Aron Swiftwood (Clan Evenhet)
Basic Information
Birth Name: Aron Swiftwood
Aliases: Michael Von Haufmann, "A"Â?
Place of Birth: England
Age: Apparent 28, Real: 237
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: Millionair
Hair Colour: Raven black
Length and Style: Shoulder long free flowing, gothic style.
Eye Colour: Green
Skin Colour: Pale light, though not unusually so
Height: 1.82m
Weight: 78kg
Nationality: English
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: Slender and slightly athletic.
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): May Carter, gentleman's daughter (see personal history)
Personal Questions
1.Describe your character's personality:
Aron is usually charming and always a perfect gentleman. While he has considerably psychic abillities, he would never dream of forcing anyone into doing anything when persuasion is such a good alternative. He also embraces the wonders of modern technology, taking advantage of every flaw for his own personal benefit.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger:
Aron is always well dressed, usually in a tuxedo and always latest fashion. He carries himself with a casual grace that perfects the image of a gentleman. An ebony walking stick seems to follow him wherever he goes.
3.What does your character like?
A good wine, luxury in general, intelligent company and a good book
Impoliteness, people hurting women.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6.What are your fears?
Being poor, being locked in a small dark room (claustrophobia), being alone
7.What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Aron thinks fast and is usually one step ahead of his opponents. He does however have a tendency to underestimate opponents his empathy cannot read for one reason or another.
Hobbies & Skills
Fencing, riding, shooting, self-defence, gentleman skills in general, hacking, painting.
Flaws: Colour blind, Hears Voices
Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules): Aron's eyecolor changes slightly depending on his mood. When one emotion is particularly strong his eyes might change colour intirely. Also for curious reasons his colorblindless doesn't include blood, which he can easily distinguish as being red.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention:
Aron has a rapier in the ebony walking stick he always carries and is slightly old fashioned when it comes to manners in general.
Personal History:
Aron stared out the window and sighed. He recalled his parents grand mansion where he grew up. The careless life he had led, hunting wildlife at day and women at night. Both of which he had done rather well. Until he had met May. May Carter. He could still remember the first time he had seen her bright blue eyes. Their beauty had left him startled, something her smile stressed by knocking him completely off his feet. For reasons he could not comprehend, she had returned his love, and he had fond memories of the long summer nights spent in her company. The day in late August when she had given him a kiss that changed his life forever. They had moved to London, where she had taught him things he had not thought possible. They were made for each other, sharing feelings, thoughts and blood.
One night, the fatal night, he had been out to find her a gift, a diamond necklace for her rebirthday. He could feel her fear, and as he pressed the horses to giving their all, he could feel her pain. When he finally got to the estate, the bond was gone. The flames licking the house were grey and dull. Nothing had any meaning left, nothing at all.
It was weeks before he finally did anything but stare at the wall. He wanted to see her again, see her face in a sunrise that would last the rest of his life. Be with her forever. She informed him loving but firmly that he was being silly. That had come as quite a shock. Her voice had not died with her body. He could speak with her again! It was this voice that taught him how to take the broken bond and turn it outwards. How to feel other peoples emotions and send him their thoughts. It was her voice that guided him to the Evenhet. The voice that told him to live his undead life to the fullest.
Odd Questions(To help define your character)
1. A stranger at a bar offers your character a drink, what is a typical response? Aron took the glass and smiled. "Thank you stranger"Â?
2.Your character finds a lost child alone on the streets. What do they do?
Aron would guide the poor soul home, mainly because May would tell him to do so.
3.A barfight erupts in the nightclub your character is in, what do they do?
Aron prefers to avoid fighting, but if it cannot be helped he will quickly dispatch his attackers, probably with his ebony staff.
4.What animal does your character most identify with? Hawk
OOC Info:
Player name (online is fine): Dark_Wolf
Other Characters you play
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc): Friend told me