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How long it had been, since Bastian made peace, he wasn't sure. Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks...or had they...he couldn't remember.

When he had reached the ranch after leaving Reign, he had tied on a pretty good one. So good in fact that he had to leave the running of the clinic to Diane the next day. Luckily the animals must have sensed something for they were all doing their best to remain illness and injury free. He knew his luck wouldn't hold, and even if that wasn't an issue, he knew he had to get his act together damn quick. Bastian had what he wanted, what he knew was best, for both him, and Reign, and now he was finished wallowing in self pity. Life had to get back to normal...but he had to start living again for that to happen.

The night was perfect. It had been a warm day, but when the sun went down and a breeze kicked up, the air cooled off in a way that begged to be enjoyed. How nice that it happened to be a full moon as well. Bastian needed the change this month, more than he had in years, and he wanted to spend it out under the stars, in a place he was feeling more and more at home in all the time. He had stopped drinking the night before, spending his day 'drying out', and though he felt a little fuzzy headed, for the most part he was fine.

The drive from his place to the clearing was uneventful, and he arrived quicker than he remembered it taking last time. He parked the Hummer under a tree, then walked up to the Andre Tree, and wove a blue scarf among its branches. The scarf was one he had given to Reign, years ago in college, but that she had left behind, and which he had carried for all those years. Tonight he was embracing the new phase of his life, and pay homage to that which he had shared with Reign.

When he had completed paying respect to his love, Bastian went back to the car where he made his change. Once he was oriented again, his wolf sped off along the path that led to the pines, racing as fast as he'd ever run before.

Diane 16 years ago
"Well, I'm sure you can't take all the credit for the break up. It does take two to make and break it you know." Diane reminded him gently before considering his statement about the large Kadzait.

"Who are you kidding? Not allowed to worry? So your telling me, that your able to just ignore that some other dog is out there maybe posing a danger to someone you love? In love or not you even said yourself you hope to be able to retain a friendship with her. The feeling to protect her has diminished? You still don't know if that man is a danger. The only thing different now is that you have the freedom of not answering to her."

She hadn't meant to sound so harsh, it had just came out that way. Her own experiences with a lurking threat had driven her to act in a way she never dreamed was possible. There was a fine line that had finally snapped. She was done playing the role of the victim, it began with the crazed fool who had broken into her apartment and turned her into a freak, then Panos's first attack, and finally Panos's second attempt. He had stalked her for weeks, planning and plotting what he was going to do to her and just how her demise would go. It was during the second fight when she saw her strength blossom. No longer was she prey but an opponent. She became a stronger fighter from that moment forward.

"I could help." She raised her hand quickly before he could interject.

"Just wait. I haven't been completely honest with you." She had left out alot last time they spoke about her vampire issues and with good reason.

"I didn't tell you everything about what's really happened with my vampire. His name is Panos Mehalitsenos and apparently he has a very rich family member who wires him money. I've been siphoning as much of this money off as I can. Now that he's awake it's a bit harder, I have to do it in much smaller increments than previously. No big deal a year gives a person a pretty good amount of time and bank roll." She shrugged and continued on quickly. "Because of that, I've been able to invest in some very decent surveillance systems. I've also aquired an apartment downtown in his name and that's where I kept him. The whole place is geared up to watch his every move. Even his car is monitored. I'm sure we could apply some of that technology towards finding out just how interested this Kadzait is in making your...ex-love a new pack member."

Her eyes went vacant as she shivered at the memory of her own turning. Diane looked over at Bastian.

"It sound ridiculous and improbable. You'd be amazed at what the need to feel safe and curiosity can drive a person to do. I'm offically a kidnapper, A thief and a embezzler. My only hope is that you visit me in prison." She grinned bringing back a little humor into the situation.

"I'll be here whenever you need me. However that is. I've just told you my biggest secret, your stuck with me." She only half kidded as embaressment struck. Her statement about 'however' road the edges of understanding what he had meant. He liked her around, that thought alone made the thick muscle in her chest flutter eradically. Weeks ago it would have meant nothing but today in light of a few facts it meant being careful.
Bastian 16 years ago
Had he been doing that? Had he been assuming all the responsibility for the break with Reign? It wasn't a conscious act if he had, though deep down he did feel it had been his decision. If the thing with being a father, and having a family hadn't been such a strong deciding factor, Bastian could see how things would probably have gone on the way they had been, maybe indefinitely. And in the long run they would have wound up right where they were now, undoubtedly in a much worse place for the delay.

