Never Too Early For Caffeine (open)
Kem slouched back in his comfortable chair outside Barney's, waiting on Aishe and Pak while he enjoyed his usual "pointless" (as Aishe would call it) cappucino. He'd reached the point where he could almost forget where he was; it helped that there were no convenient windows here to remind him. Therefore he was relatively relaxed as he kicked back for a few minutes and waited on the ladies.
He found himself hoping Pak would show up first; he had plenty of explaining to do. He'd been emailing her regularly while he and Aishe had been in Egypt, but when things had gotten stressed he'd stopped. He should have sent her a note to let her know everything was fine, but time, as usual, had slipped away.
She was probably vexed with him, and with reason, but Kem knew her well enough to accept her irritation as a sign of affection, as twisted as that sounded. At least this time she wouldn't have a water gun.
Living in the Towers made it fast and easy to get there but Kem had beaten her and already looked comfy. That wasn’t nice, no looking comfy when she wanted to step on his feet. She made no move to greet him and only raised an eyebrow at him. The coffee was a good idea though and so she kept going to order something that was more sweet and foam than coffee. Pak wasn’t quite sure what it was, but it tasted OK.
No more avoiding the inevitable, she half threw herself in a chair across from Kem and glowered at him. Damned good glower, one of her best too.
“In case you’re wondering I’m not speaking to you.”
He fidgeted with the cup on the table in front of him, lips twisting up into a wry smile. "I really am sorry Pak. Things got a little - wierd. For a few days."
She couldn't stay mad for long, right?
"I should have emailed you again."
Maybe sincerity would work. If it didn't, he would revert to snark.
Maturity, however, won out and she just growled at him slightly.
“Damned straight you should have. And you’re not ever going to pull this kind of stunt on me again are you?”
That was Pak’s way of saying she’d been both worried about the both of them and hurt by the disappearance.
It lacked something, being delivered as he propped his feet up on the empty chair next to them.
"I really didn't mean to leave you hanging, but I needed to work a few things out."
That was really the best explanation he could give; if Pak wanted details she'd simply have to ask for them.
"I take it everything else went all right while we were gone?"
“You know some people are afraid of me when I rant in a foreign language. You might want to take note of that. And I notice you didn’t promise not to do it again.”
Not that she ever thought Kem would deliberately do this to her, or any one else for that matter. But it felt right to call him on a technicality.
She frowned at her caffeine-laden drink when he said he had to work things out. In Kem speak … well it was enough to worry her a tiny bit. Not enough to make her apologize though.
“Every thing alright? Do you need anything?”
Asking for details, asking him to spill his guts wasn’t her style. It was invasive and something she wouldn’t appreciate if she were in his shoes. That was as close as she would come to formally saying “Do you want to talk about it?”
Taking a long drink she snorted.
“Perfectly, I staged three hostile takeovers and hacked into the Pentagon. There is going to be a congressional inquiry. You’ll probably be called as a character witness. You?”
Sipping at his cappucino to determine whether or not it was going to scald (regeneration or no, that wasn't a pleasant feeling while it lasted), he added, "And your foreign rantings only scare people because they don't understand. Sadly, I do."
He left it unspoken, merely implied, that perhaps it might be nice not to understand for once, and just offered Pak a little smirk. Kem shook his head once more at her offer of help.
"I'll explain, just not right now."
[Not here,] he added to her privately. [Sound carries, and it was... personal.]
He wasn't going to disrespect Aishe by going into it where someone could hear, and he knew Pak wouldn't push. He'd tell her later, rather than have them lapse into silence while they communicated his preferred way. Instead he left her move them onto less sensitive topics, and laughed shortly at her description of life while they were gone.
"I'll be sure to give you he best possible reference." He crossed his eyes, stuck his tongue out, and said, "Oh sure I know her! She makes stuff all floaty!"
Resuming his normal appearance, Kem smiled sweetly at Pak.
Instead, she stuck out her tongue at him for that lip about her native language.
“Are you implying there is something –wrong- with the Siamese language per chance?”
Again, she frowned. Pak was very used to hearing Kem inside her head and sometimes it was fun, a game, sometimes it was serious and personal. This time it was the later.
[You know where to find me. I worry you know.]
