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Getting Ones Bearings (Attn Xeph but open :) )

Xeph had been as good as his word and shown the young man where Meridian was, not that the Towers were hard to spot. She'd had the presence of mind to grab a bus schedule for him. Hopefully he'd be able to manage that as he didn't actually have to drive. Nikhila shook her head at herself for thinking like that.

It was a small restaurant, which didn't surprise her. It also explained why she'd over looked it herself. Small or not, it was light and airy and they were quickly seated. For the most part, she was content to let the two men talk, letting Drew get acquainted with his alpha.

Jillian 16 years ago
The ease at which everyone seemed to get along tugged a little at Jilli's heart. How similar it had been around her own dinner table, not so very long ago, when her mother had invited others of the pack to join them. Both her parents were super friendly, and her home had become an extension of that friendliness to all who wished to share it. One day she hoped she might continue with that tradition, and have a warm, welcoming home where others wanted to gather. But there were so many other things she wanted to accomplish before she could give serious thought to that matter.

"Archeology..." Jilli confirmed, and nodded her head in understanding. She did remarkably well by not wrinkling her nose in disinterest, never having seen much appeal in history, current or ancient. And even if she wasn't too enthralled by the subject, she had to appreciate the way those who were spoke about it. Hearing 'Indiana Jones' even pricked her interests a tiny bit. Of course Indiana was an archeologist, but somehow she just couldn't see how his romanticized version could translate to what Drew would be doing inside a building.

Without thinking Jilli began eating the appetizers that were set on the table. Almost unconsciously she picked up a little of this and a little of that, and consumed each morsel without even looking at what she was putting in her mouth. Her hunger was such that she needed to appease it, but her thirst for all that was going on around her was equally if not more important, and interesting.

Drew, Nikhila, Xeph, and even the big man all seemed genuinely interested in Jilli, even if in varying degrees.

Nodding at Nikhila's suggestions about classes reminded Jilli of conversations she had with her mother. College was something never questioned in her home; Jilli would go, right after high school, no ifs, ands, or buts. Neither of her parents had the luxury of attending, and both knew it was a necessity in today's world. They wanted everything for their daughter, and did what they could to see she got it.

Xeph's comments about comic books garnered a giggle from Jilli. She wasn't sure she believed him, but wasn't about to contradict her Alpha.

"I only do that with really important publications...Vogue, People, and PCGamer."

She winked at the elder man, not at all sure what those magazines were really, but having seen their titles on the rack at the gas station just hours earlier.

"Do you think they might have need of a part time 'gopher'?"

She asked, when Xeph explained about Meridian. Once the words left her mouth she felt instantly contrite, and wished she could have taken them back. She was so lucky to have the pack here to join, and such immediate acceptance, as well as offers of help with getting her set up in school, and a place to stay at the den...and here she was asking for a job! If she could have done so without looking even more ridiculous, she would have told him to disregard her question. But as it was she hoped maybe he hadn't heard, and the subject would just disappear.

Instead Jilli turned to the big man, and smiled. He was being very quiet, and she suddenly wished she had taken her lead from him.
Nikhila 16 years ago
Slowly, subtly, almost painfully Nikhila shook her head at the young lady. It wasn’t that Nikhila was worried about her study habits. Heaven knew she’d seen it all since she’d started teaching, although it was getting harder to keep up with all the technology out there.

“Please don’t encourage him. If one of the professors gets caught browsing through a magazine during a class I’m sure we’ll never recover.”

Unlike Jillian, she had no problem believing Xeph engaging in such an activity.

Like most of them, she sampled the appetizer, although perhaps eating more of the green stuff than some of the others. The idea of the young woman getting herself a job brought a mixed reaction from Nikhila, granted she’d had to work to put herself through school, at least most of it. Until she’d received word of her father’s passing. Both idea’s had pros and cons. She opted not to make any suggestion, it would be better for Jillian to find her own way.
Drew 16 years ago
Drew couldn’t help but notice the lack of interest in his passion. It wasn’t like every one was going to be enraptured with the subject but… nuts, this was his thing. Snarfing down another bite he nodded.

“Yup, archeology. Maybe I should get a hat, might make things more interesting.”