Diane's thoughts on continuing to watch Reign were pretty much along the same thoughts Bastian had, yet didn't make public thinking if he was found out, Reign probably really would kill him.

"Ignoring these things is not something I will find easy, and maybe not even anything I will be successful accomplishing, but I have to do my best to honor her wishes." This part of the break up was something he had already made peace with. He knew it wouldn't do either of them any service if he pursued something that had been part of the backbone to the break up. Recognizing one thing she said made a world of difference did rekindle part of his desire to keep Reign from harm, and listening to Diane expand on her idea stoked that fire further.

"Money isn't an issue, and I do thank you for your offer, but while I have faith you can take care of yourself..." He laughed a little as she went into more detail about her vampire. If the bastard hadn't brought all her wrath upon his head himself, Bastian might have felt some small amount of pity, but this Panos had, so Bastian didn't.

The idea of some simple surveillance did sound intriguing, and Bastian wondered if he could get away with that, and to what degree. It would have to be set on Reign, since he doubted he could fool the Kadzait. It was something he would give more thought to later.

"And if you ever find you are in need, I hope you'll come to me...I can't say I'm thrilled to hear that you're remaining involved with this Panos character." But with all that had happened, Diane appeared completely in control of the situation now, and he chuckled again as he imagined the bewilderment the little bloodsucker might be facing sooner, or later.

"I might take you up on your expertise at some point, if I can figure out a way to do so with zero chance of detection. More than that, I think I'd like to accompany you on one of your tailings...see this guy in action. I can't imagine what life must be like for someone like that." His curiosity was completely piqued.

"I would visit you, every day, and bring you cakes with files in them, and cartons of cigarettes you could sell." Bastian laughed at the absurdity of such an idea, before he got a little serious again.

"I don't judge you for what you're doing. Any man who would treat a woman like that deserves much worse than what you've given my opinion anyway. You're lucky you have the wherewithal to take matters into your hands and do so. But if anything ever goes awry, I hope you'll high tail it here, where I also hope you'll allow me to help, and where I hope you'll feel safe."

Her biggest secret. Diane trusted Bastian enough to tell him what she had done, and that meant a great deal to him as well.

"I think I would be a very lucky man if 'being stuck' with you was the worst thing that happened to me. Truthfully, I already don't want to even toy with the idea of you not being here."

He wanted her to know he valued her, as a friend, and perhaps some day much more. Yet again he remembered there would be time for that later, once he could come to her free of emotional strings. To do less now would be an insult to her, and how he already felt about her.

They lapsed into a companionable silence for several minutes, and Bastian's mind wandered to the future for a few of those minutes. He felt somewhat elated to know he could think of the future still, and know it had the possibilities of being happy. Soon he hoped he would be able to share that secret of his, with her.

"Do you need to get back, to check on the little guy?" He wasn't trying to get rid of her at all. In fact, if it hadn't been for her son, he would have offered to have her stay over...all purely above But because she had Joseph to take care of, he wasn't sure she wouldn't want to be home with him when he woke up. Watching Diane parent, Bastian knew he was feeling a little envious. He had done a lot of thinking about that in the past couple weeks too. He looked at her, and was glad to say that wasn't why he liked her so much though. Having a son was an added bonus, that was clear, but with or without the little boy, Diane was a striking woman of uncommon worth.
Diane 16 years ago
It was reassuring he didn't think of her as some maniac. It was true she had watched one too many episode of Smallville and originally that was where she had gotten the idea from, who said TV didn't influence people? But since then she had really taken to enjoying the secret power she had over Panos.

"I just feel the need to stay ahead of him incase he ever tries to find me again. I wouldn't be so vulnernable then. Plus i will admit, I'm enjoying it. It's hard not to, it's also hard not to think 'When is this all gonna blow up in my face?', it's been too easy thus far."

