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Tough Love (open)

Aishe bounced lightly on her feet and then bent over, placing her hands palms-down on the floor and stretching. Her hair, restrained in a single ponytail at the back of her head, flopped down onto the mat as well. Slowly she shifted back and forth, stretching both legs evenly. She imagined a vampire could heal a muscle pull pretty easily, but she didn't relish the initial pain and figured she may as well avoid injury regardless of how quickly it would heal.

Next to her, Kem, who'd actually beaten her here, was sitting on the workout mats, legs bent into a lotus position, chin resting in his hands, elbows on the floor in front of him. It was an enviable stretch.

"I didn't know you were a pretzel in a former life," she teased from her upside down position, turning her head to smile mischievously at him.

This was the second time they'd met at Liefde, using the expansive gym to work out in. At home, Aishe had been studying Tae Kwon Do forms with Kem and they'd worked on simple punches and kicks. Kem, having at least some sort of basic understanding of hand-to-hand combat, was well beyond the need to simply repeat basic moves. While they both drilled every morning, Aishe knew Kem wouldn't reach the level he wanted to without sparring.

She hated sparring, herself. It wasn't that she was uncertain of her own skills; she'd been studying Tae Kwon Do since she was a teenager and was reliably skilled. Aishe hated throwing kicks and punches at another person though. History had proven she could certainly do so when provoked, but in an entirely neutral setting she was uncomfortable. She was always afraid of misjudging her blows and casuing injury where none had been intended.

What was worse, the dutiful part of her insisted, was that that was reason enough for her to need these sessions every bit as much as Kem. She should be comfortable with this. So here she was, learning right along with Kem.

Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe laughed a little in relief as Kem appeared more curious than pained at her demonstration. She knew she couldn't truly injure him, but the idea of causing him pain wasn't pleasant. He thought nothing of it, however, even squeezing her shoulder gently as he asked her to repeat the demonstration.

For Pak's benefit Aishe did so, pullling Kem's hand out and showing them both where she'd pressed.

"There's a pressure point here," she indicated, "between the ring finger and pinky finger. If you've got someone's hand gripping you and you punch that point, their hold will break."

She pressed in slow motion, not applying any force. "You have to be careful though. Too hard and you'll break bones. Normally that's not a bad thing but you know." She rubbed Kem's hand. "Not today."

Stepping aside she motioned to Pak. "Give it a try."
Kem`Raaisu 16 years ago
Kem hadn't reailzed that Aishe was so well-versed in self-defense. He'd known she enjoyed Tae Kwon Do, and he knew she fenced as well. It stood to reason this would have been part of her training.

After the initial shock of having his hand poked, he was more curious to see how the feat was done. He let Aishe know in his quiet way that he didn't mind being the guinea pig. Not only did he trust her, but he wanted to know what each sensation felt like. To Kem it seemed hypocritical to just learn how to do it.

He let her demonstrate on him once more, feeling around on his own hand for the same point she'd shown them afterward, nodding when he found it. "That's useful," he pointed out, since Pak seemed slightly hesitant still. "If you can't count on being able to do enough damage to your attacker to dissuade them at least you can break their grip and get away."

Which, in Kem's opinion, was am important distinction when you were facing opponents who might not be human.

As Aishe encouraged Pak to try, Kem decided to give her no choice, stepping in behind her and wrapping his arms around her, pinning her upper arms down and lifting her just off her feet.

"Your turn, senet," he said with a grin. "Give me your best shot."
Pakpao 16 years ago
“I can do plenty of damage thank you very much.”

Pak sounded much more like herself, cocky confidant even slightly arrogant. She could do a great deal of damage too, for the most part it was reliant on her having access to a computer and something to tear apart; but she was a vampire after all and not a wuss. She just had next to no clue how to take advantage of things physically. And that didn’t bother her a bit.

Well not for the most part. She had not been expecting Kem’s movements and was not at all pleased to be picked up like that. Despite Aishe’s lesson, her first reaction, out of sheer surprise, was to kick her heel into Kem’s shin. It was less than effective, hesitant and almost gentle, and certainly not what she was supposed to be learning.

Overcoming her surprise she looked down at Kem’s hands and sized things up. OK there, about there any way, was the pressure point Aishe had shown them. She made a fist but it seemed way too big to hit such a little target, besides Aishe hadn’t been so blatant. So she settled on sharply jabbing her index and middle fingers between his pinky and ring fingers. It probably didn’t break any of Kem’s bones cause it jammed her fingers and stung more than a bit.
Kem`Raaisu 16 years ago
Pak's indignation was worth the effort. Kem laughed softly when her heel tapped his shin and said, "Is that all you've got?"

