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Lifting the Veil (attn: Lily, Nikhila, Hammer)

Xeph responded to the light knock at his door quickly. He turned off the television and smiled at Nikhila; they would return to their show later. Sometimes an Alpha's job was never done.

He didn't expect to see his mother at the door, followed by Hammer. It was late; normally the two Betas wouldn't bother Xeph and Nikhila at this hour unless the situation was important.

Looking at their faces, Xeph would have said it was important. His mother's face was calm yet troubled; she stood with the bearing of someone who bore ill news but was determined to deliver it. Hammer just looked... well, unsettled. He was difficult to read. Maybe curious.

"Hey. What's up?"

No point in overreacting. Maybe they were just tired. Xeph opened the door widely for them, nodding to indicate they should come inside. Neither of them was a stranger here.

Neither had spoken, either, so Xeph prompted a little more.
"Is something wrong?"

Iov Hammerthynn 14 years ago
Xeph was correct to use his authority as Alpha to speak to Hammer. Anything beyond that and he wouldn't have been able to process it; not with everything the old dog was going through. He stood immediately and looked at Xeph in his mismatched eyes.

It occurred to him then, that the similarities between them were so apparent . Obviously Xeph had taken after his mother, the softer features and the piercing green eye, but the soft gray iris stood out to him like a beacon. It was the exact shade of his solitary eye. The curve of his jaw, the breadth of his shoulders and how his glare cut to the core. It was if they had managed to take all the unmarred features of Hammer and soft, goodness of Lily and split them down the middle. It occurred to Hammer just then, that Xeph was the man he could have been.

"No matter what happens, you will always have my thanks."

The future held many doubts for Hammer: the repercussions of what happened between him and Lily, the possible tarnish of his family's name, and the inevitable confrontation with his own father, but at that moment it was all gone.

'Thank God you took after your mother.' It was a rare moment of humor for Hammer, but he felt the smile tug at his perpetual grimace. Reaching out he gripped Xeph's extended forearm with his left hand and grasp his son's hand in his own right. He followed it with a whisper.

'And I could not be prouder to have you as my son.'
Xeph 14 years ago
It wasn't that hard, really, to translate all the years of lessons, teaching, to moments that were made to have been father to son. It had always felt like that, deep down. Was it because they were so alike? Xeph had always assumed his Hammer-like attributes were because they had spent so much time together over the years. It hadn't even occurred to him that his Hammer-like attributes were due to his Hammer-like genetics.

Something hit him just then and he blinked.

"Holy shit. I have a lot of cousins."

Xeph looked back at Hammer expectantly, curiously. "I mean. If that's all right with you. Sir." What did he call him now? Dad? Pop?

He let go of Hammer's hand, scratched his head thoughtfully, still looking at Hammer. His dad. Huh.

"They're not going to be all that understanding, are they," he stated. "Of what you did."

The Hammerthynns were an unforgiving bunch. Hell, Xeph already considered the Pipers his family. Acknowledging a real biological link was not a far cry. It wasn't him he thought they'd have a problem with. It was Hammer.
Iov Hammerthynn 14 years ago
Hammer nodded and let out a long breath.

'There are a lot of us, yes. Us Hammerthynns and our cousins the Jamesons. Brig is your second cousin. LT would be your third...Brig's youngest brother's son. Of course the Pipers...'

"They're not going to be all that understanding, are they. Of what you did."

He pushed his jaw out and grimaced.

'No...especially Vigo.' It was either Vigo or 'Sir'. Hammer barely recalled the last time he called Vigo 'father'. He didn't want to lie to Xeph, but he suspected that his newly acquired son will not have the Elder Hammerthynns look upon Hammer favorably, considering when the coupling had happened. Brig on the other hand - he didn't see a problem with his cousin.

'Would you like me to notify Brig and the Pipers?'
Xeph 14 years ago
Xeph looked at his mother, at Nikhila, and then back to Hammer. And he shrugged. "Why notify anyone?"

It made sense to him.
"Why not just go about our business?" He met Hammer's expression with his own solemn one. "It's no secret that you were more of a father to me than Liam," he said, unable to hide a trace of bitterness. "Who would care if you were finally given the regard of a father? If our child calls you 'grandfather?' And if they notice the similarities and ask, then there's no need to lie. We don't have to hide anything... but we don't have to announce it with neon signs and banners either."

