Tai laughed at Val's words. "Hardly," he answered. "You flushed him right into me. Literally. I almost knocked him over."
He saw the note of humor in her eyes, though, and went along with her theme. "I do tend to give off a warm and fuzzy sort of vibe though. I can't help it. I've always been the caring type."
It was said with a straight face although Tai's lips twitched up slightly at the corners. Val seemed to be heading them toward the clubs and he didn't complain or bother to change their course. He could think of worse things to do tonight than return the favor by chasing someone into her arms, or being there himself.
Still a Bit Peckish (Attn: Tai)
There had been no animosity in Val's words, maybe a slight bit of irritation but all was fair in love, war and hunting. Still, she got to needle him about it at least a bit.
"Apparently he was less intimidated by you than he was by me. Maybe you made him feel safe."Â?
Her eyes danced at that idea as she absent mindedly started them back toward some of the clubs, preferably the after hours spots, she still had to eat after all. But she was also willing to change those plans should something more interesting come up.
Ichiro Taiji
15 years ago

15 years ago
“I think you may have just called me an Irish Setter. I’m not sure how I feel about that.”
The idea amused her, she’d never been called a ‘dog’ before and certainly never in this context. She grinned at him, teasing, challenging him to find a way out of that.
The grin gave way to an out right laugh at the idea of Tai giving off a warm and fuzzy vibe. It wasn’t that he wasn’t yummy and OK she could see the cuddly side of him, but she saw the cuddly side of a shot gun too so that was not necessarily a ringing endorsement for the rest of the population.
“Let me guess you are a Girl Scout troop leader in your off evenings.” She bluntly sized him up, “Yes I can just see you teaching them how to bake and cross stitch.”
She appreciated that he seemed to be amenable to her going back for a second shot at dinner. They’d passed on other couple but she could see the lights of another club coming up and was sure they could snag a person or two should he still be hungry. It had been years since she’d hunted in tandem with some one and was a bit rusty, she also didn’t know Tai’s style.
The idea amused her, she’d never been called a ‘dog’ before and certainly never in this context. She grinned at him, teasing, challenging him to find a way out of that.
The grin gave way to an out right laugh at the idea of Tai giving off a warm and fuzzy vibe. It wasn’t that he wasn’t yummy and OK she could see the cuddly side of him, but she saw the cuddly side of a shot gun too so that was not necessarily a ringing endorsement for the rest of the population.
“Let me guess you are a Girl Scout troop leader in your off evenings.” She bluntly sized him up, “Yes I can just see you teaching them how to bake and cross stitch.”
She appreciated that he seemed to be amenable to her going back for a second shot at dinner. They’d passed on other couple but she could see the lights of another club coming up and was sure they could snag a person or two should he still be hungry. It had been years since she’d hunted in tandem with some one and was a bit rusty, she also didn’t know Tai’s style.
Ichiro Taiji
15 years ago
So the woman liked to put words in peoples' mouths? All right then... if she wanted to be seen as a dog she could see herself as a dog. He didn't doubt she could be a bitch. In fact, he'd witnessed it already.
He lifted his shoulders at her, smiling ever so slightly to indicate he wasn't planning to argue with her and get trapped in a word game. The Girl Scout comment had him giving a short bark of laughter out loud though.
"I'm only in it for the cookies," he said with as serious an expression as he could muster up. "We covered baking and cross stitch back in Brownies."
He saw her eyes flicker to a few people here and there as they walked, but he didn't know what she wanted out of them. He assumed it was food, but Tai had never been a good one for working as part of a team. If she had a yen to double-date, she'd have to lead. He tilted his head to one couple as they passed and lifted a brow in question.
He lifted his shoulders at her, smiling ever so slightly to indicate he wasn't planning to argue with her and get trapped in a word game. The Girl Scout comment had him giving a short bark of laughter out loud though.
"I'm only in it for the cookies," he said with as serious an expression as he could muster up. "We covered baking and cross stitch back in Brownies."
He saw her eyes flicker to a few people here and there as they walked, but he didn't know what she wanted out of them. He assumed it was food, but Tai had never been a good one for working as part of a team. If she had a yen to double-date, she'd have to lead. He tilted his head to one couple as they passed and lifted a brow in question.

