Continued from Bound to be a while
You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much
than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.
- Gravity, Sara Bareilles
Carol grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his chair so quickly that he bumped into the chair behind him.
'I'm sorry, excuse me.'
The rain outside did not deter her determination, in fact, she wouldn't even let him offer to get her car and bring it down. She again tugged on his hand and ran out into the pouring rain.
LT pulled the collar of his leather jacket up around his neck and squinted into the downpour. He was fairly certain they were going back to her place now, not that he minded, but he honestly wasn't trying to...ok that's a lie, yes he did. He did his best to convey the look of want across the table in hopes of setting the table cloth on fire, or possibly reheating their food. It had made him a little nervous that Carol spoke with such conviction and bitterness, but who didn't have a little baggage? She just didn't seem the type to carry a torch, probably more the type to burn down the guy's house.
They reached her Jeep and he circled around to the driver's side to open her door when she shooed him away. Snorting softly he walked back around and got into the passenger side and got in. Carol had yet to say anything at this point, but then neither did he. He wasn't quite sure what to say, to be honest. Nervousness was creeping into his shoulders, but was completely ignored by the fact that, the more he thought about what would happen when they did get to her house, the tighter his jeans seemed to get. Shifting uncomfortably in seat, Carol pulled out of the parking lot with a squeal of tires and sped off.
LT put his hand on the dashboard to steady himself as Carol tore down the strip, heading toward the municipal center, and further uptown toward the residential brownstones. Carol gunned it down the street and pulled into a spot right across the street of her place. Still without a word, she hopped out of the Jeep and walked quickly around, heading toward the stoop of her brownstone. LT stepped out of the Jeep just in time to catch her. He reached out and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her off the second step.
She was breathless, flushed, and immediately grabbed at his coat. Pulling her close, he let her feel his excitement as he became absorbed in hers. His lips hovered over hers as the pain of his want built up in his chest, as well as his southern regions.
‘What did I tell you the last time we were standing right here?’
Carol gave him a confused look.
‘I said I’d be a gentleman that time, but not the next.’ Then, as he closed the distance to her lips, he heard her gasp something, but missed it as he picked her up, straddling his hips, and carried her up the steps.

It came out as more of a whimper than three syllables forming words.
It had been a mad dash uptown from the marina to her brownstone and, aside from breaking many traffic laws, Carol was on the verge of hyperventilating. She was taking him back to her place to fuck him retarded, there was no doubt, but the feral need to do so was startling.
As he pressed her up against the door, Carol reached out and typed in the code into the security pad, unlocking it. He had the foresight to drop her back down to her feet as they pushed into the foyer. He kicked the door closed, this time without knocking anything over, and she began pulling him toward the stairs. She sat back onto the stairs as Lothias let his leather coat drop to the ground and her wrap soon joined it. Lifting a boot, she gave him a smile.
'Untie me.' Lothias looked down at her boot...then began counting the eyelets. 'There are 20, get to untying.' She nudged him with the tip of her boot and he grabbed it, pulling the bow and loosening the lace while looking at her again with those sparkling blue eyes. After tugging it slowly off her leg, he lowered his lips and kissed the side of her calf, moving slowly up to her knee when he reached for her other leg. Lifting it, he untied the laces, and after making quick work of it, kissed slowly up that leg as well.
Carol leaned back onto her elbows as he parted her legs and moved in between them, covering her entire body with his. She hadn't planned on doing it on the stairs, but she decided she was perfectly fine with when he wrapped one arm around her waist and tugged her roughly toward him, lifting her off the stairs. Her loose long hair flew forward, covering the side of her face, but it didn't deter him. His mouth was on her, biting at her neck as he carried her up the steps.
The room had to have been the entire front end of the brownstone, taking up at least half the second floor. It may have been a four bedroom at some point, but now it was a comfortable two and the master bedroom boasted a living suite with chaise lounge chairs, fresh flowers, and cherry wood furniture. In the far corner, parallel to the wall facing the street, was a king sized bed. The bed was unmade and, after only a brief glance across the room, looked extremely soft with a thick comforter across the top. It was the view that distracted him long enough to pause.
Carol looked over her shoulder and then pulled him back toward the bed. Three quarters of the far wall was nothing but glass. The curtains were a soft, mint green that matched the comforter on the bed and they were pulled back. The rain pattered softly on the window panes as they both stood quietly looking out. LT broke his stare from the window and looked down at Carol. Her hair was still partially wet from running in the rain. Reaching out, he pushed a bit of her hair out of her face, making her look at him.