Flexing his arms he squeezed her a bit and was rewarded when she took action herself. Knowing what was coming, he tried to steel himself and keep his grip tight even as she poked the pressure point Aishe had shown her. Interestingly, not even being forewarned was much help. His fingers slid open and his hands broke apart, dropping Pak to the floor.

"Like magic," he said, spreading his hands as if to prove Pak was no longer entrapped. "Try again."

They played the game for another minute or so until Pak was hitting the right spot nine times out of ten. Kem was pretty certain that had he been human, his hand would have gone numb long ago. As it was though, nothing had broken that he could tell.

Looking over to Aishe he said, "What's next?"
Aishe 16 years ago
Pak seemed to have the pressure point thing down, but Aishe wasn't going to let Kem off too easily. When he asked for the next lesson she shook her head.

"Your turn," she said with a smile, and stepped in behind him.

She was too short to hold him as easily as he held her or Pak, but as she moved closer she gave a little hop and jumped onto his back, clamping his arms to his sides and clinging like a koala bear. Looking over Kem's shoulder at Pak she added, "Mind you, this is far from an approved method of restraint. But I imagine any port in a storm will work."

She resisted the urge to kiss Kem's neck. Perhaps if Pak weren't around. She didn't really have time to get fresh though, because Kem's reaction was pretty quick anyhow.

"I feel like I'm being attacked by pygmies," he pointed out, and then his hand flashed up and his knuckles rapped once, precisely on the correct spot to open her fingers up.

"I'm not a pygmy," Aishe said, dropping to the floor and punching him playfully in the shoulder. "That's Pak's job."

Several more tries proved that Kem was indeed a quick learner. Aishe decided to give one more short lesson for this sort of thing. "Your turn Pak," she said. "Come grab me. From behind, any way. Neck, shoulders, whatever. I promise I won't break anything."
Pakpao 16 years ago
Everyone had their less than graceful moments and Pak encountered one of hers as Kem dropped her. She really hadn’t been expecting to get it right and the release was something of a surprise and she wound up flat on her ass at Kem’s feet.

Apparently, her look of death wasn’t enough to discourage Kem who grabbed her again and made her practice. She was apparently getting almost good at it as he kept releasing her. However, she was now expecting to be dropped and no longer wound up on her butt. That was satisfying.

She giggled at Aishe jumping on Kem’s back. That was just funny looking.

“I can just see you sneaking up on him in a dark alley and demanding his wallet and any jewelry he has on.”

Kem was apparently a quick learner as Aishe kept falling off him.

“I am –not- short. I am a perfectly reasonable and natural height for someone of my era and gene pool thank you very much.”

Pak made a face at Aishe. She didn’t relish the idea of being abused at all. It was hard enough poking at Kem. More than that, she just didn’t like pain and Aishe could probably be dangerous. After some smashing mental debate she finally decided that turn about was fair play and stood behind Aishe wrapping her arms around the other woman in sort of a backwards hug pinning Aishe’s arms to her sides. This –so- was not going to last long.
Aishe 16 years ago
Aishe grinned at Pak's mugging comment. "If I tackle him in a dark alley, it's not going to be his wallet I'm after," she said innocently, ignoring Kem's indignant protest in her mind. Pak hadn't been born yesterday, and if there was one person in the universe who could handle an off-color comment, she was it.

"I can't really talk," Aishe admitted on the height front. "I am short."

As Pak wrapped her arms around Aishe's upper body, Aishe glanced down and then quickly, carefully, grabbed Pak's index finger. She pushed it back, stopping short of the pressure she'd have needed to break it, twisting her body at the same time so she stood free of Pak's grip, facing her, still cutching her finger.

"How to break a hold, lesson two," she said. "Find a finger, usually either the index or middle finger, and bend it back as far as you can. Break it if you have to. It's very painful, and they won't be able to hold onto you, so use that moment to get free."

In slow motion, she drew Pak toward her. "If your attacker is still surprised there are a number of things you can do from here. Step on his foot, bash him in the knee." She adressed mostly Pak for the next comment. "I wouldn't recommend the kick in the privates though. Most men are aware of that move and you'll just get your leg caught. If you're really desperate..."

