Midnight Snack (Attn: Tai/Open)
Seduction was such a boring way to find dinner. Now it wasn't that Val thought she was the most irresistible thing in Jimmy Choo's but she had a certain appeal and lots of experience in enticing men, and the occasional woman, into being a meal and even thanking her for it afterwards. It was even easier if said bite to eat had had a couple. But it had a tendency to be easy and it got old. Tonight she felt like honest to god hunting and, if possible, scaring the bejesus out of some poor unsuspecting citizen. That was much more fun. She enjoyed the feeling of power it gave her, it was rather intoxicating.
She liked the feel of the city this time of night, about 1am on a weekday. It was quiet, open, almost deserted. Most of the concerts and shows had wrapped up and the people had gone home so they could get up early and go to work the next morning, the clubs were either closed or empty. It was wonderfully spooky, add to it the fact that it had rained earlier and everything was still slick with rain and smelled damp and it made even tiny little Val feel like a monster, if you didn't get a good look at her. And she didn't let people get a good look at her.
Val had managed to separate one from a small herd, er group, leaving a club. It was one of those annoying goth/vampire wanna be joints where every one dressed in black and people wore fake fangs. Not The House of Pain, that was a proper vampire hang out, this was just a sad imitation but often the people who frequented it had active imaginations and that helped with the scaring. She'd picked a skinny effeminate male with ridiculous black leather pants, chains and far too much eyeliner and had been tailing him for a few blocks now. He'd increased his pace quite a bit since they'd started this cat and mouse game and was now looking over his shoulder on a regular basis. It made her smile.
It had taken her some time but she'd managed to get him to turn down and alley she knew was a dead end. Deciding to let him find that out and panic Val deliberately hung back and waited. Two, three minutes tops was enough time for him to scare himself silly and come barreling out of there she was certain and she'd grab him then. If he didn't, well she'd go in after him. It was good either way. The only question was how hungry was she and would he survive the encounter. She hadn't decided.
He wasn't in a particularly good mood and hadn't been for a length of time bordering on months. Ellis was busy with Simon and seemed to have forgotten his existence and Yuu - well, Yuu was doing whatever Yuu did when it had nothing to do with him. There was too much complication there, and Tai didn't like uncertainty.
He'd remained at the opera house, living in the basement by himself like a hermit. He'd skirted the edges of the Tacharan compound but never really approached although he was pretty sure they knew who he was and might have been fine with his presence. Or would they? He didn't know.
Tai wasn't really sure who he was at that point; he'd been created as a tool, used and discarded it seemed. He was all right with that, if only Ellis would get out of his head. He could still hear her voice, her deep husky laugh, and he could still feel her legs, wrapped around him in a moment of blood-induced ecstasy...
He blinked and shrugged inwardly to himself. So far, aimlessness suited him. It was the first time in his life he'd had the leisure to be aimless.

The problem was that no one seemed to quite know who was in charge and if someone could just make a decision, it would all work out. But everyone was too afraid of losing their jobs, a fear that Miya both understood and deplored equally. So she had made the decision, and hoped for a chance to explain it, and prayed she would keep her job. It would either make her or break her career.
Not watching where she was going, the chocolate skinned girl with red hair and blue eyes had walked into another female. "Oh I'm so sorry." Miya exclaimed, brushing the woman's clothing off before bothering to pick up her purse from the ground. Miya had had a few too many to drink tonight, and smelled like alcohol over her trendy designer knockoff perfume. She probably should have taken a cab home, instead of ambling home in her high heeled boots and short skirted dress. "I should watch better where I am going!"

Apparently, he’d been snagged. She’d turned the corner just in time to see some one settle the boy against the wall.
“Fuck this!”
Val was irritated at this point and really didn’t care who knew it. The question right now was who was she more pissed with and what to do about it. Go after the poacher or try and turn the klutz into dinner. From the smell of the klutz, though she had more than a bit to drink and Val had no desire to be intoxicated.
Casting a challenging look down the alley, clearly hoping her poacher would make an appearance she turned a bit of a half smile at the klutz. Just a small smile, letting one of her large canines make an appearance not enough to give the game away but enough to make her think.
“You should be more careful ducky it isn’t safe out here at night.”