With a huge grin on her face she teased him. "Should I show up here at some obscene hour of the night pounding on your door, you'll know it has happened."

She was being lighthearted about it but she knew he'd be the first person she'd be running to.

She looked up at the sky at the mention of the time. It was getting late and the last time her son had awoken with her not home he drove the other women at the asylum nuts. That had been last month's full moon. She had fallen asleep in wolf form and only awoke when another pack member abruptly knocked her awake. No she'd be home good and early this month for sure!

"It is getting late or early whichever." She sighed.

"You know what, would you like to see his apartment sometime? He hasn't gone back there yet, He's been staying on the otherside of town at some townhouse. Figures. I think he's afraid of the apartment. I shoulda anticipated that."

She didn't like the idea of bringing Bastian so close into it all but, she had just told him everything and should something go was best he knew the places to look.
Bastian 16 years ago
Watching the guy from a distance, observing him in action was one thing, but to check out the guys place while he was out just seemed incredibly creepy to Bastian. Of all the things Diane had done, it was this that unnerved Bastian more than anything else. Maybe it had been too many horror movies where people got caught doing this kind of thing.

Not that getting caught was what he feared. If Diane could take care of herself with the vampire, Bastian certainly wasn't scared for himself. In fact, the more he thought about it, the less creepy it all seemed. It was just a couple rooms...what could go wrong?

Then again, what would be accomplished?

"I don't know...I think I'd like to meet this guy...see him in action...I've never met a vampire, that I know of anyway." Would he be able to tell that the guy was a vampire? Would he know if anyone was one? Reign was out of the question...if for no other reason than he had seen her outside during the day on many occasions. But what about say...Kem? Bastian laughed at the thought, then stopped himself. What about Kem?

"Did you say...was there any way to tell this Panos guy was a vampire, or was it all predicted on his attempt to bite you?"

Kem? Bastian laughed again. Just because there were two packs of werewolves in Nachton didn't mean there were more than just the one vampire.

Did it?

Diane's own admission of something going wrong being possible now had Bastian beginning to worry about her more than he had been.

"Seriously...I won't insult you by suggesting you be careful, having a little one to be responsible for...but..."

No, he would not go there. He had no rights, or even any reasons so far. He had to butt out until such a time as his opinions would be welcomed...if they ever would.

"I'll keep the porch light on in case." He teased back. "And you do know where the extra house key is, in the clinic...feel free to use it whenever." She wouldn't be interupting anything in the event she required safe harbor.

He couldn't be irritated with her for wanting to be home with her son, but Bastian was a little irritated with the situation anyway.

"Some time you really do need to bring Joseph out here for the day...any time...there is so much he could do, and you could let him run pretty free and wild without worry. I'd really like to get to know the little man as well."

(ooc: any references to Kem are purely the fantasies of Bastian's disheveled thinkings of the moment, and not based on anything other than the fact that Kem is probably the last 'friend' he has had any contact with, and his name was the one that came to mind.)
Diane 16 years ago
Standing up she streched her arms and rolled her shoulders. They were still a little achey from the change. Her eyebrows rose as she pondered his declaration.

"You want to meet him? Like, Hey I'm Bastian how are you, type thing?" The notion was unsettling to say the least. To have Bastian so physically close to the monster, it gave her goosebumps thinking about it. Realistically, she had seen Panos interacting with other people and as far as she knew he was in the market of attacking females who were dangerously alone.

The idea wasn't a friendly one but she did concider it.

"Well beside the all too storybookish bite there was the whole brand new functioning eyeball. I know for sure that the bullet hit the mark. There was so much blood and he was, well let's just say more than a bit distressed and in pain. Even if it missed there would have been some scarring and there was nothing. Not to mention his speed was remarkable, when he attacked me he moved in ways he shouldn't of been able to. For a minute I thought maybe he was like us but then as each full moon passed nothing happened. So yes, I have come to my own conclusions but I think they are acurate. Other than that though, there were no signs. He wasn't wearing a I <3 Dracula shirt or anything obvious."

Something new popped into her head and she frowned at her missed oppertunity.

"I shoulda moved him into the sunlight while I had the chance! Just to test that theory out, damnit who forgets these things!" her small hands clentched into fists but relaxed slowly.