Here she demonstrated, having pulled Pak a foot closer. Letting go of her finger, Aishe mimed a blow, raising her left hand and showing Pak how to drive the heel into her opponent's nose.

"Any sort of blow to the face is going to be distracting and in most cases, fairly painful. If you can do that, it's probably your best option."
Kem`Raaisu 16 years ago

It was half-plea, half-protest. Kem felt his cheeks grow red when Aishe commented about her intentions. He certainly wasn't displeased but now Pak would have all sorts of things to say about it. He might have to refill that water gun and use it on both of them in retaliation before Pak saw it again. He couldn't help but wonder if Pak's snarky personality was rubbing off on Aishe just a little. But no, Aishe was cheeky enough with people she knew well. She was probably getting more comfortable with Pak.

Leaving delightful thoughts of vengeance for later Kem took the opoprtunity to be an observer. "Try being a giant," he said with a shake of his head. "And then look wierd on top of it. You'll be glad to be short." The comment was directed at them both as he watched Aishe do something with Pak's finger.

At first he thought she must have found another pressure point, but then she stepped away and stated that all she'd done was grab a finger and twist. Puzzling over that one, Kem tested out the range of his own fingers, deciding pretty quickly that, yes, that would be a pretty painful way to get someone to let go of you, so long as you could reach their finger.

"That's pretty efficient," he said. Aishe was right; there were a number of things one could do after having bent a finger back. If he followed the natural twist of the body, Kem could imagine it would be one way to get someone's arm up behind their back.
Pakpao 16 years ago
Funny old world if Kem had said anything like that to her Pak would have been thoroughly put off and/or grossed out. Aishe, however, could get away with it. It made no sense no matter who said it the comment would involve her big brother in a … situation she didn’t care to picture him in. She wasn’t going to think about it further though, that could be disastrous.

“I told you I’m –not- short.”

She rolled her eyes at Kem. Actually that was one more thing they had in common, not to the same degree obviously, but her own unusual blue eyes were at least part of the reason she was standing here with them tonight. It was something she hadn’t told Kem, or anyone else, it didn’t seem to matter. But her maker had picked her because of her eyes, he’d said as much that night.

Aishe man(vampire)handling her finger, however, brought forth a string of outraged Siamese, as well as cutting off any other morbid thoughts she might have had. It hurt! Not too bad actually, and for all her gripping Pak could tell Aishe was being careful but it had taken her off guard.

It was utterly amazing a person could be led around by a single digit, but that’s just what was happening. Even knowing that she was perfectly safe with Aishe and Kem didn’t over ride a very strong self-preservation instinct and Pak dropped to her knees to avoid Aishe’s ‘lesson’.

“I can see where that would be quite distracting if I can reach his nose. I think I’ll stick to knees. Or maybe I should just turn into a certified ankle bitter.”
Aishe 16 years ago
Watching Pak, talking to her and listening to her opinion, Aishe started to get a better idea how to teach her basic self-defense in a way she'd like better. If she was really interested she could join in on their lessons and learn Tae kwon Do as well; even though kem was a long way ahead of Pak in that area his knowledge was vastly different from the steps Aishe was showing him.

As it was, she spent most of the next hour showing Pak and Kem various pressure points and multiple ways to bash someone in painful places. Kem surprised her with a few she hadn't known of, pulling them out of the recesses of his memory and, in some cases, taking several experimental tries to refresh his mind.

By the time they finished, sitting on the excersize mats with various bumps and bruises in different stages of healing, Aishe realized she'd had a lot of fun. Normally she excersized alone. She enjoyed having Kem with her, but having Pak in addition had been good for all of them.

"We should keep meeting like this," she suggested, eyebrows raised at Pak in invitation. "It can't hurt."
Kem`Raaisu 16 years ago
Kem's brain was tired, if such a thing was possible, but he had managed to contribute to their impromptu self-defense lesson with one or two tricks of his own.

Aishe's words to Pak were ironic, and he couldn't help laughing as he lay on his back on the mats. "Don't most people try to avoid meeting like this?" He asked with a wry grin, pointing to the quickly-fading bruise on his jaw caused by a really badly placed punch. Pak had been aiming for his outheld hand. "And it doesn't hurt whom?"

