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Fashion Emergency

Alfarinn carried several hanging bags of clothing and a few more bags with things like shoes and accessories, as well as the much needed visual proof up to Thaddeus's door. He had tried his best to pick things that would not cause the man to go running in the other direction and yet still look within the norms for the fetish club.

He could already guess what kind of battle he was in for so as a result he brought his own set of clothes with him. This could take a while. Besides if he came dressed already the man was likely to shut the door in his face and call the police.

The Anantya's amazing ability to see the world how he'd like it to be was endearing. Thaddeus seemed to be a mix of reality and his own optimism. Of course, he also noted the other man had a scathing wit that was quite the verbal weapon. As a person who moved in the world of social competition, this was also a trait Alfarinn admired as well.

Hoisting the hangers higher over his shoulder, he sat down the bags in his other hand and reached up to knock on Thaddeus's door.

Let Operation Anantya Update begin...

Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus checked himself in his new hallway mirror one last time before answering the door. Slowly but surely the apartment was filling up with small comforts, though it was still a far cry from being home.

He was looking quite smart, if he did say so himself. His grey shirt was tucked neatly in straight legged black slacks. He had debated for a bit over whether to wear a jacket; Alfarinn had given him the impression that the club had a more casual atmosphere. Finally he settled for wearing the jacket unbuttoned, which he felt gave him a dashing, roguish air. The only thing the ensemble lacked was a really good pair of shoes; Thaddeus felt it best to wear something practical, considering the club's entrance.

Still, he felt this should ease Alfarinn's worries.

Running a hand over his hair and deciding to call it perfect, he headed for the door. Peeking through the peephole, he saw Alfarinn holding several bags. Had he decided to bring over a few things in case he needed to stay? Or did he simply not trust him to dress himself? No matter; he would show that Evenhet just how well he could put himself together.

As before, Thaddeus opened the door and ushered Alfarinn in quickly, taking a few of the bags as he looked up and down the hallway. This time, however, he did not ask the other man if he had been followed; he trusted that Alfarinn would tell him if anything was amiss. Instead, he gestured to the bags in his and Alfarinn's hands.

What have we here?
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn headed inside immediately should the appearance of him carrying clothing bags be enough to cause questions. Once there he could take this with more ease. Looking at what his companion decided was appropriate attire for the House of Pain made him smile.

Thaddeus looked good, of course he did, Alfarinn had not seen a time that the man did not. However, he would stand out like the Queen of England at a rock concert. Someday when they had more time perhaps they should find a social event more in keeping with the Anantya's style and taste. Alfarinn chuckled at himself inwardly, already considering the blonde in front of him a friend. He should probably be worried about that. Thaddeus could be playing a very good game but Alfarinn had a hard time believeing that was the case. His feelings told him Thaddeus was sincere and while some people could fool those he just didn't think the man had any reason to. So that eased his mind somewhat when he thought of them actually beginning to trust each other.

Taking a calming breath for the coming verbal sparring he expected, Alfarinn replied.

"I brought clothes for the club. I mentioned it, remember?"
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus rolled his eyes.

Oh dear, you didn't go through all that trouble on -my- account, did you? I thought I -told- you I'd be just fine. See?

With that, he turned around once and shot Alfarinn a rare grin. He then peered at the bags curiously.

But what did you get? Come to my bedroom, we'll take a look there.

Thaddeus couldn't help but be a little amused at Alfarinn's plight. Here he hadn't trusted Thaddeus to be able to wear something modern and informal; he personally felt he had done a fine job of it.

He turned on his heels and headed to the bedroom on the right with one of the garment bags
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn dutifully followed behind Thaddeus, shaking his head as he went.

"Thaddeus, First of all. Let me say you look quite handsome in what you have on. There is however a slight problem."

He set the clothes bag in his hand down on the bed and looked for one of the modern fashion magazines he'd brought. Sitting on the end of the bed, he looked up at his companion.

"It is not a matter of whether or not I think you look good. It is unfortunately a matter of whether or not you'll fit in with the rest of the crowd in what you are wearing. Which...

"You won't".

"Here." He held out his hand for Thaddeus to take a look and then went to sitting wordlessly on the bed while he waited.
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus frowned at Alfarinn, but took the offered magazine, still somewhat distracted by the compliment paid his sharp appearance.

