Bao Hoang

Birth Name (Name Guidelines): Bao Hoang

Aliases: Many, but none worth noting

Place of Birth: Near modern day Mai Chau which is west of Hanoi

Age real and apparent) (see the age breakdown for vampires here, see the real/apparent age calculator for werewolves here) real - 1011 turned in 898AD appears in his early 30s

Male/Female: Male

Current Occupation: Lawyer

Past Occupation: magistrate, accountant, astronomer, scientist, judge, hand model etc.


Hair Color: Black

Length and Style: It was just past his shoulder blades when he was turned, he keeps it short now

Eye Color: brown

Skin Color: bronzish, not pale but not tan

Height: 5ft 6in

Weight: 157 lbs

Nationality: Vietnamese

Race: (I.E. Vampire, Werewolf, human etc.) Vampire

Body Type: sturdy, muscular, very nicely proportioned

Wolf Form (Werewolf - please read first):

Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator/gifter(if a PC) ( Please be as specific as possible, who your creator/gifter was, why he chose to change you, where is he/she now?): Amir Rashid

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality: Controlled and deliberate, although he will occasionally become obsessed with one particular goal or idea. Rather lacking a conscious, he will use nearly any means to meet his ends. Extremely loyal once his trust is won, which is no mean feat. While it is hard to make him mad once you do his temper is extreme and quite violent. He is ridged orderly and set in his ways. A place for everything and everything in its place is a way of life.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) Calm cool expensive. He is almost always to be found in a custom made suit failing that dress pants and possibly something as casual as a golf shirt. Formal yet able to be charming.

3.What does your character like? He likes things clean and neat and decedent. Having grown up in a prominent family Bao still has a certain sense of entitlement about material possessions and wants only the best. Court rooms, there is a wonderful serenity and order in the law and he finds a certain sense of power there. Art, he prefers sculpture pottery and watercolor but is quite the collector, although he's never cared for cubism.

4. Dislike? Buying off the rack, tardiness, rush hour traffic, ignorance, ugliness, alarm clocks, alarms on watches etc.

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned. N/A

6. What are your fears? Amir turning on him (see weaknesses), plane crashes - if man was meant to fly he would have been born with wings he was privy to some early aviation experiments and they all seemed to end quite badly he's never quite gotten over that.

Out living his creator given his structured nature it just would be very wrong for Amir not to exist it would... put him off schedule and leave him without direction,

Cats - he found a cat laying on top of his dead infant son and has never known for certain if his son was killed by the cat or some other cause

Being caught out in the sun - a mistake made when he was young was quite painful and left him hiding in a dirty cellar complete with rats but what if there was no cellar?

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?

Education - even when he was alive Bao had the best of educations something that he has kept up through the centuries extraordinarily well read and he had a gift for retaining the information as well.

Well spoken - while he usually appears quite reserved Bao is an excellent and very persuasive speaker. He is more at home with corporate law rather than civil or criminal but can more often than not sway a jury.

Risk taker - will quickly weigh pros and cons and make a decision that might not be traditionally 'right' will make unconventional choices with out all the facts in front of him.

Amir turning on or even killing him this keeps him from expressing his opinion too loudly for fear his creator will hear of the dissention.

Structured - while he can act outside of a schedule and adapt as needed he'd much rather not. He likes his blackberry he likes his outlook calendar and he likes it when people stick to it. He will fuss, growl and otherwise try to make people stick to his schedule or make extraordinary efforts to get back on schedule.

Formal - he doesn't ever seem to relax, his style of dress and his manners keep him from every seeming at ease.

Vampire -

Abilities (Listed here) Command, Gliding, Tracking, Fierce Visage

Flaws (Listed here) Heavy Sleeper, Large teeth, Anal Retentive

Werewolf -

Abilities - Listed here (Include Tier Points) -

Flaws - Listed here(Include Tier Points) -

Hobbies & Skills very skilled linguist fluent in Vietnamese, Korean, Thai, Chinese (Mandarin) Japanese, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and a few others he doesn't remember. Extremely skilled in Vo Binh Dinh (Vietnamese martial art) and quite the archer above average is other fighting styles/weapons but those are his favorites. Plays a mean game of chess.

Cosmetic Traits - oddly pretty face for some one so strongly built and extremely elegant hands not feminine you understand but long fingers perfect nails strong palms etc.

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention - fussy about his hands, not above going for a manicure typically keeps a standing appointment for one

Personal History: Bao was the second son of a rich and established family. Although during his lifetime Vietnam was under Chinese rule his family held distant claims to the throne, both the Chinese Tang Dynasty and the previous Vietnamese Emperor. He was extremely well educated and eventually became a magistrate. Bao liked the law, organization and running things. He was also good at it. He eventually married, it was after all expected of a man in his position, and had several children. However, he didn't quite settle down he continued searching for something although he wasn't sure what it was, perhaps it was simply an endless quest for knowledge. His searching ranged from moderate travel to dabbling in the sciences to seeking spiritual answers.

Answers are often to be found close to home. Coming back home from an evening of studying the stars, he encountered a very interesting young man. The conversation turned lengthy and continued over several nights and covered as broad a range of topics as Bao had ever spoken to one person on. Eventually Amir took Bao into his confidence and made him an irresistible offer. Four hundred years in his service in exchange for immorality and the potential for more power than a local magistrate would ever have. It took some planning and he did have to give up his ordered and stable life but Bao accepted.

He stayed with his creator for the agreed term serving but also learning and growing. Amir instilled in the newly created vampire an intense pride in his heritage. He was taught and came to believe that his clan and bloodline needed to be protected at all costs. He learned how to carefully choose and bring new members into the fold he has only failed once, something that is a source of some shame and a great deal of frustration. He had been so sure of his choice and did want to show his creation off to his creator.

After he fulfilled his agreement Bao continued to travel and learn on his own but always with the goals that Amir taught him in mind. He often returned to Amir some times to assist, or because he had been summoned and some times simply to check in and He's been summoned now.

OOC Checklist

Player name (online is fine) - Mike, Michelle, Hey You... what ever
Other Characters you play - Pak, Ambrose, Val, Reign, Marie, Nikhila, Drew
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) - like I remember any more
Have you read all the Rules? Yes and Aishe's player has yelled at me some too
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? That's the good part right?
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? According to my passport yes, yes I am.