"When you finish there, would you come up to the house? I'll be in my office, just come on in."
The day was finally coming to an end, and Bastian was worn out, through and through. He had to imagine Diane was as well, since between the two of them they'd barely had time for a quick bite of lunch earlier, and it was now nearly seven o'clock. If it hadn't been one thing, it had been another, and he was pretty sure he'd seen all of his current patients today. For two seconds he wondered if it was just his luck, or if the vet in town was enjoying similar pandemonium.
He took off his cowboy hat as he walked up the steps to his porch, and ran his hand through his thick hair. He wore the hat to keep his hair from falling in his eyes, but after a day of it, it started to feel much heavier than it actually was. He hung it on a set of hooks just inside his front door, and kept going until he reached his kitchen.
The coffee he'd made for lunch was still hot and he poured two big cups full. Sitting on the heating element all afternoon had probably made it strong as nails, but right now that was okay. Diane could help herself to a cup too, or grab something else once she came in. He had given her the freedom to make herself at home, and expected her to.
He put one of the cups on his desk, and drank down almost half of the coffee which was in his own cup, before sitting down on his desk chair, and leaning back, closing his eyes. The long days were both satisfying, and comforting, for as long as he kept busy he had no time to think about Reign, and what a dismal disaster he'd made of their relationship.
While he sat there, meditating a little in his own fashion, Bastian wondered how Reign was fairing, and opened his eyes to look at the letter lying on his desk. It was addressed to Sabine Beauchamp in New Orleans, all stamped and ready to be mailed off. The little time Bastian had taken for himself last night, before he passed out in sleep, was when he'd written his old friend, and as usual had asked for her advice. But he was too impatient to wait, when there was the possibility that someone closer might also have good words of wisdom for him to follow.
Hence the invitation to Diane.
She checked the time on her Krazr. It was later than she had wanted to be but the last minute unexpected surprize had kept her longer than usual at work.
With a knock she opened the door to announce her arrival.
"Everything decent?!" She joked as she came into his office. She really didn't expect him to be nude or have confidential documents scattered all over.
"You will never guess what I found on my way out of the office. Well you probably will it's not like it hasn't happened before. Anyways, it was another box of kittens. That makes two for July and August and we're barely halfway through! I bet we have at least one more litter 'anonymously' dropped off." She made air qoutes with her fingers when she said anonymously.
"Rest assured all three kittens are safe in a cage in the back. They look closer to eight weeks than the last litter did though so that's a plus." She shrugged.
Bastian looked a little extra worn down this evening and she hoped she hadn't tired him any further with the news of the kittens.
"I'll give them a bath tomorrow first thing. They didn't seem to be sickly or too thin so they wont require your immediate attention. Your days have been long enough lately."
Scratching at a bit of smeared dirt on her light blue scrubs , no doubt from the fiestiest of the kittens, she hoped that the brown color of their fur was just that and not solid dirt.
"Why don't you call around, and see if any elder care or day care centers might want one...let them know I'll spay or neuter them, and they'll have their shots before hand, with free vet care. "
No matter what, he just couldn't justify putting any animal down if it was healthy, and he had luck in the past with some senior centers since a lot of older people wanted pets to care for but weren't allowed them where they lived. He would continue to try and find homes for the animals, and also beef up his security further. He just couldn't make a career from rescuing strays.
"Please, sit...coffee?"
He had stood when Diane entered the room, but wanted to fall back into his desk chair once Diane sat down, and kick his feet up...he really was tired.
"You don't need to rush off and pick up the little guy, do you? You know I'm sure if day care becomes a problem I could arrange for someone to watch him here..."
Diane had quickly become invaluable to Bastian, her organizational skills becoming the prime reason the vet was in such fantastic working order. He also knew it wouldn't cost him much at all to arrange a little daycare set up here, he had room. Whatever he could do to make he job easier, and more enjoyable would be good for him in the long run. He also knew the pack provided daycare, and in that respect he doubted he could really compete. Yet he still felt compelled Diane understand how he felt about her, and her work.
"I'm sorry things got so out of hand today...I guess we're lucky it doesn't happen more often, and am sure once the weather begins to change things will let up some. At least we shouldn't see many more leg injuries, since I doubt many of these weekend riders will be venturing out in the snow."