He mused allowed. Not a bad plan. How would he look in a fedora? Probably more than a bit stupid but it was better than a bullwhip. At the very least the hat was more subtle.

Haha, book in a book. Yeah been there, done that, got caught. Some educators had no sense of humor, Drew smiled at the memory. Apparently, it was bad form to read about the Maya while in a math class, at least if you were struggling in said class. Ah well.

Shrugging cheerfully, he answered Jillian’s question.

“Company that big must have something they need somewhere. If they weren’t keeping people in jobs I doubt the city would have much use for them.”

He read the news and knew when a big company was being courted by a city. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that must work here too.
Xeph 16 years ago
Xeph gave Nikhila his most indignant look. "Hey, my students are maintaining a passing rate of 95 percent so I must be doing something right!"

He flashed his wolfish grin at Jillian, hoping the friendly banter was helping to make her feel at ease. He was aware of the circumstances under which she had come to Nachton, and perhaps they would speak of them at a later date. For now he wanted to supply her with something she was lacking, that every wolf needed whether they admitted it or not; Pack and family.

he laughed outright at Drew's suggestion. "Sure, a hat might help, but not an Indiana Jones hat. They're overrated. What about the kind of hat the guy from Monopoly wears. What is it? A Bowler! You could start a new trend. Classy, but rugged. The new archaeologist."

Smirking at the idea, he popped a few bites of sushi into his mouth, signaling the waiter for the rest of their orders, since Jillian had already gotten hers in. While Drew spoke to Jillian about her employment question, Xeph ordered himself a rare steak and a sashimi plate, then turned to the two youngsters.

"Let's worry about classes and getting settled. That's already a load to handle. Don't be too eager to go straight to work; you just got here."

It was said with a kind smile to Jillian, but inside Xeph wondered if Jillian was going to take on too much at once merely because she was the active sort, of if she was trying to cope with hr parents' deaths. He didn't know her well enough, but he resolved to keep half an eye on her.
Iov Hammerthynn 16 years ago
Hammerthynn set his elbow on the arm of his chair and rested his chin in his hand. He was concentrating on the conversations at hand when he noticed the little one called Jillian was looking at him. He turned a lone eye at the young lady.

Mumbling through his fingers he said,
'May I help you?'

Figuring that being helpful was better than just sitting quietly, he tried to look interested instead of mildly annoyed.
Jillian 16 years ago
Expecting maybe a smile in return, Jilli was only slightly mortified at being caught looking. She felt her cheeks grow warm, and slunk down in her seat a little.

"Uhm, no thank you sir. I apologize...I was just noticing how quiet you are...that's all."

She hoped he didn't think she was staring at his eye...or missing one...his scar. In her pack back home there were two men who had lost was a quite older man ...even older than Mr. Hammerthynn, (not that she knew how old Mr. Hammerthynn was, but she considered most over thirty old), and one was one of her friends, her age. She had no clue how Mr. Gorshin had lost his eye, and being so old she respectfully never asked, she also would never ask Mr. Hammerthynn, yet she had seen Justin when he had lost his eye to a virus, and been around while he retrained himself to wearing a patch. As was probably natural, depth perception was the more difficult part of the process to get used to, but he managed to do so quickly in Jilli's mind.

In any event, the missing eye and scar was not so new to Jilli that it required study. No...for a few seconds she felt more kindred with Mr. Hammerthynn.

Averting her gaze and focusing on the food for a few moments, Jilli managed to recover and rejoin the conversation going on around her.

Slightly discouraged to have her plans on getting a job somewhat shot down, Jilli accepted that for now, knowing she would talk to Xeph later, when she could voice her concerns in private. She knew he meant well, and understood why he would feel as he a perfect world she really didn't want to work until she was out of school as well. But she wanted to be a burden even less.

Looking at Drew now, and imagining him dressed in a bowler, Jilli giggled, and shook her head. The fedora might be trite, but a bowler? If that didn't say stuffy, she didn't know what would.

"How about a compromise...a cowboy hat? Or even one of those Aussie jobs...the ones that look like cowboy hats with one side pinned up?"

At least those hats gave the impression they could get dusty and still look appropriate. A nice shiny bowler with a sheen of dust...not so much. And what, if not dusty, was archeology? She giggled again.