They were inches from the bed. LT ran his fingers along her jawline as she looked up at him with her bright blue eyes. He was painfully aware of the calluses on his fingertips, but he didn't think she minded as she guided the tip of his index finger into her mouth, running her tongue along the length of it with a smoldering expression of want. LT felt his eyelids grow heavy and his stomach tensed at the touch of her mouth and the softness of her wet tongue. She pulled his finger out of her mouth and he softly grabbed her chin in between his fingers, pinching it.

Lothias so much closer in age to her. Young, viral, but soft spoken and charming. Yet she had caught the intense stare and insane observation skills when they entered new areas. His eyes always went left, right, up and down. She could see him registering everyone in the room with just a flick of the eye or a slight turn of his head. He was experienced in many ways, more than a twenty five year old could ever be. Carol could not help but wonder about what he said. Doubts would start to poke at her mind, that was until he looked at her with that half smile and gorgeous blue eyes. Lothias wasn't Simon, not by a long shot, but that wasn't a bad thing either. Simon wasn't perfect, but then neither was Lothias. She kept telling herself that, despite almost thinking it. More and more she found herself thinking less of Simon and more of Lothias. She was even contemplating changing her schedule after almost five years of living the night life, for Lothias.
He softly pinched her chin with his fingers and smiled at her with that sweet half smile. Carol let herself be caught in his soul gaze and she leaned into him, her hands coming up and separating his shirt. The top two buttons had already popped off, victims to her urgency. Without breaking her stare, she slid her fingers down and undid the buttons of his shirt, pulling it up and out of his jeans, slowly revealing his flat and toned stomach. He was just a little hairy, which made her grin, but it was all in the right places. The line of hair curved upward, meeting in a line that led down the middle of his abs, toward the inevitable and delicious end. Carol ran her hands slowly, feeling his skin and tracing the lines of his muscled abs. Not too cut, but toned and distinct. He stood there with his hands at his side, breathing slowly and deeply as she touched him. Leaning closer she ran her hands up toward his over his pecs, toward his shoulders as she kissed his breast bone. His skin was soft, smooth until her left hand reached his shoulder and pushed back the shirt, revealing something that made her gasp out of surprise.
'It was about four years ago.'
He answered her unasked question with a full out lie, but he couldn't exactly tell her that it had happened within the past month, now could he?
LT had been shot before, it was the nature of his job, but lead bullets didn't leave scars like silver ones did. His body was void of any scars since he was turned as a child. His missions were usually against humans and silver weapons weren't exactly part of the trade for them. But sometimes, even brothers fight.
Carol stepped to the side, looking at the large scar covering the front of his shoulder, all the way down. That scar had been caused by Ellis in the sewer and he had to dig the bullet out before it atrophied the tissue in his shoulder, making it useless. The silver had scarred his fingertips as he dug it out, leaving hardened calluses. Carol took another step and circled behind him quietly.
He heard her murmur another expletive as she saw the scars on his back. 'Those are knife wounds. The chap who did that is an old friend of my father's.'
That was the truth. There were light claw like marks on his back, surrounding one large and very deep knife wound that started up from his left kidney, up toward the same shoulder. The knife had been silver and the wielder was a personal foe.
'Ringo.' Oringo Ramsey was a Vyusher R'asa. A brother wolf who took pleasure in killing other wolves and carried silver weapons. 'He's not exactly a nice guy.'
Ringo Ramsey was older than LT, but not near as old as the Beta. His family had been part of Vyusher R'asa for centuries and Ringo was just another killer among more homicidal cut throats. The Kadzait had the Pipers for militaristic missions, reconnaissance mostly, but the Vyusher R'asa were all killers. They may have been brothers in their curse, but definitely not by blood.
Carol touched the length of the scar, making his back shiver. He had never spoken about Ringo to anyone. And as Carol stood back in front of him, he was perplexed to see that Carol didn't seem to be as shocked as most women had been. His body showed the ugly scars of what men do with dark hearts and, if anything, Carol was fascinated by it. Her eyebrows went up, and with a sigh, she put her hands back on his chest.
LT didn't know what else to say, so he just looked down at her, waiting.

The possibility that Lothias was nothing that he claimed to be was beginning to gnaw at her sense of the obvious. That he was, in fact, much older than he looked. That he walked in the daylight, but what about when the moon was full? What the fuck was it with the night that seemed to haunt her at every turn? He was a mercenary, it was as plain as the scars on his body, but was he more than that?
Did it matter?
