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Go away

She'd gotten that damned database done for Kem and it was so secure she'd almost managed to lock herself out of it. It hadn't been an easy feat to put the secure one together either she'd pulled a couple of all day shifts and torn it apart at least twice before she was satisfied. No one, but no one would be getting in there unless they were allowed.

Pak had been so wrapped up in getting that project off the ground she'd almost forgotten about a conference she -had- to be at out in Silicon Valley. God damned Them for launching a new OS when she was busy. OK it wasn't launched yet but she needed to know how to work with it, or around it (Meridian was -not- driven by their software she'd seen to that) to keep Meridian functioning and competitive.

All that had kept her on the wrong coast for four nights. And while Pak very much enjoyed travel, right now she hated it, she should be back in Nachton. After last night she -needed- to be back in Nachton, it was no longer an option. Every nerve in her body was on edge she needed home, she needed to get away from...

She'd gotten home, she'd gotten away. She'd gotten so far away she hadn't left her rooms since getting home from the airport a week ago. Pak was so far away she hadn't answered her phone or even turned on her computer let alone check her email. Her department was very probably trying to get a hold of her, the odds were good at least one person had knocked on her door but that too was ignored. Pak had shut down hard.

Kem`Raaisu 15 years ago
Pak was gentle, almost timid, but Kem was satisfied she'd taken her fill. He didn't have to worry; the advantage of age was the ability to make more of what you had. He would be fine for the next week or so. And during that time he'd make sure Pak was taking care of herself. He could understand if the idea of a hunt turned her off, especially after what she had seen.

"Okay, let's go," he said, gathering her up in his amrs and standing with her. "We'll worry about tomorrow tomorrow, okay?"

Funny. He'd said that same thing to Alfarinn once, about himself. Dismissing the thought, he carried Pak into her bedroom. Pulling the covers aside he deposited her into bed, making sure her pillows were arranged properly. he pulled the covers back over her, and walked around to the other side of the bed.

Lying down on top of the covers himself, he crossed his legs at the ankles and rested his head back on his hands, staring at the dark ceiling.

[Go to bed, senet,] he sent. [Aishe and I will both be here when you wake up, if you like.]
Pakpao 15 years ago
Go? Go where she didn’t want to go any where. The couch was safe. She’d established that. Apparently, she didn’t have much say in the matter as Kem was driving.

Maybe, just maybe he was right. She could worry about tomorrow tomorrow, she just had to figure out what day tomorrow was. It didn’t matter just now though.

Oh is that where he was taking her. Pak tried to remember if she’d slept recently. She must have she’d have had a psychotic episode if she hadn’t. Or had she just had one? Either way sleep sounded very good although the didn’t really want to be alone right now either. Her husband had walked out on her the night she was turned, it was a bitter memory. Of course, he’d come back, but that was a worse memory. No more thinking like that.

Kem, however, didn’t seem to be leaving. It would have been very difficult for Pak to explain how much that meant to her. That combine with finding her, listening to her, making sense of what had been said and nothing thinking she was insane or over reacted, and feeding her yeah she was very much in debt right now and she loved him for it.

Pak sighed and curled up amongst the bedding and pillows.

[I think I could use a nap.]

The idea of Aishe being about wasn’t a bad one. It would be good to be even less alone. He couldn’t sneak up on all of them. That and if Kem planed on staying all day she didn’t want him alone with just her snoring.

[That would be good. Make yourselves at home.]

Between books, movies, a gaming system, some undone puzzles, and various computers laying about that would keep Pak from feeling like a terrible host. Funny that she would worry about manners now, but anything to keep them from leaving.

[Some day I –will- make this all up to you. I promise.]

It was sent very sleepily just as she drifted off.
Kem`Raaisu 15 years ago
Kem lay awake while Pak drifted off, smiling softly and shaking his head at the idea that she owed him anything. When she had fallen silent, he stared up at the ceiling, silently updating Aishe on everything that had happened.

Just before dawn, she showed up herself with a few supplies; a change of clothes, coffee-making items, Kem's laptop. Careful not to disturb Pak, Kem levered himself from the bed, watched for a moment to make sure his absence wasn't going to disturb Pak, and then left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

It wasn't the first time they'd fallen asleep on a couch. They chatted quietly between themselves for a while, but this was bedtime for them and it didn't take long before they were asleep as well, Kem sitting in the corner of he sofa he'd lifted Pak from, Aishe sprawled out with her arms wrapped around his waist and her head on a pillow in his lap.

((ooc: All out))