She was definately mad at herself for that one. It would have been more than solid proof that Panos was surreal.

Turning and facing Bastian she spoke warmly.

"I appreciate your concern and I promise that I am as careful as possible. Like you said I do have other responsibilities and that's what I'm looking out for. Momma's gotta protect the fort somehow. I'm sure if you really want, we could find him easily, he does go out in public often. I've only seen that happen at night though."

In truth his concern was appreciated. It felt good to know that he cared enough to worry about her extracurricular hobbies. Granted they weren't the safest hobbies known to man. Maybe if Bastian did come with her he would see she wasn't in that much immediate danger and he'd feel better about it himself.

Diane knew that most likely wasn't a possibility but she was hopeful. Changing the subject her thoughts were on what he had suggested about her son.

"I think you are right, Joe would love this place. Besides the million animals all over do you know how many sticks he could find in this yard?! He'd be in seventh heaven. Next time I will have to bring him."

She wasn't eager to end the evening but she knew she had to for more than just the reason of being home before Joe woke up, it occured to her that she didn't trust herself enough not to make the evening end awkwardly. There would always be tomorrow for that. Her memories of the renewed feelings for Bastian from their dinner were set aside for now until she could dwell on them in her own time.

"I'll make you a deal! You show me your big wolf and I'll show you my vampire." It was probably a deal he didn't want to make but either way she either got out of introducing a new threat into his life or she got to meet his somewhat past threat. It had win win written all over it.
Bastian 16 years ago
His eyes traveled the lines of her body as she stretched. He got the feeling from the way she moved that she might be sore, and quickly put the cause to her change earlier. He remembered many years ago when he was getting adjusted to changing, how he would often feel like shit the next day, but it had been so long now, he'd forgotten.

"You'll lost that least I did...but a massage sometimes helps."

He held his hands out in offering, not sure how she might take it but wanting to help if he could.

"No." He laughed, hearing how preposterous it sounded. "I wasn't planning on introducing myself, but you if we were to bump into each other, in a bar, or on the street. Meeting him face to face isn't really necessary, but there's a part of me that is beyond curious at that whole lifestyle, which I guess is what it is."

How could he not equate it to werewolves...humans who into a wolf, and one from the undead? Or dead? There were lots of questions spinning through his mind on that topic.

"I don't understand that either. If a vampire is dead, how is it their bodies repair themselves so quickly, and completely?" They did that right? At least they did in the movies...were the movies accurate? From what Diane just said, it must be true.

"I'm sure you must be correct. I have no reason to doubt what you've seen and experienced. That isn't why I want to see him myself though...I'm just very curious about it all."

Bastian chuckled at the visual her "I Love Dracula" t-shirt conjured up.

"That would have been an interesting experiment, and if the results are what you'd expect, from movies, and such, he would have certainly received his just rewards for going after you the way he did."

And while Bastian believed that, he had to admit the idea of Diane doing something like that seemed somewhat gruesome. He didn't wish that kind of experience on anyone he cared about.

He was relieved to be discussing her son now, and getting back to some normalcy.

"If he finds he likes horses, I might be able to get a small mare, or even a pony for him. You can never be too young to learn to ride."

The thought of having a child around was something Bastian immediately decided would be a good thing.

"In fact, if you aren't busy, maybe this weekend you could come spend the afternoon, we could all ride out to a small clearing down by the creek, and have a picnic...if you think Joe would enjoy it?"

It always seemed easier to say good bye to someone if there were future plans already made.

And then they were talking about werewolves and vampires again, and Bastian didn't think it was a bad idea to show her the Kadzait, so she could be aware should she come into contact with him, or better yet, be able to avoid him altogether, knowing what he looked like. How they would arrange such a meeting would be the tough part.

He stood up and took the brandy snifters inside, grabbing his keys from the table in the hall where he had dropped them earlier.

Diane 16 years ago
"Your going to tempt me with a message at this hour of the night! That's evil, I'll never leave! You'd have to answer to some angry wolf mobs when they came looking for me in the morning." she laughed with delight. The offer was extremely tempting and if she wasn't trying to be good she would have said yes.

