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"Used to go with the flow.
Didn't really care 'bout me
You might think that, I can't take it but you're wrong
'Cause now I'm Stronger than yesterday"
- Stronger, Britney Spears

As soon as the last scorching rays of the sun had slipped behind the trees, Amberelle had nearly fled from her rooms to the dojo. The rosy glow lingering stung her eyes and sizzled on her skin but she hadn't cared. Night after night for over a year now she woke from the same nightmares with a strangled scream in her throat and it was taking its toll. Sometimes she could sleep for a night, even a week once, and the day's hours would pass in blissful slumber. But almost always it was invaded by horrific visions and scents from her memories. Her mind had always had enough carnage and bloodshed to work with even before that Halloween and somehow it all seemed to blur and blend, faces from kills long ago contorted in ghoulish glee to chase her. Sometimes worse.

In a way it was good for her she figured. She was spending time reading, watching TV and other mundane things like always. She had even started studying Italian like she had been wanting to. Now she pushed herself and trained hard every evening, even remembering to eat. Her system had been starved so many times since her turning she genuinely wasn't hungry some nights. But, the blonde found when she worked herself to exhaustion and pushed on, she would be. So training became multi purpose. She stayed sharp, filled the long nights and on those rare times when she collapsed in exhaustion she slept deeply enough to avoid it all.

Some time had passed since sunset and she was sweating, aching and feeling hungry. But she was only half way through her intended training so she ignored Louis wandering through with a petulant twitch of his tail and all the sounds of the House around her waking for the evening. Only when a shadow darkened the doorway did she even glance that way.

Golden eyes met icy blue for just a moment as she turned and then she was moving on, twisting through her kata with barely any acknowledgement.

Amberelle DeEspionne 16 years ago
That made nine nights in a row she thought with a sigh as she lifted her blinds and saw the dojo already occupied. The partially opened screens made it clear who was inside and Celeste frowned deeply. It shouldn't concern her but it did.

Something was wrong with her cousin and she had no fucking clue what it was.

Taking time to pull on a black tank top and some shorts, Cel walked right towards her wall and then let go, sliding into her etheral form effortlessly and gliding across the courtyard to the training area's doors. Her head turned and observed the shuttered doorway to the room above hers and then her attention returned to the blonde moving quickly across the soft mats.

Flesh once more, she leaned a shoulder against the doorframe and watched as Amber flawlessly moved through her katas. When their eyes met she started to straighten then her eyebrows rose at the summary dismissal. The Anantya looked at how a sheen of sweat already covered her very dark skin. That drew a sharp hiss from the smaller De'Espionne. It was not long past dark and the girl had been here for some time.

It irked her, to not know why what should be applaudable dedication bothered her. Perhaps it was because this just wasn't her Amber? Star pupil, naturally gifted and yet always holding back. Never pushing all the way. So why now, what had changed? For months now she had seen this shift in habits. It was becoming hard to remember this blonde in front of her was usually more comfortable off giggling in some mall burning up the plastic and making men swoon. Now what she saw was a cool and dangerous predator.

Celeste would never admit it reminded her all too much of her own changes.

Amberelle moved into a blurred series of spinning kicks, her unnatural agility giving her almost cinematic wire-like movement. When she landed and stared at Celeste from her crouch unblinking, the elder woman met her stare with a cool expression.

You turned out wrong on the third rotation, she said flatly.
Celeste 16 years ago
That made nine nights in a row she thought with a sigh as she lifted her blinds and saw the dojo already occupied. The partially opened screens made it clear who was inside and Celeste frowned deeply. It shouldn't concern her but it did.

Something was wrong with her cousin and she had no fucking clue what it was.

Taking time to pull on a black tank top and some shorts, Cel walked right towards her wall and then let go, sliding into her etheral form effortlessly and gliding across the courtyard to the training area's doors. Her head turned and observed the shuttered doorway to the room above hers and then her attention returned to the blonde moving quickly across the soft mats.

Flesh once more, she leaned a shoulder against the doorframe and watched as Amber flawlessly moved through her katas. When their eyes met she started to straighten then her eyebrows rose at the summary dismissal. The Anantya looked at how a sheen of sweat already covered her very dark skin. That drew a sharp hiss from the smaller De'Espionne. It was not long past dark and the girl had been here for some time.

It irked her, to not know why what should be applaudable dedication bothered her. Perhaps it was because this just wasn't her Amber? Star pupil, naturally gifted and yet always holding back. Never pushing all the way. So why now, what had changed? For months now she had seen this shift in habits. It was becoming hard to remember this blonde in front of her was usually more comfortable off giggling in some mall burning up the plastic and making men swoon. Now what she saw was a cool and dangerous predator.

Celeste would never admit it reminded her all too much of her own changes.

Amberelle moved into a blurred series of spinning kicks, her unnatural agility giving her almost cinematic wire-like movement. When she landed and stared at Celeste from her crouch unblinking, the elder woman met her stare with a cool expression.

You turned out wrong on the third rotation, she said flatly.
Amberelle DeEspionne 16 years ago
Amberelle figured it couldn't hurt to ignore Celeste and hope she went away. She should have known better. Her cousin was patient, meticulous and stubborn as hell. Tenacious might be a good description. Like a bulldog.

