Huh, Different...
When all was said and done with Jaston Alexander, the CEO of Nachton Universities Marine Sciences Center and Aquarium, which by the way, Kai had had no idea universities had CEOs, she was able to take some time to swim in the waters off the beaches of the Nature Preserve. She'd made her way there via a small hand drawn map from Jaston.
And now she was pulling into the long drive of the Kadzait's home in Nachton, using a map emailed to her by her father. How her father had the map, Kai could only guess. The aquarium had given her a car and it's shiny new silver self had been sitting in the parking lot, complete with her bags from the rental, when she'd finished swimming. It wasn't a shock, as Jaston had told her he would be doing it, but it was still a little unnerving.
Still, nothing beat driving a new car. It was something called a Ford Taurus Hybrid. Kai had not kept up on car trends, but she liked the little thing, even if it was a little slow on the get up and go. Following the drive she came to a little parking lot, and slid the car into a space, before getting out and stretching her arms above her head.
Before her was what amounted to a giant log cabin with tons of windows and skylights.
"Huh, different."
With a shrug she walked across the lot, the always there on a paved surface gravel crunching beneath her feet.

All that thinking had taken several miles and, according to her watch, quite a bit of time. It was shorter run than she typically took, and certainly hadn't resolved anything but she was tired already. Tired, though, not exhausted and she wasn't panting and heaven knew it hadn't been overly strenuous, still she was hot and sweaty and had to brush hair that escaped her braid and fallen in her face aside. The walk back to the Den and their rooms would suffice as a cool down, at least that was her plan. As she walked, however, she noticed some one new. Nikhila hung back for a second observing the woman. Obviously she was Pack, she wouldn't have gotten this far if she wasn't. One did -not- get door-to-door sales men or missionaries in the Den.
She debated for a second, she wasn't exactly presentable right now but it wasn't polite to leave family without a welcome either. Deciding that it would be worse to ignore the young woman than greet her in her disheveled state Nikhila cleared her throat to let the other know she was there and smiled warmly.
"Lost new or both?"Â?
"Lost, new or both?"
Kai turned her gaze to the woman who had spoken. She was a stunning woman, even dressed for exercise with her hair slightly disheveled. A smile curled Kai's lips as she took a few steps toward the woman.
"New. I've only been in Nachton a few hours and this is where I was told to come when I was finished meeting my new employer." She held out her hand.
"I'm Kai."
She gestured toward the building in front of them. "I was just trying to decide if I should walk in or ring the bell."

New, good, she was always happy to see new arrivals. Nikhila accepted the offered hand without a second though. Although she was slightly relived, this new arrival didn't greet her as enthusiastically as the last one she'd found (Shiye).
"Then both congratulations and welcome are in order. A pleasure to meet you Kai, I'm Nikhila."Â?
She remembered her own arrival here in Nachton, and even having an express invitation it had been somewhat hesitant and awkward. The reasons for that though were mostly of her own making and past now.
"Personally I planed to just walk in."Â?
She offered humor, quiet and understated but still humor.
Noting Kai had no bags and assumed she must have them tucked away some where.
"I don't see why you shouldn't. We can find you some rooms and help with your bags if you'd like. Or perhaps you'd prefer something to eat or a tour?"Â?
She laughed lightly at her small joke before shrugging at her suggestions. "Can I pick D, all of the above?"
She gestured at the silver car glinting in the sun light. "I've several bags in the car there, more than I can get in one trip and I'd be grateful for the help. Father said I should room here until I can find a place near work, but if no one minds, this is close enough to the city that living here would be a bonus. The whole private forest thing is the clincher for me."
She offered what a crew mate once called her disarming, see I'm not gunna hurt you grin. She didn't think she looked like someone that would hurt anyone, but the grin often helped to soften otherwise blunt words.