15 years ago
He had totally avoided her little challenge, that tiny bit of verbal banter. Oddly enough, Val approved and was even slightly amused she chuckled a bit to herself. Nothing wrong with the strong silent type.
“Mmmmm it is all about the Thin Mints isn’t it?”
She couldn’t help but giggle a bit at the baking, cross-stitch and Brownies.
Casually Val linked her arm with his so they looked a bit more like a couple out for a late night stroll or as if they were hoofing it between clubs. Pressing her tongue into one of her large canines, she started considering her options. She’d already scared one tonight, she wanted to play a new game.
“The way I see it I can be the damsel in distress or you can be the knight in shining armor. Which way do you feel like playing it tonight?”
Both were scenarios she’d run while hunting with a male vampire and both could be fun. They were much harder cons to run when hunting solo.
“Mmmmm it is all about the Thin Mints isn’t it?”
She couldn’t help but giggle a bit at the baking, cross-stitch and Brownies.
Casually Val linked her arm with his so they looked a bit more like a couple out for a late night stroll or as if they were hoofing it between clubs. Pressing her tongue into one of her large canines, she started considering her options. She’d already scared one tonight, she wanted to play a new game.
“The way I see it I can be the damsel in distress or you can be the knight in shining armor. Which way do you feel like playing it tonight?”
Both were scenarios she’d run while hunting with a male vampire and both could be fun. They were much harder cons to run when hunting solo.
Ichiro Taiji
15 years ago
Tai just shrugged again. He didn't actually know much about Girl Scout cookies, aside from various pop culture references and the fact that the Brownies and Girl Scouts were an American thing. He could only agree with Val, since he'd never had a Thin Mint.
He easily went along with her new act, leaning in toward her as they walked, playing the role of the attentive date. he pondered her question for a moment before responding, "I'm definitely not much of a knight in shining armor."
He'd tried that role once. It hadn't been natural to him. He was much happier if he got to kill someone though; that had made it bearable.
"What's the plan?"
He easily went along with her new act, leaning in toward her as they walked, playing the role of the attentive date. he pondered her question for a moment before responding, "I'm definitely not much of a knight in shining armor."
He'd tried that role once. It hadn't been natural to him. He was much happier if he got to kill someone though; that had made it bearable.
"What's the plan?"

15 years ago
“You wouldn’t be here if you were.”
Her natural inclination was not for men who tread the straight and narrow. They could be so dreadfully dull and did have this odd theory that she should change her ways. Men with at the very least a slight tarnish were much more fun.
“Rough plan is to first find a guy who looks like he might be willing to both take you on and would want to protect me. Then we get into a fight, a rip roaring knock down drag out fight and wait for human nature to kick in and him to try and rescue me and try and pick a fight with you. Then I jump in the middle to separate you and get a nibble in while I’m doing it.”
It was a bit more challenging than it sounded and if you weren’t careful about your mark, it could go terribly wrong. When she’d first learned this scam they’d had to… take care of several of her rescuers because Val had timed things wrong or picked the wrong pigeon. Tai seemed competent enough so Val was OK with risking it.
Her natural inclination was not for men who tread the straight and narrow. They could be so dreadfully dull and did have this odd theory that she should change her ways. Men with at the very least a slight tarnish were much more fun.
“Rough plan is to first find a guy who looks like he might be willing to both take you on and would want to protect me. Then we get into a fight, a rip roaring knock down drag out fight and wait for human nature to kick in and him to try and rescue me and try and pick a fight with you. Then I jump in the middle to separate you and get a nibble in while I’m doing it.”
It was a bit more challenging than it sounded and if you weren’t careful about your mark, it could go terribly wrong. When she’d first learned this scam they’d had to… take care of several of her rescuers because Val had timed things wrong or picked the wrong pigeon. Tai seemed competent enough so Val was OK with risking it.
Ichiro Taiji
15 years ago
Tai considered Val's plan. A little less subtle than he usually preferred but he could cope. He offered Val a nod and grabbed her by the wrist, dragging her roughly forward as he surveyed their surroundings for a likely subject. Wouldn't hurt to be "in character" from the outset.
He'd lived in enough shady situations as a youth to know how fractious men and women could be. He'd also seen the relationships where women thrived on male dominance. He'd seen a knock down drag out fight, as Val put it, turn into sex before his eyes, as if the participants loved the threat of violence and danger. He fed on that memory as he tugged Val along.
