At the bar
Aron was annoyed. This was certainly not something that happened every day, he rarely had a reason to be so. He had gotten an excellent, although not too bright, dinner. Then he had driven to the towers which his sources told him was the local Evenhet headquarters, and he had been refused entrance! Him! He was shocked. He was used to know everything before anyone else, but here he was completly in the dark. Rather ironic for a vampire.
[color=darkred]"There there my love, we'll have it all arranged in due time. We just need to make our presence known, yes?"[/color]
"Presence known? I don't really know how we should make ourselves more known, short of putting a bomb under the art museum. Which I think may be a little drastic"
[color=darkred]"There's the other club, The House of Pain. Something with a name that nice must surely have some interresting things to offer"
"I do so hope you're jesting. The entrance is through the sewers! Hardly a place I'd allow myself to be seen"
She laughed. [color=darkred]"Always so much pride and vanity"[/color]
"Given my current position I think I can allow myself to be vain, don't you?"
She chuckled and he took a sip of the rather excellent burgundy. He could feel the amazement of the bartender who was staring at the man apparently talking to himself.Something would have to happen tonight, preferably something that would provide him information.

That's right, boy from the wrong side of the tracks is walking around in your midst. Careful, I might touch one of you and give you something incurable.
Moving to a stool at the bar, Jan ordered a glass of wine and turned back to face the masses. He listened to the band that was playing with growing disdain. There were grade school productions better than this! Where did the lead singer learn to enunciate? The man sounded like he had marbles in his mouth. Which only worked if you're Dylan or Kurt Cobain, this guy was neither, no where close.
"Dreadful. He should be embarrassed to sing in public. I'm surprised people are allowing him to continue standing on the stage, much less paying him to be there." Jan took a sip of his wine and continued to glare at the offending man thoughtfully.
((OOC: The band is probably not that bad, maybe not great but probably not as bad as he suggests. He's a critic though and it'd be hard to meet his idea of good. ))

"They're hardly Beethoven nor Bach, but it could be worse. I've been told Spice Girls once gave a private concert here, must have been horrible"

"That must have been a sad day for the place. At least the management could claim to have been taken in by their looks. There is no such excuse here. "
He turned around a moment and regarded his companion at the bar. "Sorry, Professional interest. I sing at a few clubs around here. Name's Jan Yager."

He could hear May's voice echoing in his mind. For some odd reason she sounded amused.
"Indeed..." he whispered. Turning his full attention to Jan, he smiled and said
"I'm Aron Swiftwood, a pleasure to meet you I should hope. Good to see someone in this country with a little culture"

Jan smiled deciding he liked Aron so far.
"A pleasure. Its imported culture. From Austria but that was a long time ago." A very long time ago.
He pondered the singer again. "Perhaps I should see if they need another band. Certainly would be better than this. Have you been in the country long?"
((OOC: I assume he can tell you're not from the US by your accent. If not let me know and I will edit))

Aron's eyes looked amused, the green color seemingly brightened. He picked up his glass and let the wine swirl in his glass before taking a sip. He wished he could see the color he knew had to be blood red.
"No, just moved here recently. England is nice, but I needed some change. And I was getting tired of all the rain."
"Tired love? I remember you used to enjoy being out in the rain, and letting it soak our clothes."
"Hmm..if you are any better than the person skinning a cat at the stage, then by all means, let us find the manager. With the prices they charge here, the least you can expect is some decent music. Speaking of which, what kind of music do you sing?"
((OOC: Forgot to mention that you can indeed tell he's not from the US, and chances are you can tell he's from England as well))

"Unfortunately they haven't imported enough."
He turned and set his glass down on the bar. Jan had always found England nice and the weather tended to match his moods. The Brits could be ridiculously rigid though, which he'd admit to finding entertaining to toy with. Sometimes shocking people was just too much fun to pass up. Probably his Tacharan ways coming out.
Chewing on his thumbnail thoughtfully, Jan said. "I've done a lot of different things. For the House of Pain it is normally gothic and dark but I can sing Opera if they wanted it." He smirked at the thought. Which led to the image of being dressed for clubbing at the House of Pain, leather, chains, eyeliner and all and singing something from the Magic Flute.

