Johannes "Jan" Yager - Tacharan
Basic Information
Birth Name: Johannes Yager
Aliases: Jan
Place of Birth: Vienna, Austria
Age:(real and apparant) 517,16
Male/Female: male
Current Occupation: muscian
Past Occupation: (If different from above) same
Hair Color: Black
Length and Style: A mass of untamable curls that just brush his collar.
Eye Color: A very pale green
Skin Color: porcelein pale
Height: 5' 8"
Nationality: Austrian
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: teenager.. so..still somewhat awkward?
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Simon Huntington
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality Jan can be a perfect angel,kind, considerate, even sensitive. Some would argue that was when you needed to watch him the most carefully. Most of the time he was moody and untrusting. Few things got Jan out of this state of seemingly endless depression and apathy. Fighting, sex and singing.. those were some of the few. He was not very large but he was nasty and when feeling mean, Jan tended to fight dirty.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger
Jan is seen mostly in gothic attire, black..sometimes blue clothing. The more straps and buckles the better in his opinion. Eyeliner and black nail polish are fashion necessities as well as hair that looks like he just climbed out of bed.
3.What does your character like? music, dancing, clubs, fights
4. Dislike? waiting,people abusing children.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? He fears losing the security of Tacharan, of being on his own. Losing his voice.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Jan is an excellent singer and is very observant of people, able to guess their likes and dislikes. He connects best to people through his music. Most other times he is too absorbed in his own emotions to care much for anyone else. He can be petty and is easily bored.
Hobbies & Skills
Court Manners
Street fighting
Pick Pocketing
Riding and tending horses
Clubbing (this he maintains is a skill which includes wearing the right clothes, finding the right bar, dancing,drinking and being seen.)
Addiction - music (He can easily get lost in it for hours)
Obsessive compulsive - when Jan is inspired to write, he will, on anything anywhere in order to not lose the composition in his head.
Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules)
Jan's voice is extraordinary to hear. Inhuman in its clarity and beauty
Has fine white marks on his back. No longer raised and only able to be seen in good light
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention
Bites fingernails when thinking or agitated
Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character)
Jan was the unwanted get of a prostitute in Vienna. He learned early on to stay out of the way and go unnoticed. For the most part no one cared where he went during the day and this led him out onto the streets where he learned to pilfer money from the unwary. He was a favorite as a guide and quickly learned that taking strangers around the city, tending to horses and other odd jobs made him decent money. Used quite often as a messenger, many of the local inns and taverns new him by the sound of his clear voice and tumble of unruly black curls.
Around the age of 10 the brothel was looking at him for 'special' interests that certain clients might have. Jan was looking for a way out of the situation. It was on one of these occasions that he met a gentleman of the court. Who once he heard Jan, decided to take him away. Paying his mother a healthy sum for the boy, Herr Yager was gladly given him. Yager had several more boys under his care and these were what became the first Vienna boy's choir.
There were some rough times and things that he did not enjoy but living the pampered court life was good so when his voice started to change, Jan got worried. With good reason, he was replaced at the age of 14 and had to go back to living on the streets.
He found work at a local tavern as the stable boy but was also a pickpocket who worked the crowds for the owner. The pay was enough, not the opulence he was used to but the bed was warm and the roof didn't leak. He'd come to accept that the owner thought it was his right to beat him with horse crop if he failed to pull in the extra cash at night or worse was caught in the act. It was something that rarely happened.
In fact, it happened only twice. The first time earned him a harsh lesson that Jan vowed not to need again. It was quite a surprise then when the wealthy looking tall gentleman caught his slender fingers near his coin pouch. The tavern owner was forced to throw Jan out for the night, meaning no more money from further attempts. The man was going to be furious. Jan contemplated leaving that night, just get out before it happened. He was in the middle of packing his things when the owner opened the door and caught him. Turning, Jan noticed the riding crop was in his hand tapping a furious pattern against the man's sturdy leg. There was no escaping, the entrance was blocked by the man himself. Jan moved back and pushed himself into a corner, back to the wall, His hands held up to keep the crop from striking his face. The blows came one after another on his shoulders and he soon sank to the floor, where they found his back. At some point he could no longer hold up his arms and he found his face pressed against the wooden floor. Jan didn't remember much after that. The pain made time meaningless. It could have been hours, minutes or the eternity of bloody red torture that it seemed to be.
A face came into his view, the wealthy gentleman who's pocket he had failed to pick. Was he going to beat him also? Jan really couldn't muster up the energy to care much less fight. He simply glared at the man with the last of his hate. The stranger pulled him to his chest. What the hell was this? One hand was on Jan's neck and another around his waist pulling him gently into his embrace. Before he could wonder at this strange change, Jan felt the bite on his neck. Pain gave way to pleasure in a rush so dizzying that he almost passed out completely. Blood touched his lips, his own?
"Drink" was the quiet command.
Jan was tired, so tired. He didn't want to fight anymore. So he drank. The warm neck under his lips seemed so strong and inviting, somehow there was solace to be found there. And so, that night long ago, Johannes Yager became a son of Simon, one of the Tacharan. An orphan always and an orphan no more.
Odd Questions(To help define your character)
1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response? "How thoughtful."
2. Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do? Jan might investigate, having been a lost child himself this is one of the few soft spots he actually has, especially for smaller children. He might even go so far as to bring it somewhere, protect it and feed it until he can find something to do with it. He's not one to be tied down though so it would be very unusual of him to keep it for long.
3. A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do? Pick a side and make bets.
4.What animal does your character most identify with? A coyote
OOC Info:
Player name (online is fine) Mai
Other Characters you play Mai and Arin
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) Mae made me do it.