Saffia Bennett - Evenhet
Basic Information
Birth Name (Name Guidelines): Elisabeth Bennett of Coventry
Aliases: Lucia, Eliza Marcellus, Sophia Marcellus, Elizabeth Reynolds, Saffia Bennett
Place of Birth: England
Age(real and apparent) Apparent: About 25, Real: 734
Male/Female: F
Current Occupation: novelist
Past Occupation: merchant, housewife, poet, novelist
Hair Color: brown with red and gold highlights
Length and Style: curly, a little more than shoulder length
Eye Color: brown
Skin Color: lightly tanned
Height: five foot 2 inches
Weight: 161 pounds
Nationality: english
Race: vampire
Body Type: petite, well fleshed.
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator/gifter(if a PC)
It wasn't unheard of for the tenuous peace in the northern european lands to be disturbed by war parties, nor was it unheard of for towns, keeps and even convents to be raided. Such happened to Saffia. A scared twenty something, educated merchant's daughter who had taken vows. While her faith was real, most of the convents was not. And one night a northern barbarian's tribe destroyed the defenses, killing the men, looting the convent and parceling out the girls as war prizes. Usually women were left after being raped, to pick up the pieces as best they could. Saffia, with her quiet beauty and impeccable manners attracted the eye of the Scotsman who ran this group of brigands. His name was Lucius Flavius Marcellus, a once roman nobleman who had made his home in Scotland. This pretty girl reminded him of his own daughter, and so he decided to turn her. He renamed her in the roman fashion, Lucia, and eventually over the years as they moved from place to place she took on the name Saffia, which has stuck.
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality
She's a polite little thing for the most part, caring and kind. She's the kind of girl who in the middle ages would have made the rounds with her mother, to visit the sick clergy members and bring them baskets. Nowadays she tends towards charity events, book signings and other large, people oriented events.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.)
Saffia mostly prefers to be dressed in comfortable clothing. She tends to wear jeans and t-shirts, and for the occasional event, or to-do she changes into opulent. Saffia carries herself like she was born to money and has never had to work for anything in her life. Her hair is usually rumpled, she generally has a writing utensil behind an ear and her hair is generally kept back in a ponytail or hair sticks.
3.What does your character like?
She likes making a difference in the world. She likes being around other people. She likes feeling like she's accomplished something each night. She likes the press of humanity. She likes rich, warm earthy tones. She likes lighthouses, sunflowers and dolls.
4. Dislike?
She dislikes greed, avarice, selfishness and becomes angry at people who deliberately use others. She dislikes pastel colors, thunderstorms, tornados, europe and disney.
6. What are your fears? [COLOR=red](please choose and explain 3 minimum)[/COLOR]
- She fears thunderstorms. A gentle rain is fine, but the fury of nature terrifies her. She literally quakes with fear, and the worse the thunderstorm is, the harder it is for her to appear calm and in control. Her eyes widen in terror, and she can taste adrenaline. She was once caught in a house that had caught fire from a stroke of lightning when she was mortal.
- She fears flying. She tends to do it as little as possible, and there is no vampire equivalent of valium. Both times she has been in the air were terrible experiences, that left her shaking and near tears by the end of the short flights. Turbulence is reminiscent of the fury of storms and the sounds of airplanes remind her of thunder in how loud they are.
- She's not exactly fond of heights. She will always take the elevator over stairs, and will never live up above the second floor.
- She doesn't like bugs or pests. She in fact fears them. Mice, rats, spiders, snakes. She's a girly girl and will jump on the table and shriek until the offending pest is removed AND she's verified that it is gone. The worse offender to her are lice and cockroaches, which she remembers all too vividly from her past. She goes out of her way to avoid any situation that would bring her in contact with them. While any normal girly-girl would be able to take care of the offending insects, she in fact physically can not. This almost phobia manifests itself in an almost ocd cleanliness.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
- First and foremost, Saffia is a survivor. She is strong and capable, independent to a large degree.
- She is fluent in several european languages - french, english, greek, dutch and latin
- She is a very popular midteen writer, as well as a popular romance novelist. Her romance novels are published under a pseudonym. Her teenage novels are not.
- She is quite skilled with a gun, and knows how to use one. She had a permit to carry before moving back to Nachton and will probably reapply for one. Guns are an equalizer and she believes that women should be armed in order to protect themselves.
- She is terrible with money. Abysmal with it. She has humans who deal with that sort of thing.
- If someone were to get her gun away, she would be terrible at defending herself. She is clumsy and this makes her more likely to damage herself than an opponent. She is also a terrible dancer and will tend to trod over whoever's feet she is dancing with.
- She expects service and demands it, and the only time she is ever rude is when she isn't being served to the degree she believes she should be. She has made an art out of the polite english ability of insulting someone without being vulgar.
- She is impatient and can often become frustrated. Mostly with herself, but she sees humanity as sliding downward much faster than she would like and doesn't see a way to stop it.
Vampire -
Abilities (Listed here)
- empathy
- psychometry
Flaws (Listed here)
- heavy sleeper
- won't feed on : children under the age of 16
Hobbies & Skills (for more information, read here)
- she speaks several european languages
- she has a good handle on shooting and guns, and is a fairly good shot for all that she is clumsy
- she is a novelist and writes for a living
- she enjoys reading, music, and flowers
- she enjoys the sea and touring lighthouses.
Cosmetic Traits - a very red comma shaped birth mark on her right hip, that she feels is disfiguring (and she thinks is much larger than it actually is)
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention -
She chews her bottom lip while thinking, and bites her nails when stressed. She tends to curse fluently in other languages instead of english because she was taught it isn't polite to curse where others can understand you. She tends to talk aloud as she writes.
Personal History
Elisabeth Bennett had the perfect life. Born to a wealthy merchant family, her father was given a knighthood and parcel of land as a living when she was 10 years of age. She was a quiet child, more inclined to books and studies than she was to playing or dancing. After her first disastrous village dance, her family began to listen to her requests to go into a convent and worship quietly. It was fashionable to have a child in the clergy, although generally it was not the eldest daughter. Sure of her faith, she took her vows at fourteen and lived in the presence of women and the holy virgin Mary for almost a decade before disaster struck.
The convent was raided for it's wealth and the women who dared to fight back were brutalized the most. The warlord who oversaw the raids took her as she tried to brandish a sword, tripping over her own feet and falling down almost under the horse the warlord was riding. It was amusement that first made him claim her, then it was her quiet beauty after she was cleaned up. She reminded him of his own daughter, and he decided to make her his companion. He allowed her to grow up, then turned her after offering her the chance to be with him forever. She took that chance. Eventually the relationship deepened from father/daughter to lover and companion. They traveled happily together and settled in each place for several years. A hurricane destroyed their house, deepening her already significant phobia of storms. She hid under a table and shrieked as the windows exploded inward that horrible night; she lost Lucius who was going by Luke then. Their familiar also died in the structural damage.
Heart-sore and alone, she made her way back to Nachton to connect with her clan. Luke's body was never found and she has a lot of guilt over freezing and being unable to help him. Unknown to her, Lucius was in fact not killed by the storm that tore their cottage by the sea apart. He had tired of a life with her, and took advantage of the storm and the resulting chaos in the Mississippi area to separate himself from someone who seemed to be clingy, needy and no longer in love with him. Eternity is a long time to be with someone, and what is a minor quirk can become a deep seated annoyance. She believes him dead with her familiar. He will probably not reappear in her life. (Never say never)
OOC Checklist
Player name (online is fine) - kels
Other Characters you play - miya
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) - tac
Have you read all the Rules? yar
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? yar
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? yup