A Whole New World (Attn: Reign)
Xeph parked outside the Kadzait property for the express purpose of giving Reign the opportunity to see it for the first time on foot. It was far more magnificent that way, he had always thought. He let Sirius out of the back of his SUV as Reign got out and gave a wave to the two guards on duty. The iron gates swung open soundlessly at the press of a button from one or the other of them, and Xeph motioned Reign in.
"Welcome to our home," he said with a grin. It wasn't much to look at from the front, as the view from the road was blocked by thick fir trees. Once they walked past those, however, the property spread out before the eyes in a verdant expanse dotted with buildings. The Tikerak and Academy were the first two features visitors normally saw, followed by the Castle and the Den itself.
He stood there a moment, watching Reign's expression, trying to gauge what she might be drawn to first.
((ooc: Reign with permission to post in Kadzait areas for the duration of her visit, obviously))
The guards and the gates were a bit disconcerting and she had the odd feeling she was going to be fingerprinted or put through a metal detector, but that didn't seem to be the case. And while it bothered her a bit, although she could understand the precautions, Sirius had no issues with it and apparently wanted to go play. She couldn't blame him finding that much open green lawn any where but a park in a city this size was pretty impressive and she briefly considered just laying flat on her back in the middle of it enjoying the last of the setting sun.
She couldn't quite tell what to deal with first, and wound up cocking her head at an architectural oddity.
"You have a castle."Â?
Reign was certain the Doc was aware of this, but felt the need to point it out any way.
"Will you be putting in a moat? Or did you try that and already back fill it?"Â?

"It was the original building on the property," he said. "Some wealthy landowner sold it along with the property and it was too neat not to keep. It houses the administrative offices of the Academy as well as the Kadzait in general."
He strolled out to the middle of the Tikerak with Reign in tow, heading in the general direction of the building in question. When she mentioned a moat he looked up at the Castle's rounded turret and stroked his chin thoughtfully.
"You know, I hadn't thought of that," he said, "but I hear you're a fair hand with a bucket. That might come in useful when we want to fill one."
Hey, one didn’t study Literature for years without picking up some creative flair. Too much time with Le Morte D’Arthur and The Song Of Roland could be dangerous. Thank god, it was a castle and not a Greek temple of she never would have shut up and would have insisted on analyzing it. As it was, she could follow along with him and let herself wonder about it.
Sirius was happy enough to trot around. God bless retractable leashes he could wander as far as fifty feet, and he did. But he wandered back to the two of them every now and then, just to check in.
Reign quickly glanced about for something to throw at him and came up short.
“I’m a veritable one woman bucket brigade. Very handy parlor trick when the parlor catches fire.”