The last thing she wanted to do was make him think she was taking advantage of his vulnerability. That could create a mess. His offer of the upcomming weekend though, that she most definitely would agree to.

"I think this weekend sounds great. I can make the food for the picnic. Joey hasn't seen any horses upclose yet and I'm sure he will love them once he does. He loves them in his books that's for sure. I'll warn you though I may be all super paranoid and be close to a heart attack myself when he's up ontop of one. I'm crazy I know, I can't help it."

She handed her snifter to Bastian as he stood to take them inside. When he came back out he had his keys in hand.

"Ready as ever." It was mostly a lie, she didn't really want to leave.

"Hey." she said in effort to stop him from moving off the porch. Before he could ask her any questions she quickly closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around him. " I'm sorry things didn't work out they way you had planned."
Bastian 16 years ago
"The weekend it is then."

Bastian was suddenly filled with a very positive sense of how things in his life were to become, and he had to grin. For the immediate moment he no longer wanted to think of things like gigantic werewolves with big noses (hey...he was a guy, and sometimes his thoughts were just plain ridiculous, but they were his thoughts, none the less), and vampires prone to attacking women they had no business attacking. The brandy had dulled his senses just enough to take the edge off, but not enough to impede his reflexes, or thoughts beyond the silliness.

And then his arms were full of woman, and he blinked in surprise as he stared into a pair of beautiful blue eyes. Blue eyes, framed in dark reddish lashes...not blond...gorgeous, and warm blue eyes, full of...promise? Not full of disgust, or disbelief.

As cheesy as it might have sounded, Bastian found himself falling...into those blue if he were falling into a deep pool of warm, welcoming water. He had to eventually steady himself as his body leaned into Diane's, and his head dropped closer. So close was he now that her eyes had crossed and become one. He then closed his eyes, and could feel his warm breath reflecting off her face.

"Planned? It's really fine...I can run alone anytime...I appreciated the company...really."

His eyes flashed open when it occurred to him that Diane hadn't been referring to the run, but to the circumstances surrounding him and Reign. With regret he leaned back on his heels, and released his arms from around Diane. When he had embraced her he wasn't sure, but now was not the time for such things to be.

Forcing himself to clear his head, Bastian bounded off the porch, and to the Hummer, opening her door, then rounding the vehicle to the driver's side without waiting for her to get seated. It was crazy for him to feel so shaken, yet he was. He was not in the mood to figure out why.
Diane 16 years ago
Bastian's arms surrounded her and in an instant she was incased in flames. Diane sucked in a quick breath as she realized there was no pain only a soft warmth comming from the fires. The intensity of the heat danced around them and he felt good against her. It was brief but the feeling lasted long enough for her to become completely submersed in it's glow before it abruptly ended. Bastian had released her and before she could remember to exhale he was inside the Hummer.

Diane frowned.

She hadn't heard a word he had said so she had no clue that at first he had misunderstood her appology and affection. Her stomach sank and immediately she wanted to regret her actions. She wanted to but she couldn't, not after the delicious fire had encased her.

"Great." she mumbled under her breath.

Not wanting to make things anymore awkward than they already were, she wasted no time getting into the vehicle. Sliding in and closing the door she quickly buckled her seat belt and stared straight ahead, waiting for him to start the vehicle and go.
Bastian 16 years ago
Strange was the only word Bastian could come up with, to describe the way he felt right now. He was well beyond a school boy, but a part of him would swear those high school emotions were back, and even his palms seemed a bit moist. 'Madre dios', he thought, so very thankful he was NOT that school boy, and was at least strong enough to mask his surprise at the feelings Diane had stirred in him, as well as the feelings themselves.

And what the fuck was all this merde going on in his head about feelings in the first place? He wondered in partial amusement. Maybe he was more like that high school boy than he credited himself with.

"Are you...okay?"

The ride to Shady Pines was turning out to be unnaturally quiet, and he wasn't sure if it was just him who felt that way, or if there was something bothering Diane as well. Maybe she was having second thoughts about the picnic this weekend.

It never occurred to Bastian that Diane might also be suffering any confusion from the little act that took place on the porch before they had left. For whatever reason he had been under some impression, however misguided, that women always dealt with such emotions so much better than men.

"Did I do something?"