Carol finished circling Lothias and stood in front of him, her hands resting on his chest. He looked at her with open curiosity, his blue eyes darting back and forth between hers. Her reaction wasn't what he had expected. She supposed it wasn't what she had expected either. Common sense was telling her that he was not part of her world, not by any stretch of the imagination. You don't get wounds like that and not lose some mobility. Yet there he was, in perfect shape, with no apparent lack of strength. In her peripheral vision the scar on his shoulder loomed, screaming the obvious. She may not be part of the Domicile's day to day operation now, but she had been when a werewolf in the sewers attacked Simon and Ellis.
And took a bullet in the shoulder, according to Ellis.
The tears that had been welling up in her eyes fell as she blink slowly. Lothias' face tightened with concern and he touched her face with his right hand, wiping away a tear with this thumb. The question gathered up strength in her chest, to ask ask him everything. If he knew exactly who she was, what Duibne was, and more importantly, if he was what she thought he was. Was it coincidence? A gunshot wound in the same general area and blue eyes that looked achingly old?
But again, did it matter?
Carol leaned in and kissed Lothias chest, the tears in her eyes replenished and she freely cried as her lips moved across to the edge of his scar. Her hand came up and she touched it again, trailing the path of her fingers with her lips.
No, it didn't matter.
Lothias held the promise of a love that did not have to be shared. Of sunlight. Of youth. Of a lie she was willing to live with.
Carol took his hands in hers and pulled him to her bed.
LT closed his already heavy eye lids as she pulled him closer to her bed. He pressed his body up against hers as she backed up against the high king sized bed. It was so high that it touched just above the tops of her bottom. He reached around her and planted his hands on either side of her and bent down to eye level. Her tears did nothing to hamper the bright whites of her eyes, and if anything, made her iris’s a brighter blue.
They were leaning against the bed, her hips pressing against the soft comforter. Gently he leaned in and grazed his nose with hers, running his lips over her tears. The moment was sexually charged, but right then it didn’t seem right to just throw her in the bed and fuck her wildly, as much as he wanted to do just that. Carol seemed genuinely saddened by his scars or maybe it was something more. She just wasn’t your run of the mill, bubbly ditsy blond. Far from it. She hadn’t said anything about it, but he saw her watching him, quietly observing and taking her mental notes when they entered a room. Out of habit, he had to know the easiest route out of a building and always looked for the nearest exit. You do it for so long, its second nature. But she watched him, she wasn’t stupid, and if anything, he thought she might have done the same thing.
LT pressed his forehead against hers. He brushed her lips with his, teasing her pink lips with his tongue. When her hands dropped to his belt, he swallowed (more like gulped) as she slowly undid the buckle. Reaching up behind her, he touched her back, running his hands up the curvy slope and banded material of her dress. He found the zipper and pulled at it, sliding it down. Carol shifted her body, wiggling with a grin and it fell to the ground.
It was a deep and rather profound sigh that escaped his lips. Carol pulled his belt out of the loops of his pants and threw it on the ground behind him. He ran his hands down her back, enjoying the silkiness of her skin and the curves of her body. As she undid the buttons of his pants, he watched as her peaches and cream breasts moved with each breath. LT wanted to run his hands all over her body, touching every bit of her. Suddenly Carol made a face and touched the little bulge of his front pocket.
‘Oh.’ He reached into the pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Without looking, he tossed it behind him and it slid across the hardwood floor, out the door, through the banister of the stairs, and bounced down the steps.
With a smile he looked down at her as he ran his fingers along the side strings of her thong.

Lothias was going to be the first man she had slept with since Simon. She had been picky, she knew this now. Brian had taken her out several times, but it never once led to sex. Sure they made out, but something always held her back, and thank god, he seemed to recognize that. There was something about Lothias, something tangible and real. Understanding what it was that made him different perplexed her, but as she looked into his blue eyes, Carol again filed that discrepancy away. A piece of information that seemed incredibly insignificant as she lowered his zipper and pushed both hands into the front of his jeans.
Carol watched as his eyes rolled back and he moaned softly with pleasure. She stroked him with one hand, cupped him with the other, and reached out with her mouth to capture his lips. His hands went behind her as his knees buckled slightly. Slowly, and with a tight grip, Carol stroked him until his breathing had become ragged. Freeing one hand, she pushed his jeans over his hips and he stepped out of them after his shoes and socks were discarded. All the while, her mouth never left his. Their kisses were hurried, yet deep; hungry, but soulful. Finally he grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her onto the bed.
Carol was practically panting as she scooted back onto the bed and watched as he crawled over her. Her leg came up and wrapped around his hip as he began his assault on her body with his mouth.