Alfarinn, looking good fits in -everywhere-. And really, our attires are not so different; we are two handsome men out for a night on the town.

What an odd man.

He sat down on the bed next to Alfarinn, leaning against the bedpost, and opened the magazine.

He would soon realize just how odd things could get. Thaddeus browsed the magazine for a few minutes, looking up at Alfarinn every page or so, his eyes becoming wider and wider. Finally, he stopped, and whispered hopefully.

Is this a joke?
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn shook his head slowly, so far so good. There was no vehement denial which is what he expected. It still might come to that though, right after the disbelief stage.

"No, that is pretty much typical attire for today's youth."

He sighed once and then reached into the bag again. Pulling out a fetish fashion magazine and several reviews on the House of Pain that had some photos of people dancing in the club.

"It would seem that we are the happening thing these days." He snorted softly. "Vampires that is. Humans pretending to be vampires which seems to require black leather,velvet and lace. Though where we are planning to go there is much more leather and a lot less lace. Tacharan enjoys it and so do some of our own youth. They can be as open as they wish. Today's humans are full of disbelief and vampires have been made into a thing of gothic romance. You could walk around with fangs out and no one would glance twice at you. Odd, I know but that is what we are dealing with."

Alfarinn handed the next batch of evidence over for Thaddeus to look at, wondering ruefully whether he should be prepared to catch the Anantya or jump out of the way. Probably first one and then the other.
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus was beginning to feel distinctly uneasy. Alright, maybe he was out of touch; it seemed these days young people tended towards looking deliberately unattractive, which was a bit beyond understanding. Still, Thaddeus could make it work if Alfarinn insisted. It was disappointing and mildly frustrating, but he appreciated the fact that the other man had made not a few concessions for his comfort.

But this...

Thaddeus examined the images with increasing concern.

How did he get into those pants? That certainly looks painful. Now that's just ridiculous and unattractive. What is that thing hanging off his shirt? Why is that man wearing a dog collar?

Several questions passed through Thaddeus's mind as he looked at the pictures spread over the bed, but suddenly only one seemed relevant.

Alfarinn...what is in these bags?
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn sat in silence waiting for the out burst that did not come. He did watch Thaddeus's face as he flipped through the magazines and he felt sympathy for the other man's plight. Going from a suit to something that fit like a second skin was going to be a shock.

Alfarinn leaned over Thaddeus's shoulder and looked at the pages he had open. Pushing a stray strand of hair behind his ear, He smiled and said calmly.

"Well based on the pictures here, what would you think I have in the bag?"

Ironically leather was the fashion when he was created, however it did not quite look the same. He'd have to admit that the outfits these days looked much better than hides and wraps. It was hard getting some vampires to understand that fashion changes just like everything else. What was considered the normal attire for his origins would look barbaric to Thaddeus and the vestments of the Anantya's time would look stuffy and uncomfortable in this modern age. No matter how well they suited him.

He'd wait to see what was expected and how close it came to the truth. Updating 300 years of clothing in less than 3 hours was not an easy task.
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus shook his head violently in response to the other man's implications.

I cannot wear such atrocities. It's...surely it's unlawful to appear like that, ever! I'll get arrested, and I can't get arrested, do you know what they would -do- to me in a human prison? In that outfit? I don't even know what they'd do, but I'm sure it's awful! And Alfarinn, people will -stare-. These...things Thaddeus gestured at the magazines are created for the sole purpose of drawing as much attention to yourself as possible!

Spent from his rant, and realizing his voice was raised, something he did very rarely, he leaned against the bedpost and took a deep breath.

This is futile. You got your chance to do things your way, now it's time to do them his way.

He couldn't quite bring himself to an internal agreement on the matter, so instead he continued to shake his head in refusal in hopes of buying more time. More quietly, he picked up his rant where he left off.

And furthermore, do you realize how -utterly- absurd I will look in that sort of getup?
Alfarinn 19 years ago
He waited until Thaddeus was done objecting before saying anything. This was the scene he had been expecting from the start and he found himself calmer now that the storm had begun than he had been waiting for it to happen.

