying to get up but she needed him to see it. He needed to understand, but he wouldn't look at her.
Michaels laughed as he resumed his task, ripping her shirt in half and pulling at the waistband of her pants. She gritted her teeth when she felt his hands on her skin and turned to look over her shoulder at Simon. Finally he was looking at her and with the item still on the desk, he squinted, trying to look through his swollen eyelids. He needed to see it. He needed to understand.
Simon's eyes grew large just as Michaels ripped her pants waist band and began to push down on her clothes. Simon got his knee up and slowly stood.
Ellis took a deep breath and snapped the top half of her body back, connecting the back of her head with Michael's face. If that didn't get him mad, she wasn't sure what would.
Michaels reached up and touched his bloodied nose and he came back at her, hitting her across the face, knocking her off the table, along with the item. They both sailed across the room into the corner and he stood over her with blood dripping out of his nose.
Ellis looked up at him and glared. 'Oops, my bad.'
That's all it took.

But he waited.
With hooded, dark eyes Simon watched as Michaels reached down and picked up the object Ellis had so badly wanted him to look at. The one thing that the werewolves had no idea about and would be his and Ellis' salvation. With a snap Michaels expanded the baton and a dry static hiss filled the air. The room lit up a shocking blue as Michaels triggered the high voltage stun baton.
Simon felt a smile tug at the corner of his mouth.
Michaels brought his arm up and began beating Ellis with the baton, shocking her. Her screams were cut off as her body seized up into a ball. He savagely poked and hit her with the stun baton until she let out a long, harrowed grunt of pain. Michaels hit her at least thirty times and as the time stretched by, Simon began walking closer to the unknowing Michaels.
Out of breath and laughing, Michaels continued to hit Ellis well past her falling unconscious from the electruction. With every ounce of strength he had left, Simon ran at Michaels, sinking his fangs into the meat of his left shoulder.
The vampire immediately fell to the ground, writhing in pain. Michaels kicked him in the ribs and with renewed fury began to stabbing down at the vampire, repeatedly electrocuting him with the custom amped 5,000,000 volts stun baton. It was five times past the legal limit and had been smuggled into the country along with him. One hit would bring down a three hundred pound man, but a vampire would last much, much longer and that pleased Michaels to no end.
He was laughing now, spit flying out of his mouth and his face lit up like a blue devil. He'd kill this vampire and he'd fuck the shit out of the female. Michaels would do everything that the others would be too afraid to do. Death was too good for the likes of them - especially her. He carried the bitter memory of her deed and he'd make her pay for it a thousand fold.
Michaels swung his arm back, laughing out loud, taunting the man when suddenly something turned his world upside down and everything went painfully black.
He woke with a start and was staring at one of the walls of the basement. Michaels reached up and grabbed his head, trying to steady the pain when he looked back across the room. He was beating the male vampire to death when everything just stopped. Shaking his head to clear the blur his eyes focused in on two figures standing across the room.
Michaels sat up and pressed his back against the wall. It never occurred to him to change to his werewolf, not when he saw Duban standing with such a profoundly evil smile that touched her eyes, making her look every bit a howling banshee. Huntington was haunched over, straining against the arm clamp when there was a loud crack. The vampire's arms swung foward and he rolled his shoulders as the woman looked at her clamp and let it drop to the ground next to his with a dull thud.
They casually walked over to Michaels, both with such terrifying smiles on their faces. Their blood caked and dried around their mouths and their swollen faces making them look every bit a monster that little children were told stories about. They looked down at him, smug and...alive.
Huntington's smile softened as he looked over at Duban and spoke.
The last thing Michaels heard him say - the last thing he heard in that lifetime was...
'Waiting on you.'
The small log cabin was void of any noise, except for the quiet swish of the late summer trees and the crunch of gravel beneath his feet. Marthinus readied his weapon as he stepped onto the porch and listened for any noise coming from inside.
Nothing, but it wasn't the sound he was really looking for.
The smell of blood wafted up to his nostrils from the other side of the door. It was thick and metallic...and fresh. With a deep breath he put his back against the side of the door frame and lifted his weapon. He turned and kicked in the front door.
He nearly dropped his weapon.
Three pipers lay in a pool of their own blood on the floor. Marthinus walked to the center of the room and spun in a circle, looking down at all of them. There were three, each with gunshot wounds to the head - they were probably dead before they hit the floor. But other than the blood from their wounds, there wasn't nothing else.
This wasn't a vampire killing. Vampire killings had much more blood. Way more.
He recognized all the Pipers and realized that it was Michaels missing. The smell of blood permeated the room and led him toward the back where he found some stairs. As quietly as he could, he descended the steps into the basement and rounded the corner to another door. Pushing it open slowly with the tip of his gun, the sight before him made him immediately turn and vomit.
There was blood. Every where. It saturated the dirt floor and was splashed in an angry pattern up the wall. It was even on the ceiling - bits of what could only be Michaels lay strewn in every direction and sitting on the floor against the far wall was Ellis and Simon.
Ellis sat to the left of Simon, looking at him as he sat unmoving, slumped over to his right. She turned and looked at Marthinus, giving him such a sweet smile that it shook him down to the core. They had ripped Michaels, literally, to shreds.
Marthinus began to feel that tell tale tickle at the back of his neck and it rode a wave down his spine. Quickly he holstered his gun and reached into his pants pockets with both hands. The little bit of 'hope' he had brought with him were two silver toned bands that he slipped onto his ring fingers. Silver was a stretch since it was extremely low grade but hopefully enough to keep him from changing and attacking the both of them.
His fingers sizzled from the trace amount of silver but it fought back the change, he just wasn't sure for how long.