The pent up sexual frustration made their coupling memorable, to say the least. His hands were strong, his movement powerful, and yet he knew when to be soft and definitely when not to be. The thrill of his hands grabbing her hips from behind and thrusting into her had made her dizzy with a want she hadn’t felt in some time. It was a fine line between love making and fucking and Carol enjoyed every single second of it.
'Sweet, Jesus,' he muttered softly against the soft skin of her back. Gently he bit down just above her shoulder blade as they moved together slowly and methodically. They switched from a slow to a fast pace as they fluidly moved from position to position. She seemed to favor him taking her from behind and was most definitely encouraged by his softly spoken declarations of excitement. He was a talker, that's for sure, and the more he did it, the stronger the reaction from her.
They began moving faster, his thrust down into her as the lower half of her body pushed roughly back against him until he sat back onto his knees and grabbed her hips roughly. Her squeal of delight was cut off by his vigorous thrusts and the sound made his eyes roll back. She moved to her hands and knees as his right hand reached for her shoulder to pull her back into him. Quickly she began her ascent and her soft moans became harder and louder till finally she called out his name repeatedly, demanding he not stop.
His face winced against the pressure of his own orgasm, but he held onto it, hoping to prolong the coupling just a little longer. Then Carol reached back, pulling his arm forward and he laid back onto the bed as she crawled on top of him.
Watching her on top of him, staring at him with those blue eyes, LT leaned back onto his elbows and moved his hips up to meet hers. She was incredibly petite and beautiful. Her long blond hair was tangled and full of body as it covered the right side of her face. Her mouth was cherry red and opened as she panted. The thrill of her movements began to tighten the knots in his stomach again, pushing him toward the edge. A wave of euphoria hit him, making him wince against the pleasurable pain of it. She was going to come again, she said. Repeating it like a mantra, riding him faster and harder. Sitting up he wrapped his arms around her and reached for her shoulders, pulling down on her as he pushed back into her, grinding against her body.
He started chanting her name softly and she responded by digging her nails into his back as she rotated her hips. The build up began to threaten them both. His mouth found her breasts and he began sucking and biting down on them, sending her into a flurry of an orgasm that he followed soon after.
They rode the wave, panting and out of breath as he held her in his lap. With her blond hair in his face, he kissed her when she looked down at him. They sat together quietly, kissing softly as the adrenaline moving through his veins dissipated, bringing on the inevitable lull of sleep. She crawled off and laid down next to him as he relaxed onto the bed. He was still breathing hard, as was she. Licking his lips, he looked at the ceiling and grinned.
Carol began giggling next to him, laying on her stomach and looking at him through her freshly fucked hair. He turned and looked at her. Moving her hair away from her eyes, he reached down and pinched her chin, making her smile.
He barely knew her, yet felt the very unfamiliar tug of want mixed with something he had never felt before. LT cared about her, he realized. It wasn't just the sex, but being with her was all he seemed to care about lately. Work had always been so easy to concentrate on, to disassociate from the people around him except for his pack was as easy as breathing, but looking at her now, crystal blue eyes and angelic smile, Carol had just moved to the top of his priority list.
And it worried him.
How do you tell someone you think you loved them and that you were a werewolf?
LT sighed and leaned in to kiss her as she closed her eyes.

I just had sex with that man, she thought to herself, and it wasn't Simon. Was she OK with that thought? She considered it, waiting for the inevitable feeling of guilt and misery...and it never came. Hmm. A smile crept across her face.
Yeah, she thought maybe she was.
Sitting up, Carol straightened the bed sheet, pulling it and the comforter up to Lothias' shoulder. Then she rolled out of bed quietly. On the floor was various article of clothing, and after she picked up her dress and threw it on the sofa seat across the room neatly, she grabbed Lothias' button up shirt and slipped it on. She gave Lothias a final look before padding quietly out of the bedroom.
She was hungry, like...really hungry. A roast beef sandwich, maybe. With pickles and jalapeno cheese. Yum, she thought. The hardwood floor was covered with deep, rich colored rugs and she dug her toes into the thickness of them as she walked down the hall and rounded the banister to the steps. As she slowly descended the steps, Carol smiled again, thinking of Lothias. He was a talker. She loved that. Her body shivered as she recalled the memory, goosebumps springing up on her arms. He was very good, thank god.
Carol reached the ground floor and turned to walk toward the kitchen when she heard a soft vibration. Looking around, her eyes fell on Lothias' discarded cell phone. She reached down and picked it up, looking at the LCD display window on the outside.
1 missed call.
'Huh,' she said quietly and flipped it open just as Lothias' hand reached around her. She jumped, nearly dropping the phone.