"Thaddeus, please take the time to consider that modern man has decided to look different than you remember. While you may not approve or perhaps even fully believe." He gave his companion a sideways grin as he continued. "that this is acceptable and normal. I assure you. in this crowd, it is. You will -not- go to prison." Alfarinn shook his head at the creative display of drama.

"I do agree that they are for the purpose of calling attention to yourself. That does seem to be what is normal in these times. However, looking so very different would call more attention to you than wearing clothes that will blend in."

"As far as looking absurd.." He quirked an eyebrow at Thaddeus. "That would be in who's opinion?"
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus sputtered indignantly for a moment before answering.

In -decency's- opinion! These clothes are a crime against all that is right in the world of fine garments!

He crossed his arms stubbornly over his chest, and in a somewhat sulky voice, he continued.

And I still say I'll be stared at.

But Thaddeus knew it was over, that he had already given in. He just hoped he wouldn't be required to wear a silver hoop on his nipple; how -did- that stay in place, anyway? But all around him, people had sacrificed so much for this cause. He thought of Mai, getting into the limo like it was nothing, even though she hated vehicles.

And now it was his chance to give something up, to put himself into the thick of this.

Strange nipple jewels were far from the darkest part of this path.

He turned his head back to Alfarinn, and said, softly:

Show me.

Thaddeus braced himself for the worst.
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn nodded an affirmative. "Perhaps you will but no more than someone appreciating how you look. Expect people to be a bit more bold than you are used to finding polite." Heaven forbid someone come up and pinch him on the ass. Alfarinn could just see the resulting scene now. He could pretend to be possessive of Thaddeus which might save him from most everyone but the bold. He just wasn't sure the Anantya would find that a better solution.

He reached into the bags and brought out several sets of boots, an assortment of leather and metal bands, gloves, various collars. Laying them on the bed, Alfarinn stood and unzipped the hanging bags.

"In difference to your preferred color of choice.. and well black is still the most popular, I got everything in black."

He laid out the black leather pants and silk shirt and waited for Thaddeus to take everything in, wondering whether there would be a new round of objections.
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus cocked his head to one side curiously. 'More bold', what was that supposed to mean? Would he be asked to dance? That would be unusual indeed; Thaddeus was used to doing the asking. He thought to ask Alfarinn to elaborate, but there was no way to be prepared for every scenario; he would just have to perform as the situation called for.

He frowned when Alfarinn began putting the various accoutrements on the bed. Then pinched the bridge of his nose in distress. What in God's name was he supposed to do with these items? At least the gloves he knew what to do with; it was somewhat of a relief to wear something vaguely familiar, even if these were not what he would have picked for himself. He chose a pair quickly and passed them between one hand and the other in thought. Then he looked between the pictures and the other items, gradually putting two and two together. For a moment he was concerned; in some of the pictures, people wore little else besides these various accessories, strategically located. Was this it then?

To his relief, Alfarinn went to the garment bags and pulled out a shirt and pants. The shirt was halfway acceptable, but Thaddeus saw an immediate problem; the pants -had- to be too small. For a moment he was insulted; Alfarinn may be a fair bit taller than he, but honestly, was his size so underestimated? He picked up the pants with a scowl, pulling a face at their texture. And here was another problem; he saw no catches, no zippers, nothing to indicate a way to actually put the damn things on. He shot Alfarinn a questioning look.

How exactly does one get into these pants?
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn opened his mouth and then closed it again just as suddenly. He leaned over to the pants in Thaddeus's hands and located the cleverly hidden zippers that went along the sides, not trusting himself to answer that question with something helpful. He had a feeling more than one person would like to know the answer to that once Thaddeus had them on, however telling the Anantya that would probably never get them out of the house.

"Question answered?"

He unzipped the bag he had brought for himself and pulled out white leather pants and a cropped long sleeve mesh shirt of the same color. Black was certainly waht went the least noticed in the middle of the House of Pain but when you stood a head taller than most everyone else you tended to get noticed no matter what you wore. White looked good with his near white blonde hair and Alfarinn was hoping to take as much attention off of Thaddeus as possible.
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Well, that question is, anyway.

Yes, quite.

With that he tossed the pants back on the bed and turned to Alfarinn, only to see another question answered. Good, the Evenhet would be changing as well. Though it looked as though his outfit would draw yet more attention to them, Thaddeus supposed it couldn't be helped in any case. Alfarinn was simply too...distinguishable to be missed, with that long pale hair and tall frame. There was more to it than that, he supposed...a certain way he carried himself, the way he spoke...a sort of magnetic quality.