"An excellent option, the only question then becomes the order you wish to peruse the options."Â?
If Kai had just gotten into Nachton she might appreciate something to eat and a chance to sit down before having to find rooms, lug bags and then tour the place. However, Nikhila wasn't about to make assumptions for any one. The bags were, of course, no trouble she would help and if they needed someone else, they would find some one else. However, there was no point in carrying them until there was a place to set them.
Making one last futile effort to get a stray lock of hair behind her ear, Nikhila smiled brightly.
"It is one of my favorite things about the property. I'm still not sure how we managed to get a hold of this much land so close to the city but it is very useful."Â?
Pure dumb luck or a little at a time or a lot of money, possibly a combination of the three. Nikhila had never really asked. However, while parts of the land were out side city limit and they had no close neighbors it was close enough that Nikhila had no car of her own and took public transportation into the city by herself for work or any other reason.
"I don't see any reason you shouldn't stay her rather than a place near your job. Even with out the forest you might prefer it."Â?
Without thinking about it she started toward the door, no matter what order Kai wanted to do things in they had to go inside and she didn't want to stand still too much longer, she'd stiffen up.
Kai waggled her eyebrows at Nikhila. "After that we can see what's what."
She followed behind her newly met pack mate and was delightfully surprised by the interior of the building. It was a nice place and Kai had a feeling, that though it wasn't near the water, she would enjoy living here.

Another one who was anti-greens, or at least meat friendly, there were days she thought she was the only one of their kind who didn't eat just raw meat.
"Then food it is."Â?
She led the way to a communal dinning area. While the suites did allow one to cook and eat alone she, on occasion, did enjoy the company of others around while they ate.
Two of her former students were hunched over textbooks in a corner and looked up long enough to say a quick hello, which she returned, before going back to their studies. At least now she knew where to get help with Kai's bags.
It was a good-sized communal area with plenty of tables and chairs, as well as lots of light. More important, to Kai at least she imagined, there were people who could provided food, uncooked even if that was your wish. She gestured that Kai should talk to the staff and find something to her taste. Realizing she was also hungry Nikhila quickly obtained some grapes, yogurt and water before seating herself at a table that was larger than was needed for just the two of them, just in case some one wished to join in.
Streaming into the food area, each man (all of which stood at least six foot two) grabbed various types of nourishment. An apple was thrown from one end of them, caught swiftly in the air by one of the men standing in the back. Plenty of 'Oi's!' and 'boyo's' were yelped through laughter, and when they all had trays of food, they wandered happily over to the tables. Following behind them quietly was LT, 2nd in command of the Pipers.
Two of the Pipers stopped as they passed a table of two women and smiled graciously. Hooking an arm around the shoulder of his friend, they introduced themselves.
'Miss Nikhila. Good day to you, ma'am!' Turning to the new woman, they smiled down as the others behind them waved frantically hello.
'Miss, welcome to the Den! I'm Charlie and this is my mate, Red.' Both men hailed directly from England, as their thick accents suggested. 'And it's not because of his red hair, miss, no indeed. It's because he tends to get rather flustered around beautiful lass', 'e does.'
((Pipers joining in on the fun right quick - hope that was ok.))
'Oh no. No, no, no. Charlie, Red...beat it.'
More Oi's and aww's but the men reluctantly departed, all still waving a very enthusiastic salutation.
'I'm sorry, Miss Nikhila. They're punch drunk from a run.'
She was bringing the first slice to her mouth, when the space was invaded by a band of rowdy young men. Struck by the sudden noise, Kai paused with chopsticks halfway to her mouth and watched them jockey and shout.
Then suddenly two of them where at their table, and before she could speak they were pushed away by a rather formidable looking man. She blinked several times before smiling at him.
"Well that was different. You can tell Charlie and Red hello, I'm Kai."
Chuckling softly, she slide the tender beef into her mouth and gave a soft moan of delight as the taste and feel filled her mouth.

LT decided to chase them off, but that didn't dampen their spirits much she noted.
"No apologies needed LT. I'm surprised we didn't cross paths if you all were out running."Â?
It crossed her mind that Xeph was now somehow related to LT, at least she thought he was. This family tree was going to take some figuring.
Rather than dwelling on that she indicated Kai, who seemed more or less recovered from her encounter with Charlie and Red.
"This is Kai. She's just arrived. We were just getting her something to eat before fining her rooms. Would you, any of you, care to join us?"Â?
It might be a bit much for Kai to deal with all the punch drunk Pipers, but at least it would be interesting.
"Kai this is LT. I don't believe he changes any particular colors when flustered."Â?
Nikhila had to take it as a given that at least LT would sit down with them, and so she completed the introductions.
((OOC... of COURSE it is OK. The more the merrier