There...if he let her know he was totally fine with accepting responsibility for anything he might have done to cause her the need for deep thought, maybe she would be more receptive to talking about it. Often times with Reign, Bastian had felt this way, and he seemed to recall it had worked on occasion with her too.

Then too, maybe Reign's ability to talk more candidly about her feelings was due to the fact that they had known each other a lot longer than he had known Diane.

Whatever the case, he just felt if he knew her silence wasn't based on anything he had done, he would sleep a lot better tonight.
Diane 16 years ago
It was awkward and quiet on the way home. She shouldn't of hugged him she thought to herself. Oh well she had and she wasn't going to regret doing so. It had intended to be friendly but maybe she had over stepped the line a bit.

Diane was suddenly aware that Bastian was speaking.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah I'm good. You didn't do anything, i'm just...tired is all." She was a horrible liar that was evident.

She didn't know how to explain that she was sorry for hugging him when she really wasn't. A part of her knew that it was her inappropriateness that had caused his silence but the emotional part of her hungered to reach out and touch him again, to see if it would ignite the fires once more. She knew that would definately be unacceptable and would only further cause Bastian discomfort. A small frown tugged at her lips as she tried to keep a light demeanor. This new feeling scared her. It was something she had never experienced before.

"Are you ok? I haven't kept you up too late have I?"

Her hands fidgeted in her lap, tugging thoughtlessly at the hem of the sweatshirt.
Bastian 16 years ago
He realized he was noticing little things about Diane now, that he never seemed to before. One thing he thought was cute, was the way she sometimes seemed to wander away, well her mind did, and then she would kind of scramble to catch up. He was curious at times like that, to know where her mind had gone, but didn't feel at all free to ask. And now he was under the impression if he did ask, it might be perceived as a criticism...which it in no way was.

He could understand being tired. Though he changed with relative ease, if he was in his wolf persona for any length at all, he tended to sleep longer afterward. He had always assumed that was his human body's way of recouperating, and just accepted it. So he nodded in understanding.

"Too late? Me? No..." Bastian did a great job of keeping his amusement inside as he considered how rare his early evenings were. "I've always been somewhat of a night owl. Before you joined me in my practice, I often didn't open up the clinic till noon. But now I just don't think its fair to have you keep such hours, not with Joseph to take care of, and it really is better for business to open up earlier. Now I seem to do okay on six or seven hours sleep for the better part of the week. Every so often I'll grab a nap in the early evening, like I did tonight before the seems to help me keep it all together."

Looking over at her he could see her hands were busy with something in her lap, and didn't buy into just her being 'tired'. The way she was acting seemed to indicate there might be something on her mind that she didn't feel at ease discussing.

"You know Diane...I should apologize for my behavior back there on the porch. I know I took liberties beyond friendship, and I haven't been given the freedom to do so. Not to mention the fact that having just come out of a lengthy relationship, I'd be afraid to ask for such liberties so soon. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize our relationship."

Well, that hadn't been said in quite the way he had originally thought about saying it, but at least he hoped he got the point across that he did care for her. There was a lot more going on in his head and body to indicate 'caring' was a mediocre term for what he was feeling, but again he just didn't want to rush things.
Diane 16 years ago
Bastian appologized for what had happened on the porch. What had happened? She had been so consumed with the feeling she hadn't actually noticed anything otherwise. That put her at a disadvantage for knowing what to say next. It also gave her the reason for his quick escape previously. She only felt slightly better about that.

What did she say now? 'Oh it's ok, I didn't even notice anything that happen I was so completely consumed in you and the amazing golden warmth that you put off in imagenary flames.' She was sure that one would go over well.

"Don't worry about it at all Bastian, really. I understand completely. I'm sorry if I, crossed some boundries it just occured to me that you needed a hug. Actually you've looked like you needed a hug for a bit now but I didn't want to be that creepy coworker who invades everyones personal space." She flashed him a quick grin.

Up ahead the lights from Shady Pines lit up the darkness through the trees. At least they hadn't arrived still in silence. It would have made work a little more uncomfortable then it was going to be. Specially now that she'd have to fight the urge to reach out and touch him continuously, like an addiction she would have to struggle to resist.