He put his hands on his hips, gazed up at the structure in front of them. "You'd like it inside," he said. "The builders were pretty true to history. There are even wall sconces, although we went with conventional electric blubs instead of torches. Something about not starting a fire, I think."
He grinned at Reign. "Though I suppose it's all right now, with our one-woman bucket-brigade here."
As Sirius made a few forays out, Xeph realized the dog was still leashed, something he hadn't noticed prior. "You're welcome to let Sirius run," he said offhandedly. "Nothing here's going to hurt him." Perhaps the full moon madness was another story; wolves couldn't always be trusted to overcome their bloodlust during that time. Right now though, with a waxing crescent moon hanging in the sky, they had at least two weeks before that became problematic.
Sirius was well-trained, at any rate. Xeph doubted the shepherd would leave his mistress' side and even if he did, Xeph was secure in his empathy with the canine species to know he could call him back.
"So, this big building here is the Academy. I believe you met Nikhila at the bowling alley. She's sitting as Dean and she teaches a good number of the science classes."
He pointed straight out. "That's the Den, and the Long Run behind it. It's not full yet, but our family is coming. Slowly but surely. Whether they're already a part of it, or still waiting to find their place, they all get here eventually."
He glanced down at Reign as he spoke. She could be family too. He wouldn't have brought her here if he didn't think she had the interest or the personality. She was out of her element now, looking for a place to belong, and Xeph would gladly have her as a Pack-sister, whether Amaroq or Illamar.
It wasn't the time to push though. Instead he just let her choose the path they took next. He'd play tour guide to wherever she wanted to go.
Reign was mentally trying to work out how that would work and where you'd put ears and tails and/or how you'd explain to the general that you weren't going to be around on the night of the full moon. That would be fun.
"I left my bucket in the back of my car and I'm not seeing much of a water source here so maybe its best you went electric."Â?
She hesistated slightly, the big dog meant more to her then Reign could ever convey and she wouldn't risk his safety if she could help it. On the other hand though she trusted the Doc and it didn't look like anything was going to pounce him. Trust won out and she called the mutt to her and unclipped the leash. The big dog was excited by his freedom and barked and bounced around a bit before assuming a play position in front of Reign who, without thinking about it, obliged him by dropping into a two legged mimic of the position and making to chase him. The game went on back and forth for a few quick rounds before she shooed him off to run and explore. He didn't get so far ahead that he couldn't see both of them and did look back every now and then.
Ha! Reign won a bet with herself. That didn't look like a first date and based on something else the Doc had said she now strongly suspected her mother had been working with a werewolf. She wasn't sure how she felt about that.
"And she still had time to go bowling with you?"Â?
Reign boggled. Her father was a professor and a head of department and some semesters didn't have time to breath. So Reign was impressed and chalked the tall Indian woman up as way too freaking smart.
"So... have you got like a hotel here for people passing through or are you trying to centralize or what? And what's a Long Run?"Â?
She asked as she ambled toward the Castle with the intent of walking around the base before heading to one of the other buildings. The question was idle couriosity, she wasn't worried about him staging a take over of the city or what have you.

He laughed softly at her question. "We make time for each other," was all he said. The balance between him and Nikhila was still somewhat precarious. Sure, they had somewhat reconciled their long-lasting misunderstanding, but whether or not they were in a "real" relationship was yet to be determined. They both had a lot on their plates, and he suspected they both still harbored some slight hurt feelings over the past.
Answering Reign's next question was a little difficult; he hadn't yet touched on his role within the Pack, and was unsure if his being the Alpha would intimidate Reign. Nor did he want to lie to her, so it had seemed convenient and practical to just omit that fact thus far, but now, he wasn't sure he could.
"All Packs have an Alpha," he said. "Their Alpha ensures Pack law is upheld, runs things on a local level. But there's also a Kadzait Alpha, who runs everything. All of the Kadzait all around the world. That's who's running things here in Nachton, so yeah, I guess in a way we're centralizing. But only in the sense that the Nachton Pack is the Pack that gives the orders and sets the tone. Make sense?"
Ah, the Long Run. "Well... we needed a place where we could run and be wolves, or just walk rfeely in the open. You know, they say everything will work out in the long run. So there's the Long Run."
He explained that to her with a grin; the Long Run was his own invention, based on what Lily used to tell him when he was troubled. Patience, was always her counsel. Everything would work out in the long run.
“Make more time.”
Embarrassed to have said anything at all she became extremely interested in the building and hoped to let the moment pass.
OK that over she decided to pay attention to what he was saying.
“So setting up corporate headquarters… sort of? That makes sense.”
Hell even with her own family, she and her siblings spreading out, they all knew Chicago was home. That’s just the way it was. So the whole alpha and central location made perfect sense to Reign.
“OK that makes sense and it’s a great idea but it’s a terrible pun… punish idea. Tell me about the school.”
She’d just recently been told her dissertation had been accepted and she’d be officially graduating the end of the fall term, she’d submitted too late for the summer commencement (and too late to celebrate with Bastian), and she was already thinking about going back for another degree. It just felt wrong –not- to be studying something. That and the whole degree now just felt hallow now. She hadn’t even told anyone, not even her father who was constantly nagging at her. No doubt her advisor would say something and that was fine with her.

