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The Commander stepped into the common area that was used by the Pack for relaxation and quiet moments by the hearthstone with one specific purpose. The area was large, furnished comfortably with earth toned couches and chairs, and one chair in particular held the softly snoring body of one Lothias T. Jameson, also known as, LT.

Slowly Brig walked toward the Piper who was nestled comfortably in a large chair that suited his six foot two needs, even though LT was smaller than most Kadzait. At six foot five, Brig was taller, heavier, and much older than his second in command. The living area was void of other members, and the few that saw him enter, discreetly left the Commander to his snoring man. LT's chair was pushed up toward the roaring fire, and his boots were situated on top of the stone fireplaces ledge. Brig sat quietly next to LT's boots and looked at his nephew for a moment.

LT's father was Brig's youngest brother, so the Commander held an affinity for the young man. He had also finished LT's teaching after the death of his parents and brought him into his family, despite the repercussions of his mother's actions...alleged actions, rather. Whether the truth of his slumbering Piper's mother were true or not, Brig had set out to find the missing alleged adulterer and dealt with him personally. That's all the pack needed to know, except for the Beta, Hammerthynn, who was with him when Brig retrieved his fallen brother's wife's honor.

'Lothias.' Brig rested his hand on LT's leg, shaking him gently out of his sleep. The warmth of the fire, and the safety of the Den left the Piper's reflexes nonexistent, something Brig would have to speak to him about at a later date. Brig gently shook LT's leg again till the young man opened his eyes.

'Wakey, wakey...eggs and bakie.'

Lothias LT Jameson 16 years ago
Technically LT was in his late thirties, but outwardly he appeared no older than twenty five. Still, his youthful appearance had never been a problem when handling the Pipers - none questioned his authority, save for one. Michaels had met his fate for his insubordination, unfortunately so did three other very well trained, and loved, Piper brothers. The Alpha had dealt with the Pipers not near as severely as he could have, considering the fucked up situation Michaels put them in. LT felt responsible for Michaels' treachery, as did the Commander, but the Beta accepted the blame and the Piper's punishment was the team being dismantled by the Alpha, and put on temporary hiatus.

Thus, LT's napping by the fireplace. The other Pipers welcomed the change in routine and explored life beyond the Pack's walls, enjoying the city, and getting into trouble like normal men, but LT felt far from normal. He shared traits from both sides of the family - the Jameson's sensible and warm affection and the indifferent, loner Hammerthynns. LT was charming, but preferred solace to company. He was friendly like his Uncle, appreciating the fruits of their labors, but could be cold and hard like the Beta, his second cousin. LT grew up with his Uncle Brig's, married four times without children, but from a distance watched the Hammerthynns with awe.

He woke with a snort and sat up straight in his chair, pulling his feet down off the fireplace ledge. His Uncle was sitting across from him, friendly grin, in casual clothes.

'Sir, I'm sorry.' LT quickly stood, but was ushered back down into his seat by his Uncle putting his hand on his shoulder. 'Should I gather the Pipers, sir?'

'No, just relax, Lothias.'

Even though he was middle aged by human standards, LT still felt like a boy around his Uncle in private situations. His uncle called him by his first name in private. The ability to blur the lines so easily was still difficult for LT, even after all these years. He relaxed into the chair and ran his fingers through his hair, which was getting a little long. He sat forward, elbows on his knees and listened to his Uncle intently.
Brig Jameson 16 years ago
LT was still sharp and alert, despite the napping. Brig looked at his nephew with a sad and wistful look, the man being seventy years younger than him, but the Piper crew was all he had ever known. He wasn't even sure he had ever seen LT with a girl, not that the young man would ever bring one around. Lothias was much too shy for that type of uncomfortable interaction, and very much like his cousin, Iov.

With a sigh, Brig asked,
'Why aren't you out, with the others? Nachton's a big city, easy to get lost in.'
Lothias LT Jameson 16 years ago
LT blinked at his uncle's question and sighed. 'Uncle Brian...I'm not a child.'

'I know you're not.'

'I don't find the city all that interesting. Besides, the men don't need their LT around while they're having fun.'

'That's not what I meant.'

LT leaned back and looked at his uncle.
'Who's says I'm not having fun?'

'The internet doesn't count.'

'Oh that's just mean.'

Both men laughed heartily. LT was embarrassed, but his uncle was right. Life on the internet wasn't exactly living la vida loca.
Brig Jameson 16 years ago
'Listen, come out with me, right now. I'm on my way out to meet someone, a friend. I think you'd like to meet her. She's...' Brig stopped a moment and considered just who was he was talking about. 'She's unique.'

'Is she fat?'

'No, she's not fat. Not that there is anything wrong with that.'

LT's eyebrows pushed up and he snorted softly.

'Don't be so picky, a woman is a woman. Anyway, just come with me tonight. Wear what you're wearing right now, and let's go.'

His nephew looked down at his cargo pants, hiking boots, and light blue polo.

'It's fine, let's go.' Brig stood and walked to the outer hallway of the Den. He turned and watched his nephew follow him out the door.

'Besides,' Brig put his arm around his nephew's shoulders with a hearty slap. 'What's the worse that could happen?'

Continued in All Eyes On Me