Crouched there, panting lightly as she just stared at her cousin she expected a greeting, maybe a smart ass remark or even a question. But criticism? The blonde rose with a low growl, her teeth gnashing as she turned and paced around stretching. Not even a Hi how are you or a fuck you. Rage was boiling inside and the blonde refused to respond.

If Amby stopped and thought about it, it would be odd that she was angry. But she didn't. Instead she snatched up her practice swords and moved to the center of the room. Spinning the katana and matching wakizashi in her hands she took up a starting stance and began moving quickly through another set of moves.
Celeste 16 years ago
She stayed still as she watched Amber's eyes flash, reflecting in the ambient light with fury at her. Celeste's expression did not change as she watched thoughtfully while her cousin stalked around the room like a caged lioness. The blonde practically had anger oozing from her pores.

That would not do, Cel decided. Anger made you reckless and that usually got someone killed. Usually the one who was angry.

Amber's pattern brought her in a sweeping arc around towards the doorway and Cel stepped out, neatly catching a katana blade in her left hand and blocking the sweeping jab of the wakizashi. Her mouth opened to to try and get through the wall surrounding the younger De'Espionne but to Celeste's shock before she really was even aware her cousin had lashed out with a sweeping kick to the side of her knee. It buckled under the force and she stumbled backwards.
Amberelle DeEspionne 16 years ago
Anger, frustration, and so many other things churned inside of Amberelle and came roaring to the surface as her cousin deftly stepped in front of her. Amby's mind exploded and instinct kicked in. Well aware of the imperviousness of Celeste's flesh the blonde automatically went for somethng much more insidious.

The kick landed perfectly and when the shorter woman was sent stumbling backwards Amberelle imediately pressed in with a barrage of followup kicks catching her from the knee all the way to the roundhouse to the jaw that rattled the Nightswoman's teeth and sent sparks exploding in her vision. Sliding backwards on the mats to bounce against the doorjamb, and stare upwards in shock briefly, Celeste barely dodged when the swords came flying through the air at her.

The blades buried themselves deeply in the wall and were forgotten as Amberelle followed after Celeste who had rolled out of the way and up onto her feet. A seething haze seemed to settle over the blonde and she breathed heavily interspersed with soft growls. Golden eyes were darkened to a deep burnished color and narrowed to slits as they watched their prey carefully.
Celeste 16 years ago
Gritting her teeth, Celeste tried her knee gingerly as she stood. It smarted fiercely but was stable. She eyed her cousin carefully. Amberelle was all aggression and animal instinct right now. Her first inclination was to go head to head with her and give the blond one hell of a fight since she seemed to be wanting one. But Cel paused, studying the situation.

Amber, you need to just calm the fuck down before I kick your ass. She kept her tone level and non threatening, even if the words weren't. If her cousin's feral side had not taken over too much then hopefully the words would get through.

Celeste wondered for a moment at the relaxed expression on her cousin's face. Amby's eyes were half closed as she circled around the smaller woman slowly. She seemed much more calm and collected, so Cel began to think Amber had gotten a handle on herself.

Then without warning the blond lunged.
Amberelle DeEspionne 16 years ago
There was something to be said for just letting go. It felt good, like that big stretch after a long car ride when you can finally just throw your arms out wide and arch your back. Amberelle felt it now as she was overwhelmed by her feral side. Instincts flooded her, disorienting at first as her senses stretched wide. It was comfortable and terrifying all at once as it swallowed her.

The blond padded around her cousin softly, slitted eyes blinking slowly as she moved with fluid grace. Slowly circling, she observed silently. Deceptively languid and relaxed the feline waited until just the right moment. Then she lept.

It was hard to catch Celeste off guard in a fight and even harder to actually connect with her. Once tonight Amby had been fast enough to land a surprise blow and the subsequent flow ups. But this time the younger woman passed right through where her prey had been, tumbling and rolling to her feet. Spinning around with an open mouthed snarl, her fangs lengthened. Sharp nails dug into the mats and slashed in frustration.

Moving quickly towards the smaller woman, her curled fingers slashed and swiped at air as Celeste dodged. Supernaturally agile she twisted and lunged, one hand finally managing to wrap around the older woman's bicep and dig in. It was like griping marble as the cool pale skin refused to give. Amberelle curled her larger frame around and her arms wrapped Cel up. Her teeth snapped as she leaned in but found herself holding only air.
Celeste 16 years ago
Well just remember... I did try to be nice, she muttered to herself with a slight grin. It was going to feel good to let go and cut loose on Amber. They had not sparred like that in years and she could admit to some curiosity to see who had developed into the better fighter.

Of course Celeste wasn't sure just how to get her cousin to come back to her senses. That could come after she knocked her around some. Maybe. If not she'd look for a plan B.

The blond kept reaching out for her, sharp claws slashing through air as the elder De'Espionne bobbed and weaved or blinked in and out of her physical form. Snarls and hisses filled the air as Amber kept missing her prey. The Nightswoman actually laughed a few times as she continued baiting her cousin.

