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Diggin on you

Continued from All Eyes On Me

I was like deep in a cool
Whatnt gone be nobodys fool
Could not care less who was there
Couldve been like anywhere
I was chillin with my kool aid
Did not want to par ti ci pate
In no silly conversations
Had no time for new relation ships
I must admit to you
When I heard the lines you threw
Although it usually turns me off
But this time you have turned me on
Lights off lights on
I guess the groove is on and I am
- Diggin on you, TLC

Tff iz reffy gud.

Laughing, LT wiped his mouth with his napkin and swallowed.
'What did you say?'

Carol started to giggle with her mouth full as she held up her hot dog and pointed at it.

'Oh, it's really good?'

Nodding, Carol stopped, trying not to choke on her dinner. They were walking down a long block of charming looking brownstones located not too far off from the Municipal district. It's where the money his uncle gave him for the cab ran out. The cabbie let them out with a smile, no doubt from the hour long show of them kissing in his back seat, and they set off on foot toward Carol's neighborhood, which she said actually wasn't far. On the way they passed a hot dog stand, and after realizing that they were in fact starving, grabbed a couple dogs for the walk.

'I had heard American hot dogs were good, but yeah this is pretty good.'


'Uh...Oscar Meyer?'

Carol began laughing again as she took another bite of her dog. 'Alright, alright. No making fun of the foreigner.' He grabbed her hand and tugged her back down the sidewalk with a grin. Wolfing down the rest of his hot dog, no pun intended, he looked hungrily back at hers.

‘Gimme a bite.’

Carol 16 years ago
'What? Get off!'

Carol pushed him away as she tried to finish her hot dog, but he kept grabbing at her, pulling her into her arms, which admittedly she didn't resist too hard against.

'Ok ok, last bite.'

Lothias stopped but pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist. In the whole hour and a half they had known each other, they were already comfortable being close and though it thrilled Carol, it still made her a little sad. The sun was slowly dipping behind the horizon and as she looked up at him, the soft glow of the sunset burned across his face. It was glorious and just a little heartbreaking. She had gotten used to nighttime walks, moonlight drives, and harsh florescent lights, but now she could walk in the sun and enjoy it with someone else.

With a little smile she turned her dog toward Lothias and he took the last bite. Cleaning the mustard and ketchup (to which he replied 'yuck' as she put the ketchup on her dog) off her fingers, she watched Lothias' eyes roll up into his head with a grimace.

'Hey, you asked for the last bite and you watched me put ketchup on it.' She took her napkin and wiped the excess condements from his mouth as he swallowed and shuddered. 'Shut up.' Shoving him slightly, she took his left arm and wrapped her arms around it as they continued walking down the street.
Lothias LT Jameson 16 years ago
'Who puts ketchup on their hot dog, it's disgusting!' Lothias laughed as Carol pinched his arm and tightened her grip on it. He used his napkin to clean the rest of the mustard off his hands and mouth and threw it on a corner garbage can as they stopped at the crosswalk.

Quickly learning that big cities like Nachton did not seem to acknowledge pedestrians, he took her hand and they jogged across the crosswalk as soon as the WALK sign popped up. The street was lined with three or four oak trees along each block, now thin and withered during the winter months. Carol didn't complain about the weather and happily walked the short distance from the Founder's square to her neighborhood.


Lothias looked up at the brownstone she pointed to and was a little sad to have finally reached their destination. The building was an earthy brownish red tone with matching stoops and black ornate railings leading up to a double window paned rich oak colored door. Some were gated, some open like Carol's. The design on the glass were fleur de lis emblems in each corner. All very old world, yet clean and up to date.

'Wow, this is nice.'

Carol started taking the steps up to her front door but LT elected to stay behind, still holding the fingers of her hand. She turned back with a curious look.

'I think I'm going to be a gentleman.' A surprised look crossed Carol's face as she turned to face him, now at eye level with him from several steps up. 'Just this once, though. After this, I'm a pig.'

Carol laughed, her eyes squinting shut as her smile grew big. LT admitted to himself just then that he was taken with Miss Carol Hedley. Silly, vibrant, charming with a hint of a sailor's mouth, he grinned at her he leaned in and elected to kiss her on the cheek.

She held his hands as he kissed her softly just beyond her cheek and near her ear, enjoying the scent of her perfume and feel of her soft hair in his face. As he began to pull away, he gave her another quick kiss on her cheek.

'I'll call you?'

'You better.'

He held onto her hand until they were finally far enough apart for their hold to relinquish and he turned away, heading back toward the Founder's square to catch a cab when she called out to him.

'Hey,' she said and as he turned, barely caught her as she jumped into his arms.
Carol 16 years ago
Wow, he was going home.

Carol stood perplexed on the stoop of her brownstone, not quite believing what she was hearing. Things had progressed to a point that the end of the evening seemed obvious to her. Not easy, by any stretch of the imagination, Carol had pretty much planned on fucking him retarded when he surprised her by not following her into the brownstone.

I'm going to be a gentleman, he said. He was serious, even when he joked he'd be a pig later, it still warmed her heart to know that he was treating her with the respect any woman deserved. She was flattered, awe inspired, and downright giggly. When he leaned in close to kiss her, she thought, again Lothias surprised her by kissing her cheek. The feel of his lips and curl of his fingers that were entwined with hers made her melt. As he pulled away, Carol felt her eyelids grow heavy and everything inside her warmed to a reasonable simmer, and he promised to call.

