If - (Private, Xeph)
Continuing from Barrel of a Gun
Hammerthynn stood in the Halls of Echo with his hands behind his back. It was quiet. Hammer closed his eyes and took a deep, cleansing breath.
'If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings -- nor lose the common touch.'
Hammer took a slow step along the long corridor of the Hall. Each stone represented a place in their history, a Den that all Kadzait could call home, a place close to all their hearts.
'If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you. If all men count with you, but none too much.'
The scent of another wafted passed Hammer, signaling that his amaroq had arrived. Reaching up he scratched his beard. Quietly he continued.
'If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of distance run -- yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,' Hammer stopped and brought his right hand around to touch his missing eye. The skin was soft and rippled with scars.
'And -- which is more -- you'll be a Man,' he lowered his hand and bitterly ran his tongue over a canine. He finished the poem. 'You'll be a Man...my son.'
His gifting had been a painful one - from father to son. The missing eye a testament to the savageness of his legacy but it helped create the man and the werewolf. He thought meeting the Alpha here would help Marthinus understand the significance of what the Pipers put on the line, even if it resulted in failure and shame. There would be no sharing of that sentiment with Xeph though - in the Alpha's eyes he was wrong. Period.
But treachery had a way of blinding you.
Much to his surprise, Hammerthynn was reciting a Rudyard Kipling poem. He seemed to be recalling a painful memory or maybe just recalling the werewolves painfully violent history. Marthinus still wasn't clear on the entire history or their unspoken feud with the vampires but he had never known a strong group of men to rise efficiently or as aggressively without some sort of conflict.
As Hammerthynn finished, Marthinus noted the bitterness in his voice as he said 'son'. Marthinus did not know his father well at all, having been raised in bording schools. You grow old, you forget but apparently Hammerthynn did not.
Marthinus approached Hammerthynn. 'Rudyard Kipling? I would have figured you for more of a war song kind of man.'
Hammerthynn gave him a sidelong glance with his good eye. There was no comraderie in this man, no comfort. An extreme sense of adventure but Marthinus often wondered if his cousin Jameson got Hammerthynn's sense of humor. A question he would never ask, no matter how long he did live.
Marthinus cleared his throat and softly said, 'You sent for me?'

He heard the echoes of footfalls as Hammer entered, accompanied by Marthinus. It was only fitting that an aipa bring along his new Amaroq. Xeph didn't mind in the least. What affected one would invariably affect the other. He heard Marthinus' question and responded before Hammer had a chance to, drawing both mens' attention to where he sat.
"I sent for Hammerthynn," he corrected. "Hammerthynn brought you along."
He regarded both men without standing, without welcome. This Hall was welcome enough. If they didn't feel something, anything else, walking through this honeycomb of pillars and shadows, then they didn't belong here. His eyes were steely as he raked them over Hammer, then Marthinus.
He didn't envy either man the task he was about to set them to, and for different reasons.
'The incident has been cleansed. There are no traces of anything having been there before. Us or otherwise.'
Hammer moved his hands to behind his back again. Waiting to hear what Xeph had wanted had been difficult, but he wasn't going to push the issue either. The area was cleansed within 24 hours of the incident happening but two weeks had passed already. Still, he wasn't looking forward to what the Alpha had to say.

He looked at the slightly shorter man, noting not for the first time that more than anyone he knew, Hammer had been a father to him. Liam had spent most of Xeph's life half-crazed, making unbalanced decisions that did not necessarily benefit the Pack as a whole. Hammer, on the other hand, had spent time training Xeph, educating him with fists and books alike. Progressive topics, not limited to history as he perceived it.
Hammer was always there, always strong. Xeph wasn't used to looking at his Beta as someone who needed anything at all, but his particular insight told him that was not the case this time. Looking at Hammer, Xeph let the feeling wash over him, thoughts filtering around in his head like a Ouija board until they settled on one concept, one idea. One thing that would settle Hammer and make things "right."
And he wasn't going to get it. Somehow, somewhere, the Duban woman and her kin had wrong Hammerthynn's line and they wanted revenge. That was no longer the primary concern of the Pack though. They had graduated past revenge.
"I've been thinking about this," he said slowly. "A lot."
Gritting his teeth he said, "I have to be able to trust you. Bottom line."
Ignoring Marthinus' presence, Xeph met Hammer's eyes squarely as he rose to his feet. "This hasn't been an easy road. Everywhere I look I've got Kadzait who think they're traditionalists battering down my door to tell me humans are weak and inferior and should be slaves.
"You've backed me to the hilt every time, Hammer. Whether you agree or not, you have always been there to uphold Pack law."
He looked around the Hall, even as his voice rebounded from the pillars. "They were wrong, Hammer. If you dig deep enough, if you explore all of the memories... not just one, you can reach a time when humans and Kadzait worked hand in hand, where Illamar and Amaroq were partners. We're getting there again, and when we do we will hold the key to taking back what was ours."
Xeph shook his head. "I can't do it without you, and I can't have you chasing this dream. No matter how it calls to you. I know how it feels. I know, every time I see a human, how Liam felt. How repulsed he was. It sickens me, to know what I could become if I let those decades, centuries, of memory rule me. Don't let it rule you too."
Regaining control of his emotions he continued. "So. From this point on you are my emissary to the Tacharan. Learn diplomacy, and learn it well. If they decide to be angry over the harm done to their people, it will be your hide it comes out of. You will be my point of contact."
