I had to pinch myself (I peench!) to believe it! Woohoo, welcome back Mai.
Would you like your clan back now? (*whimper*) I can't take all this stress. :P
Welcome back!!!!

16 years ago

Ellis Duban
16 years ago

Amberelle DeEspionne
16 years ago
Mai? MAI! Welcome back!!!

Alec Devereaux
16 years ago
Mai? Who dat? :P

16 years ago
Welcome back hon! good to see you again /hug!

16 years ago

16 years ago
Heya Chica!

16 years ago
Awww *blushes and looks around* You guys are so sweet!
Yes, my WoW people are irritated that my horde priest is not yet 70 but they will have to get over my lack of super human leveling abilities. The other chaos that has been in my life seems to have settled down somewhat...but this is probably just a breather and I should look for the hammer of busyness that's likely aimed at my head right at this very moment.
In any case, I shall do my best to be here again.

Yes, my WoW people are irritated that my horde priest is not yet 70 but they will have to get over my lack of super human leveling abilities. The other chaos that has been in my life seems to have settled down somewhat...but this is probably just a breather and I should look for the hammer of busyness that's likely aimed at my head right at this very moment.
In any case, I shall do my best to be here again.

16 years ago
Oh, I'm sure Kem has been doing a lovely job.
. I might have to continue my little vacation in the Bahamas.

16 years ago
You long-haired fan-girl-bait bastard. Change that title and get your ass back here.
Bahamas, my ass. There's no SPF in the universe that will keep your skinny pale rear end from being fried.
Bahamas, my ass. There's no SPF in the universe that will keep your skinny pale rear end from being fried.

16 years ago
Oh my! I think the frequent elevator rides in the Towers have taken their toll.

16 years ago
Hey, the air up there is really really thin.

16 years ago
There she is! Fallon was still being skeptical, but the proof is there now!! Good to see you girl!