Most of Bastian's clients were well respected horsemen, like himself, but he also took care of the stock a couple riding stables had, and those poor animals were always subject to accidents at the hands of unknowledgable riders. Not that the stable owners were negligent in their instructions, but they could only do so much.
As he spoke to Diane, he looked at her again, something he hadn't really ever done, at least not with the eyes of a man. Had Reign really blinded him to so much over the years? That was a question that only recently had him wondering.
"I thought it might be time to discuss your job...a review I think they call it? You've been here a few months now...I think it's time we go over things, and see if anything has changed since you started..."
Shorter than Reign, and slighter, Diane also had more color...her red hair to Reign's blond was the most obvious difference. But those were on the outside, and Bastian had never been a superficial kind of man.
He obviously didn't know Diane as well as he knew Reign...or thought he had known Reign. Until the other night he had thought Reign would have at least been more receptive of his feelings, and concerns than she had turned out to be. So taken aback had he been by her intense vehemence that he had left the argument without even attempting to respond. He had seen her angry before, several times, but never like he had that night. If he hadn't known better, he might have thought she had known Aidan longer, or more intimately, for Bastian just couldn't reconcile Reign's actions with anything less.
He gave himself a mental shake and smiled at Diane. He hoped she liked her job, and wasn't entertaining leaving...that wasn't something he wanted to deal with now.
"I think people know you have a love for animals around here. Have you seen your backyard? You are to the animals what Willy Wonka was to the oompa loompas. I'm pretty sure thats how the county folk out here see you. And no thank you on the coffee. It's one of the few things I wished I liked."
At Bastian's mention of possibly having a daycare at his home for her son she blushed. It was terribly thoughtful of him and that meant alot.
"I should be good for a bit longer. All the kids were going to the zoo today, one of the ves'tacha's were eager to take them. Surprizingly Joe is doing well since our time here started. He's not so clingy anymore and he has a really good time in the packs daycare. But I think maybe when he gets older I might take you up on that offer. Being around here and the animals could do him some good so thank you."
Her face blanched and her stomach quickly tied itself in knots when he began talking about a review and discussing her job performance. Maybe things weren't going as well as she had thought. Maybe it was what she had said last week to that pompous ass who had talked down to her like she was an imbicile. Just because she hadn't known what the hells 'airs above the ground' meant didn't give that jerk the right to speak to her that way.
Immediately her eyes glassed over and she stared ahead.
"I will not cry no matter what he says." She repeated over and over in her head. It was her usual mantra and it didn't always work. She hated being so overly sensitive. Her face was like an open book, which was one of the main reasons she never played poker.
"Ok." Her word was cautious.
That her son was becoming a part of the pack at such an early age, and would grow up feeling loved, and a part of something was what Bastian had missed in his youth. To some extent even now he was hoping to become a more integrel part of the pack, and play a more pivitol role. But he kept her final words in mind, and should it become more convenient down the line, he'd make it work. At least it told him she wasn't in any hurry to leave her job.
Sitting in his chair, Bastian gazed up at the picture on the wall, while he composed his words, wanting to make sure he didn't botch this next bit. He was unaware of Diane's dazed expression, and that helped him continue on without the confusion it would have brought forth had he seen it.
"You've really been doing a fantastic job here Diane. I can't tell you how glad I am that you fit in so well, and so quickly. Not only have you been great at taking care of the calls, my schedule, and appointments, but you seem to be catching on to the techinical end of things as well, and are really doing a lot to help me."
Specifically he was thinking about this morning when he was trying to calm down both the terrified owner, and her great dane who had been caught in a trap, and nearly had his paw severed. For a few seconds while he was trying to administer the sedative Bastian had hoped for another set of hands, and suddenly there was Diane, jumping in and helping to halt a disaster on the way to its making.
"Not only was I thankful today for your assistance, but Mrs. Carson and Gabriel were also calmed down a lot by your quick thinking."
Now Bastian looked to Diane, and was only slightly concerned by her pale look. Unaware of her earlier fears, Bastian now chalked it up to her being tired.
"Would you like a soda, or a drink even? I've some excellent wine...?"
