Dreaming out loud (att: Delilah)
Luka checked his watched. Three forty seven a.m. it read and he sighed. She wasn't going to come this night just like she'd hadn't came the past five nights.
With a irritated glance towards the front of the club from his VIP clan booth, Luka cursed. He should of pushed her harder in the dreams, compelled her her to seek him out.
Ya right, like that shit worked. He didn't want to destroy her mind and make her some kind of dream zombie, he simply wanted her to want him when she was awake. That kind of thinking made him pathetic. He hadn't come to Nachton to find a human to pine over and haunt. He came here for freedom. Nevermind that he had everything he could ever want back home in Romania. Nor was he a prisoner within his home, he was simply coddled by his twin and it drove him crazy. That was why he had came here to the States, to get away from Magda and the perfect little vampire life they had created. He was the son to a childless family regardless of the fact that he was the first born twin. These were the reasons Luka had left, and yet what had he done since arriving? Nothing different than he could of done back home. The difference was no one was quick to judge him and his choices here.
He was getting ready to call it quits and head home when he noticed a sensation roll through the crowd. Heads swiveled and the bodies parted and collapsed back in the breath of an instant. It was if the throngs of bodies were breathing. The moment of distance was enough to see what everyone else was eyeing like a prized bull. Delilah was weaving through the crowd with a lost slightly horrified look on her face.
The petite blonde might as well have painted HUMAN on her forehead. He watched with small flares of jealousy as hands reached out to caress her and she'd dance away as best as she could only to be met by more petting.
"Look at me. See me." He murmered as he willed her to look his way.
How badly he wished he had such powers. For now he could only rely on his intense stare to get her to feel creepy enough to look up and see him.

Now as Delilah looked around from the front bar she thought twice about that selection. Maybe she would have attracted less attention in leather than she was now.
"Can I offer you a drink sweetling?" A deep voice purred from behind her.
Spinning around, she nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the man who had spoke to her. He was nearly seven feet tall and had broad wide shoulders like a tank. His hair was clipped military short and he was dressed in tight dark pants and a dark long sleeve form fitted thermal shirt. It was his navy blue eyes that made her skin crawl, that and the way he was leering at her.
"No thank you." she said evenly as she straightened her spine.
"Aw come on sweetling, maybe you'd like to offer me a drink instead?"
He reminded her of the scum at the strip clubs and she turned her frown on him.
"I said no thank you." And before he could get another word in she quickly continued. "Besides, I'm meeting some friends here, ones from Tacharan."
The word felt funny coming out of her mouth. Dropping Panos's clans name had just come to mind and what do you know, it worked. The giant stood up straighter and his leer was swept off his face.
"Your going to want to head to the back then, thats where the clans VIP section is. Your buddies will be back there if they're smart. Next time tell the bouncer at the door." His voice had lost its finesse.
Delilah nodded and headed off into the direction the man had pointed to. Which meant squeezing through the throngs of people on the dance floor. As the scantily clad bodies clashed and ground out beats to the rhythm around her she felt suffocated.
"What am I doing here." she complained to herself as the crowd finally parted and she raced to get through before they fused together once more.
When she finally stopped looking for the next spot to put her foot and lifted her head her heart skipped a beat. Luka was sitting alone in a booth and he was staring straight at her. With a blush that signified she was a hot blooded animal she kept her head up and made a bee line to his secured area.

Quickly his signaled for her to be allowed back and as she approached the table he couldn't help but beam at her. She was as delicate as a rose and smelled as sweet as one too. Her white blonde hair a mass of delicate curls against her already procelin skin. The deep pink lips stick was glimmering in the clubs lights and he couldn't wait for it to be smeared.
"Delightful Delilah. Whatever are you doing in this wretched place?" he couldn't resist teasing and as her color rose higher so did his blood pressure.
"Come sit with me." He patted the booths leather seat next to him.
She was clearly flustered and as she slid in next to him he noticed she was looking around.
"Panos is not here if you are looking for him. It seems his woman is back in town. As it is such, I have been friendless for days."
He could feel the heat of her body and it sent his blood racing even higher. This was so much better than in the dream world.
As she parted her lips to speak he instantly got hard, thinking only of what it would feel like to have them wrapped around his most sensitive parts. He had to shake the fog from his head when he realized she had asked him a question.
"Come again?"