"Some sewer establishment, isn't it?"
He was a bit surprised, perhaps he had misjudged the boy? Or the house of pain. The latter was by far the most likely, but Aron knew not to trust his abillities too much, even they could be cheated.
"I always felt that opera never managed to give full credit to neither the acting nor the singing. With a few noticable exceptions ofcourse, Figaro's Wedding being one...."
"Never kept you from having a drink with the more attractive female opera singers, now did it love?"
Aron coughed, May had a way of reminding him of the more embarresing events in his life.
"Still, I'm surprised to find such a multi talent here of all places..."
((OOC: Should've been more clear about it in the post, everything in Dark Red is said by May, inside Aron's head, my bad for forgetting))

" You are correct about Opera. In truth there is probably nothing more beautiful than a sung mass." Jan closed his eyes briefly, hearing the Dies Irae in his head before opening again, remembering where he was and that he was speaking to a stranger. "You can sing well or dance well but trying to do both at the same time is a waste."
He smirked and nodded. "Well I like to see what I am up against from time to time. This competition isn't striking fear into my heart."
Jan picked up his wine and took another swallow before asking.
"So aside from being a part time music critic, what do you do? "
((OOC: The red actually makes it clear. Its an interesting concept, nice job! My chorus instructor actually made that statement about singing and dancing, so I should give him credit, but Jan and I tend to agree. ))

"I am a merchant. I sell, buy and own"
"Merchant? What a precious modification of the truth" May laughed.
He took a sip of the wine. Too cold. He sighed. This was burgundy, not some cheap california oversweet lemonade which they passed off as white wine. He would have to make sure that mistake didn't happen again.
"Which is why I came here, the prices are cheaper"

"Welcome to Nachton. I hope it works out for you. Its an interesting place."
He didn't know how much Aron knew about Nachton, perhaps he picked the city just because he liked the location.
((OOC: I am going on the assumption that he doesn't know you're a vampire, he might know, we haven't gotten that question answered yet. For whatever reason though, He's still behaving as if he doesn't know. And Sorry I fell asleep on you. We're up now though and admin stuff is out of the way. ))

Aron let his finger run along the edge of the glass, creating a crystal clear tone. The boy was certainly older than he appeared. The question merely was whether it was half a decade, or...
"Half a millenium"
"And it certainly is an interresting place...a lot of activity in this city, a lot of activity indeed"
He finished his glass of wine and made a quick decision.
"Let me buy you a drink. How about a bloody mary?"
"Tsk tsk tsk....and you're useually so subtle"
((OOC: So far Aron hasn't done anything to give away his vampiric origins (kept the remarks in this post) , so unless you have some other way of knowing it, then you're correct. By the way "we"? Are you going schizoid on me?

"No thanks, I tend to like mine fresh from the source." He eyed Aron for a moment thoughtfully, could be Anantya or Evenhet. Was hard to tell with those clans sometimes they just all looked alike. If He was Tacharan, Jan had never seen him before but since he was new to the city that was possible. Still, it seemed unlikely, only "Daddy" Simon seemed so proper... and even that not all the time.
"So which variety would you be? I'm the young obnoxious version, personally. Bane of the local well to do."
((OOC: Me and the voices in my head which on this board totals 3... so yeah, probably. ))

He studied Jan carefully. Young and obnoxious ment clanless. "Or Tacharan" Either way he would have to be careful. Jan didn't strike him as the type who would go into a bloodlust, but he had seen a few tacharan do that without giving any warning at all. Still, his walking stick would provide the protection he needed, at least here.
"I guess I fall into that category, though the local merchants guild hasn't exactly rolled out the red carpet"

"Well I haven't pissed you off yet, so perhaps we're alright. Give me time, I'm sure it will happen." Jan grinned and continued. " Well, there's not much carpet rolling going on where I live but we're not a friendly bunch."

"Piss me off? Jan, I have the patience of an angel..."
"And which angel would that be? A fallen one?"
A whisper escaped Aron's lips "You're the one in my head, you should know"
"Still, what you say surprises me. So far you've almost been friendliness in person". His lips spread in a grin

The one in his head? Jan's narrowed his eyes and peered at Aron carefully. He didn't see any ear pieces was the guy setting him up and just slipped, speaking to someone listening in without realizing it? Maybe they didn't know he was Tacharan if they thought he was clanless this could be a set up. Best to go easy though, make no sudden moves.. keep smiling and all that. He could be wrong but better safe than sorry.
"Well you've caught me on a good night and we started this with two of my favorite and a good rant. Even better a rant about music, which always puts me in a good mood afterwards." Jan swallowed the last of his wine and set the glass on the bar. "I think I'll go talk to the manager about getting a gig here. Thanks for the chat and hope you find what you're looking for." So long as it ain't me.
((OOC: Jan Out
Yes, he's a paranoid little twerp. I can swing him back by in a bit. Also if you want to start a clan thread in Evenhet Alfarinn will be more than happy to take care of this misunderstanding

"Very skittish indeed..."
Aron finished the bloody mary, and suddenly realized it might be a good thing he wasn't the designated driver. Time to head home, take a rest, change to something more dramatic and then perhaps visit the tower once more. If everything else failed he could probably flash his membership card to get some attention
((ooc: Aron out