"Sure, a glass of wine sounds great. You can call me the next Dog Whisperer. Cesar Milan look out theres a new kid in town! No but really, I felt bad for the big guy and I just reacted."
Any dog that was bigger than her in human form completely amazed her. Then to see one so badly hurt broke her heart.
"It was nothing really."
"You're too modest. You like animals, and they can tell, just like what you said about this place. You're a good fit...we're a good team."
He handed her the glass when he returned and then sat back down. He regarded his words then, and decided the comment about them being a good team might have been a little over the top, but it was said, so no use worrying about it.
"I was thinking now would be a good time to give you a raise. I can't promise too much, since the business is still rather new, and I have no idea how long I'm going to be taking in this many cases. but since you really are partially responsible, I figure you should share in the profits."
He had kicked around a number in his head, working out what his profits were averaging, and of course figuring in the liabilities as well.
"How does $2.88 more an hour sound? I know its just $5,000 a year, but maybe in another six months I can double it. But at least I would like to do this much for you now."
The amount had seemed so much larger when Bastian had first considered it, and now it seemed almost insulting. He truly did not want to insult Diane, but even with all the businesses he had run in the past, the hiring, firing, and salary issues had been handled by those much better qualified.
Maybe he should extend Diane's duties to include those things and just have her give herself a raise. A small chortle escaped his lips, which he tried to cover with a cough.
"Do you think you could live with that for another six months?"
She was completely stunned and excited at the same time. The news called for a celebration and she was glad she had requested the wine instead of the soda. It was a even more pleasant surprize when she saw that it was white wine. Cold wine was way better than warm wine. She wasn't up and up on wines but she new her preference. Withholding a happy dance she glanced back up at Bastian.
"Seriously though, thank you. I appreciate it very much."
Her own banking had gotten better as of late. Of course living with the pack at the asylum saved a load of cash each month and now this raise. There also was the recent money that she had...come into that no one knew about. Although that was invested and safely hoarded away for completely other reasons than normal living. It was safe to say that she wasn't used to being able to have it all if she wanted. The Pack and her unnatural abilities had come in more handy and useful than she had ever dreamed of. Acclimating into Nachton had been easier than expected even with the few bumps in the road she had encountered.
"Working at the clinic with you has been very rewarding. I think we do make a good team, obvisouly we're doing something right. We're definately giving those inner city vet's a run for their money."
Working at the clinic with Bastian gave her the opportunity to be around him more. He wasn't at the old asylum much and the rest of the packmates were good to her but Bastian had been one of the first real friendly people with her. In the beginning she had secretly harbored a crush on him but always stayed professional and respectful of his girlfriend. Reign was her name she remembered. Reign seemed nice but she didnt really visit with Diane in the clinic area all too often. Diane knew that she had a dog but rarely seen it in for checkups, which was odd in her opinion. Diane was sure that she'd be bringing her new kitten into see Bastian. She wouldn't trust anyone else.
Nowadays she was just happy to be around the one friend who was just like her. It was also convient to have a boss who didn't question why she looked like hell the day after a full moon every month.
At her mention of the vet in town, Bastian frowned, took his feet down off their perch, and sat up leaning his elbows on the table.
"Did you know...that vet in town...is of another pack?"
Truth of the matter was Bastian had been needing to talk to someone since the blow out at Reign's, and while he had written Sabine, because he had to wait for her response, it hadn't help settle his fears or concerns at all.
He had tried to reach Mosi, but to no avail. Considering Diane every bit as logical a candidate to talk to, but holding back because of the situation with her son, he now figured maybe it wouldn't be too bad an idea to get her opinion.
"Damnit...I don't like feeling this way...I don't like disliking someone just because they're not like us, and I don't understand completely why I feel this way."
He had let his emotions take over again, and was shouting, when all he really wanted was someone to listen to him. Fat chance he had of getting that if he continued in the same vein. Surely Diane would freak and excuse herself from the little meeting, and possibly decide the raise wasn't worth dealing with a crazy employer.
"Do you mind if I unload a little of this now...here...on you? I'm sorry but you're the only person in the pack I think I can trust right now...I don't have anyone else to turn to. I know that's a poor excuse for laying this on you, but its honest."