She had a point though. With all the talk of werewolves, with three clans constantly at odds, never entirely at peace, this sort of knowledge wouldn't be wasted. Kem silently wished it would; in his ideal world there would never be any need for violence. Things were as they were though, and with a family and friends to protect it was clear he needed to do more than brush up on the basics. This was a start.
Pakpao 16 years ago
Really, she was much more of a mental exercise than physical person but this, over all hadn’t been –too- bad. Sure she was bruised and achy but not nearly as bad as she’d be if she were still human and it would all resolve itself soon enough.

Pak winced as Kem rubbed a yellowing bruise, she really hadn’t meant to do that. But she happened to agree with him. Although she was now of the opinion that Kem, AKA Mr. Do It Again, was the masochist to Aishe, Ms. Twist That Finger Back, sadist.

“It –did- hurt and I’m starting to think you enjoyed it.”

Pak accused with out any remorse at all. Still she did acquiesced slightly.

“But I wouldn’t be opposed to trying again some time.”

Even if she was a novice’s novice. More than once it had been extremely clear she had no idea what she was doing and Kem and Aishe had to extend extra patience to her. However, it had been surprisingly fun and she’d even learned a few things, even if she probably wasn’t ever going to need to rely on them to fend off a mugger or rapist. She had her own talents for that after all when push came to shove a little fang went a long way.
Aishe 16 years ago
"Of course I enjoyed it," Aishe pointed out practically. "I don't usually get to share that sort of thing with my two best friends." She smiled at Pak.

When Pak admitted to being willing to go through it again, Aishe grinned. "See? It was at least a little bit fun. It's not like we're going to sustain any really life-altering injuries."

Neither of her two companions looked particularly upset or stressed out; Kem, in fact, was spread-eagled on the mats next to her with a fairly relaxed air.

"How about dinner, maybe? All work and no play, as they say."

It was a tentative suggestion. By 'dinner' Aishe meant 'enormous chocolate sundae' of course, and while she knew Kem wasn't always a big eater, he did like his coffee. Pak, she wasn't entirely sure of. But she hought she'd make the offer anyway. They could always find entertainment afterwards.
Kem`Raaisu 16 years ago
Kem nodded, insofar as one could nod while flat on one's back, at both Pak's and Aishe's words. He'd had a feeling Pak might be up for more of this, at least the self-defense versions. Of course she could defend herself as a vampire, but he'd long suspected she had some sort of insecurity based on her lack of physical ability. Maybe it was Halloween that had made him realize it, but whatever it was, he figured Pak wouldn't turn down the chance to improve upon her weaknesses.

As for Aishe, dinner generally meant chocolate. He found it amusing that she could eat it three times a night and never seem to tire of it. She turned into a little Bubba Gump. Choclate milk, chocolate sundaes, chocolate cake, chocolate pretzels... the list of things you could eat with chocolate went on and on. At Aishe's challenge several weeks prior, Kem had attempted to find something that didn't go with chocolate and had seized upon bacon. Then, watching an episode of Andrew Zimmern just a few days ago, Aishe had whirled on him in triumph when the food critic-turned-TV-host had mentioned how good chocolate-covered bacon was.

At any rate, he just nodded. "I could go for coffee. Or something."

Sitting up, he nodded his chin toward his gym bag. "Just let me change."
Pakpao 16 years ago
It was on the tip of Pak’s tongue to say ‘un-death altering injuries’ but she didn’t, it might kill the mood. So she contented herself with rolling her eyes at Aishe and sprawling backwards propping herself up on her elbows.

“I think we wore Kem out though, he might never recover from the looks of things. If he doesn’t make it can I have the 64?”

Ah the beast stirred, although she doubted it was the mention of ancient technology that roused him, and they were both feeling social. Well she could do social too, Pak was perfectly capable of that. As Kem gestured to his gym bag she took a discreet whiff… wow she really hadn’t been planning on this sort of thing tonight had she?

“Coffee, beer, chocolate… maybe all at the same time. I’m game but you have to give me ten minutes I left everything in my other pants.”

And left her other pants on the 31st floor. And yes she did know where she could get all three at once and licked her lips in anticipation.

“Unless you two want to come up.”

Kem was doing better about things like that Pak had noticed, but he still wasn’t seeking out excuses to visit her.

Without really waiting for an answer Pak, in a surprisingly agilely rolled from flat on her back to her feet in one fluid movement. Maybe there was hope for her yet.

“Feel free to mush while I’m gone.”

She didn’t begrudge either of them romance or happiness, but the surly (and apparently perpetually single) side of her had trouble –watching- the mush. Especially when it involved her brother, that was just… … -weird-.

((OOC… Pak out… all three of them if you’d like))