Xeph turned to Marthinus. "Help him, if you like. He'll probably need it."
With that he walked out of the room.
(( Xeph out))
The Alpha stood and both men towered over Marthinus small, compact frame. The Alpha was soft spoken but stern and Marthinus had no doubt that Hammerthynn would do what he was told to do - it was the assignment that surprised the hell out of Marthinus.
'From this point on you are my emissary to the Tacharan. Learn diplomacy, and learn it well. If they decide to be angry over the harm done to their people, it will be your hide it comes out of. You will be my point of contact.'
Xeph finally looked at Marthinus.
"Help him, if you like. He'll probably need it."
Then he left.
Marthinus stood quietly, openly watching Hammerthynn react, or not react, to the command. The one eyed giant only turned his head slightly and cracked his neck. Without a word to him, Hammerthynn turned to walk in the other direction.
'I can help you,' he said with confidence as the large man continued walking away.
'I can help you.'
Hammer couldn't help but snort. It was an angry snort, but a snort nonetheless.
'No, you really can't,' he shot over his shoulder as he continued walking.
Marthinus was following him out of the Hall. God help me, he thought, don't let me kill this puny man. This interloper. This tiglikte. This....
'SILU!' He yelled just as he reached the edge of the Hall. He turned back to Marthinus and got within an inch of his face. His rage was not only uncharacteristic, it was frightening.
'How can YOU help ME?'
((OOC - tiglikte and silu are derogatory words for vampires))
'Who else do you know that could help you? That has intimate knowledge of their clan, their people...their leaders. You don't even know where to FIND them. But I do. I'm the only person who does and besides, you don't have much of a choice.'
'Where do your loyalties lie, Marthinus? Do you even know? You built their empire. You...lived with them. You ARE one of them. Everything about you is...THEM. Is HER.' Hammer's voice lowered to just above a whisper.
'Don't pretend you're something you're not, Marthinus. You will always be one of them. You live within our walls, eat with us, maybe even hunt with us, but you'll never be one of us because the only reason you're here now is because you were afraid to die.'
Hammer was reacting badly, he knew this but he could not stop now. His hate spilled over onto Marthinus, the same hate that Xeph had told him to learn to control but you can't temper that kind of rage with a talk or caretaker's twinkle. Xeph didn't know as much as he'd like to think he did. Liam's inherited memories were laced with insanity and xenophobia. The Hammerthynn and Jameson memory was a rage so finite, so concentrated that it was fresh in their mind and hearts.
'You went to the cabin first. You went alone. Why, Marthinus? To save our people...or yours?'
'The steel edged Hammerthynn losing his cool.' Marthinus stood unafraid (well, just a little) looking up at the six foot six, one eyed man. Clasping his hands behind his back, Marthinus continued with his observation.
'Thank you, Hammer...can I call you Hammer? Thank you for helping me find my elusive place in this world. I wondered about my reason for choosing your path, the path of the werewolves. But it wasn't so much that I was afraid to die...but I just wasn't done living yet.'
Marthinus shrugged, smiling up at the giant.
'We all have a purpose, Hammer. Something we're put on this earth to do. Something we are born for. I fulfilled my purpose in my first life and now I have a chance to fulfill my purpose in this one.'
Marthinus loosened his tie, leaving it hanging around his neck. He undid the buttons of his shirt down to his stomach and he pulled the left collar away, revealing his shoulder. He pointed to the ugly scar that Hammerthynn had given him - his badge of honor, his ticket to another life.
'This scar was given to me by you. My entry into my new life. But this one,' he moved his finger down to point to the scar caused by the silver Ellis had hit him with during his ill fated journey to his old home. They were three inches apart but so very close.
'This scar is what I'd like to think of as my reminder of who I was - of how far my path had deviated. The two are close together which is such an ironic metaphor.'
Marthinus eyes narrowed at Hammerthynn, his hazel eyes dark and hooded not by the usual regret but anger and disdain.
'You are governed by a long dead memory and you let that memory, that isn't even your own, rule your actions. Your honor and integrity is ruled by something that happened years before you were even born. Your way is old and dead.
'I went to the cabin to save both my families - the family of my new life and my old. I won't forget what I was but I won't let it decide who I'm going to be, either. I walk my path with an uncertain future but a future that is my own.
'I can help you, Hammer. Our Alpha gave you an order, one that I know you can't do by yourself. We'll follow the Alpha's orders and talk to Tacharan, side by side. To not go...well I, for one, would not want to bring that type of wrath down on me...would you?'
Marthinus straightened his shirt and began to button it back up. He turned his back on the werewolf, very much aware of the werewolf's sneer that was exposing his rather large looking teeth.
'When you're ready...no.' Marthinus looked back at Hammerthynn, pulling his tie off and wrapping it around his left fist. 'When I am ready, you will come with me.'
Marthinus turned again, walking off toward the Den with his head held high and a grin on his face.
As Marthinus finished Hammer watched the man turn and walk away with his pride intact. Hammer mourned his own. The Alpha, his good friend, had ripped the rug from underneath him and now he was having to rely on someone so far from his world that it scared him.
Still, Hammer could not help but feel the tell tale signs of a smile tug at the corner of his mouth.
((OOC - marthinus and hammer out ))