Just a little B & E ((Attention Bao))
Tonight was the night. Amberelle had spent the last few weeks since she'd met Bao researching the lawyer and his house. It was a lovely and ornate brownstone in an area of town she was coming to love. Very posh, very upper crust. If the blond had been interested in choosing someplace outside of Heolfor for herself this would be very appealing. She'd spent the last several nights assessing it from afar and up close so she was ready to make her move. No one would pay any attention to the small golden cat that darted through the shadows of the huge old oaks that stretched their arms outwards to leave the street engulfed in shadows despite the nearly full moon. Pools of golden light dotted the street from the retrofitted old gas lamps. But she avoided those and stuck to the thick shadows around the gnarled, rooty bases.
Across the street from the last house was an open expanse of greenery with a white gazebo visible in the distance. This was her destination, the large one nestled at the end of the street with a lovely view of the park. A few dozen yards before her rose the darkened home she sought. The cat seemed to smile. Slipping around back easily through the wrought iron fence in the front the cat darted between the house and its large detached garage. In the backyard was another ancient old oak with limbs that rose for several additional stories above the three story home. And, some of its branches extended over the roofline. In the summer they probably provided welcome shade and cooling for the house. Tonight they were just the ticket for a cat to carefully pick her way over to just a few feet above the roof and hop down onto the structure without a sound. She paused to carefully survey the area. It was quiet. A little after one in the morning on a Tuesday night. It was the time when all good people were in bed asleep and little vampires roamed in search of pretty treasures.
Carefully she padded over to the edge and looked down at the narrow ledge below. A large window into an empty room. Probably what would be a bedroom, at least it was shown to be one on the tax assessor's blue prints for the house. But she'd noticed the window was not quite closed when studying the facade. Further inspection a few nights ago had shown the old third floor windows on this side of the house were most likely originals and this one quite obviously had a broken latch. With a little nervousness she dropped down onto the ledge and dug her claws in until she had her balance. A few headbutts had the window swinging inward, enough for her to squeeze in, with a creak. Her little heart pounded as she wondered if someone had heard the noise.
His calm, cool and focus were severely tested when she lumped -him- in with Tàcharan. That was simply insulting. His first reaction was to rip her shoulder from her socket. In fact, he did exert some extra pressure, if nothing else it would get her attention. Centuries of thinking before he acted, however, caused him to pause just shy of dislocating the joint. She wasn't part of Evenhet, she wasn't an orphan, ergo she was either clanless or Anantya.
"You go too far."Â?
He said with a great deal of pride. What they had here was quite a knot. He could let her up, let her go and try and speak rationally. That would be the thing to do if she were family. But if she weren't... no he wasn't willing to take that chance. He'd already made too many mistakes with her.
"You should have started in the lower level. I have a Maruyama Ã…Å’kyo you might have preferred."Â?
She was undoubtedly trying to distract him, to find some weakness, an opportunity to escape. Manners were going to be the casualty here, he simply wasn't going to be stalled any further.
"Who, exactly, are you and who are your people?"Â?
Answer correctly and you win a prize, answer wrong and she gave him permission to get creative.

Trying to keep the pain out of her voice, she did quip at him some. "If you have one of Maruyama Ã…Å’kyo's screen sets I am going to be one happy girl! Though he has several with tigers that I have been trying to get my hands on for a few years." He was right, she should have started on the ground floor. But not for the reason he thought. Maybe then she would have had the element of surprise instead of him being alerted to her presence up here. Tactical information to consider after she was done here, she reminded herself as she pushed it from her thoughts.
"As for who I am... my name is on the card I gave you. Amberelle De'Espionne. I haven't bothered with an alias. Yet." If things didn't go so well tonight and he stayed a threat she might have to get one and flee the country, or maybe swallow her pride and get her cousin's assistance in wiping him out. "My people? My family is from New Orleans but I don't think that's what you meant is it?" The Creole fumed to herself as his grip or focus never waivered. At this point all she could do was hope for the best response and be ready to shift if he didn't release her. "Anantya.." she said quietly. If he really was something else who knew how he would react.
A lot of trouble, a lot of money and he may have assisted the previous owner on to whatever awaited one in he next life. No one said Bao came by all the pieces in his collection by one hundred percent legitimate means.
No matter his feelings right now he had to admire her spirit. She couldn't possibly be comfortable, and undoubtedly trying to think of a way out of this and yet she had the presence of mind to manage some verbal banter.
This is what came of not following up on little tidbits like her card. Bao berated himself for not cross-referencing her card with his files. No one in this day and age had such manners or taste, he should have recognized it as something more than a proper upbringing. He had not expected her to be family. She could be lying, but at this point Bao opted to take a chance, he still had the advantage.
"If you do more than sit up I will kill you, no matter what clan you belong to."Â?
It was not a threat, not at all, it was a very simple statement. He had no doubt she'd hear the truth in it.
Slowly, very slowly he released his hold on her and stood up looking down at her. Even if she was Anantya, there was a chance, no matter how remote, that she was after more than art.
"Perhaps we both need to improve our research skills."Â?