It was a solution, to Xeph, anyway. He was determined that this not impact the Pack in a large way, for after all, it had been done years ago clearly without his knowledge. He actually didn't think the Kadzait as a whole body would have an issue. Just Hammer's family.

"If you want to tell your family... er, our family, then go ahead. As far as the Pack is concerned, there is nothing different to relate. You were always the one I looked up to."

That much was true; for his youth Aidan had idolized Liam but that had ended as a teenager and Liam had been replaced with Hammer. Nothing had changed there.
Lily 14 years ago
Lily watched the exchange between her lover and their son with pride. Pride at Aidan's acceptance, his ready thanks, and his understanding. Pride at Iov's ability to fight through what had to be troubling for him, to put it mildly. When they began to plan, she reached out and brushed Iov's hand with her fingertips, not sure if he would clasp hers if it was offered.

"I want to be there," she said, "when you tell them. If you tell them."

She watched Iov with uncertainty, wondering how hard he would fight her in this. "It took two of us to do what was done," she reasoned. "And no one can relate to them what it was... what was done. To me. When Liam and I were," she gestured with futility, not really interested in elaborating on hat relationship yet again.
Nikhila 14 years ago
It had taken a bit of a push but it seemed to have been the right thing to do and both of them decided to accept it if not embrace the idea. While typically given to thinking things through coolly and calmly now, she couldn't totally keep her emotions under control and had gone slightly misty eyed. Nothing any one would notice really and it was quickly controlled.

Nikhila admired Lily's sense of courage and fair play. It was very logical way to look at the situation. And of course she was right, she was the only one who could explain... well that was not something she wanted to intrude on or brood on. Bad enough that it should have happened.

She smiled and nodded at Aidan's solution though. That seemed the most practical. Hiding it would have been wrong... but advertising would cause problems.
Iov Hammerthynn 14 years ago
Hammer looked down at Lily as she touched his hand. It was embarrassment, not shame, that made him clear his throat and look back at Xeph. The thing between Lily and him would take time to get used to. She of course was a widow now and had been for over two years. Hammer was well within his right to court her, but questions would certainly arise; was he her reason for coming to America and if so, people would wonder just how long they had waited. Swallowing, he scooped Lily's hand in his and rubbed his sizable thumb over the back of her hand.

'Lil, I don't even want to be there.' He shook his head and pushed the thought away. He'd tell Brig first since he was fairly sure his cousin suspected something between them anyway. 'The Commander is more than just my second and cousin, he's my closest friend.' He nodded, agreeing with Xeph, 'No official announcement although I'm sure it'll get back to Vigo and the others. We'll burn that bridge when we get to it.'

Turning finally to Nikhila, he finally acknowledged her properly.
'My apologies for putting a damper on your joyous announcement, Nikhila.' He paused and grinned. 'You realize that it is a boy?'

There were no Hammerthynn females, not in almost five generations, and as far as he knew - ever since the beginning of their inclusion within the Kadzait and the werewolf life.

'We are related to the Jamesons and we've married some of their females, but we have always been strictly male children...with one eye, as it were.' Pointing to his missing eye he regaled them with a little known fact. 'Hammerthynns do not see 20/20 until after our gifting. Our tradition has seemed to affect our breeding, possibly passed down through the werewolf gene. The Pipers are our relatives, but only direct descendants of Hammerthynns go through tradition.'

If and when it did get back to Vigo, Hammer knew he'd insist on tradition with Xeph and Nikhila's child. They certainly would not ask their Alpha to rip an eye out, but possibly with his own. That would be another bridge to burn when they reached it, but Hammer was one hundred percent sure that he would not let Vigo and the other Hammerthynns touch his grandchild.
Xeph 14 years ago
"I'll be there too," Xeph said, his tone brooking no argument. "It's not like I'm going to let you two do it alone."

He grinned wryly as Hammer... Iov... dad? expained the nature of the Hammerthynn bloodline.

"Good luck. I've been trying to convince her it's a boy myself. This just backs me up."

On the same topic though, he winced and regarded the missing eye as Hammer pointed to it.

"Yeah about that. Uh. Dad. Hammer. You know. The eye thing. It's not happening. To either one of us. Mine might not be a matched set but I like them just fine how they are. And the baby..."