Mr. Hammerthynn aside, Jilli was rapidly feeling a part of these people. That she was becoming acclimated so fast reinforced her idea of coming. This was the very best idea she'd had in a long while.
Iov Hammerthynn 16 years ago
Hammer could not help but grin a little behind his hand. He knew he came across as rude and gruff but Jillian was too young to appreciate his unfortunate (not to him but other people) indifference to people, whether he was happy or annoyed. He just looked annoyed no matter what.

Hammer waited, listening to Jillian finish her conversation when he leaned back over to her and moved his hand away from his mouth.

'I apologize, Miss Jillian. Don't take my indifference as rudeness. I'm afraid my talents were wasted on books than with social graces. And please, call me Hammer. As Beta you're welcomed to let me know if you have any problems within the den.'

He rewarded her with the best smile he could produce and hoped it was disarming enough. Hammer meant the offer of help but he inwardly wished she would not ask. Orientation was more Xeph's field but Hammer knew he had to make himself available to everyone in the pack, even the new, young ones.

Scaring them, although fun, probably wasn't a good idea.
Nikhila 16 years ago
“You’re engaging some very good substitutes.”

Nikhila playfully rolled her eyes at him keeping the mood light, almost frivolous.

Drew, however, was much more adept at this sort of thing and she was more than happy to let him take the focus with his fine hat. She wondered how much of Drew was actually him and how much was him trying to please others. It was impossible to tell, she doubted if Drew himself knew.

Not nearly as hungry as Xeph she discreetly slid in an order for the sashimi plate as well. If she hadn’t been around so much meat she probably would have tried something vegetarian, but the smell was getting to her and short of some wild game to catch this would do.

Happy to hear Xeph semi discourage Jillian from additional employment she actually flashed a smile at Hammer. That was down right cuddly by his standards and she was suitably impressed.
Drew 16 years ago
“I thought that was a top hat. Is an internship white tie and tails job? If it is I quit here and now.”

He said with definite while still letting his easy smile rest in place. Yeah even with his prejudice against formal wear archeology would win that round.

Laughing he vehemently shoot his head at Jillian while laughing and ordering a very rare stake, Drew did have some awesome multitasking skills.

“I could never pull off the accent for the one and only the rednecks wear cowboy hats and I’m far too sophisticated for that.”

A good-natured wink was tossed at her as he managed to say the last bit with something not quite but almost approximating a high-class English accent.

“OK I tell a lie. You know the rednecks but their super pointy cowboy boots and the huge ass belt buckles.”

Walk into a place with too many of those and you learned damned fast to turn around and walk right back out in a hurry. Especially if you were a lone and not in the mood for Geronimo references. Seriously, what the fuck he wasn’t Apache, they could at least pick the right tribe if they were going to be that way.
Xeph 16 years ago
Xeph kept one ear tuned to the byplay between Hammer and Jillian, glad to see his Beta was going to behave and not scare the young one off. He hadn't apprised Hammer of Jillian's circumstances, assuming she would tell who she wanted when she wanted, hoping she would talk about it on her own.

To Nikhila, he simply shot a wide grin, shrugging his shoulders in a manner that implied he wasn't going to give away his secrets to her. At the same time he caught Drew's comment about accents, and just couldn't let it go.

"What about accents?" he growled, in a playful enough way. "It's not like if you wanted to learn it you don't have a living reference right here after all!"

He took a healthy swallow of his Kirin, and then added, "I will not, however, put another shrimp on anyone's barbie."

He detested that phrase, it being the first thing anyone asked him to say for them when they wanted to hear an authentic Aussie accent. It was followed very closely by Crocodile Dundee's knife comment.

Xeph did not do command pop culture reference performances by any means.
Jillian 16 years ago
Her smiled grew wide when Hammer apologized, even if Jilli didn't really understand the need. The man was saying he had no social skills, when Jilli had only thought him to be quiet, and contemplative.

"Thank you...Hammer. Your apology is not necessary, but accepted. It is a welcome relief to know I have both you and Xeph here. I've never lived on my own before, and always relied on my mother and father for guidance. I know its up to all of us to eventually leave the den, so to speak, but I was hoping for a year or two more, I guess. Life doesn't always give you what you want. But I do feel much better knowing I can call on you if I need to."