And stressed, and growled, and occasionally took it out on her team. But she wasn’t going to lay all that on Kem, besides, he probably knew. Well except about the IT stuff, she wasn’t sure how much gossip/scuttlebutt there was about her outside of her department. Not much, she suspected, while Pak could be a bit… Pak-like she also was mostly professional and when she went outside those lines she always apologized etc.
“ Bloody brilliant you keep that up and we’ll both either be in Leavenworth or a psych ward probably one with a nice southern exposure.”
Diverting his attention to the banter at hand, he shook his head. "You know I have nothing against it. It just won't work on me. You're going to have to find another terror tactic."
Laughing when she mentioned Leavenworth, he said, "Oh good... so in other words we'll get a vacation?"
He leaned his head against he back of his chair and tucked his hands behind it. "Ah, nice, comfy padded rooms. Soundproof. Regulated activites. No sharp objects for you to hurl at my eyeballs. It sounds like heaven."
Pak smiled sweetly at Kem. Pausing thoughtfully for a second before continuing.
“I think I’ve seen a new car in your spot too. Won’t that be nice.”
Of course, now that she’d made this suggestion she might need to take precautions where her baby was concerned. Maybe it was time to mothball it. It was almost more art than practicality these days. But she wasn’t too impressed with any other car on the road.
It was good to have him home. Pak had to admit that to herself. She too often buried herself in her work or hid in her rooms or otherwise isolated herself without Kem around. She’d seen Reign once or twice while he was gone and Aishe usually helped keep her from hiding too much when he got busy but this was still… well… yeah enough of the mushy stuff.
“Never fear pêe chaai I’m sure some intern will eventually leave a hypodermic laying about and when they do I’ll find it.”
It was followed almost immediately by a narrowing of his silvery eyes as he glared at Pak. "You touch that car, and it's war," he threatened. Still mourning the loss of his previous car, Kem vowed the new sleekness was not to be touched by Pak's zombie-demolitionist hands. "My weakness is yours - you wouldn't want me retaliating, would you?"
"My my, we missed each other didn't we?" she said with a sly little smirk as she slid into the last remaining chair at the table, one that was occupied by neither vampire nor vampire feet.
"It must be serious, to have devolved into car-threats."
Delicately licking a dollop of whipped cream from the very edge of the oversized mug, Aishe smiled at first pak, and then Kem. "So who's going to enlighten me?"
Never for a moment did she think their argument was serious, but she did wonder what had prompted them to cut right to the quicks. Only the most serious "bullshit" could cause them to put their respective babies in danger.
She scowled over her coffee at him. New alarm system was going in and that’s all there was to that. She’d be calling her guy first thing tomorrow; along with a contractor who would build a lovely concrete bunker around the car. She was so worried about the Lil Bird she didn’t even defend her driving or point out that negotiating streets full of the mindless undead was pretty damned hard and her driving had more or less saved their asses.
Still feeling suspicious of Kem, he might, after all jump up and run to the parking at any second, she took her eyes off him reluctantly to smile at Aishe. The young vampire seemed to be doing remarkably well under the circumstances. But then she had Kem, Pak allowed herself a momentary twinge of jealousy about that. Not that she didn’t wish them every happiness in the world. Just once every few decades she got tired of facing time on her own, that was all.
“It’s actually all Kem’s fault. He told me to think of something other than strange languages to strike fear into his heart, so I did. Apparently he didn’t appreciate the effort I went to. Welcome home.”
"She's right. it's my fault."
He shook his head at Pak, still. "There I disagree. I'm inclined to say I appreciated it far too much."
Stretching his arms out over his head, fingers interlocked, he asked Aishe, "So how's the security business these days?"
He knew she appreciated being back at work to keep her mind off of her father. Her mother had called the previous afternoon to let them both know he would be going home soon, and was as stable as could be expected. Aishe, he knew, was worried, but she had made no further mention of things past. Kem was still keeping an eye on her, but it did seem that she had made her peace with whatever was going through her mind and heart in Egypt.
She shrugged at Kem. "They keep it running whether I'm there or not. I'm a small cog in a very large, well-oiled wheel. I miss Chris though."
Aishe had wished for her creator's presence many times in the past year or so. She knew that watching out for Alfarinn was his primary job, and always had been, but a part of her selfishly wished he'd communicate to her. She loved him, in her way, and if it weren't for Kem and Pak she would have missed him terribly. As it was, work and her friends kept her occupied, and she didn't have time to dwell on his disappearance. They all felt the same worry, and worry shared was not multiplied, but halved.