"I uh...I came looking for someone." The words tumbled out of her mouth as she flushed.
She hadn't been able to think of a good reason to the question she knew was going to be asked for days. It was one of the reasons she had avoided coming, besides making herself look like a fool if he wasn't here.
But he was here wasn't he? It was strangely curious.
As she scooted into the seat next to him she eyed the private area. Where was Panos? She had her steel reserve ready for when he arrived as no doubt he was going to be irritated with her for ignoring him for weeks. Or maybe not, Luka seem to sense who she was looking for and provided the details on why she hadn't heard from the over protective vampire in sometime. And she had thought he was finally giving her the space she wanted. Oddly enough the truth of what was going on stung.
How easily forgotten she had become when his outlet for carnal pleasures had shown up. Delilah was surprised to find her eyes burning and she blinked rapidly.
"Oh, well that's fine. I didn't want to run into him really anyways. What are you doing here alone or am I interupting something?"
It didn't look like he had company other than himself, there was only one glass and one napkin on the table, but Delilah had the sudden feeling that she wanted to bolt from the place.

Tiny sparks of jealousy ignited inside of him and he nearly missed the new light that had come into her eyes. Delilah was ten seconds from panicing and fleeing the scene. Reaching out he brushed her hair away from her face with his good hand, using his fore finger to tuck the strands behind her ear.
"You are not interupting anything. In fact," Luka slid his findger down along her jaw and tilted her chin up.
"In fact I couldn't be any happier that your here. Please don't go, sit and stay with me for a while." His voice was deep and husky.
Pulling his hand from her delicate skin he gave her a coy smile.

It took every muscle in her body to not shiver in delight at his touch. As he directed her face to look up into his deep dark eyes, she knew she was going nowhere fast.
"I...allright." Delilah responded lamely.
Seh kenw she couldn't sit here all night and stare into his eyes wordlessly. Hell she really wanted to, so she finally looked away to the surroundings of the club.
"Do you always come here? Hasn't anyone introduced you Club Eternity? It's much more...uh sophisticated than here and you don't have to enter by way of a sewer."
That had been pretty strange and a bit gross. Four times she had nearly turned around and went back home, both because of her anxiety and the unsatisfactory entrance area. It made her rethink the whole open toed shoes she was wearing.

"I have heard of the club you speak of but, I come here because it's rough around the edges and sometimes I like it rough."
He let Delilah come to her own conclusions about what his statement intended.
Wasting no time, Luka wrapped his arm around her shoulder and slid her up against him. Soft as a feather he drew small circles along her neck down to her collarbone. Unabashed as his fingers dipped below her modest neckline.
"Wouldn't you agree?"
The urge to tear her top off was foaming within him as he struggled to keep his strong desire within. He wanted what he had not taken so many times in her dreams. Luka had been a gentleman then, he had to be. Now, now there were no rules.

Delilah felt like a bowl of pudding staring into his rich chocolate eyes, his touch sending shviers down her spine. Her mouth nearly hit the floor as his words melted all the nervousness she was feeling, leaving her fully charged.
As his soft fingers dipped below her neckline and traced a path along her collarbone every fiber of her being wanted to jump him right then and there. That wasn't her typical behavior, in fact she hadn't had sex in...It had been so long she could hardly remember.
In her mind, he wasn't a stranger. Luka was the face she dreamed of every night, the body who held her without a demand, the man she spent every waking minute longing for. While her eyes rolled in her head and she let her lids close. Inhaling his dark scent she smiled. No, Luka wasn't just some random guy she had a crush on and wanted to fuck.
Slowly her eyes crept open and Delilah gave him a sly look.
The shine in his eyes meant he got the answer he was looking for, and when he grabbed her wrist, she let him yank her from the booth.

Delilah felt like a bowl of pudding staring into his rich chocolate eyes, his touch sending shviers down her spine. Her mouth nearly hit the floor as his words melted all the nervousness she was feeling, leaving her fully charged.
As his soft fingers dipped below her neckline and traced a path along her collarbone every fiber of her being wanted to jump him right then and there. That wasn't her typical behavior, in fact she hadn't had sex in...It had been so long she could hardly remember.
In her mind, he wasn't a stranger. Luka was the face she dreamed of every night, the body who held her without a demand, the man she spent every waking minute longing for. While her eyes rolled in her head and she let her lids close. Inhaling his dark scent she smiled. No, Luka wasn't just some random guy she had a crush on and wanted to fuck.
Slowly her eyes crept open and Delilah gave him a sly look.
The shine in his eyes meant he got the answer he was looking for, and when he grabbed her wrist, she let him yank her from the booth.