She smiled again, hoping Hammer wouldn't grow to regret his words.

Jilli could talk about the loss of her parents now, but rarely discussed it thinking people felt awkward talking about death, and it really didn't serve any purpose. Besides that, for whatever reason, she just assumed people like Xeph, Nikhila, and Hammer knew. This assumption came from the fact that whenever someone new had joined her pack back home, her mother, father, and the other elders responsible for the pack knew almost everything about the newcomer. As far as she knew, all packs were like that.

Narrowing her eyes, Jillian regarded Drew again, this time when he talked of 'rednecks'. Growing up in Elko, Nevada, she was constantly surrounded by men, and boys in cowboy hats, and boots, though belt buckles were frivolous, and not really anything they found usefull. The hats were necessary due to the hot summer sun, and the boots were sturdy, and vital for the work they did. Taking the term 'redneck' as a personal affront to those she loved back in her old pack, Jillian now reconsidered Drew, and wondered what else he was prejudiced against. The wink was supposed to mean he was kidding, and that did soften his words a little, but Jillian still wasn't as sure about him as she thought initially.

"Have you had problems with 'rednecks'?" She asked, wanting to know if there was some reason behind his remark, or if it had been bred from stereotypes. It seemed strange that anyone in a position as they all were, with their unique differences would be bigotted, but then she guessed it was where they were all similar to those outside their lives, that made it possible.

She did have to give him points for his accent...she thought it was smashing, and couldn't control a giggle when Xeph spoke, accentuating his. Accents weren't foreign to her, but she hadn't heard them so often that she had become immune to them. She thought Xeph's made him even more the dashing leader, and wondered if it affected Nikhila at all.

No one had intimated any relationship between her Alpha and the exotic woman, but Jilli had seen the way her parents looked at each other often enough to recognize similar looks between other couples. One day she hoped to have a man look at her that way.

But not now. Now she had other things to concern herself with.
Drew 16 years ago
“Oh yeah like I need to be compared to the genuine article. No thank you.”

He gulped down some his coke before asking, in all sincerity,

“Why would you want to cook a perfectly good shrimp?”

Poor little shrimp. Drew hated waste like that. Not that every one liked their food still moving but still.

It was hard not to pick up on what Jillian was saying and not make a few educated guesses. Poor kid, having lost her family or at least her parents that had to be rough. He was not looking forward to the day either of his parents or his grandfather passed or any of his family really. Of course he could be dead wrong in his assumptions but…

Holy Hanna. He had not expected to be attacked like that. OK it wasn’t an out an out attack but he was obviously under suspicious of something; of what he wasn’t sure but it was out there.

But there were a few things going on here. One was the fact that Jillian had just made herself somewhat vulnerable, admitting something to them and he wasn’t going to take advantage of that. The other was that he had an intense sense of pride in both himself and his clan. And one of the rules was you just didn’t talk about this sort of thing. It was just part of being family. It was wrong, it was uneducated and unnecessary but you couldn’t force yourself to be accepted. Drew tried, he tried –hard-, still, you were going to get hassled.

Drew also knew that Jillian had no way of knowing exactly how isolated the reservation was and how his Pack was even further marginalized. Nor was he going to say anything. Instead, grinning in such a way that it made him appear even younger he shook his head. Using humor to diffuse some of how serious he was.

“Just the ones who are still playing cowboys and Indians. For some reason they don’t like me to be the cowboy.”

And the Indians still never won.

That’s all was all he had to say on the matter. Besides it would take too much to explain about how even the other Indians didn’t really care for him. And damned it he wanted to have fun right now.
Nikhila 16 years ago
Again, she slipped into the roll of watcher. Truly, she wasn’t anti social, she enjoyed being around people listening, watching, enjoying. It was enough to be on the outside of a group. She very much would have liked to have leaned up against Xeph for a moment, just a quick snuggle. But propriety wouldn’t allow it, she’d just hope they both had time later.