Watching him through her lashes she wondered how long he'd been in town, and why he'd chose to live here instead of the manor. Convenience? At least it made sense now why there were no drawings of the basement in the city's records, he probably had it set up like a fortress. Despite the tenseness of a few minutes past, she couldn't help a little teasing. Sighing loudly with a mock sad pout she lamented, "So I guess this means I won't be getting anything to brighten up my suite tonight." Giving him a little grin then, she dropped her sore arm's hand into her lap and held out the other. "Amberelle De'Espionne, childe of Gustav De'Espionne and formerly of New Orleans.. nice to meet you."
"I'm afraid that is my fault. I have been less social than I should be."Â?
Bao disliked being less than totally certain he had a place to live, work, etc should he be caught out after sunrise. To that end, he kept rooms at the manor as well as the brownstone. So long as Amir could find him with little effort, he was secure and he had some of his collection around him Bao wasn't terribly picky about where he lived or worked. Still, it was no excuse for not making more contact with family here. He would have to fix that, if nothing else it would prevent additional 'misunderstandings'.
Walking to a built in cabinet he retrieved two towels and offered one to his 'guest'. Given the damage they'd' done to each other the towels would be ruined but it was the least he could do.
He almost laughed, almost, he did smile a bit at her determination.
"No, I'm afraid I'm too much of a collector to let anything go willingly. You are, however, welcome to visit them. But, perhaps, you will simply knock next time."Â?
De'Espionne. It was a wonder what a difference context made. He accepted the offered, un-injured arm.
"Bao Hoang, a pleasure Ms. De'Espionne. You will have to accept my apology for ... "
He paused for a second considering the situation.
"I don't believe I've ever apologized to a burglar before."Â? Bao said with another slight smile. "I hardly know what the etiquette is."Â?
It was quite dry, but it was his version of humor.

"I'm afraid I don't normally get caught and allow people the opportunity to make appologies so I am not sure either. Perhaps we should write one of those ettiquette columnists and ask?" The Creole paused, a corner of her mouth lifted in a smile she tried to supress. "But on a more serious note. I would like to say I'm sorry for the wall. Naturally I'll pay for the repairs." It was not the turn of events she'd hoped for. Looked like it was going to be a costly lesson, instead of a profitable evening out. Especially with a lovely Monet here and even more pretties to be had downstairs. If only she'd picked a night he wasn't home. Ah well.
"I would also suggest you get someone to secure the third story windows, you have one that has a broken latch. And, no.. I didn't break it." If he asked for more details she might provide them, but she figured that was the minimum she owed him for an explanation of how she managed to get in.
"I'm certain Emily Post never foresaw anything like this. We shall have to improvise. As to the wall, I thank you for the offer but if I hadn't severely underestimated you it would not have happened. It is my fault."Â?
Besides he had more than enough people bickering over this renovation. They could undoubtedly be thrilled to have something else to do. He might advise them to reinforce that wall as well. Shoddy work.
"Ah is that how you got in. I shall have to have that fixed. Thank you."Â?
He was hoping to use those rooms as safe rooms. That would have to be fixed and he'd want to add some motion sensors up there as well and a second master control in the library. Well at least he'd learned something from this little encounter.
Offering her his hand to help her stand Bao couldn't help but continue to offer hospitality, it would have been unthinkable not to.
"Is there something I can do for you? Perhaps you'd like a shower or a look at that Ã…Å’kyo screen?"Â?
It was one of his finer works in Bao's opinion, a six panel with cranes. Quite worth showing off.
He wasn't in too much of a hurry for the young lady to leave. For starters he was curious why she should be engaging in art theft. But one couldn't just ask that out right.

"I'm good thank you. I know I must have interrupted you.. and I wouldn't want to keep you from anything." Amby paused then added with a slightly hopeful look, "But if you wouldn't mind showing me the Ã…Å’kyo.. I'd love to see it." If it was one of the crane screens from Ã…Å’kyo it might be the pair she'd seen at auction at Christie's a few years ago. Those had been stunning and she was excited to see some of his work more closely. "What other pieces do you have in your collection?" A Monet and an Ã…Å’kyo were pretty different stylistically, so the blonde wondered about his tastes. Was he a collector for investment or enjoyment?
Crossing the room and picking up her discarded jacket, she draped it over her arm and waited for her clan mate to lead the way.
He grinned warmly. That was a request he certainly couldn't pass up.
"Of course. Please come with me."Â?
She might enjoy the living room on the lower level. It was currently done in an Asian style. Other than the screen, he also had two lovely watercolors and a Ming vase.
Ah... his collection, Bao smiled again. He enjoyed his collection a great deal and had spent many years, centuries, assembling it, cataloging it, preserving and displaying it.
"I'm afraid my taste is some what varied. If I were to hire a curator they would be less than pleased with my lack of focus."Â?
In short, it was easier to ask him what he had and he could tell you. It would be unseemly to rattle off the list.
"I'm currently working on procuring some medieval religious icons, but that is a new obsession."Â?
Leading them into the room, he gestured that she should feel free to explore on her own.
"You weren't thinking of making a return visit were you?"Â?
No smile this time, but it was simple enough to see he was teasing slightly.