Hey Roz
I was at Wal-mart last night and in the Halloween aisle they had like 9 different kinds of Candy Corn and it made me think of you.

Ellis Duban
15 years ago
BLECH!!! There is only 1 kind of candy corn! Anything other than the original is icky!
15 years ago
Personally I go in for those funky little pumpkins.... I'm just saying.

15 years ago
Mmmm. I love original candy corn. I have to side with Roz here. There can be only one!!

Amberelle DeEspionne
15 years ago
If it doesnt involve chocolate I want nothing of it! Y'all can decide who gets my quote of candy corn on the planet =p

15 years ago
I'm with Amby! See following video link for my anthem regarding candy corn:

15 years ago
I'm not fond of candy corn either, but I love me some chocolate. Especially reeses anything.

Ellis Duban
15 years ago
I love the little pumpkins. I think it's the texture of them. /drool