Noting Jillian’s words Nikhila worried about the girl slightly and resolved to keep half an eye on her. Not a smothering eye mind you, obviously she was an adult and perfectly capable of making life shaping decisions on her own. But enough of an eye to make sure she was settling in.

Although that resolve was shaken a bit when she questioned Shiye in that manner. Nikhila bristled a bit on his behalf and wanted to protect him from the insinuation. Reminding herself it wasn’t her place to say anything and that he was a perfectly capable young man and that the whole exchange could be quite innocent she sipped at her tea. Both of them were young, they needed to find their own way. Neither would ever grow with some one standing over them. Oddly enough, that sounded familiar.

Knowing Drew as well as clan, particularly his father and grandfather, Nikhila wasn’t at all surprised with his answer. Half humor, half serious and no details. As far as Nikhila was concerned, the situation had passed and Shiye acquitted himself. She was fairly certain Jillian would reach the same conclusion.
Jillian 16 years ago
The question didn't seem wrong at the time. While she had looked at Drew skeptically, her voice had been calm, and without anger. Yet when she sensed a reaction from Nikhila, Jillian reconsidered her thought.

Bigotry had no place in Jilli's life, and she refused to associate with anyone who couldn't show tolerance, at least, for those different from themselves. However, as she listened to Drew talk about 'cowboys and Indians' she got the feeling he, himself, had suffered the brunt of prejudice. This made her feel instantly contrite, and instilled the need to clarify her position.

Too, she got the impression Nikhila might be less than pleased with that particular topic of conversation, so for now Jilli let it all drop. She would speak to Drew later, and apologize, though only for her possible lack of personal knowledge, and not her overall position. Jilli would never apologize for the way she felt about bigotry.

Feeling like perhaps she had been the cause for the sudden quiet at the table, Jilli then too felt obligated to try and right things.

"Anyone seen any good movies lately?"

It must have been all the talk of things related to Indiana Jones, and the Crocodile Hunter that reminded Jilli of movies, because in truth she rarely attended them. Anyone who knew her would have instantly wondered where her question had come from, as it would have sounded completely from left field. At the moment it was all she could come up with, even if it sounded silly, and she again hoped the floor might swallow her whole.

More than anything she hoped her new Alpha didn't think the less of her for her question. It would have hurt her horribly to think her feelings on such things were considered wrong. If it was only that she hadn't chosen the best time to talk about such things, she could deal with, anything else might come close to crushing her ideals.

(ooc: all feelings and reactions of others mentioned above were purely assumptive on Jillian's part.)
Iov Hammerthynn 16 years ago
Having done his social good deed for the week, he felt a few years of purgatory disappear from his soul. Hammer again leaned back in his chair and adjusted the cuffs of his sleeve, listening to the conversations. His mind wandered and he studied the open restaurant around him. His eye caught a huge picture window and from his perch at a center table, he could see the beauty of the water lapping against the marina.

There was too much on his mind to focus and maintain conversations. Secretly he wished for the meal to be over so he could return to his rooms at the Den or at least go for a run in the woods on the property. Hammer blinked his eye slowly, letting the voices filter into his ear and tried not to think about his future dealings with Marthinus and his old family.
Xeph 16 years ago
Xeph listened to the conversation a bit more, wincing as Jillian inadvertently hit on what must be a sore spot for Shiye. He was aware of the situation Shiye came from, as it had been a source of a little bit of contention when he'd first become Alpha. It stood to reason that it would be an exposed nerve for Shiye.

Jillian did her best to cover up what she must have recognized as a bit of a mis-step by changing the subject entirely, even if not smoothly. Xeph was compelled to keep the peace between all of them, a feat made much easier with the arrival of the soups and salads that accompanied their entrees.

"I think the last thing I watched was the Birdcage, actually," he mused, trying to decide whether or not he was in the mood to choke down vegetables tonight. "It was on some cable channel a few nights ago. I hear it's one of Hammerthynn's favorites."

Discreetly, he kicked Hammer under the chairs, shoving the Beta's seat back a few centimeters. He could be subtle when the situation called for it. Hammer was copping out, however, playing strong-and-silent and trying to worm out of any socialization whatsoever.