This would explain how tired and worn he looked this evening. It wasn't just all the action at work. He had pent up emotions and nowhere to burst. Listening was her specialty. Her entire life people randomly told her things even if they weren't the best of friends. When she was a teenager she had said it would be one of her super powers if she were a superhuman. What a laugh now, she was definatly a superhuman but with the wrong kinds of powers.
"Fortunately for you I'm a good listener. It's obvisouly bothering you quite the bit, this other vet. It's prolly foolish but I didn't even know the other's were here. Does that mean trouble for us?"
Then a thought dawned on her.
"Has he been messing with our clients or your reputation?!"
Using 'our' clients was a bit bold of her, but she cared enough about these people and their animals that she didn't want them going off to another vet who was intentionally hurting them and trashy Bastian's clinic in the process. He'd have a whole new breed of dog waiting at his front doors if that were the case.
"No, no...as far as I know he hasn't interfered in anything but my personal life, and even then..."
Maybe he should just drop the subject, go back to Reign with his tail between his legs, and not say another word on the subject. Wasn't that pretty much what everyone was telling him to do, somewhat?
"I found out he had been hanging around Reign's house...there was the stink of him everywhere one night when I stopped by. I confronted him in my wolf, and we skirmished a little until Reign threw a bucket of cold water on us both. The guy is HUGE, and I know I wouldn't have stood a chance against him, but damnit to hell, he had no business stalking Reign! It's not like she's part of his pack...and until a couple nights ago I was thinking she might become part of ours."
He 'barked' slightly under his breath then, realizing that was probably out of the question now.
He had again been staring at the wall, but turned his eyes to Diane.
"If the man you professed to love came to you and told you he thought you might be in danger...that he wanted to check some things out, and in the mean time wanted you to keep low, and stay away from someone like Aidan...what would you do? Would you give your man the benefit of doubt and do as he asked, or would you fight him tooth and nail to retain your independence even at the risk of losing your relationship?"
A few choice words said in Italian, and Bastian halted his tirade for a few seconds.
"I wasn't asking her to lock herself into her house, or avoid her friends, just to stop taking her dog to the guy for a while."
Bastian laughed bitterly.
"She tried to give me some ridiculous story about how a vet can't treat his own animals...can you believe that? I told her it wasn't like I was going to perform brain surgery on Sirius!"
Again he shook his head and rubbed his hands over his face and hair.
"You're really very nice to sit here and listen to this immondizia [garbage], but I shouldn't be taking advantage of you like this. You have a little one to go after."
Tilting his chin toward the door, Bastian motioned for her to leave.
"I'm being very selfish, and rude, and feeling ridiculously petulant...not a way for a grown man to act."
Standing abruptly she immediately sat back down. It took a moment to choose her words so that she didn't say something rude.
"Are we not friends? Cuz I thought we were. My son is taken care of he isn't losing out of anything at the moment. I said I'd listen but I'm not sure if I just got kicked out or not."
The furrowing of her brow loosened and she rethought his question.
"To answer what you asked ,whether you wanted an answer or not really, but I would listen to my loved one.There must be a reason beyond jealousy that would make you suspicious enough to want to head some caution on her part."
That would be the reason she had never seen Reign in with her dog. She took him to another vet? Her feelings would be hurt the person she loved decided she wasn't good enough to treat their animals. It sounded like a lame excuse on Reigns part.
"Does Reign not understand that not all werewolves are decent beings like you are? Some are malicous violent creatures who enjoy the catch and release game first. I mean she does know what you are right? Does she think we're all like you? Why in the world is she so determined to not listen?"
Diane hoped she didnt sound condesending when she said 'like you', she had just meant gentle and caring and passionate. Her own thoughts made her blush but it quickly faded away.
"If you really want me to leave I will."
Unsure of what he would say next she sat readily on the edge of her seat. If he really wanted her to go then she would and then pretend like nothing ever happened. If he wanted her to stay she would gladly do that as well. He really needed to get some things off his chest and she didn't care if he thought he was using her. She thought of him as a friend and that was that. Friends helped when needed, packmates helped when needed.