Quite in agreement on changing the subject, Xeph flashed Reign a grin over the "Long Run" thing but continued to feed her the information she wanted.
"Stafford Academy of Science," he said, turning away from the Castle to indicate the large building on the opposite side of the Tikerak. "A fully accredited, albeit small, college. We limit the student body to Amaroq and Illamar, of course. It can be difficult, sometimes impossible, for our young people to make it in college. What do you do when you've got a night class and you're gone once a month? Or if you're living in a dorm?"
He shrugged. "So here it is. Funded by the Stafford Foundation mostly, which is an organization my mother's family began some years ago. It supports itself now, but we keep it small and centralized. Mostly science, of course. We have a fairly small staff, maybe thirty professors in all, focusing on a variety of fields and putting an emphasis on living peacefully with our environments. We're a very 'green' college."
Xeph smiled at that; he liked his Pack, liked their ideals, and was happy they'd begun the Academy. It was growing; hopefully it would continue to grow. If it did, he'd look at setting up another campus on the west coast, maybe.
"So. Nikhila teaches there, as well as Hammerthynn. I do too, but between my clniic hours and a few shifts at the hospital here in Nachton I've only got time to do one or two night classes each week. Biology, mostly."
“Huh, I wouldn’t have thought of that. There’s probably a lot I hadn’t thought about with your duel natures and how it impacts your lives.”
That must have been part of the problem with Bas. She’d understood a part of it, but not all of it. Reign was inclined to blame a good chunk of the break on herself. Not all mind you, but more than 50%. She sighed mentally and tried to let it go for now.
“Admirable. Its probably easier to do with a small school and from the get go but still a good philosophy to start with.”
She was a bit curious how they kept people from outside the Pack out with out getting sued nine ways to Sunday but couldn’t think of a polite way to phrase the question. Besides, if they had that many werewolf type professors they –must- have lawyers. Everyone had lawyer, hell even the vampire had lawyers.
“I never did well in biology. So I think I’ll pass on your classes.”
Mind you that was a given as it was restricted to Pack, but it didn’t hurt to make her point. Especially as she couldn’t think of much else to say to that.
“It sounds like something to be proud of though. The school over all that is.”

It was true, in a fashion. While he couldn't make an exact comparison between menstruation and a turning into a wolf (comparison no, wisecracks, yes), the principle was the same. Once a month you were indiposed and might have to change some plans.
"It might have been easier for me; I grew up in a Pack and my parents were both Amaroq. Of course there are advantages there, but it was awkward every now and then, when we had to interact with all kinds of adlait, go to public schools, all of that. It's not as inconvenient as you'd think as long as you take the time to plan ahead."
Xeph turned them toward the Academy then. "No biology for you. Noted." he grinned at her. "Not even werewolf physiology 101?"
Walking toward the large building he added, "There is something here you should see though. I think you'd like it."
Reign countered. So, she’d been known to get surly and aggressive from time to time, even occasionally when nature was running amuck with her hormones.
Huh, maybe that was something Reign hadn’t considered with Bas. He hadn’t grown up quite the same way she had. It shouldn’t have been insurmountable, but it would mean they looked at things differently. Everything. She should have thought of that sooner.
She groaned and shook her head at the werewolf physiology.
“I’m a girl on the rebound Doc you’d best reconsider that.”
It was a joke, a tease and her tone and body language made that quite clear. Seriously, she just wasn’t interested. Why was that? She should be. Oh well.
“But if you ever need a sub or guest lecturer for a Lit or a Classical Studies class give me a call. I could use the extra income in the off season.”
Reign was surprised to find she was serious about that. She’d be happy to try and teach again. Not on a day to day basis, but a bit here and there.
Other than that she didn’t say much as she followed Xeph off to another building, whistling to Sirius to follow along with them.

Her jokes were, at least, meant in good humor and he hoped being here at the Den was helping. Reign was a Pack-oriented person, he knew, and it was quite obvious that that was how the Kadzait arranged themselves. As they crossed the Tikerak to the Academy, they passed one or two small groups of students who'd just finished an evening class.
Entering the Academy, Xeph held the door for Reign and Sirius, nodding at her offer.
"I will take you up on that. Or, rather, I imagine Nikhila will want to. Hammerthynn does an excellent job with the classics, but having multiple perspectives is alweays a good idea."
Making a bee-line for the doors that led into the bowels of the Academy, Xeph gestured for Reign to preceed him. This, most of all, he wanted her to see. He knew she'd enjoy it, but he also had a feeling she'd understand it.
He closed the doors behind them, escorting her into the Hall of Echoes.
((ooc: Xeph, Reign and Sirius out to the Hall))