I know this is prolly old news, but i just discovered mircosoft oneNote and i think it's the greatest thing since cookies.
It has some way cool features for organizing all my characters and for some reason i'm excited to take on that task.
Anyone familiar with this program? I'm trying to figure out if i can have one whole section of a note book dedicated to each character without making a thousand tabs. example : Page 5 of tab 1

Amberelle DeEspionne
16 years ago
I know nothing of thise program.... linkie?

Simon Huntington
16 years ago
I didn't even know we had it with our Microsoft Office pack. The links the demo for it and you can download it free for 60 days. I'm gonna fuss with it and see how I like it.
I didn't even know we had it with our Microsoft Office pack. The links the demo for it and you can download it free for 60 days. I'm gonna fuss with it and see how I like it.