'You better,' she replied as she watched him take a step away without letting her hand go until the last possible moment.

Sighing, Carol considered her situation. She should let him go, she thought. Probably not a good idea to ruin a good thing by acting slutty, but it's not like that ever stopped her before. A woman of reasonable morals, she still had vices, and a new one was walking away from her. Yeah, she liked Lothias Jameson and he was addicting as any one person could be, but more importantly, he made her forget.


Lothias turned just in time to catch her as she jumped off the stoop of her brownstone and into his arms. Her arms were wrapped around his neck and after he gave her a startled looked, he lowered her to the ground and began kissing her.

Carol pulled at his neck, pressing her body up against his and they stumbled up the steps to her front door. Suddenly, he picked her up again and she wrapped her legs around his waist, dress be damned, and he pushed her into the front door. They continued kissing, at one point their teeth colliding, making them laugh as she reached out to the computer panel and typed in her password for the door lock. There was a loud click and Lothias reached down and opened the door, almost falling in with her.

Cupping his face, Carol assaulted his lips with hers, biting and sucking at them, making him moan softly. He kicked the door closed and promptly ran into a table, knocking it over.

'Oh I'm sorry.'

'Forget it! Forget it!'

The foyer opened up into a small hallway with stairs to the left and an open room to the right.

'Upstairs. No wait, to the right, to the right.'

He carried her into the room and almost fell on a coffee table. Laughing, Carol slid down and tore off her jacket as she tried to continue kissing him. He stood there, just staring at her as she came at him, pulling his shirt out of the waistband of his pants and he slipped his own light jacket off and let it fall to the floor. Then, with savage authority, Carol grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him onto the large thick rug on the hardwood floor beneath them.

'Wait, wait,' she said, turning her back and pointed her jaw at the zipper. He quickly reached out and undid the zipper agonizingly slow. She took the hem of the dress and pulled it over her head. Then he did a curious thing.
Lothias LT Jameson 16 years ago
First he was walking away, then he was on the floor of her front room, undoing the zipper of her dress. He had planned on being a gentleman, really, that was the plan, but Carol had other plans for him and he was more than happy to oblige.

As he pulled the zipper down slowly, he looked at the exposed skin of her back underneath and became mesmerized. She pulled off her dress and was laying there beneath him wearing an incredibly small, outstandingly red thong and a matching bra that left absolutely nothing to the imagination, considering it was made of a see-thru material. Slowly he ran his hand up her thigh, feeling the softness of her skin.

LT dipped his head slowly and began kissing up her thigh. Teeth, tongue, and then fingers trailing behind in the wake, he made his way up her body. He ran his mouth over the front of her thong, savoring the scent of her as she moaned softly beneath him. He moved further up, across her belly button, momentarily pausing to kiss and play with it using his tongue, then up to her bra. Biting through the material, he teased the hard, pink nipple as he climbed on top of her, his right leg separating hers. She was watching him as he made his predatory and painfully slow trek up her body, till finally he reached her mouth.

Dear God, her mouth.

That had to be the best part of her, he decided. They were cherry red and swollen now, lips parted and void of any lipstick. As he climbed the full length of her, he settled down into her arms and kissed her deeply, worshiping those lips. Her hands came up and began running her fingers through his short hair, fingernails scraping his scalp as they pressed up against each other, relishing in the warmth.

'God, your lips,' he moaned and sucked on the bottom lip, biting it softly. He could feel her hands move down and start to undo the buckle of his pants, providing ample encouragement to ravish her further...when his cell phone rang.

They paused and as he pulled back with her bottom lip in his mouth, he let out a long breath.


That cell phone never rang. No one called him to talk. No one called him for personal reasons. It only rang when he was needed. It was his Piper cell phone.

'I have to get that.'

Carol slumped and fell back onto the floor.

Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out the slim phone and answered it.
'Jameson here.'

'Where are you, LT?' It was Markinson and his Scottish brogue.

'I'm busy.'

'The Beta is calling us in.'


'Aye. Where are you? Need one of us to get you?'

LT looked down at Carol who reached out and touched his lips.
'Do you have to go?' She asked softly, but not softly enough.

'Is that a woman's voice?' He heard the rest of the Pipers yell in the background and he held the phone on his shoulder and rolled his eyes.

'I'll be in ASAP.' He hung up the phone and looked at Carol. 'I have to go.'

'I heard.'

He looked down at her almost naked body and put his hand on her hip with a sigh.
'Yeah. Ok.'

Standing slowly, he reached down and helped Carol up off the ground. She grabbed her dress and pulled it back on, making him sadder than he could have ever thought possible. After bending over to pick up his jacket, he walked up to her and smiled. Lifting her chin with his hand, he gave her a long, lingering kiss. And with that, he left.

((LT out))
Carol 16 years ago
God hates me.

Carol thought this as she watched Lothias leave. Then, with balled fists, she shook both hands up at the ceiling and cursed.

'!' Then her shoulders slumped and she dropped her hands. 'Time for porn.' As she walked out of the room, she picked up her jacket, hung it in the hallway closet, then headed up stairs for some downloaded porn.

((Carol out))

Continue in Focused...Kinda