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smoke break (Moved to next place-lock)

Jan smoked only rarely and it was only the occasional clove or something less legal. Cigarettes never appealed to him but sometimes the need to unwind caught up to him. This was one of those times. He took a smoke break from the House of Pain between sets.

The guy was an ass. Certainly he had no appreciation for good music when he heard it. Jan fumed at the club reviewer's comments about the campy goth sound of the band. He was mollified by the remark concerning him. -Jan Yager has the voice of an angel and the looks to match.- It then goes on to say his band's lyrics were tired and over done. Bastard, what did he know?

Had he been human he would never have touched any of these things for fear of them ruining his voice. However been one of the undead had its advantages and regeneration was one of them.

Lighting the clove, Jan inhaled hard to get it going and then exhaled in a long sigh of sweet scented smoke.

"That's better." He mused to himself and leaned up against the building, staring up at the sky.

Cynicke Valentin 19 years ago
Cyn had his hands on his hips, eyeing this sewer business. They had got to be kidding him! It was disgusting, to say the least. Thank goodness he hadn't worn any time of loose or long clothing. He also needed to make a point of getting himself a pair of rubber boots next time he had the great idea to go traipsing through the bowels of the city. Thigh high, preferably.

He heard the flare of a flame and spun around, eyes darting to catch any sight of enemies. This particular area seemed abandoned enough, except for a kid just a bit to the side of him. A kid who was probably not a kid at all, if one considered the surroundings. Just to make sure, Cyn sniffed the air slightly, looking for any tell tale human signs. Sure, he had already fed, but one never knew what might happen next, it was best to stock up while you could.

Seemed out of luck with this one, though. Or maybe not. Cyn swiveled around and started walking towards him, making more noise than he normally would to get the kid to look at him.

Jan 19 years ago
Jan was just about into full fledged morose mode when he heard someone coming. Great he couldn't even be depressed in peace. It figured. He could delude himself and think it was an admirer but he'd already had the bubble burst today.

No going around in his self absorbed, self important bliss.. no no.. Jan Yager was destined to be a second rate goth singer for all eternity! This point had been made painfully clear.

He turned his head slightly to glare at the person who'd felt the need to bother him. Great a kid. Pushing himself off the wall, he took a drag from the cigarette and blew it out slowly.

Cynicke Valentin 19 years ago
What's with the glare? Unfriendly bastard. Cyn stood his ground, looking the guy over carefully. There were certainly no happy vibes blowing his way right now. A moper, maybe?

He would have turned and left if he hadn't caught sight of the guy's face then. Hello! Oh yes, this one had definite other uses. Cyn looked down at his feet, hiding the slow smirk. Fed he might be, but that didn't mean he was not on the prowl for something else tonight.

When he lifted his head again, his face was cleared of all predatory signs, having taken on a concerned expression instead. When he was in full blown innocent mood, Cyn was adorable, and he damn well knew it. Time to see what this one responded to best. He scuffed his toe and glanced up from beneath his hair, the mask of perfected shyness.

"Are you in trouble?"
Jan 19 years ago
In trouble? Jan didn't know... Did lack of a career, failure as an artist constitute trouble? If so then, hell yes, he was in deep trouble. However that was probably not the concern of this one in front of him.

Jan narrowed his eyes and looked at the boy. Cute, probably used to getting his way. Someone that good looking was likely to be spoiled. Not that it mattered, he wasn't even sure why he was contemplating it.

The kid had nice eyes though, you could drown in them. They were the kind of eyes songs were written about. He pushed aside the reviewer's words and shrugged off his foul mood to take a closer look.

Tilting his head sideways, he gazed at the stranger from bottom to top and back again.

"No, just taking a break. Are you?" He lifted an eyebrow.
Cynicke Valentin 19 years ago
Cyn grinned then, giving up the pretence and moving to a more flattering pose. If this guy was going to be scoping him out, he might as well get to see all the best features. Well, the best features while Cyn still had his clothes on. He eyeballed the guy, right back, of course.

He liked what he saw. A lot. Then again, when it came to preferences, Cyn's taste ran wide. As long as the target was pleasing to the eye, sure, he was game.

"In trouble?" He forced a long suffering sigh out. "Unfortunately not, but the night is still young, so there is hope. You wouldn't happen to know where trouble lurks nowadays, would you?"
Jan 19 years ago
Jan chuckled softly. Bold, always refreshing. The last of his foul mood slipped away as Jan contemplated just where trouble could be found. He'd guess that depended on the type one was looking for.

He might just find out how much of it the boy could handle. Jan dropped the end of his clove and put it out with one black boot before replying.

"In Nachton trouble lurks every where." He smirked slightly "However your standing outside of the House of Pain. I'm pretty certain trouble could be found in there. You sure you want to encounter it solo?"

"If not I was just about to head back in myself. "
Cynicke Valentin 19 years ago

Cyn gave a non-committal shrug, still just watching his new friend. No names had been exchanged, but since when was such a thing really necessary? He considered the suggestion. The House of Pain... if it was supposed to strike terror into people's hearts, they really went the wrong route. Mind you, the sewers might be terror striking bit. Did he mention how nasty those were?