"So you thought I wouldn't find out, huh?" he growled at her, abandoning his usual softly dangerous voice for the brash almost-bellow of a drunk. "Thought I wouldn't notice who you've been dressing up for, or those little "lunches out with the girls?"
He kept an eye on the passers-by, noticing one or two men who bristled at his tone. Tai swayed on his feet a little, trying to encourage on of them to come rescue Val from her drunken lover. Or ex-lover.
"How long has it been going on?"
He shook her a little more. "How long?"
Without warning he hauled back and slapped her across the cheek. "Bitch."
He'd lived in enough shady situations as a youth to know how fractious men and women could be. He'd also seen the relationships where women thrived on male dominance. He'd seen a knock down drag out fight, as Val put it, turn into sex before his eyes, as if the participants loved the threat of violence and danger. He fed on that memory as he tugged Val along.
"So you thought I wouldn't find out, huh?" he growled at her, abandoning his usual softly dangerous voice for the brash almost-bellow of a drunk. "Thought I wouldn't notice who you've been dressing up for, or those little "lunches out with the girls?"
He kept an eye on the passers-by, noticing one or two men who bristled at his tone. Tai swayed on his feet a little, trying to encourage on of them to come rescue Val from her drunken lover. Or ex-lover.
"How long has it been going on?"
He shook her a little more. "How long?"
Without warning he hauled back and slapped her across the cheek. "Bitch."

15 years ago
It was all Val could do to keep up with Tai as he pulled her along; she was also hard pressed not to laugh as he jumped in with both feet. She knew it wasn't the safest way to find a meal but that is part of the reason you worked this idea in a pair and you didn't to it too often. It was a fun plan though, although she had to admit part of the fun was in its slightly risky nature.
"Long enough that I know what a -real- man is like!"Â?
She spat back at him, deliberately falling into her brogue. Nothing like being the delicate Irish Pixie far from home, it always helped her character.
"You are disgusting when you're drunk I cannot believe I moved here for you what was I thinking!"Â?
To start out with she wanted to give as good as she got, if nothing else it would get them some attention. Oh and they had attention two or three fellas were apparently not happy with this exchange. Excellent.
Crap. She wasn't expecting him to slap her, so the surprise on her face was real, but damned if she didn't approve that was a nice touch. She even managed to cry out appropriately while deliberately bit her lip causing a decent trickle of blood to run from the corner of her mouth. It was nice and visible. She touched her hand to the blood and looked at it before bursting into 'tears'.
"You sadistic bastard! You'll pay for that!"Â?
At least one of the guys was advancing on them, so rather than go after Tai as she had originally planned she did her best to look like she was trying to get away while leading them into the shadows.
"Long enough that I know what a -real- man is like!"Â?
She spat back at him, deliberately falling into her brogue. Nothing like being the delicate Irish Pixie far from home, it always helped her character.
"You are disgusting when you're drunk I cannot believe I moved here for you what was I thinking!"Â?
To start out with she wanted to give as good as she got, if nothing else it would get them some attention. Oh and they had attention two or three fellas were apparently not happy with this exchange. Excellent.
Crap. She wasn't expecting him to slap her, so the surprise on her face was real, but damned if she didn't approve that was a nice touch. She even managed to cry out appropriately while deliberately bit her lip causing a decent trickle of blood to run from the corner of her mouth. It was nice and visible. She touched her hand to the blood and looked at it before bursting into 'tears'.
"You sadistic bastard! You'll pay for that!"Â?
At least one of the guys was advancing on them, so rather than go after Tai as she had originally planned she did her best to look like she was trying to get away while leading them into the shadows.
Ichiro Taiji
15 years ago
Tai grinned at Val before letting his expression harden. He kept the energy moving in the direction that seemed to be working for them both, well aware of where it was leading. He was perfectly conscious of the one man on the street who was heading their way but he pretended not to notice, too bound up in Val to care.
"Really? I think you'll pay," he purred at Val as he "corralled" her in the darkened area between two buildings.
He pressed her against the cool brick of one of the walls, out of the way behind a dumpster. So romantic. Placing one arm on either side of her he braced his hands against the wall as if to cage her, turning his hip into her stomach so she couldn't knee him and holding her still as he bent to kiss her neck.