The laughter faded and her smirk turned into a sneer when she found herself hauled roughly into the taller woman's embrace and saw fangs coming for her throat. Cel shifted to her etheral form instinctively as she stepped backwards and spun on her heel, immediately resolidified and slammed the heel of her hand into her cousin's back to send her tumbling forward. Leaping upwards she came down with both hands laced together to smash her fists between the blond's shoulders and send her face first into the mats.

Far faster than Celeste anticipated, Amberelle was rolling onto her side as one hand snaked out and wrapped around her cousin's ankle and jerked. Flipping with it, Cel caught herself on her hands and pushed off to land on her feet just in time to partially dodge a snap kick to the face. It clipped her shoulder and threw her off balance. Cel spun and took Amby's follow up blow to her gut with a grunt but landed her own jab squarely on the blond's jaw that had stars exploding in her vision and she backed away shaking her head.
Amberelle DeEspionne 16 years ago
Her vision blurred for a second and she shook her head to clear it. Amberelle moved her lower jaw sideways some, testing it gingerly. It stung but didn't feel broken. Golden eyes watched cautiously as Celeste took a few steps back and stood with her hands on her hips, gloating smugly in her own cold eyed way over her well placed strike. The only response she received was a deep growl.

Slowly the younger Creole stalked around Celeste, her bare feet sliding soundlessly over the mats. Her hands curled loosely into fists as she breathed slowly, little growls audible when she exhaled. Moving more cautiously now Amby struck out with a kick which the smaller woman just sidestepped and batted away. Changing directions she began criss-crossing around the dojo. The two De'Espionne's eyes never left each other as Amberelle lashed out time and again with her hands and feet.

After several minutes the tempo began to increase, the time between strikes diminishing but Cel stayed firmly on the defensive. Each of them was gauging the other, studying and assessing. Amby's lips slowly curled back in an odd mix between a snarl and a grin.

She had always enjoyed playing with her food.
Celeste 16 years ago
Celeste found that grin damn unsettling. There was a lot more logic and care in her cousin's actions that she had expected from the amount of feral tendencies Amber had exhibited. It reminded her of a large cat moving around prey. And Cel refused to play that part.

Her irritation built as she deflected blow after blow by dodging or using an open palm to sweep aside the kicks and punches. The momentum seemed to have reached its peak and still the blond did not manage to land any blows. Cel wondered if she was holding back but gave a mental shrug and decided it didn't matter. So far she was not feeling that pressed. Oh, she was having to stay vigilant and keep her attention focused but it seemed somewhere along the lines that Amberelle's skills had slipped.

That didn't sit quite right with her but there seemed little other explanation. Listening to the soft panting that the younger woman was doing now she was reminded that while she was fresh her cousin had already been going for a good while. "Maybe that's it?" Only one way to find out.

Celeste moved in closer as she sidestepped a low kick and went on the offensive. Her first punch was a suprise and landed cleanly on Amber's side.
Amberelle DeEspionne 15 years ago
The strike elicted a loud howl, more from anger and suprise than pain but the blonde still scrambled backwards. Amberelle took several more strikes as her cousin moved quickly, Celeste's small frame twisting and spinning as she pummeled the taller woman's torso until she was staggering backwards unsteadily.

Every fist was like a steel ball and still Amberelle left herself open, only half heartedly blocking until she saw the elder DeÉspionne leap up into a spinning round house kick aimed right for her face. A coup de grace as it were, trying to finish her off. A twisted smile crossed her pretty face as she agilely slipped out of the way and instead reached up much faster than her earlier slow reactions would have hinted was possible. Her hands wrapped around Cel's ankle like steel bands and used her own momentum to toss her across the dojo. She crashed through the half open screen and went sliding and tumbling arcoss the ground.

Amby was a few seconds behind her, running and leaping headfirst through the debris. She tucked and rolled, coming up onto her knees and then feet as she lunged for the woman still trying to lift herself from the ground. There was a bright gleam of satisfaction in her eyes briefly that turned quickly to suprise when Celeste spoke.

The blonde felt herself go limp, stumbling forward under her forward momentum onto her knees to look at her cousin. Her golden eyes blinked once, slowly changing back to human before she fell face first to the ground unconscious.
Celeste 15 years ago
One minute she was in control, about to put an end to this little confrontation and the next she was smashing through a window, landing with a sickening thud on her shoulder and listening to it dislocate while a few of her ribs cracked. Celeste slid to a halt with her face half in the grass and tried to draw herself up onto her knees. A sound made her look up and what she saw was actually really frightening. She was in way too much pain to turn to mist, so she did the first defensive thing that came to mind.

"Hætta og hætta" she barked. Inside she winced at the look that crossed Amber's face before her cousin blacked out. Closing her eyes as she exhaled painfully, Cel grimaced. That was the first time she'd ever had to use one of the control phrases her sire had implanted with his Command. It didn't sit well with her either that the younger woman had gotten stronger than she could handle. But she had had her ass handed to her tonight.

And now she had to drag an unconscious Amazon back to her room with broken ribs. Just fucking great.

((Cel and Amby out - lock up!))