Sitting down heavily on a bench, Miya's skirt rose a little further to show the creamy chocolate of her upper thigh. She was too wasted to notice what had happened. She leaned back to look up at the moon. "I came here to find what I had lost." She mused quietly, not really aware of what she had said. It was times like these that she could almost feel what was missing the clearest, but never quite grasp it. Her blue eyes glazed over for a moment and then cleared again.
He clearly remembered the redhead from the barfight a few months ago, where he'd also met Jan. Val, that was her name. She looked pretty sour.
Across from her, arms waving, talking in a sing-song voice, was a dark-skinned woman whose breath was probably knocking people over three blocks away. Val looked less than thrilled.
Tai walked out and leaned against the corner of the nearest building, listening as the drunken woman went on about dreams or something. Catching Val's eye over the back of the woman's head, he raised an eyebrow questioningly. The expression could have meant anything from "Friend of yours?" to, "Dinner of yours?" Remembering their previous meeting he recalled it was pretty much a given that Val and he shared more than just a few things in common, not the least of which was a pretty clear preference for a liquid diet.

"Can you ever really find your dreams if you're safe?"Â?
She was still debating making at least a quick snack of the girl when movement from the alley caught her attention. It was her poacher and it was some one she knew. Well was acquainted with any way. She had liked the big Jap and he wasn't a bad fighter either, Val wasn't quite so irritated to lose a meal to him. Still, given half a chance she might give him some hell about it.
Catching his look she waited for the drunk to look away and shrugged her shoulders while flashing a fangy grin at him. Yes she was looking for dinner here, she just hadn't decided.

Her loud voice was certain to draw attention, and Tai, well-used to fitting in with the general populace, was very much aware that even the most casual bystander would probably stop and offer her a hand as she took a spill and floundered around trying to get up.
Val didn't seem overly eager to move toward the woman so Tai did, extending his hand in an offer of assistance.
"I'm sure the boss," whoever that was, "will be happy to be back in charge too," he said with a hint of humor that could have been either laughing at the woman, with the woman, or both.

"Hello again Tai."Â?
Being quite done with the woman and having given up on the idea of a quick bite Val would have been happy to pay more attention to Tai. The big guy, however, seemed to have a soft spot. It was kind of cute. She watched, amused, as he tried to help the drunk back on her feet. Val thought it was a waste of time, she was just going to fall again. Still she could play the game.
"Maybe we should just get you a cab honey."Â?
She half purred.
"I don't think you're quite at your best and not every one is as nice as we are."Â?
Although from what little she knew of Tai Val guessed he was as warm, cuddly and sentimental as a shot gun. Still he was the one helping the girl up, so she could be wrong.
"Good idea."
Withdrawing his hand he glanced down at the inebriated woman and sighed. He headed out to the main road and waited for several minutes before he found an unoccupied cab to wave down.
Handing the cabbie a handful of bills he indicated the woman in the middle of the street. "This lady seems to have had a little too much excitement for one night," he said. "I'd appreciate it if you could take her wherever she needs to go. Keep the change."
It was more than enough to ensure the man would do just that; it was a small thing to help the woman to the cab and drive her somewhere, and Tai had just given him several hundred dollars. What became of her, well, that wasn't Tai's concern, really.
He turned to Val as the cabbie attended to the drunken woman and said, "Good deed for the night." He smiled at her, remembering her overlarge fangs, and made no attempt to conceal his own. "Seems as good a reason as any to celebrate."
And from what he recalled of Val, she was more than willing to have some fun. When they're originally been introduced he had been distracted. The distractions had faded into the distance, and he was more than willing to let loose tonight.

Remembering her first encounter with Tai Val now had hopes the evening would be more interesting.
Giving up any pretense of hiding or attempting to hide her fangs she laughed at his ‘good deed’.
“Well I’m certainly glad we got –that- out of the way. Good deeds can be so irritating.”
Looking back over her shoulder she called to the lush.
“Night ducky. You look me up some time.”
The girl might be a decent bite when she wasn’t smashed.
“Now,” she said as she grinned up at Tai “about you nicking my dinner…”
((OOC… Val and Tai out, with permission))