The hero was on his way but Tai appeared absorbed in Val's neck. He was, however, tightly coiled and ready to absorb or otherwise react to whatever the hero decided to throw his way.
"Really? I think you'll pay," he purred at Val as he "corralled" her in the darkened area between two buildings.
He pressed her against the cool brick of one of the walls, out of the way behind a dumpster. So romantic. Placing one arm on either side of her he braced his hands against the wall as if to cage her, turning his hip into her stomach so she couldn't knee him and holding her still as he bent to kiss her neck.
The hero was on his way but Tai appeared absorbed in Val's neck. He was, however, tightly coiled and ready to absorb or otherwise react to whatever the hero decided to throw his way.

15 years ago
Mmmmmmm he played this game differently than she was used to. It was such fun to hunt with a partner, learning their style, the way they played the game. She liked the way this game was being played.
She didn’t at all mind being pinned up against the wall and ‘trapped’ and it had been a long time since she’d felt fangs on her neck. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, and not in a bad way.
“You’ve played this game before.”
Val said in a low voice while they had a few seconds privacy. Still she could feel he was still paying attention to her rescuer, as was she. She could hear that he’d gone from walking to a trot, apparently concerned for her well being. Wasn’t that sweet?
As her would be hero rounded the corner she began to push at Tai. To try and escape.
“No! Get off me. I’ll scream.”
Her voice managed to sound both angry and outraged as well as scared and vulnerable.
Apparently, she’d struck just the right note as her savior plowed right into Tai. Val winced slightly. It was obvious Dudley Do-Right had never really been in a fight in his life. But he was good looking.
She didn’t at all mind being pinned up against the wall and ‘trapped’ and it had been a long time since she’d felt fangs on her neck. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, and not in a bad way.
“You’ve played this game before.”
Val said in a low voice while they had a few seconds privacy. Still she could feel he was still paying attention to her rescuer, as was she. She could hear that he’d gone from walking to a trot, apparently concerned for her well being. Wasn’t that sweet?
As her would be hero rounded the corner she began to push at Tai. To try and escape.
“No! Get off me. I’ll scream.”
Her voice managed to sound both angry and outraged as well as scared and vulnerable.
Apparently, she’d struck just the right note as her savior plowed right into Tai. Val winced slightly. It was obvious Dudley Do-Right had never really been in a fight in his life. But he was good looking.
Ichiro Taiji
15 years ago
Tai almost laughed at the tone of Val's voice.
"Yeah. A little differently maybe. Same concept."
He separated himself from her neck long enough to gently lick away the tiny trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth, just before the hero decided to make his move.
The man barreled into Tai at full force once he saw what was happening and Tai reacted instinctively. He twisted, wrapped his arms around the man, and threw him over his shoulder. The landing didn't look at all soft and the man appeared to be out cold on impact.
He looked at Val and shrugged. "Maybe I need some practice."
Nevertheless he gestured to the guy and said, "Dinner is served. A little well-done, but it's still good!"
"Yeah. A little differently maybe. Same concept."
He separated himself from her neck long enough to gently lick away the tiny trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth, just before the hero decided to make his move.
The man barreled into Tai at full force once he saw what was happening and Tai reacted instinctively. He twisted, wrapped his arms around the man, and threw him over his shoulder. The landing didn't look at all soft and the man appeared to be out cold on impact.
He looked at Val and shrugged. "Maybe I need some practice."
Nevertheless he gestured to the guy and said, "Dinner is served. A little well-done, but it's still good!"

15 years ago
“I think I might like your version.”
Val grinned up at him. He was good at this and she wasn’t quite clear if ‘this’ was the hunting or the pinning her to the wall or both. She didn’t actually care one way or another.
Given her vantage point it took a second for her to actually realize what Tai had done. Slipping out from behind the dumpster she got her first look and all she could do was blink, taking in the site before her. As realization settled in her mind Val started to grin and then wound up laughing. She couldn’t remember the last time any one had thought to knock dinner out for her. In a warped way, it was rather sweet, intentional or not.
“Generally I prefer my meal rare but I think we can try again some night.”
She wiggled her eyebrows at Tai teasing slightly before grabbing dinner by the front of the shirt and picking him up by the front of his shirt and propping him up against the wall. After all she wasn’t going to crawl around on the ground to eat, she had her pride.