"Solo, pairs, group, it matters little, I'm always game. However, if you are offering the company, I will most gladly accept." He leaned closer, giving the boy a much hungrier look this time. His voice lowered to almost a purr when he spoke. "Come on, show me your brand of trouble."
Jan 19 years ago
Jan smiled and nodded his head. Well now that was easy. Too bad his dinner arrangements always seemed more work. If they came along this quietly it would almost be fast food. He snorted inwardly at his own humor and then put an arm around the boy.

"My brand of trouble. Hmmm..." He pulled his companion along with him to the entrance of the sewers. "Well there's the thing. I don't even know what that is. It changes nightly. "

Lowering a hand to squeeze one small firm cheek, he said

"But I'm more than willing to find out tonight's brand. If you're game." Leaning down, Jan pulled back the cover. "The name's Jan, by the way."

He stood and dropped down into the sewer landing with a faint splash.

((ooc: Permission granted to move Cyn ))
Cynicke Valentin 19 years ago
Glare boy all gone. Replaced by someone more than willing to play. And that was how one went about picking up cute boys in dark alleys. Although he was sure the boy considered Cyn as the one who had been picked up. Not important, as long as it looked like there was going to be some action in his immediate future, the guy... Jan, could jump to any conclusions he liked.

Cyn's only hesitation came when he had to face the sewers. EW! Jan doing the splashing thing down there did not inspire much confidence either. Cyn looked down at himself, taking in the fact that his boots only came up to ankle height. Just what he needed, the stomp through human shit. The boy had better be worth it.

With on last mutter about how this was going to ruin his pants, Cyn followed suit and let himself drop down into whatever horrors awaited below.
Jan 19 years ago
Jan waited just out of the way of entrance for his new companion to come down. The puddle he landed in didn't even make it past the soles of his shoes and there were two dry paths along the side. The tunnels to the House of Pain were some of the better in the city, thankfully or it would making wearing decent clothes useless.

He hopped over to one of the dry paths and looked back through the dimness at the boy with him.

"Any preferences on what I should call you or do I get to make something up?"

He was good at thinking up lovely little nicknames for people, it probably wouldn't be something his new friend here would enjoy. Jan chewed absently on a thumbnail as he thought about it. No doubt the boy would give him some name, maybe even his real one and if he stayed long enough who the hell knows what else Jan might think up. Not that he was expected that to happen.
Cynicke Valentin 19 years ago
Cyn studied this water business around his feet and decided that maybe it wasn't -that- bad. Still, a trip down the sewers was never fun. He was just not the sewer kind of guy, it was too much skulking in the shadows for his liking. Of course, one day living out and proud would get him killed, but what was the point of living practically forever if you were scared of everything that went boo around you? He was tired of running, now he wanted to get back to living... or not living as the case might be.

In a playful mood, Cyn stuck his tongue out at death.

Stepping out of the water, he joined Jan on the dry area, only then answering.
"You can call me anything you like, I go by Cyn, though."
Jan 19 years ago
Jan raised an eyebrow at the name and smirked. " Well I'd say you look like a sin and I could hope that it was one I will have to repent really hard over later."

He wandered down the tunnel at a slow pace, quite used to coming through here. Singing at the House of Pain from time to time with his ever so talented band. It didn't matter, perhaps he just needed a new band?

People complained about the entrance to the place. Sure,sometimes even Jan ranted about there not being a better way to get into the building but this portal into the delights of hell had its uses. You weren't likely to find an Anantya down here. The fossils would probably roll over in their coffins at the music anyway, but they were too -good- to trudge through here so it was a nice filter. Hell, even some of the rich bastards in Evenhet thought they were too clean and perfect for such a joint. Their loss, Tacharan was never afraid to go where the good stuff was happening...even if it meant they might 'break a nail' or get a little dirty.
Cynicke Valentin 19 years ago
"In my experience, getting down on your knees and engaging in some serious worship goes a long way in atoning for any sinful urge you may have acted upon. Bringing offerings helps as well."

Cyn followed Jan, taking a good look at their surroundings. He had to admit, there was something about the place that brought up thoughts of dark deeds committed in dark tunnels. He shivered lightly and made a soft "mrawr" sound under his breath. He'd be willing to give that a try, as long as he knew there was a nice hot bubble bath waiting for him back home. Of course, having someone to help you get squeaky clean again was another fun thing, but before any of that became applicable, trust would have to be earned.

"Come here often, do ya?" He asked, noticing that Jan seemed to know the route quite well.
Jan 19 years ago
He snorted at the suggestive comments. Oh yes this one was a piece of work. Tonight was looking better. He thanked his muse for understanding that he needed just such a thing to bring him out of his depression. Sometimes his muse was not such a cold mistress.

Jan waved a hand back and forth in the air to suggest from time to time

"Mmm, I sing here. Nothing glorious obviously but it makes me money and gets me free drinks."

He nodded to the bouncers as he came up to them and put and arm around Cyn.

"I brought a friend back with me."

They knew he had a right to be here despite his youthful appearance but they might stop Cyn from entering the club. He'd just head off that line of questioning now by making it clear that for the moment Cyn belonged to him.

"Shall we go find tonight's brand of trouble?"