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Hot latte (Steven over here!) (open)

Pual walked in the Qwerty Cafe shaking the rain off his head. It was near 9:00 at night, and the plane flight back from Britian had been exausting to the fact he wasn't going home for the summer. There was a quiet atmosphere as he was waiting for Steven to show up for the cup of coffee Pual had requested in his call. Where the hell is he?, he thought, but he waited, still thinking about his poor grandmother, dying of cancer on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean Well life is just as harsh as it was in iraq, he thought. Pual was still thinkng about his men being slaughtered left and right under the heavy fire in the desert. The Major that was in charge had lost his mind and blew himself to rags with a hand grenade. The horror in the men's voice was the voice of terror that had haunted Pual's dreams for the last four years. Pual sighed then noticed just how quiet it was in the cafe Hurry up Steve! Pual thought, wondering what was holding his freind.

Steven 16 years ago
Steve walked into the cafe, checking out the occupants. Tonight, what with the pounding rain and icy wind, people were staying indoors. Looking around, Steve found Pual sitting at a nearby booth, with his back to the door. Steve drew his knife, sneaking up on the Marine, placing the blade to the man's throat. "Getting old, Aricson," Steve said, re-sheathing the knife and sitting down. "So, what's up, comrade?"
Pual 16 years ago
Pual knew how to stay calm when knives got pulled on him, but when Steven spoke he was slightly agitated about his freind's actions, but decided to shake it off "Not bad, FlyBoy, and to answer your question: nothing. I just got back from Britian, thats all. So, how about you?"
Steven 16 years ago
Steve grinned at his friend's discomfort. "You gotta get back into shape, buddy!" He sighed, looking around. "Just got back from Kazakstan. US embassy got bombed. They sent my team in to investigate. Lost Wilson, Martinez, and King. Girbaski sold us out, but I got a bullet into him just before he blew my ass to kingdom come. Sent in J company, and got me out of there." Steve shook his head, sadness flowing through him again. He had spent countless nights regretting his mission, and trying to forgive himself for failing. He looked up at Pual. "So, how are the relatives?" He asked, glancing around, looking for a waiter.
Pual 16 years ago
The news that Steve's comrade had defected really disturbed Pual to no end "Dude, that's terrible to hear." Then Pual remembered Steve's question "My grandmother is sick and dying. saw my sister too, and she is all torn to bits and pieces." As he finished, a waitress wandered over and asked "What can I get you boys?"
Steven 16 years ago
The waitress came over, asking for thier orders. "Gimme something strong," Steve said, before turning back to Pual. After the Marine placed his order, Steve resumed the conversation. "That's sad to hear," Steve said. "Your grandmother was always nice to me." He checked his watch. Trin would be out and about soon, if Steve was lucky. He really didn't want to see her, for he was liable to try to kill her. And, in his present state of mind, Trin would whoop his ass bad if it came to a scrap. He needed to infiltrate that Adams Family Mansion she seemed to reside in while the vampire was out doing... whatever. He looked back a Pual. "I hope she gets well, man." He thought for a second. "Didn't you say that she had a government job over there?" What with the British troops siding with Girbaski, and the resulting suspicion, Steve could really use a contact on the inside of the British government. After all, if the Brits were going traitor, the US would need a warning.
Pual 16 years ago
Pual looked at Steve. Well what he said is true. His grandma did work for the goverment. "Well thats whats been happening on my side of the story," he said. "So tell me, what are you doing in the goverment?" Pual had found out that his friend worked with the goverment by looking him up in the goverment's database. That was actually why Pual moved into Natchton. Moving close to his buddy made this Marine feel a lot better better.
Steven 16 years ago
Steve looked around, then leaned forward, lowering his voice. "Have you ever heard of a company called Syscom?" He glanced around again. If anyone else heard this shit, he was a dead man. And Steve had a few loose ends to take care of before he died.
Pual 16 years ago
Pual looked at Steve "Syscom?" Pual asked, he never heard of this was it a corporation? It sounded like a computer software firm, but what would Steve care about that crud? Pual shook his head, a puzzled look on his face.
Steven 16 years ago
Steve looked at Pual, and nodded. "They're a software firm in Nachton. A researcher there developed a computer virus, capable of controling any computer in the world." He pulled a black disk from his coat, then returned it to the inside pocket. "This here is the only copy. I need to find this researcher, kill him and anyone else capable of creating this virus, then destroy the disk." Steve grinned. "I need to find him, though. And I may need your help." He leaned even closer. "You in?"
Pual 16 years ago
Pual nodded in agreement. After all, he needed somthing to do. "So...where do I start?" Pual noticed that, as soon he asked this question, Steve looked like he was relived of a ton pressure "So does your job is to destroy this researcher, and anyone else who can create this virus? Do you have any ideas who?".
Steven 16 years ago
Steve looked outside. It was time for him to go. "Look, man. I'll call you with details. For now, I got a mission to run. Later, man." With that, Steve walked out of the cafe, the taste of the piss-poor coffe still in his mouth.

Pual 16 years ago
Pual looked at the window, then the counter. The coffee was horrible here. Next time, I'm going to McDonald's, Pual thought, though he thought it would be nice to tip the waitress. He placed an extra few buck on the table when he paid the bill, then looked out the window. It was still as poring as it was a hour ago. Wonderful, he thought as he walk out the door.
