End of the Road ((Attn Nikki, Steve))
The Camero turned onto the gravel drive tightly, and Amby let her speed drop as they wound down the manor's drive. They rounded a bend and the sprawling estate house was visable through a break in the trees. Motioning towards it to draw Nikki's attention, she said quietly, "Home sweet home."
Pulling up they slid to a halt in front of the large double doors. Immediately killing the engine, the leggy blonde unfolded herself from the lowslung sports car and came around to the passenger's side to help the staff that was now moving down the Manor's steps.
In her mind the blonde ran through a check list. First thing was to get Steve turned over to the physician's care and then to get Nikki away someplace private and see if she could get blood down. The first few times feeding could always be a bit... traumatic. It certainly didn't need to be a public affair. And, thankfully Amberelle knew tricks since she'd had a difficult time adjusting herself. After that was done and she could trust the newly turned vampire was somewhat stable they could check on Steve and discuss where to go from there. Now it all hinged on Nikki going along with it, she thought with a grimace.

Shaking off the train of thought, she came back to the here and now. "Well, first things first," she said more to herself than the other vampire. Amby stood with a feline like stretch then spent a couple minutes grabbing some juice boxes from her fridge and getting the two humans up and out of her suite. She'd much rather have them recover someplace else, so she and Nikki could speak freely. And so they didn't linger to remind her.
Once they were alone again she closed the heavy inner wood doors and walked into the living area. Resting her hands on her hips, her mouth scrunched as she looked at Nikki thoughtfully.
"Where are you staying? It needs to be secured and you need to seal out all sunlight now." She paused a second then added, "Yes, sunlight will light you up like a match now. As will fire. So, I hope you weren't a sunbathing pyromaniac!" Her lips twitched and her eyes sparkled.
With plans made, she looked at Amberelle, gave her the short version, then smiled. "I hate to soud full of myself, but I think I got this part down!" If only the rest was this easy, she thought.

But she did chuckle at Nikki's proclamation to have "that part" down. The woman was really something. Just hours after being turned and she was practical, thorough and seemed relaxed.
"If you must.. apartments are just little death traps to me." The blonde shrugged. "A house with a nice basement you could seal and secure would be your best choice. Maybe get some steel shutters over the windows. Oh.. or install a walk in fridge that you can lock from the inside.. something like that you know?" There were lots of options and they could go about getting her place up to snuff tomorrow.
"There's just a couple hours till dawn, so I had figured you would like to stay at the Manor today. You would be safe, and you could be near Steve.. but it's your choice, so whatever you prefer. But I'd suggest leaving soon to get back to town before the sky gets light. We all have different levels we can stand.. some are not even able to be awake while the sun is up." She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and smiled slightly thinking about that.
Nikki raised an eyebrow at Amberelle's last comment. So, Steve was going to remain here, was he? She didn't like that at all, especially not since she had not had the chance to talk to him about the night's events. She looked straight into the other woman's golden eyes, and spoke in a voice that was quiet, but wouldn't leave anybody with a desire to argue. "If Steve is staying here, then there is no way in hell I'm going to leave. I'm sure as hell not gonna leave him here alone while he's wounded." She hoped inwardly that her sudden change of attitude didn't piss Amberelle off. After all, the woman had saved both her and her brother's lives. Nikki had no doubt that she could just as easily take them. She also hoped that Amberelle understood that she didn't just want to stay for herself and for Steve, she wanted to be on-hand in case her hot-headed brother got a wild hair up his ass and tried to take on some poor unsuspecting person. No doubt he would get killed pretty much instantly by any nearby vampire, but she wouldn't want to be that first unlucky bastard Steve got his hands on.

She stood, crossing the room to the phone. It only took a couple of minutes to get information on where in the far wings he was being treated relayed back to her. It wasn't too far from the dojo, and close to Celeste's room. She knew that wing quite well actually. Thanking the man softly, she hung up and looked back to Nikki. "He woke up earlier and asked about you.. they got him to settle down when he knew you were safe with me."

Moving over towards the door to the hallway, she cocked her head at Nikki. "If you're ready I can take you to see him?" She didn't bother going back to grab her shoes, Amby knew the route there through the maze of hallways by heart and would go the round about ways that kept them indoors.

"OK I can do that.. no problem. Just wait out here then and as soon as I make sure he's awake and umm.. informed.. I'll come get you."
Passing the communal bathroom for the wing she motioned for Nikki to wait just beside the door to it. She pointed to the door just across and down the hall from it then walked over and knocked softly before inching the door open. As she did she sent a prayer up that if Steve was awake he hadn't gotten the bright idea to bolt or attack anyone who came in.
"Steve? It's Amberelle." She poked her head inside and looked for the human.
"Hey," he said. "I hope you aint hoping to kick my ass tonight, because somebody already beat you to it!" He stopped. Now was no time for jokes. Then again, he was more than likely screwed anyway. "You gonna stand there spying on me like a perv or are you coming in?"

