Random: anyone soaked a cake before?

My cake message boards are down and I thought maybe someone here may have tried it so, has anyone soaked a cake in any kind of liquor before?

I want to make a lemon cake and soak it in raspberry vodka. My friends favorite drink is raspberry vodka and lemonade and it's a cute twist.

also it's very quiet here and i had some crazy thought in my head that the site is messed up on my end and everyones wondered if i dissapeared again =D

Bastian 16 years ago
I've soaked a cake with rum before...just poked holes in it all over, and poured the rum over the top, then I iced it...yum!

And the board is dead...nothing on your end. Not sure if the winter doldrums has us all, or what.
Diane 16 years ago
oh thank you! my idea of soaking was to sit it in a puddle of liquid lol. thats a waaay better idea
Ellis Duban 16 years ago
I posted something =( But yeah, it's been quiet - Verileah finally sold her house and they moved into their new one. It was a long, harrowing experience for her, but she's settling in comfortably now, last I talked to her. Mai is working, I moved and then we went through the holidays and pushing TAC's art event.

It comes and goes, no biggie, but we'll still be here when people need a little vamp time =)
Diane 16 years ago
Moving is the worst. i'm glad you two survived it! I hate moving but I've done it enough to want to puke!
Steven 16 years ago
Huston, we have found life on Mars!! Oh, wait, this is Nachton. Damn! Hehehehehehehe

I was thinking of doing a get-together, nothing too destructive, just a police dinner or a party at the Palamino Room. (An excellent bar in my hometown) Anyone interested.
Ellis Duban 16 years ago
Feel free to open it up, Steven. I'm sure people will join in. =)
Diane 16 years ago
Ok, so the soaked cake came out pretty awesome I've been told. Her direct qoute was "this cake is sinful!"

So thank you very much! I did poke holes in it as well as when i leveled it i drizzled some Raspberry vodka over it.

The finished product! (yep those are dinosaur chicken nuggets in the background)

Bastian 16 years ago
Woohoo! That cake looks totally awesome! Fondant?
Diane 16 years ago
Thank you!

Ya, the pink & pearls are marshmellow fondant (that i made and was a huge pita but it yummy) and the brown is chocolate fondant (that i bought and tastes not great).

I'm a cake decorating newbie!
Bastian 16 years ago
I've never had homemade fondant, only store bought, and that stuff is nasty lol.
I did a little self teaching on cake decorating back when my daughter was little, and she's since taken a couple classes herself, where I've picked up some things.

PLUS, I'm a HUGE fan of Ace of Cakes! lol

I find it all interesting, but not enough anymore to do it myself...only to know what to look for when I need a cake decorated

*And I probably shouldn't have posted that on Bastian! lol
Diane 16 years ago
My family spent a good long time knocking (literally) on my first fondant cake lol. The homemade stuff sounded simple. = a tub of marshmellow fluff and 5 cups of confectioners sugar & some flavoring. It was no fun to work with though and took forever =(

I got cake decorating classes for my birthday last month, we start this wednesday. im excited

Ace of Cakes is awesome! I like the show on the Style network, cant remember the name of it but it showcases these 3 cake shops. I'm tempted to take a drive over to chicago to see The Cake Girls! They are my favorite.

Bastian now enjoys fashion AND baking it's ok to let it out! hehe
Ellis Duban 16 years ago
Wow that came out awesome. I've watched that Ace of Cakes show, it rocks my socks.
Diane 16 years ago
Thank you!

I like that Duff just highered all his friends to work for him. thats what i would do