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Oh really....

Reign had gotten into the habit of coming by the Den at least once a week, usually more. She often brought Sirius with her, it was a great safe place for him to run and some of the younger kids seemed to get quite a kick out of playing with him. He did well with the kids and it saved her Frisbee arm so Reign had no issues letting the smalls play with the mutt. Some times she wondered how the kids dealt with parents who turned into wolves three days a week but she'd never had the guts to ask them. Besides, they were happy and well cared for, it reminded her of running with her own pack, figuratively speaking, back in Chicago. A kid couldn't ask for more than that so did it really matter if your parents occasionally had a tale?

A sharp whistle brought Sirius back to her and away from the kids. The idea was to give the Frisbee a good toss and let one of them catch it. They'd played this game before, the kids knew what to do and spread out for her. She was about to throw it when a familiar figure caught her attention. It was Drew.

Reign went through several deductions so fast it would have made Sherlock Holmes proud. That was Drew, he didn't look surprised to see her here (in fact he smiled and waved), he also looked pretty at home himself. This quickly lead to the conclusions that A) he was part of the Pack B) he knew she was too, which wasn't surprising given his questions about her necklace and C (the most damning of all) he hadn't fucking told her.

Her next reaction wasn't conscious at all. Instead of throwing the Frisbee out towards the kids she threw it at him, hard. He was close enough that she could hear the satisfying 'thunk' of impact and watch the disk bounce off his head. Unfortunately, Reign had temporarily forgotten the mutt who then tackled the boy in his attempt to get the Frisbee. After knocking Drew to the ground, with the kids laughing like mad, Sirius brought the Frisbee back to Reign.

Waving one of the older kids over she asked him to take the dog and the Frisbee off a ways. Saying she needed to talk to Drew. The kids obediently gave them their space but didn't leave eye shot. Standing over Drew, who was still sitting on the ground rubbing his head, she smiled sweetly down at him.

"Fancy meeting you here."Â?

Drew 15 years ago
Drew didn’t like to waste time and the morning after speaking with Nikhila he was trying to find Reign and talk to her. The trick was he couldn’t quite remember where she lived. The best he’d been able to do was leave a message with the manager of the pool hall. So when he saw Reign with her dog playing with the kids that afternoon he just assumed she’d gotten his message.

Ow! Damned that hurt. The Frisbee to the head was proof that one really should –not- assume anything. The next thing he knew the dog had tackled him. Apparently, this was some sort of cosmic pay back. At least she hadn’t set the dog on him, he probably had the kids to thank for that. She probably didn’t want to expose them to a nasty bloody scene. Decent of her, in a sick and twisted way.

He wasn’t fond of her looming over him while he was still sitting on the ground, although the assertion of dominance right there made Drew wonder exactly how she was tied to the Pack. Probably had grown up with six wolf brothers or something, lord knew she had the body language down.

“OK yeah I can see you’re mad and really I’ve been trying to find you most of today to explain and apologize and this was not part of the plan.”

He launched into his best harmless, please forgive me routine hoping she’d at least let him stand up. It seemed to work at least a bit because she backed up a step or two letting him stand. Once on his feet and a little dusted off he pointed to one of the gazebos.

“How about we sit down and talk about it. You can even yell at me if you want.”
Reign 15 years ago
It was hard to stay mad at him when he knew he’d pissed her off and went right into apology mode. So she gave a little ground, she was still mostly irritated but not furious. Checking the kids and the mutt seemed fine so she nodded and half lead half followed him to a near by bench and sprawled comfortably.

“So are you a wolf or what?

Reign pinched the top of her nose, stress induced migraine was a bad idea and it wasn’t like they both hadn’t fucked up. So rather than fussing and raving about it she just called him on it.

“You know you could have told me. I suppose I could have guessed when you started grilling me about the necklace but you’re the one who knew for sure. You should have said something.”
Drew 15 years ago
At least the violence seemed to have gone out of her. She sure was straightforward about this, but that was good. Besides there was no sense pussy footing (if one would excuse the expression) around the issue.

“Yeah I’m Amaroq and yeah I knew about you, or at least I found out in the morning, and you’re right I should have told you.”

He cleared his throat and launched into an explanation.

