If Miranda had only known...

Oh Brave new world that has such people in it
William Shakespeare
The Tempest

Reign had followed along with Xeph, not really sure where they were headed. How could she know? She'd never been here before. She hadn't bothered to put Sirius back on the leash, he was well mannered enough to keep next to her side as they entered the building.

Truthfully, the where didn't matter so much right now, she was quite content to let the Doc play tour guide. He'd done a great job so far, she was really impressed by the grounds and buildings. On a less noticeable level she'd appreciated being around a family, not that they'd been surrounded by other people and/or wolves but she'd seen enough people coming and going and seen them all interacting with each other that Reign could tell it was a family, a pack. And that, even though she didn't know it, relaxed her a great deal. It wasn't as good as being home but it was miles better than being alone.

They stopped short outside a pair of massive wooden doors. Reign wasn't exactly an expert on species of timber but she guessed they were cedar. Something about them made her feel that she wasn't exactly free to open them. It was clear enough that's where the Doc intended them to go, but still she wasn't going to be the one to open those doors.

((OOC... posted here with Xeph's permission))

Xeph 16 years ago
Xeph watched the change come over Reign's face and nodded to himself in satisfaction. He'd been right to bring her here. She hadn't even seen what was within the wide doors but she felt it, and that was important. Xeph selected a small dark key from the keychain in his pocket and slid it into the lock. With a smooth click the doors were unlocked, and he pulled them open.

"This is a room full of Kadzait history," he said softly to Reign, gesturing for her to enter. "We call it the Hall of Echoes."

As he followed her in, he let the door slide softly shut behind him. There was no reason to lock it; none of the Pack would disturb him here unless it was an emergency. A flick of a switch on the wall brought the flickering sconces to life, a unique blend of old and new, traditional and modern, that was typical of many Kadzait homes.

Even in the dim lighting the multitude of red hand and paw prints on the walls sprang to life. Xeph wandered into the Hall a bit, passing Reign and turning back to see what drew her attention first.
Reign 16 years ago
Between the school and being told it was a room full of history Reign had expected a library. But it wasn’t. She wasn’t at all sure what the huge room was meant for but even advancing just a few steps into it, listening to the click of Sirius’ claws on the floor as he followed, she knew it was a sacred space. Giving the mutt a hand signal to lay down she advanced a bit further and closed her eyes.

Reign wasn’t what anyone would call mystical or hippy or anything like that, but she still closed her eyes and ‘felt’ the space. She couldn’t put her finger on it but it was something she’d felt at the Parthenon, the Oracle at Delphi, the pyramids, even Wriggly Field and Cooperstown. To some comparing Wriggly Field to the Parthenon would be sacrilege, Reign however, had her own definition of sacred and it wasn’t odd to her. Besides, the point was ‘it’ was here too.

The odd lighting made identifying the materials hard, but it didn’t seem to be built of one kind of stone but many. And the ‘art’ didn’t seem to be decorative. Hand and paw prints, Reign wondered if it was blood she was looking at. The idea that it might be didn’t revolt her. The medium of the marks wasn’t important, they were two halves of a whole. Hesitantly she touched her own hand to one of the prints. Good lord those were big paws, or possibly tiny hands. Not that hers were much bigger or smaller than the one on the wall.


No, she wasn’t sure but if years of study and a good instinct didn’t fail her, Reign had half an idea what she was looking at. If she were right, she had to wonder if the Doc’s print was here or back at his home. She couldn’t quite bring herself to remove her hand, it was odd, she felt almost connected to who ever had made that mark. Finally, however, and slowly she did letting her hand fall slowly too her waist, looking a bit guilty; like she’d just touched a painting in a museum.
Xeph 16 years ago
Xeph was more than satisfied at the effect the room had on Reign. She felt the spiritual influence as much as any Kadzait who set foot in here. He smiled and shook his head sadly, though, when she asked if the print she'd touched was his.

"Mine is in Canberra," he said. "My mother would have sent it as a show of support for the Kadzait's efforts here in Nachton but my father wouldn't allow it. He was my Gifter, and as the Alpha he refused to have any part of his den dismantled."

So much was left out. It was a story for another day, if he ever imparted it to her. It wasn't the first time two Alphas had clashed in Kadzait history, nor had it been the first time an older Alpha was unseated by a younger one. It hadn't been bloody; in fact it had been one of the simplest, cleanest coups anyone could remember.

It was the revolution afterward that had caused such a fuss, and Xeph wouldn't take that back in a million years. The change had been necessary and their Pack only benefitted by imparting trust to those humans allowed into the fold.

Shaking his head at Reign he said, "If you're ever in Canberra I'll tell you where the old Den is. They're not too hard to find if you know where to look. The Kadzait are growing."

