Yikes! that sounds like lotsandlotsandlotsandlots of headaches to make!
anywho it'll be neat seen the screenies!
The new game
I have a new project, a new installment in the Sidewinder series I started a few years ago, which follows Steve, Nikki, Ashley, Mike Polster (CIA), and Richard Cox (USMC Recon Marine), as they take the Solomon Triad (a criminal orginization, part of Steve Rowland's original story, which I'm gonna bring over to SA) to the ground. This time, the Triad moves out into the open after their re-construction, and... well you guys will just have to wait. I'll have screenies soon, if anyone gives a flying rat's posterior. For now, I plan to get a new web page set up, where all of my games will be availble for download. For now, though, it's all games and much work.
Man, sometimes I confuse myself!

16 years ago