Shameless Plug for my kid
So our radio station is having a contest for cutest kid. I think I'm more excited for the prize should he win then he will be. Of course he's 2 and loves toys, but $1000 gift certificate to Toys R Us goes along way! Specially since he wants this 120$ remote controlled dinosaur. A few video games for mom don't hurt either lol!
Buut! If anyone would like to go vote for him here's the link !
His name is Joseph Q. and he's bout the 4th kid down on the left. It's his xmas picture from last year!
ANywho just thought I'd mention it :2thumbsup His pictures only up for today as they change them every day until the 17th (i think the 17th or 16th)
If you vote thanks a bunch!

He's one gorgeous boy, Dia!!

Ya know they had no rules on the quality of the picture lol. I guess people didn't mind that it was hard to see the kids picture!