Snatching up her frail delicate hand he tugged her from the booth and made his way back further into the clans private hallway that catering to numerous rooms that were sound proofed, padded and easily sterilized. Nearly kicking the first door open, he swung Delilah through the door way and slammed the door shut behind them.
Her tiny yelp as he shoved her into the leather padded door drove both his sexual and savage side wild. She wasn't scared though, he could feel that much from her. She was aroused as he was and he wasn't going to waste any time playing nice. First things first her tight ass jeans had to go. Luka was tempted to tear them from her frame but he wasn't sure he'd like his woman leaving the club pantless. There'd be to many heads he'd have to crack just to get her past the dance floor. With one hand he released the button of her jeans and yanked the denim down to her knees.
Oh. God.
Delilah wasn't wearing any panties. He closed his eyes and leaned his head into the nook between her shoulder and neck. With a deep breath Luka trailed his hands down the sides of her form slowly, staying on top of her shirt. As his pinkie finger was the first to touch her soft skin he heard her breath catch. Luka took his time tracing the hem of the fabric, being careful to make mistake in his design and slip upon her skin. Delilah hips were small and slight as his fingers made their way lower to her thighs, he suddenly changed directions, moving in and upward towards where he could already feel the heat escaping from her.

With his face inches from her neck she silently wondered what it would feel like if he bit her. She wasn't afraid he would, in fact she down right hoped he did. Before she could think on it any further Luka's strong hands began a descent down her torso drawing loving circles across her skin. A small moan escaped hers lips and her legs threatened to give out. As his fingers cascaded down her thighs and danced their way back up she realized she simply couldn't take it anymore. Her hands dove to his belt, fumbling with the clasp she jerked it open and snatched at the button.
Luka's arms and presently his fingers were making the task difficult but with a strong tug she managed to lower his pants and boxers all at once, springing forth the part of his body she had been dying to get at for what seemed like eternity.
Delilah kicked her shoes off and wiggled out of her pants using her feet. Without a moment more hesitation she leapt up onto Luka and wrapped her legs around his waist. Reaching down she grabbed him hard and pressed him up against her core.

As she mounted him with a leap he let out a low growl from deep within. He could feel how ready she was for him and he pushed them both back into the door entering inside her at the same time. As he felt the slick warm walls of her body encase him he lost his vision. This had been worth waiting for. The sex they could have had in her dreams would have never felt as good as this did. He would have had to use memories of other lovers from her to manifest the scenerio and that wouldn't of been tolerable. Just the thought of that sent him hammering into her harder and her moans eccelerated to the tempo. Her movements became frantic and she dug her nails into the back of his neck. He knew what was coming next and as Delilah cried out so did he.
Like a rag doll Delilah collapsed into his chest and he had to brace them against the wall as the panted in unison. Luka could fill himself filling her back up and he groaned, ready to hoist her up and go at it again when she pushed back from his shoulders.

They had just the fastest, sweatiest, body slamming sex of her life time and she was not yet ready to go again. She could barely even feel her body parts, let alone make them function coherently.
"Take me out of here, let's leave. My place."
What they had just shared hadn't been about romance and tenderness or love. It had been pure instant gratification they had been after fueled by sexual frustration on her part. She hadn't really pictured it like this, in the back room of some skeezy club but she didn't regret it.
Hell no. She wanted more, but she wanted it done right and in her bed.
Wiggling her hips she grinned as he he moaned and rested his head on his arm.
"Come on. Lemme down. I promise good thing if you do."
Slowly he pulled her off him and she wimpered, wondering if she had lost her mind and shouldn't just stay there. Fuck ethics right? Once he was out of her she regained her mind and knew she'd felt better if she was at least being used at home. After all, thats what this was really. It wasn't as if he was dreaming about her every night continously. That was her fantasy she just played out in this back room, not his. Tomorrow he'd be gone and she'd never see him again, except in her dreams.
Reaching down she shimmied back into her jeans and slipped into her shoes.
Tomorrow she would worry about tomorrow.
( ooc : Delilah & Luka out)