Xeph wasn't letting him get away with it.
Drew 16 years ago
Oh good crisis averted. It just wasn’t Drew’s way to peruse the topic or explain himself. If she’d pushed, that would be one thing but she didn’t, so he immediately let by gones be by gones. Although he almost laughed at the clumsy change of topic; that was something he’d do. It was kind of nice to know he wasn’t the only goof that way and he couldn’t help but smile broadly at that realization.

“Man they never put anything good on the planes. I saw this dumb Made of Honor thing. Should have made them give me back the five bucks for my head set.”

Studiously avoiding his salad, he found something meat like to munch. So much better than peanuts. While doing so, he cast an inquisitive eye on the older gruff looking man. Some how The Birdcage just didn’t seem his cup of tea. But who was he to judge on appearances?

“Is it just me or are airplane movies geared toward women? I’m not saying that’s a bad thing but when I was looking at what they show it was defiantly lacking in action and adventure. More comedy and romance.”

That was fine with him, he’d just never waste money on the in-flight movie again. Every one had to learn these things for themselves.
Nikhila 16 years ago
Not exactly, how she would have preferred the situation to resolve itself, but it wasn’t Nikhila’s battle to fight. It was hard to remember that but she did. This was between Shiye and Jillian and it seemed to be good enough for him ergo it was good enough for her.

Eyeing both Shiye and Xeph she quietly said,

“Eat your greens.”

And let the topic switch, rather abruptly. She could see Aidan trying to nudge Hammer back out into the conversation and smiled.

“I can see where the social commentary would appeal to any number of people, and much more engaging than a documentary.”

Drew’s experience and good humor about his less than ideal on board movie was evident and seemed to be helping to right the mood somewhat. He did have a gift for that.

“But, no unfortunately as much as I enjoy the movies I have been so busy I haven’t had time to attend. I’m not even sure what’s out currently. The last thing I saw was on TV something animated called Perfect Blue. Very odd.”

She’d woken from a less than plesant dream, hadn’t wanted to wake, or more likely disturb, Xeph and hadn’t been able to get back to sleep and had wound up watching the film. It was good, but very different.
Jillian 16 years ago
Jilli wished she had seen the 'Birdcage', because if Xeph and Hammer both liked it, she thought it might give her some insight into her elders, but she hadn't, any more than she had seen 'Maid of Honor', or 'Perfect Blue'. She did think the titles all sounded so varied and interesting that she might like to see them on dvd, if she got the opportunity. Well, maybe not 'Maid of Honor', since Drew thought it was so awful.

Stifling a yawn, Jilli hoped no one caught her. The day had been very long, but she had hoped to have a couple more hours of energy in her before she flaked out. She could imagine how rude she would appear if she fell asleep at the table, and wanted to do whatever she could to avoid such disgrace. Now that her stomach was full, which often led to a 'big meal lethargy', and coupling that with her weariness from the drive, she had to fight hard to keep her eyes open. Silently she cursed herself for both eating so much, and for arriving so late in Nachton.

Resting her chin on her hand, poised on the arm of the chair, Jilli tried to remain attentive to the conversations going on around her. Again she was reminded of her mother, when Nikhila told Xeph and Drew to eat their vegies. Jilli's dad had always been a big meat eater, and her mother had those conversations at the dinner table with him too.

Feeling her eyes begin to droop, Jilli sat up straighter, and took a drink of ice water. She shook her head slightly, as if to shake loose the cobwebs, but the moment she relaxed and started listening, her eyes betrayed her all over again. Thinking she would excuse herself and go to the bathroom to freshen up, she waited until Nikhila ended her sentence...and then forgot her plan. Soon her eyes were closed, and she was oblivious to all things around her.
Iov Hammerthynn 16 years ago
Hammer caught the last bit of Xeph's reply and huffed just as his chair jerked back. He gave his friend a snort and rolled his shoulders.

'Calista Flockhart played the daughter in that movie. Personally, I don't see what Harrison Ford sees in that toothpick of a woman.'

Reaching out he grabbed a sushi roll and popped it into his mouth. Turning again to his side he watched Jillian as she tried to stay awake. Either it was a long day or a long conversation, he sympathized with her just the same. With the smallest of smiles Hammer caught Xeph's eyes and nodded toward the sleepy female.