He wanted her to grow with them, but it wasn't the right time. She was troubled still, getting over the loss of Bastian, and Xeph wasn't going to pressure her during a time of weakness. Eventually, perhaps. If it was done properly though, if it was right for everyone, there would be no pressure involved. Reign would simply be Pack and she would understand in her heart what that meant when the time was right for it.
Reign 16 years ago
Reign smiled softly, cautiously, at Xeph’s comments.

“Father’s are funny about their houses being torn apart.”

It wasn’t quite the same but Reign had had experience with that. Although, usually in her case it had involved a baseball game gone awry or a spirited disagreement with one of her siblings. No one was shipping anything anywhere.

She didn’t think things were all that simple for the Doc, something in his expression. But she didn’t want to push, it was his story to share or not. It was only the second time he’d mentioned any kind of rank or structure with in the Pack. It still didn’t surprise her that his father was an alpha. Something about the Doc … … well she wouldn’t be exactly taken aback to hear similar about him.

“If Canberra gets a stop on the tour I’d like that.”

The odds were she’d never go to Australia at all. Even if she did Reign would be hesitant to just walk up and knock on the door where a bunch… er.. pack of werewolves lived. Despite all that, she was sincere.

She wanted to ask any number of questions but this wasn’t the appropriate venue. There was too much here, and she was afraid of being disrespectful, or of repeating herself, or rambling pointlessly. So instead she simply looked to him, letting him guide things this wasn’t her space after all she was a guest.
Xeph 16 years ago
Xeph's return smile to Reign was tight, but genuine. "What's a shame is his house was torn apart long before anyone wanted to move a piece of the stones away."

Funny, how literally and figuratively hose two things differed. In a fashion, sending a piece of the Canberra den to Nachton might have gone a long way to actually repairing some of the damage they'd done to their relationship. Xeph wouldn't get that chance again though, and he still had yet to come to terms with his feelings on the matter.

"Is Canberra a big pool city?" he inquired, happy enough to follow the subject change. "I wouldn't have guessed. But then I don't really follow it. I might have to now."

He wandered further into the Hall, enjoying the conglomeration of stones. He touched a pinkish piece of rock that had some sort of crystal in it, quartz perhaps. "This is from New York," he said. "Southern, in the Catskills. There's a fairly large Pack there." The handprint on it was very small; the pawprint enormous in comparison.

Next he showed her a dark piece of rock, nearly black. It was difficult to make out the handprint and the pawprint, but they were there nonetheless. "This tradition has been passed down for centuries," he pointed out. "The handprint is blood, representing the Gifting. We do it with a bite, as I've told you. Most Amaroq will do it in a certain place, so long as it's intentional. Sometimes with front teeth or back teeth or all of the above. Depends on the mark and the Gifter."

He may or may not have shown Reign what he meant, so he rolled his sleeve up to show her. "Liam Xephier's mark," he said, indicating the half-circle of marks that ringed his right bicep. "Punctures, not tears. Placed right there with the back teeth." His finger traced the pattern so that Reign could see. The multiple puncture points were clearly created by a craggy molar, not the smooth circle of a canine.
Reign 16 years ago
There was a story there, and not a happy one, even Reign could figure that out. But she didn’t push. It wouldn’t be fair to the Doc, he’d already shared so much with her she couldn’t insist or even suggest he share more.

Instead, she focused on the change of subject as well.

“Actually I don’t know. I’ve limited myself to Europe for exhibitions and tournaments. I’ll have to get back to you on that.”

She easily followed along with him. Apparently, the hall held a great deal of meaning for the Doc as well. Certainly, it did, it should, it must and it didn’t take a mind reader to see that. While he might have identified only one stone Reign suspected he knew where each one was from.

“Blood from the bite?”

Reign studied his scar, there was no way in hell that hadn’t bleed. It seemed odd that you’d bite (or be bitten) and bleed and not put that blood to some kind of use. It seemed even odder to make another cut later.

“You’d have to be careful with teeth like that.”

And it looked like he had been, sliced in and out. It must have hurt not matter how careful his father had been.

“So it winds up being like a brand or is it more of an ID card?”
Xeph 16 years ago
Xeph traced the outlined pawprint with his eyes. Something in Reign's tone was odd to him, and he turned back to her when she asked abuot the blood. "It's necessary," he said. "It's a virus, remember? Our saliva with human blood is what transmits it. Other ways too, of course." He smiled apologetically at Reign for bringing it up; he imagined she was well-acquainted with those. "Traditionally though, when you plan an uitayok, a formal Gifting ceremony, that's the way it's done."

He shook his head at her next question. "I guess if you put it in those terms, it's more of an ID card. Brand is - too possessive. You belong to the Kadzait, but they don't own you. When you become, there's a certain Pack mentality that goes with it. It's hard for some humans to understand, but once you've been Gifted you'll seek out your Pack. We stick together. Even the self-proclaimed loners find themselves coming home on occasion, just to remind themselves that we're a family."