With little to no ceremony Val followed the path of the major vein in the neck and with a slightly flirtations grin at Tai sank her teeth into the soft flesh. She took more than she needed, but not enough to kill, and then let her meal slump back against the wall ultimately landing in a heap on the ground. Val daintily stepped over the lump.
“You’re right. Still good.”
Val grinned up at him. He was good at this and she wasn’t quite clear if ‘this’ was the hunting or the pinning her to the wall or both. She didn’t actually care one way or another.
Given her vantage point it took a second for her to actually realize what Tai had done. Slipping out from behind the dumpster she got her first look and all she could do was blink, taking in the site before her. As realization settled in her mind Val started to grin and then wound up laughing. She couldn’t remember the last time any one had thought to knock dinner out for her. In a warped way, it was rather sweet, intentional or not.
“Generally I prefer my meal rare but I think we can try again some night.”
She wiggled her eyebrows at Tai teasing slightly before grabbing dinner by the front of the shirt and picking him up by the front of his shirt and propping him up against the wall. After all she wasn’t going to crawl around on the ground to eat, she had her pride.
With little to no ceremony Val followed the path of the major vein in the neck and with a slightly flirtations grin at Tai sank her teeth into the soft flesh. She took more than she needed, but not enough to kill, and then let her meal slump back against the wall ultimately landing in a heap on the ground. Val daintily stepped over the lump.
“You’re right. Still good.”
Ichiro Taiji
15 years ago
Tai shot back a quick, rusty smile at Val before leaning his shoulder against the dumpster with his back to her, ostensibly keeping an eye out for any more tasty heroes while sh drank her fill.
"Rare. I guess I'll have to work on that," he remarked as he waited, arms crossed casually over his chest.
As Val returned over the top of her meal he shook his head. "He really thought he was being the good guy," Tai commented with mock sadness. "Too bad for him."
He peered out onto the street; no one else seemed aware of what had just happened in the alley way. In fact, all the faces there were new now. Only a minute or so had passed, yet no one else had thought to come help Val.
"What a sad world," Tai commented with an accompanying shrug. He'd been living in this "sad world" at its saddest. It didn't surprise him that no one else had thought to help Val out in her perceived time of need, but every once in a while that fact made him feel bitter and resentful.
He turned to Val,dismissing what little ethical righteousness he felt; it was uncomfortable anyhow. Offering her his arm once more he said, "Well, that was dinner. What's the movie?"
"Rare. I guess I'll have to work on that," he remarked as he waited, arms crossed casually over his chest.
As Val returned over the top of her meal he shook his head. "He really thought he was being the good guy," Tai commented with mock sadness. "Too bad for him."
He peered out onto the street; no one else seemed aware of what had just happened in the alley way. In fact, all the faces there were new now. Only a minute or so had passed, yet no one else had thought to come help Val.
"What a sad world," Tai commented with an accompanying shrug. He'd been living in this "sad world" at its saddest. It didn't surprise him that no one else had thought to help Val out in her perceived time of need, but every once in a while that fact made him feel bitter and resentful.
He turned to Val,dismissing what little ethical righteousness he felt; it was uncomfortable anyhow. Offering her his arm once more he said, "Well, that was dinner. What's the movie?"

15 years ago
Val half laughed.
“Bad for him, good for us. My own guess is he’d do the same thing again. Just perhaps with a bit more caution next time.”
Again she took Tai’s arm and started the away from the ally just in case some less brave but still concerned soul had called 9-1-1 or something equally silly. It wouldn’t do to be caught after such a fun bit of dinner theater.
She’d caught a slightly bitter tone from Tai about the lack of assistance and quirked an eyebrow at him. However, Val didn’t often worry about those things and so didn’t say anything. The world had changed though. Too many people were only interested in minding their own business these days. It wasn’t as if 900 guys would have rushed to her aid in the 20s or even the 50s but more than one and they probably wouldn’t have needed to have been so dramatic to get their attention. Ah well.
“Awww honey not the show again you promised to take me dancing tonight.”
She teased him as they kept walking. Honestly Val didn’t have a real plan other than scaring dinner out of their socks.
“Bad for him, good for us. My own guess is he’d do the same thing again. Just perhaps with a bit more caution next time.”