“You know I told you I’m from the middle of no where Arizona? They don’t so much like us out there, our little Pack that is. People don’t trust us and so I’m –really- extremely bad about telling people what I am. So, I just don’t do it. Not even when I should. I’m sorry.”

And there it was as simple as that. Drew felt better than he had in days. He just should have said something in the first place.
Reign 15 years ago
Reign nodded curtly but soon enough found herself smiling at him. It was a grudging smile but it was a smile. She understood about protecting family and that’s all he’d tried to do. He’d done it badly but what was that about the road to hell yada yada yada?

“OK forgiven. But you need to know two things. One, don’t ever do anything like this to me again and two, I’m going to hold this over your head for years to come. I’m nasty that way.”
Drew 15 years ago
“When you say do anything like that again you mean the whole not telling you about the Pack not the…”

Drew grinned a little suggestively. His memory of that night wasn’t perfect but he knew they’d had a good time. Well he had, he hoped she had, she hadn’t said one way or another.

About that time the kids brought Sirius back to them, the dog looked beat. He sniffed Drew’s pant legs before settling at Reign’s feet. He was impressed with how well Reign handled the kids before they took off to find something else to do.

“You have a big family?”
Reign 15 years ago
For a second Reign just looked shocked but it didn’t last long she started laughing. She wasn’t sure if it was at him or with him but it was sort of endearing to come out swinging like that.

“I might expect dinner and a movie first this time though instead of a bottle of scotch.”

Memory was a bit fuzzy but what memory there was, well it was good. Of course that could have been the drinks talking but she wouldn’t say no if he asked.

She appreciated that he was a bit discreet around the kids. Even if they hadn’t been there, she had a feeling he wouldn’t have been crude. Something Reign appreciated. She also appreciated that Sirius was OK with Drew’s presence. He didn’t seem to love him but it was a lot smoother relationship then he’d had with Bas.

Absently she bent down to scratch the dog’s head.

“Yeah I’m the oldest of six. I’ve got some nieces and nephews too.”
Drew 15 years ago
“Fair enough I’ll officially ask instead of running you over and we can try a regular old boring date.”

Now he just had to think of a decent date to take a pool shooting, potentially book throwing, lethal with a Frisbee kind of girl out on. That could take a bit.

He looked at her with some admiration. Oldest of six that was a tough position to fill.

“Really I only have two sisters. More cousins than I can count though. I didn’t realize there was a Pack up in Chicago either.”

He hadn’t done much traveling but it always surprised him where you found Pack members. To him Pack stayed close and he was used to being a bit isolated on top of that. Beyond that Chicago didn’t seem like a great place to let a pack of wolves loose.
Reign 15 years ago
Well that was interesting. Reign really hadn’t figured on him wanting a second date, or would it be a first. She wasn’t sure how to count. Still she figured she’d have nothing to lose if she did say yes. Meh she’d think about it later.

The idea of there being a Pack back home and her being part of hit made her grin. It was a pretty safe bet she and Drew had grown up in two separate worlds.

“If there is I don’t know about it. If my family caught me talking about werewolves and knew I was hanging around with them, they’d probably have me committed. I was sort of adopted when I showed up here.”

Reign didn’t take her adoption for granted. It was truly starting to feel like home now, they were each starting to feel at home with the other. There were still odd looks, but more curiosity than hostility or suspicion. But there was acceptance too, the kids she had been playing with were evidence of that.

“So you grew up with all this though?”
Drew 15 years ago
Drew was very tempted to ask who’d been responsible for adopting her but didn’t push it. She’d either tell him or she wouldn’t, it didn’t matter either way. He did, however, think that she was a natural for this whole Pack thing. To jump into it rather than be born into it and already be able to assert dominance like that, nice work.

“You seem to have gotten the hang of it pretty good.”

He nodded and grinned at the memory of his family.

“Yeah, nothing quite this fancy we’re not rich or anything out my way but we get on alright and we all look out for each other so its good.”

The conversation went back and forth each of them learning about the other for quite some time. Until Reign started hinting, she needed to get moving. He couldn’t help enjoying the whole conversation though. Hell maybe even if the date didn’t happen he’d found a good pal.

((OOC… both out))