Aishe felt the question should simply move in turn, though, so she asked Pak, "How's the IT industry treating you since we left? Has MARI been behaving? Are Kem's archives still functioning? They must be. He hasn't pulled his hair out."
“I don’t need my automotive weakness documented any where thank you very much. Couldn’t I just bribe you?”
What a funny thought, to miss one’s creator. Pak had never even gotten a name so missing the son of a bitch was right out. He’d probably walked into the sun years ago. At least that’s what Pak told herself. Again though she wondered, at least briefly, how things might have been different if she’d turned Aishe. She’d come frighteningly close to doing just that. Pak again concluded that while Aishe might miss Chris she was far better off having a creator with both feet on the ground and some experience. Not one who had only considered the idea twice in their brief life time.
“MARI is MARI.” In Pak speak that meant some days she just didn’t understand her own creation. “Her chess game is getting better. We hired one manager while you two were gone only to lose another and two departments are petitioning for server upgrades. I guess that’s about business as usual.”
He gave a philosophical shoulder-shrug and grinned at his "sister."
Pak's week and a half while they were gone sounded, well, pretty dull. It seemed like a good time to drop a bomb on her. He'd been stewing on this particular one for a while.
"So does that mean you're free for a project? I need to recruit someone reliable."
[And I'm not talking Meridian business,] he added silently to Pak. As far as the structure of Meridian went, he and Pak held roughly the same ranks as heads of their respective departments and Kem would have posed the problem to Pak, gotten her input on it, before trying to draft her to help out.
In this case, though, Pak was really the only one he trusted at the moment with this sensitive information, and her relationship with MARI was more than useful; it was necessary. It was fortunate that it didn't sound like she was overly busy, because Kem was generally pretty serious about Clan business and he needed Pak to be focused on this particular task.
It had never occurred to Pak to hack her own file and tweak it. Even now that it had she didn't mean it, there really was no reason.
That was an odd thing for Kem to say. She'd been about to toss something flip back at him when she caught the rest of it and it got even stranger. Her first thought had been he needed something personal but she quickly concluded it had something to do with the Clan.
She nodded slowly, cautiously. While Pak had no hesitation to help she didn't know what he had in mind.
"Things are never exactly quiet in IT but I've got as much time as I'm ever going to. Some of what I have I can probably shift off to one of the managers. What do you need?"Â?
[And is here the best place to discuss it?]
She and Kem could go back and forth with no issues but it would be hard for Pak to keep Aishe and Kem in the flow of conversation. She'd have to repeat herself and it could be awkward.
He smiled innocently at Aishe, who was glaring at them both, and switched his attention back to more serious topics. Shrugging, and for the benefit of anyone within earshot he said, "Nothing big. Aishe's been doing some research for me and I'm hoping you and MARI can help her organize it. We need some of it to be easily accessible."
And, 'his way,' [Absolutely not the best place whatsoever. My office, 3 am.]
It was a testament to how well they all knew each other, Kem thought as he leaned back and sipped at his drink, when they could do this sort of thing without a single batted eyelash. Even Aishe, new as she was to their entire world, had taken to it like a fish learning to swim.
"And stop giving him ideas," she admonished her Clan-sister. "You're corrupting him."
She simply watched the byplay between the two as kem enlightened Pak as to their 'project.' Aishe had been working diligently on gathering all the werewolf information she could find, and was now ready to compile it into different levels of security, as well as (with Kem's reccomendations) putting together a list of things to be issued to the general populace of Evenhet. Pak's help would be good; no one knew better about MARI than she did.
Pak batted her eyes innocently at Aishe before taking a napkin to the face. She'd remembered too late to try and swat it away with her hand and missed, even though it should have been an easy thing to catch.
"Me?! Corrupt him? I doubt that. I was well thought of until we met and its just been down hill ever since."Â?
Oh good they had a cover story, this was getting better and better.
"Should be a breeze. You two just have to show me what you want."Â?
[Oh 3AM do I need a password? A trench coat and dark glasses?]
Sure she recognized this was serious but that didn't mean she couldn't have -some- fun with it.