'It's amazing, isn't it? It's nothing like you've EVER felt before - but this...break down, I guess you could call it - get ready for a long nap.'
She laughed as she watched Simon's smiling face begin to fade. She walked over and sat down next to him on his left, looking at him as he systematically shut down and slumped over to the side.
She looked around the room and found Michaels' bloody watch and checked the time. It was past sunrise already. Dropping the watch to the side, Ellis looked back at Simon and considered their situation. They were alive, yes but still in the same situation.
No where to go, no one to help them.
They were in no shape to use the Piper's vehicle to get back to town (assuming they were out of town which she was pretty sure of) and even going out to brave the sun, even for a short while, would be pointless. The pain would stop them dead in their tracks - literally. So, they were stuck. No radio, no phone. They would come and they'd be here.
In fact, they were already there.
Ellis didn't bother to look at whoever came through the door until they were in the room. As she turned to look at who had come in, she wasn't sure if seeing Marthinus was a good thing or a bad thing. Still, she gave him a warm smile.
A thin sheet of sweat was covering his face and he jammed his hands into his pockets and then took them back out again. Her eyebrows furrowed at the sight. Was that silver he was wearing? She pointed at his hands and he shook his head, wiping at the sweat. Nodding, Ellis laced her fingers together in her lap and looked down at them for a moment.
'Are you here to kill us, Marthinus?'
'Are you here to kill us, Marthinus?'
'No', he immediately answered and then was perplexed by his answer. He supposed he wasn't, not really. He had come for a completely different reason, at least that's what he kept telling himself.
Marthinus pointed up and could smell the sizzle of his flesh from the ring, ignoring it he asked about the Pipers upstairs. 'The others...?'
Ellis shook her head.
'Michaels, then.'
Her smile fell and she shrugged.
'Yes, it was Michaels.' He looked around the room, pointing at the bits of flesh and blood splatter everywhere.
Ellis smiled again, nodding.
Marthinus shook his head slowly, closing his eyes but was shocked to see that he could still see Michaels' torn body in his mind. That would be a long reoccurring nightmare.
'I don't know if I can help you. They're busy back at the...home base...but they are coming, Ellis. I can't stop them.'

'Marthinus, I don't know what you're going through.' She began slowly but without looking into his eyes. 'I'm sorry but...I just don't remember what I did.' Ellis looked over at Simon as he slumbered deeply in his blood lust coma.
'I won't ask you to do it for me but...for him.'
Self sacrifice. This was a new one for Ellis. It confused her in so many ways, it was so...selfless. Every day had been the same, exactly the same. She used to have a purpose - more power, more land, more humans and more money. A voice in her head that was so clear in its drive and its meaning. But now...
'Not for me, Marthinus. Not for me.'
The sleep over whelmed her, reaching up with its soft arms, embracing her into the deep nothingness that she so clearly recalled in the blazing inferno of Hillman's compound. When Simon tried to kill her. She chuckled at the thought - fire was so cleansing. Maybe she did die that day, so she could continue to live.
Ellis felt the world shift and her eyelids grew heavy as the dirt came rushing toward her face, and with a final sigh that seemed to expand her universe all around her, she slept.
Ladies and gentlemen please
Would you bring your attention to me?
For a feast for your eyes to see
An explosion of catastrophe
Like nothing you’ve ever seen before
Watch closely as I open this door
Your jaws will be on the floor
After this you’ll be begging for more
- Saliva
((OOC - Ellis and Simon out))
'...Not for me.'
He had never in his life with the clan seen Ellis give herself up for Simon. For anyone.
Marthinus took a step back and turned toward the door. He gave them a final look and left the basement. As he climbed the stairs he reached into his pocket for his cell phone and dialed a number he was all too familiar with.
He walked back though the cabin as he put the phone to his ear and he passed through the front door just as the other end was picked up.
' need to listen closely to what I'm about to tell you....'