'Jesus!' He was wearing his jeans and nothing else and he had managed to come down the stairs, practically right behind her, without a sound. Carol reached out and punched him in arm. 'You scared me.' She handed the phone over, open with its display showing. 'And you missed a call, I hope it wasn't important.'
He didn't mind her looking at his phone, curiously enough. It was curious since he was usually pretty guarded about his work. Well, not just pretty guarded, but frantically guarded about it. He gave her a half grin as she handed the phone over.
Iov Hammerthynn
The beta had called and had followed it up with a text message.
'Do you have to leave?'
LT looked down at Carol, her face suddenly sad. He read the text message and shook his head. The Beta had just wanted to let him know that he had forwarded the Commander and himself points of interest pertaining to their Vyusher R'asa brothers. The Pipers would handle it.
'Nope,' he said, closing the cell phone and tucking it into his back pocket.

'You hungry? I'm hungry.'
The kitchen had a swinging doorway and she pushed inside as Lothias held the door open with his hand. His shirt was huge on her, reaching all the way down to her mid thigh. Rolling up the sleeves, she pulled open the double door fridge and poked inside. After pulling out the makings of a sandwich and left over fried chicken, she kicked the door closed with her bare foot. Lothias helped her by taking some of the containers and then they set everything on the center granite kitchen island.
'Miracle whip or mustard?'
'Miracle whip.'
Carol squirted a glob of the fake mayo on both sides of his bread and then flipped the cap closed.
'More, please.'
She had already put a ton on both sides. 'Ew, ok.' Squirting a little more, she looked at him as he nodded. 'Disgusting.'
They finished putting their sandwiches together, reaching across each other and occasionally bumping one another happily. Finally they dug into their sandwiches, Carol double-fisted eating with a chicken wing in her other hand, when the hallway clock chimed.
She wasn't sure when they had finished, but they did manage to get a couple hours sleep. Still, she was surprised when the clock chimed 6 o'clock. Her day was pretty much wide open, Jacob wasn't expecting her at Duibne Industries until later that night, so she swallowed her mouthful of chicken and decided to put out some feelers. Maybe he was the type that liked to fuck, eat and run. She didn't know. Oh part of her knew he wouldn't, but you never know.
'Got plans today?'
Clearing his throat, he looked down at his hand, wiping more miracle whip from the web of his fingers. 'Not really. You?'

'Well, I have work later. I'm stripping at night, you know.'
Lothias lifted his hand to his mouth, licking the webbing between his thumb and index finger. He chuckled at her answer.
'Actually, I'm not due for my shift until 9 p.m. tonight. But I do need to do a few things before.'
Carol began to clean up her kitchen, waiting for Lothias to ask her what it was she had to do. He was what she had to do, but she kept that secret to herself and let him wonder. After they put all the food away, Carol gave her granite island counter a final wipe. He was leaning against the sink counter, grin in place, arms crossed watching her. Throwing the dish towel next to him on the counter, his head turned in its direction, but his eyes stayed on her.
'Well I'm a dirty.'
His grin slowly disappeared and he relaxed his arms as he pushed off the counter.
'So I'm going to go upstairs...'
Carol began walking out of the kitchen, swinging her arms lazily. He followed her slowly.
'I'm going to get all cleaned up and stuff....'
Nodding, Lothias never took his eyes off her as he followed her into the hallway. His expression wasn't blank but more...predatory?
'You should get cleaned up, too...' Carol turned the corner and started up the stairs, casually taking the steps backwards as she spoke to him.
Lothias put a hand on the banister and followed her closely up the steps.
'But there's a recession going on right now. We need to conserve water...and...stuff.'
Carol stopped halfway up the stairs, but Lothias continued till he was one step below her. He gave her such a smoldering look that she actually felt her knees buckle. Reaching out, she hooked her fingers in the loops of his jeans. Without his belt, they hung precariously on his narrow hips, the cut muscles of his stomach flexed at her touch. She wondered if her touch did to him what his did to her. He pushed his jaw to the side, flexing the jaw muscles in his mouth and Carol watched mesmerized.
'Yeah...' She wasn't completely sure if she actually said it out loud or not, but it seemed like the smart thing to say at the moment. Finally his hands reached around her, grabbing her bottom and pulling her forward. Her legs came up and wrapped around his hips. His eyelids were half closed and his lips parted, the pink color of his tongue visible. Slowly Carol cupped his face with her hands and brought his lips to hers.
It was the best shower ever.
((Carol and LT out))
Continued in You're not sorry