What I've Learned
Never ignore a cold when you've had it over a week.
Never ignore the cold that becomes a stuffy nose and sore throat when you've been sick for over two weeks.
Don't be suprised when you finally do go to the doctor that she gives you hella antibiotics and says its not a cold but sinus infection and tonsilitis. Or rather it WAS a cold but since you didn't get better, it got worse... ><
And when you've been sick long enough people at your work don't even react when you cough for 5 minutes as if trying to remove a lung.
But after almost a week of antibiotics I feel semi human again!!!! And will be back, I promise!
15 years ago
I'm glad you're better now!

15 years ago
sinus infection /shrudder
Welcome to your way back to the land of the living! /cheers
Welcome to your way back to the land of the living! /cheers

15 years ago
Goodness.... ok that is bad. but i'm glad you're back

Ellis Duban
15 years ago
>< feel better!