"Since I'm sure you are worried, you can relax. Nikki is fine. She's waiting outside to talk to you when we're done. I promised her I'd talk to you first about what all happened." Amby leaned back and picked at the arm of the chair for a moment while she put her thoughts in order. "What can you tell me about this guy?" Her face was neutral as she waited to get some details. Anyone who would be so reckless as to turn someone and leave them like that was a liability. She had a bit of experience cleaning up those kinds of... problems. So even though she had a gut feeling the siblings would want to hunt him down themselves she was taking a special interest in this, just in case.
"Well," he began, "I'm not sure there's much to tell. Me and Nik were still in the Air Force, I had just been given command of our wing about a month before. This guy, Ben, was one of my junior pilots. He was rather reckless, but I didn't think there was anything really wrong with the guy. He and Nikki started seeing each other, and things went smoothly for a while, but then he got a little loopy. Neither of us know why. But he got bad enough that Nik tried to break it off, and that's when the shit really flew. He got obsessive, following her, threatening her, breaking into her place. She couldn't even call the cops or me because he was always right there. So, I finally took notice when she didn't muster with the rest of the wing for a training exercise, and I went over to her place, and found him sitting outside. I went in, found Nik, got her to tell me what had been going on, then I went outside and told Ben to leave her alone. He took a poke at me, so I let him have it. When he was released from the base hospital and returned to active duty, he seemed like he had his head out of his ass, but he deserted after a week or so. I guess the little bastard had bigger plans." Steve stopped, coming back to the here and now. He looked at Amberelle, a wry smile tugging at his features for a moment. "I knew there was something up when he punched a superior. Busted my cheekbone, too." He sighed, then a frightening thought crossed his mind. "Tell me something, Amberelle. What on God's green earth possessed you to bring my sister and me here? Namely my sis. There had better not be anybody chewin' on her. If so, they're gonna find themselves rather crispy." He dug in his pocket, and pulled out a small aerosol can, to which he had taped a cigarette lighter. Homemade flamethrower. It was crude, but effective. He placed it back in his pocket to avoid trouble, then stared the blond woman right in the eyes. "Well?"

"I brought you two here for a few reasons. First you're under clan protection.. unless you and Trin parted ways?" She didn't really pause long enough to let him answer. "Tell me, when you found this Ben with Nikki, did anything about him seem different to you? Because he was. A lot."
"Amberelle? What the hell happened when I went down?"

Realizing leaving him armed while she told him what had happened wasn't the brightest idea, Amby held out her hand and made a grabbing motion with her fingers. "Give me the torch. Then we can talk about what happend." As soon as he gave her that she'd go over and grab his gun from the dresser across the room. And put them out in the hallway, very far away from him.

Slowly taking her chair again, Amberelle sighed softly. Looking at him, her face was neutral but her eyes bored into his and were incredibly serious. Drawing in a breath she started at what was to her the beginning.
"I was in the area looking for some thugs for ahhh.." she shrugged, figuring he'd guess she meant a meal. "I smelled blood, and went to investigate. Inside it was silent as a tomb. I found you and Nikki in an office upstairs. Someone had locked you two in from the outside. You were both down but when I came in you stirred long enough to ask me to look after her." Amby shifted in her seat, getting in a better position to spring up and restrain him if needed as she continued. "I was a bit suprised when she stirred and suddenly I had a gun pointed at my head. But she's a bit more rational than you since she let me explain who I was." The blonde smirked at the cop slightly. "She gave me a little run down on what had happened and we got you out to your car." Pausing slightly, her eyes dipped to the side for a moment as she chewed her lip.
"I insisted we bring you here to have you checked out without having to worry about any questions or complications a hospital might have. We do keep doctors on staff here at the manor for just that reason." Licking her lips she kicked herself for avoiding the primary reason she was here. Skirting around the issue wasn't going to work with Steve. She felt tense and tightly coiled as she continued, ready to leap up and dodge or grab him, whatever his reaction was.
"Steve there's something you should know. I brought Nikki here because she was affected by what happened there too. Before I arrived," she made sure to add. "But she was ummm... turned. By this Ben guy I guess."
What exactly had happened between his going unconscious and her arrival would be for Nikki to fill in, if she wanted to say and if he was able to listen.
"You shouldn't be worried about me," she said, her voice quiet. "You'd better be worried about not getting beaten to death. I'm a little tired of having to watch someone patch you up over and over again." She gave him another once-over, then looked over at Amberelle, try to thank her without words.
"Hey, I'm fine," he said, ignoring the pain throughout his body, "I've been rough on myself, but I've never overdone it." His face hardened, and his voice got serious. "Are you alright?" he asked, watching her face closely for any sign that she wasn't.