AFK for 2 weeks - back around the 25th

K going on the family vacation for two weeks, which means that any new characters will have a little wait for permissions and approvals. Only Aishe will here as Staff - I think - I haven't talked to her in a couple days =x Fear not, I'll check when I can. If there is a serious problem, Aishe knows how to get a hold of me, but if you can't get a hold of her, please contact Vex over at . She has my number and can fix any technical issues.

Thanks and no one break nothing!

Pakpao 14 years ago
Who us? break things?

Have a fantastic time and a good vacation
Kai 14 years ago
Have fun!
Diane 14 years ago
have a good time!
Aishe 14 years ago
Yeah yeah I'm here. I don't get on much when I work since we're out of the house from 6 am until about 7:30 pm... dinner, laundry, bed, rinse, repeat. But let me take this time to say...

OMGWHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm in charge I'm in charge I'm in charge WOOOOOOHOOOOO Muahahahahahahahahhah!

Oh, and enjoy your vacation.
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
I don't know her.
Pakpao 14 years ago
Uhuh... sure you don't....