Turning back to face the bed and abandoning that line of thought, Thaddeus sighed and removed his jacket, tossing it off to the side, then started on the buttons of his shirt.

Clothes aren't going to leap on you of their own accord, after all.
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn waited a moment to make sure there were no more questions or complaints before striping off his shirt and beginning to change clothes. He'd have headed into another bedroom in order to give Thaddeus privacy if he required it but Alfarinn fully expected other things to confound the Anantya.

He did turn his back to continue dressing,mostly to keep himself from seeming rude. Alfarinn slid himself into the tight patent leather pants and then bent down to put on shoes, tossing a stray piece of hair back over his shoulder as he bent down to put them on.
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus was surprised to find that it actually was physically possible to put on the tight leather pants and zip them properly, though a fraction of an inch and all hope would have been lost. As it was, there wasn't a chance in hell of him tucking in the silk shirt, though the bottom seemed to be tailored to make this unnecessary.

He would just have to hope he wouldn't feel the need to, say, breath too deeply.

Once his shirt was properly buttoned, he took to examining the accessories. The collars were clearly not intended to go with the shirt he was wearing, a thought that brought him no small comfort. Still, there was the question of exactly how these various...devices...were to be managed.

At any rate, Thaddeus felt it best to put on the gloves first before picking anything else up. He slid the left on first, and then hesitated, curiosity getting the better of him. With the gloved hand, he reached for what appeared to be a bracelet, black leather like his pants and studded in neat rows. He turned the object over in his hand, frowning thoughtfully.
Alfarinn 19 years ago
He finally looked up to see how Thaddeus was fairing to find him staring at a bracelet. Not sure if the frown was disapproval or confusion. Running a hand over his shirt once to straighten it, Alfarinn walked back over to the Anantya.

Thaddeus was correct. He would get looked at in what he was wearing. Alfarinn couldn't help but notice how well the clothing conformed to the man's slight frame. Of course, he still hardly looked comfortable in it. Alfarinn shook his head with a smile and reached up to Thaddeus's shirt and began unbuttoning the top three buttons. He'd be tempted to wear such a thing open but it was probably best not to tempt fate on this particular outing.

"People don't button these all the way up unless they are going to work or church and many times not even then. Was there a problem with the bracelet?"
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus was pulled out of his reverie at the sensation of cool fingertips at his throat and tuned himself in to what Alfarinn was saying, resisting the impulse to jump in surprise only by virtue of sudden moves being a bad idea in the constricting pants. It was silly to be startled anyway, though the man could have simply told him about this mysterious fashion rule rather than jumping in and fixing things himself. Alfarinn was clearly one of those people who liked to touch everything; Thaddeus recalled being in his dove form, the way the man had seemingly habitually stroked at his feathers. It was just his way. The act was not a great bother to him, and as for the shirt, things could be worse.

When Alfarinn had completed his adjustments and turned his attention to the bracelet, Thaddeus found himself at a loss to explain his initial confusion. It wasn't that it would be any trouble to put it on, but Thaddeus had his doubts. He looked up at the Evenhet, still pondering the words to explain, and felt the bracelet slip from his hand.

The taller man looked completely at ease, though subtly changed beyond his attire. While the people in the photographs looked completely absurd in their leather outfits, Alfarinn managed to appear poised and comfortable. The Evenhet carried himself with refined grace that made the clothes he wore seem to matter not at all.

Figures the look would suit you.

Lucky git.

Turning back to the accessories, he gestured expansively.

I am at a loss. Which of these...things...are meant to go with this ensemble?
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn leaned down to look over the accessories that had been put together. Not everything he had here was meant to be worn on this occasion but too much preparation was better than too little.

He took the bracelet out of Thaddeus's hand and held up one of the studded collars instead. This was actually going easier than he thought. Alfarinn had expected far more complaints from the Anantya about this unfamiliar situation. He was impressed that Thaddeus was taking it all so well.

"One of these actually goes better with your shirt."

Alfarinn proffered the item in his hand.

"Or choose one of the other ones if it suits you better."