"Awkwardness aside, I'd like to think we had a fun evening? I am glad that I ran into you tonight, maybe next time it's a full moon we can start out together so I wont be in the same predicament again."

As the Hummer came to a slowed stop she hoped out before he could get around to her side. He really was too much of a gentleman, even in his appology he had been one, taking on the blame.

"We're still on for the weekend right? I'll see about setting up some bumping into time for you as well if your still serious about that." She said as she stood in front of his vehicle, untrusting of her hands she had them shoved into her pockets.
Bastian 16 years ago
Somwhow, in all his attempts to do what was right, at least in his mind, Bastian had wound up doing the opposite. He was disgusted with himself for how agitated Diane looked now, and wished he could do or say something to change what he had done earlier. She hadn't crossed any barriers of friendship...but he had, or close enough to it to generate the confusion and tension now permeating the inside of the Hummer.

"I appreciate the hug, and it was very needed...don't ever stop that compassion just because occasionally you come up against some fool who doesn't know how to just accept it thankfully." He paused, unsure if he should continue or if he was just making things even worse. The word 'co-worker' solved the delima. "You're much more to me than a coworker...and certainly not creepy at all. I think you fit nicely into my personal space."

Was that too much again? Merde, but it was ridiculous when you were bound by convention, and didn't feel it appropriate to just tell someone you were attracted to them, and wanted to get to know them even better, as well as deepen the relationship. But so soon after Reign, and Bastian knew he would be considered a bounder. In addition, because he still felt strongly about Reign, he wasn't one hundred percent sure of his feelings for Diane, and was not in the mood to risk hurting her.

"I enjoyed the evening, much more than if I had gone through it alone...and I enjoyed spending it with you, specifically. You lighten my heart, Diane...and that's always appreciated."

Thankfully she seemed to have been pleased with the bulk of the night spent with him, and that eased his fears considerably. Thinking of running together in the future, Bastian grinned, but hoped the dark interior of the vehicle hid it from Diane. Seeing her nude wasn't a predicament in his eyes, but it would be better shared, and from someone desiring. Hopefully...maybe...someday.

"Definitely, this weekend, without a doubt. We can talk about the 'bumping into' then too...I probably need a little more time to think that through...I seem to be making some rash judgements of late and hope to put an end to that."

He smiled wider when Diane nearly jumped from the car as they stopped. Understanding her a little better, or thinking he did, it wasn't that surprising to figure she needed space from him now. Though he didn't really want it, he knew it was better for him as well, and knew it was a good thing one of them seemed to have a better head on their shoulders for accomplishing it.

Still not wanting to leave...wanting to say more but knowing there would be time...enjoying the sight of her standing there, Bastian remained. He wasn't going to drive away until he saw her safely inside.

"Good night, Diane. Sleep well."
Diane 16 years ago
"Rash smash, somethings are better left to gut feelings. It's when we over think that things get out of whack." She grinned and rocked back on her heels.

He had said she fit nicely into his personal space and she liked that idea. Damn was it not hard enough to walk away now without knowing that? It would be one of the many things she was going to take to bed with her tonight. There was no doubt she'd be up much later this evening just lying in bed wide awake but she didn't mind.

Hard as it was she forced herself to pull her hand out of her pocket and wave.

"Good night Bastian. I will see you soon."

Turning she jogged to the front doors of Shady Pines and punched in her access code. Slipping inside she peeked back out the door as it swung closed. With a great sigh as the door clicked shut she ambled to her room to face her jumbled thoughts for the next two hours.

(ooc : Diane Out!)
Bastian 16 years ago
Over-thinking things? Bastian sighed. He did have that kind of tendancies, but try as he might he couldn't break himself of the habit. Maybe Diane could teach him.

He couldn't help but grin back at her. So much about her was cute, and something about the way she so often spoke positively about things seemed to be infectious. It was nice, he realized, and he wanted to drag the night out longer for that reason...among a couple others.

But she had the small one, and Bastian couldn't get in the way of that, so rather than find another excuse to stall his departure, Bastian only smiled and nodded at her wave.

Once she was on the other side of her door, he threw the gear shift into drive, and sped off into the night.

(Bastian Out)