Xeph's voice trailed off ominously. He didn't think it was a tradition Hammer would want to enforce, but Vigo was another creature altogether. Xeph would shed blood over it if necessary.
Lily 14 years ago
Lily felt a flood of warmth as Iov took her hand, at his soft caress. It was something she'd never thought to feel again. His reaction was endearing, but then she'd always known this side of him, the buried side. And he'd known the hidden side of her, too, the sullied one that she didn't dare let anyone see. It was fair enough. Maybe they could finally be themselves. She wasn't sure if he wanted that anymore, but she had never wanted anyone else. Not since the first time she'd realized she loved him, and not the man she'd promised to love.

Aidan's support meant everything; if he wanted to be present she wouldn't stop him. His word as Alpha would carry a great deal of weight even in this private family matter. The Hammerthynns had fought for and protected their Alphas for hundreds of years. It was intuitive for them to respond to the Alpha's commands and desires. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, but you never knew.

Lily regarded Nikhila with humorous sympathy.
"It's true," she said. "Not a female Hammerthynn in the lot."

Of course no one would think of asking Aidan to surrender an eye. Nor would they ask it of his child. Lily didn't think for a moment Iov would be on that particular bandwagon, so she just let him address it, holding his hand tightly in her small one, knowing there was so much still to say to each other.
Nikhila 14 years ago
All in all that was a meeting she was happy to bow out of and she didn't even think of intruding on it. If asked Nikhila would of course join but she knew when she'd be in the way and this would be one of those times.

Instead, she focused on the interaction between Hammer and Lily. It was hard not to hope that they would be able to resolve issues and have a healthy relationship. Perhaps it was a bit romantic of her but Nikhila felt if she and Xeph could do it after so many years, there must be some hope for Lilly and Hammer.

Suddenly addressed Nikhila only shook her head. This was not a damper on anything.

"Don't apologize. Our child suddenly has a grandfather. That is good news in and of itself."Â?

Nikhila wasn't quite willing to let go of her idea of a little girl. Perhaps she was so attached to it as she'd grown up with only brothers, or living in the convent for so long, but she was rather determined to have a girl. But boy or girl she would be happy.

"You are not -always- right."Â?

She cheerfully shot at Aidan. Of course between the three of them she was quite soundly out voted.

"We will know when we know."Â?

Thank god, he'd said something. Nikhila had just started thinking about the missing eye and she would have had.... Issues... should any one suggest Xeph lose an eye, she was quite fond of both of his. And to even suggest harming her child would not have been good.

Letting Aidan and Hammer work that out she turned to Lily,

"Not even one?"Â?
Iov Hammerthynn 14 years ago
'The tradition is father to son. No one would or could even consider doing it.' Hammer looked down at Nikhhila's stomach, at his microscopic grandchild, and shook his head. 'It's tradition, yes, but it is also a choice, one that I would not have done, had I known and if the situation had been different.'

What followed was an intensely person issue with Hammer. He had never spoken of it to anyone, not even Lily during their time together, to Brig, but just to himself. His path had been chosen for him long before he was even born, but the moment he laid curled up, blinded in one eye, bleeding quietly at his father's feet the evening of his gifting, he swore he'd never do to his son what Vigo had done to him. Through Xeph, he had allowed himself to reign in the emotionless monster and tried to be the young man's protector. Hammer was already old by the time Xeph had been born, but part of him always envied Liam for what he had; both Lily and a son. And what did he do with it? His madness pushed both away and he died a lonely man.

Betas see and hear everything that happens within the inner circle of the pack and by no choice of his own he had to watch as Liam abused the woman, the only woman, he had ever love and ignore their wondrously charismatic and strong son. In the end, granted decades later, he was fortunate enough to have both of them in his life, as well as the beautiful child growing in the womb of the woman his son loved. None of this followed Hammerthynn tradition...and he was infinitely relieved by it.

'You did just fine with two eyes. So will your child.'
Xeph 14 years ago
Xeph regarded Hammer with gratitude. He knew it was going to be difficult enough for Hammer to break the news to his family, but to inform them of this break with a long (albeit bloody) tradition at the same time? It would kill his relationship with his father. If there was one.

It struck him then that Vigo was his grandfather. He had cousins, and a grandfather. A paternal grandfather, at any rate. How unique. Of course he knew his mother's father, Gavin. He'd never met Liam's parents. They had died young. It was probably a good thing, now that he thought about it. But Vigo Hammerthynn as his grandpa? It hardly computed.