LT and the Pipers were still learning the sewer map of the city, almost one hundred miles of it. It was no wonder that the vampires managed to get around town quickly and without notice - the sewers were in fact a maze and he and his men had maybe bested 1/10th of the map. Still, it was something to do while on forced hiatus.
At Nikhila's invite the Pipers began to stand when LT flicked his eyes over in their direction. 'No ma'am, that's quite alright, but thank you just the same.'
The Pipers sat down and this time quietly as they eat their food. LT permitted himself a smug grin as he reached out with his right hand and properly introduced himself to the newcomer, Kai.
'Lothias Jameson, Miss Kai. LT for short. Pleasure to meet you.'
LT smiled down at Kai and took in her appearance. Tanned and sun kissed blond hair - a very pretty, nondescript girl that he was sure the Pipers would individually cock block each other over. Mentally he rolled his eyes - sometimes it was like babysitting children with them.
Regaining her hand, she took up her chopsticks again and slipped another slice of beef into her mouth. The same little moan of delight from the first slice, vibrated her throat as she chewed.
"Pardon my asking, but why are you and your men running through the sewers?"
'There's more than one way to get around Nachton. Below the city is an intricate sewer system that is perfect for daytime traveling for the...nocturnal types, so to speak.'
Kai dug into her meal again and emitted a soft, guttural moan that once again caught the attention of the Pipers. Under his breath he muttered, 'At ease,' at the gaggle of male hormones behind him.
Pulling a chair from a nearby table, and much to the other Pipers disappointment, LT settled down backwards in the chair and hung his arms over the back.
'So you're new in Nachton, Kai?'

"I think you're quite right. I'd rather not know."Â?
If the Pipers were running the sewers there was a good reason for it. If she needed to know she would be told. Until then she did not need a detailed recounting of the event.
She saw, out of the corner of her eye, that the other men were quite willing to accept her invitation. Nikhila pretended not to notice them standing and then at LT's words sitting back down.
Kai, apparently, did want to know about the sewer run. That being LT's domain she turned her attention to her yogurt and listened. It was more of an explanation that she had expected from him.
Smiling at Kai as she apparently enjoyed her meal, Nikhila had a feeling she was going to make 'friends' quickly here. At least LT had decided to join them and finally sat down.
She swallowed the fish with a sigh and popped another in her mouth.
"Yes, sir. I just arrived today from Queensland." Another delighted sound followed the fish down her throat, and she smiled at LT.
"It seems I'm to run the University Aquarium. It should be an interesting road, that is all I know for certain."
She kept the rowdy bunch of boys in the corner of her vision, and did everything in her power not to laugh out loud at their posturing and silliness. They all seemed to be cut from the same mold, with enough differences to tell them apart from each other. Another slice of beef went into her mouth and she enjoyed it just as thoroughly as the ones before.
'Have you been yet, ma'am?'
All this socializing was more than he had done in the past six months and he was surprised at how easy it had become. Carol was having a decidedly good influence on him apparently.

She honestly didn't mind being on the edge of the conversation today. Finishing her yogurt she set aside the container and spoon.
"No, I'm afraid I haven't. I've been rather busy. But I've read some about it and would like to see it."Â?
She recognized one or two of the names they had hired to work there as former colleagues from previous jobs.
"That should be quite the challenge though. At least things will be some what set up for you and you won't have to start entirely from scratch."Â?
She waved her chopsticks at LT and grinned. "But it seems my degrees make it so I know enough to break things and Mr. Anderson thinks that if I can lead a group of egotistical scientists then surely I can keep people from drowning or getting eaten by the sharks."
She put the last slice of tuna into her mouth. Kai would still much rather be doing that, but this new direction, "It will be a challenge, for sure. But as to set up." Kai shrugged again. "I can only hope so. The last person with this job ran away to Mexico."
'Well then good luck to you, Kai. Maybe I'll see you there soon.' Turning, he gave Nikhila a polite nod. 'Ma'am.'
((OOC LT and Pipers out pending responses)