Bastian felt like an ass. He was still deeply hurt by Reign's actions, and wasn't sure what he was going to ultimately do about the situation, but for now he had to let it go. Diane didn't deserve all his whining after such a long day.
"I apologize, and don't blame you for your confusion. You've been a very good friend, and I'm thankful again for having you here. I also appreciate your candor."
Diane's answers mirrored his thoughts, and he hoped she wasn't just saying those things to appease him.
"To be fair, Reign does have some valid reasons for not trusting me." He was a little unsettled discussing her with Diane, and more so since Diane didn't know Reign. Reign had been through a lot marrying Vince, and divorcing him, and her parents for a while. "When I found out I was a werewolf, I left her. We were both in college and I was scared to death I would hurt her. I think now I should have trusted her more, but back then my fear got the best of me, and I just left. I had to find out what this life was going to do to me, and only after I was sure I wouldn't hurt her would I consider a life with her.",
He had thought that was all behind them, that they had resolved those issues, and were beyond them. That was why he couldn't understand how she could dismiss his concerns so easily now.
"I just thought we had patched things up...I thought we were back on a good path together." He shook his head in futility. He had thought wrong. Reign had changed, that was to be expected...they had both done a lot of growing up. But she was different...harder somehow.
"I think I expected too much...pushed to hard to quickly...maybe she just needs time."
He would like to think that anyway. If he convinced himself that she had just moved too fast, and perhaps got thrown off balance by it, eventually she would come around, and understand.
But was he kidding himself?
"You know what? I really don't feel like cooking tonight, but I think I could eat a house. If you are sure you could steal a couple more hours tonight, I'd like to take you to dinner somewhere. If you left now, I could pick you up in about fifteen minutes, and I know nice place just this side of town."
He really was hungry, and he was also in the mood not to be sad, or upset, or angry. Diane's presence was distracting, and that was also something he needed now.
He just hoped he hadn't scared her off.
She of course was referring to her knowledge of Panos. She had felt him bite her and at first she had just thought he was some sicko sadist but he had become violently ill shortly after his bite. Later after she had dragged his unconcious ass somewhere private she had watched him regenerate in awe. Whether or not Bastian knew there were vampires or at least one vampire in Nachton was a moot point.
"Maybe because I'm a wolf myself I don't understand not trusting you. She should be greatful you cared that much about her and her safety."
At his mention of dinner her stomach growled in angry agreement. She was hungry too, the ramen noodles she had chomped down hours ago had definitely not been enough to last. She was glad he was also giving her the chance to go home and change out of her dirty scrubs. Tempting as it was living in the comfortable scrubs day in and out she knew it wasn't out in the public appropriate.
That sounds great. I'm afraid ramen noodles don't take long to be burned off. I prolly should eat better lunches. She laughed and hopped up.
"I will head home get changed and tuck my midget in. Just give me about double that time and I should be set ok?"
She was headed out the doorway but not fast enough that she wouldn't be able to hear him answer. It wasn't the thought of hot food that made her excited, it was the thought of not eating it alone or with a two year old. Eating with a grown up was a whole other thing. Especially a good looking male grown up.
(ooc : Diane out pending response!)
But all that was suddenly a vanishing memory when her further words brought up a topic he never would have thought he'd be discussing tonight. Unfortunately, Diane's stomach took the opportunity to make its desires known just then, and the guilt he felt for keeping her so late tonight kicked in again. The subject of werewolves would have to wait, but it wouldn't be forgotten...not by a long shot.
"That sounds fine. I'll grant you the extra time, and please don't rush...we don't want you winding up in the emergency room...I'd almost guarantee your dinner wouldn't be as good there as it will be where I'm taking you."
The easy camaraderie between the two of them was refreshing. How nice it was to have a nice, uncomplicated, and relaxing evening to look forward to.
He chuckled at her enthusiasm, and waved her on with promises of being almost right behind her.
Once she was gone, Bastian cleared up the mugs and glasses, then jumped in the shower for a quick one. Hair still slightly damp, he dressed in a lightweight linen ensemble, grabbed his keys, and took off in the Hummer to pick up his date.
Date? No...they were co-workers...friends...not dates.
Well...that would require further thought...right after he found out more about the vampires.
(Bastian out)