Xeph wandered further into the Hall, enjoying the play of light and shadows. "The only time you belong to anyone is during your first year. The person who Gifts you takes responsibility for you. Trust is very important here." He fixed his mismatched eyes on Reign. "We keep each other safe. We're not so numerous that we can afford to lose even a single family member to outsiders."

Xeph had put his trust in Reign, and he watched her carefully to gauge what she thought of that. He had to believe she would do nothing to endanger his Pack. That was what trust was all about, after all.
Reign 16 years ago
She really wasn’t put off by the blood; hard believe but very true. Blood was an important part in many rituals, for many different and ancient civilizations. She knew that and respected it. It also made her wonder how old his people were, where they had come from how and –why- they had remained hidden, where did they come from and a thousand other questions. Her respect for the hall and for the Doc kept her from treating him like a textbook, but some day, she promised herself, someday she’d ask him. Or maybe one of the other members of the pack, if he let her.

What he said about a pack mentality and family made Reign smile; it was a knowing smile. She almost wondered if he was teasing her. She might not be a wolf but she understood. No matter how ashamed she’d been, how embarrassed about the situation with her ex… er ex-
husband that was (lord too many ex’s to keep up with) Reign knew she would have eventually gone home. She would have reunited with –her- pack. And nothing on this earth would have keep her from defending them in any and every way she could. Somehow, she figured the Doc knew that about her, even if she’d never said anything.

Her blue gray eyes didn’t hesitate to meet his, she didn’t blink or look away either. Reign understood full well she’d been trusted beyond most. She must have been or she wouldn’t be standing in this sacred space.

“Without trust there is no family, without family no pack.”

She smiled softly this time. She didn’t say anything as cliché as he could trust her or she’d keep their secret. If that was even in question… … well it wasn’t so no point in worrying about it.

“Its not something that alien to me. You must know those sentiments can cross family trees and even species.”
Xeph 16 years ago
Xeph had known that Reign was trustworthy. He smiled and nodded as she spoke, affirming what he'd suspected.

"You're not alone here in Nachton." He could use his uncanny intuition to ascertain her feelings, but this one was just plain old-fashioned intuition. "It may seem like it right now. If you ever want, though, there's a family right here that would be glad to have you."

So. It wasn't exactly an offer to join the Kadzait. Ah, who was he kidding? Reign belonged with them. But even moreso, she belonged with family. She understood their values. She would be able to live by their rules. Whether as Amaroq or Illamar, Xeph wasn't afraid to leave the offer open for her.

If all she wanted was a place to rest her head and her heart, he wasn't afraid to give her that either. She could be an adlait without ever joining the Pack. "If nothing else, you have friends here," he continued. "You never know when you could use a few of those."

He grinned at her and swung his hand back to the doorway. "Care to see the Long Run?"
Reign 16 years ago
Reign cocked her head at him slightly. It wasn’t a clear offer, it wasn’t like when the Giacalone clan had taken her in as an adoptive daughter, it was… a test drive? A feeler? Whatever it was she was honored. She suspected not too many people received even that much.

“You can never have too much family. I wouldn’t mind getting to know them.”

It was mor or less a yes/acceptance. Even without the werewolf thing Reing was interested in this community, who they are, more about what they belived, how they lived and worked. And what little she knew about them, hell she’d only realy met two of them the Doc and his date, she liked them. They were good people.

“Now friends I can use, I seem to be running damned low on them these days.”

Trying to to sound too sulking and keep the faint note of saddness creep in her voice she smiled as she said that. It almost looked convincing, almost, it was a bit off. Apparently she sounded lonley or something as Sirius stood and found his way to her sat beside her and sort of leaned into her leg. Reign absently pet his head and nodded.

The offer, the affremation was comforting though. She also took forgranted he’d understand it went both ways and anything she could do for them she’d do.

“Might as well finish the cook’s tour, from the sounds of it he might even find a rabbit to chase.”
Xeph 16 years ago
Xeph smiled broadly at Reign. Nothing was better than a human who innately understood how a Pack worked. Maybe that was why he liked her.

"There are plenty here, family and friend. You're welcome to visit whenever you like."

It was a huge offer. Xeph was notoriously protective of his Pack, but he also realized that in order to grow the Kadzait would need regular, continued infusions.

"Oh, we can find him a rabbit to chase all right."

Xeph led the way back out of the Hall, through the lobby of the Academy, and out to the Tikerak. The moon was approaching full, but wasn't really there yet. He could hear a howl or two in the distance; obviously some of his family were already out.

He'd take Reign through the wilderness out back; maybe she'd appreciate the time to think. He and Sirius, in the meantime, could find something fun to chase.

((ooc: Xeph and Reign out))