Again she took Tai’s arm and started the away from the ally just in case some less brave but still concerned soul had called 9-1-1 or something equally silly. It wouldn’t do to be caught after such a fun bit of dinner theater.
She’d caught a slightly bitter tone from Tai about the lack of assistance and quirked an eyebrow at him. However, Val didn’t often worry about those things and so didn’t say anything. The world had changed though. Too many people were only interested in minding their own business these days. It wasn’t as if 900 guys would have rushed to her aid in the 20s or even the 50s but more than one and they probably wouldn’t have needed to have been so dramatic to get their attention. Ah well.
“Awww honey not the show again you promised to take me dancing tonight.”
She teased him as they kept walking. Honestly Val didn’t have a real plan other than scaring dinner out of their socks.
Ichiro Taiji
15 years ago
"One can only hope," Tai replied to Val. "Maybe we can have a second round some time."
He shrugged at her when she raised her eyebrow at him; he wasn't about to explain. He smiled wryly at her joking tone of voice though, looking around the street they ere on. It was just around the corner from the main part of the Strip, where they would find more in the way of nightclubs and dancing than anything else.
"So what exactly are you in the mood for?" He left the question open-ended. Tai had gotten to know Nachton very well, but in a much different sense than this.
He shrugged at her when she raised her eyebrow at him; he wasn't about to explain. He smiled wryly at her joking tone of voice though, looking around the street they ere on. It was just around the corner from the main part of the Strip, where they would find more in the way of nightclubs and dancing than anything else.
"So what exactly are you in the mood for?" He left the question open-ended. Tai had gotten to know Nachton very well, but in a much different sense than this.

15 years ago
Val was finding something about Tai very appealing, she was even rather amused that he was turning the evening back on her.
What did she want to do? That was a good question.
“Dancing is always good, or I have books to go over, work out tapes to study, of course I’ve never turned down a game of darts in my life, I’m sure we could pick a fight if that’s your taste.”
They walked for a few seconds, there wasn’t much foot traffic so they had a bit of privacy, and quiet.
“Or you could pin me up against the wall again.”
Val would have been very surprised if she’d miss read the signals she’d gotten from him while they were baiting the hook. It also never hurt to be very clear on where she stood on matters like this, after all you don’t ask you don’t get. Not that she suspected Tai was the shy type.
What did she want to do? That was a good question.
“Dancing is always good, or I have books to go over, work out tapes to study, of course I’ve never turned down a game of darts in my life, I’m sure we could pick a fight if that’s your taste.”
They walked for a few seconds, there wasn’t much foot traffic so they had a bit of privacy, and quiet.
“Or you could pin me up against the wall again.”
Val would have been very surprised if she’d miss read the signals she’d gotten from him while they were baiting the hook. It also never hurt to be very clear on where she stood on matters like this, after all you don’t ask you don’t get. Not that she suspected Tai was the shy type.
Ichiro Taiji
15 years ago
Tai wasn't entirely surprised at Val's offer... all of them. She didn't seem like the type to live life lightly and safely. Not that he was dangerous. To her. At present.
He pretended to consider it. "Oh I don't know. Workout tapes sound pretty compelling. I love Richard Simmons."
It was difficult to get it out without smiling but Tai's poker face was pretty tight. He regarded Val with appreciation and then cracked a slight smile.
"I prefer cleaner walls," he pointed out.
He wasn't opposed to spending the evening, or even a good chunk of the following day, playing games with Val. he hadn't had much of a relationship with anyone, not since Ellis had decided to return to drooling over Simon and Yuu had gotten all freaky. They protested at him, each of them, in their separate compartments of his brain. He turned them off and smiled at Val more fully.
"Aside from that I am at your disposal."
Let her make of it what she wanted.
He pretended to consider it. "Oh I don't know. Workout tapes sound pretty compelling. I love Richard Simmons."
It was difficult to get it out without smiling but Tai's poker face was pretty tight. He regarded Val with appreciation and then cracked a slight smile.
"I prefer cleaner walls," he pointed out.
He wasn't opposed to spending the evening, or even a good chunk of the following day, playing games with Val. he hadn't had much of a relationship with anyone, not since Ellis had decided to return to drooling over Simon and Yuu had gotten all freaky. They protested at him, each of them, in their separate compartments of his brain. He turned them off and smiled at Val more fully.