Xeph finally sat down again, once more a little bowled over by the shock of all these revelations. He managed to grin up at Hammer though.
"Thanks. I think so too."
Lily 14 years ago
Lily nodded with mock sadness at Nikhila. "Not a single one," she said. Then she smiled mischievously. "Maybe you two can be the first." Why not offer that thread of hope?

She could feel the energy in the room beginning to taper as everyone really let all the information soak in. Aidan sat back down, looking weary. Torn, mostly happy, a little relieved, but tired.

"Everything will be fine. Two eyes or not," she said, standing next to Iov. "You two should rest. You especially," Lily directed it to Nikhila. "Sleep on everything," she suggested. "This family has lost a good deal of time already. One night's rest won't hurt it."

She kept her hand tucked into Iov's. It was a balm to her damaged soul, just being able to touch him again. Not having to conceal what she felt behind the casual embrace of an old friend. Neither of them was young anymore, but love didn't care for age.

"We should go," she said softly.
Nikhila 14 years ago
That was a relief. Nikhila smiled at Hammer. It would probably take some time to get used to the idea of being a grandfather, but he was making an excellent start.

It felt good to have Aidan sit back down beside her. He was probably a bit emotionally drained, but he had a father. Nikhila was happy for both of them.

She gave Lily a lopsided smile.


While she was beginning to suspect that they would be having a boy, as they'd seen tonight, traditions were made to be broken. Nikhila was just wondering if one could break so many traditions in one generation. Maybe their son/daughter could change the genetic predisposition of the Hammerthynn line in when the time came.

Nikhila coughed to cover a giggle. Yes between herself and Aidan, they should sleep on it. The sentiment was sound and appreciated, it was the idea of sleep that was amusing.

"I don't think we'll be losing any more time."Â?

Xeph had stood to usher the two of them in, Nikhila stood to see them out, for it was clear that was Lily's intention. She didn't want to chase them out, but every one did need time to think. Making no effort to separate Lily and Hammer's hands she did quickly hug Lily.

"Thank you."Â?

For coming, for telling them, for thier son... for a great deal. Nikhila didn't feel the need to elaborate beyond those two simple words though.
Iov Hammerthynn 14 years ago
And with that, Hammer slipped back into his business-as-usual persona.

'Alright then. I'll see you at morning muster. Just leave me to my eggs for at least a few minutes?' Hammer's humor with Xeph was always tempered with harmless annoyance, but Xeph almost always ignored it, bothering his Beta with a sense of humor he most certainly did not get from Hammer. A polite nod to Nikhila and Hammer held the door open for Lily as they exited.

She had steadfastly held onto his hand as they left the Alpha's quarters and he immediately became tense at the thought of them touching each other in public. It was something he was going to have to get used to, if that was what she wanted. He supposed a long talk was in order with her, if she'd have him still, which it would appear she did. Hammer allowed himself a wistful smile as he thought of his future with not only his Alpha son but the lovely Lily.

What was the worse that could happen?

((OOC Hammer out, pending all responses) =D
Xeph 14 years ago
"Leave you to your...?" It was easy to fall back into routine, and that, for Xeph, meant picking on Hammer. "But this changes everything! I'm going to be bouncing on your bed at 4 in the morning going 'Dad? Dad? Dad, look at me! Hey dad watch this!"

Xeph grinned at Hammer, his surprisingly natural father, and offered his mother a tight hug as they saw the two out. They held hands, which should have seemed odd to Xeph, but he had never wanted his mother to be alone; and she had been, for many years. Even when Liam had been alive, Lily had been alone. He loved his mother very much, and it was hard to find fault with Hammer when he saw the expression on her face.

The door closed behind them and Xeph returned to the couch, sitting almost gingerly. Finally he turned to Nikhila and shrugged.

"Surprise, instant family," he said with a weak laugh. The laugh turned into something choked, not really a sob; he wasn't that upset. Just a funny little laugh/cough/something.

It would take some getting used to. He was relieved.. and he felt guilty at the same time. Liam had raised him. Maybe he'd been a crappy father at the end, but for the first ten or twelve years of Xeph's life, Liam had been everything. If Hammer had betrayed him years ago, it was Xeph who betrayed him now, with the guilty joy he felt at the realization that he wasn't Liam's son.

He was Hammer's.

And he felt content with that.

((ooc: All out, with permission!))