"Aside from that I am at your disposal."
Let her make of it what she wanted.

15 years ago
When Val said work out tapes, she'd meant something -very- different so it took a second to get the joke. She liked the slight smile though, somehow that small smile was more compelling because he kept such tight control over his countenance. She chuckled slightly.
"I can see you as a sweating to the oldies kind of guy."Â?
It didn't matter how old or how confidant you were it always felt good to be told that you were appealing and that a member of the opposite sex was interested.
"Mmmmm so a vicious predator -and- a gentleman. Not a combination one finds every day."Â?
She smiled a very speculative smile at him.
Val had rather expensive tastes and wasn't about to mess about in any of the flea bag motels one was likely to find in this neighborhood. Still having possession of Tai's arm she started them back to her car, she wasn't about to leave something like that on the street over night.
"I am glad you didn't say you had a fondess of darts."Â?
"I can see you as a sweating to the oldies kind of guy."Â?
It didn't matter how old or how confidant you were it always felt good to be told that you were appealing and that a member of the opposite sex was interested.
"Mmmmm so a vicious predator -and- a gentleman. Not a combination one finds every day."Â?
She smiled a very speculative smile at him.
Val had rather expensive tastes and wasn't about to mess about in any of the flea bag motels one was likely to find in this neighborhood. Still having possession of Tai's arm she started them back to her car, she wasn't about to leave something like that on the street over night.
"I am glad you didn't say you had a fondess of darts."Â?
Ichiro Taiji
15 years ago
"It's the shorts," Tai deadpanned.
He chuckled softly at Val's comment about being a gentleman. That was one thing he'd never been compared to in his life. If she wanted to see him in that light, though, all right by him.
When she mentioned darts, however, he raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh, but I do," he said. Tai liked anything that could be employed as a weapon. "However, put yourself in my shoes and tell me you wouldn't make the same choice when it was put in front of you."
Did she think him stupid? Hot, sexy, willing vampire versus game of darts? Yeah. Check please.
He chuckled softly at Val's comment about being a gentleman. That was one thing he'd never been compared to in his life. If she wanted to see him in that light, though, all right by him.
When she mentioned darts, however, he raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh, but I do," he said. Tai liked anything that could be employed as a weapon. "However, put yourself in my shoes and tell me you wouldn't make the same choice when it was put in front of you."
Did she think him stupid? Hot, sexy, willing vampire versus game of darts? Yeah. Check please.

15 years ago
She grinned, not bothering to hide her fangs. Usually she made at least an attempt at disguising her large canines and it was a nice change not to have to.
Trotting ahead a step or two a head she walked backwards a few steps while blatantly taking in the view. Tall, but not too tall, that lean athletic build, she loved the eyes and damned if bald wasn’t dead sexy not to mention the slightly dangerous vibe she picked up.
“I think your shoes would be too big for me, but I think the choice is obvious.”
Ah, there was the car, nothing fancy tonight just a little red Boxter that had been traded in recently. Stupid economy was making her business a bit on the rough side and as a result, she couldn’t play with as many toys.
She pulled her key out of her little bag and unlocked it. Val wasn’t quite ready take Tai home with her but there were plenty of high-end hotels in the city and she sure wasn’t worried about checking in without luggage.
“We might be able to work in a game of darts, well something similar at ay rate.”
She teased, certain they could improvise any number of games, as she slid behind the wheel.
Trotting ahead a step or two a head she walked backwards a few steps while blatantly taking in the view. Tall, but not too tall, that lean athletic build, she loved the eyes and damned if bald wasn’t dead sexy not to mention the slightly dangerous vibe she picked up.
“I think your shoes would be too big for me, but I think the choice is obvious.”
Ah, there was the car, nothing fancy tonight just a little red Boxter that had been traded in recently. Stupid economy was making her business a bit on the rough side and as a result, she couldn’t play with as many toys.
She pulled her key out of her little bag and unlocked it. Val wasn’t quite ready take Tai home with her but there were plenty of high-end hotels in the city and she sure wasn’t worried about checking in without luggage.
“We might be able to work in a game of darts, well something similar at ay rate.”
She teased, certain they could improvise any number of games, as she slid behind the wheel.