I've done the posting via Iphone thing before and we hates it... when my characters give you two very short paragraphs with as little swapping between italics and non as possible, you've been Iphone posted.
I sympathize. :P
Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh! The interwebs are being rude and so all I have for my cyber fix right now is my iPhone. :( posting via iPhone is not ideal so I'll be away until they get it fixed I'm really sorry guys I hate making you wait on Dana and Kai again.
See you soon,

14 years ago

14 years ago
You know they say that the iPhone is this great do everything phone... and yet it can't write a post. I call shinannigans.
Er... umm... bummer!
Er... umm... bummer!
14 years ago
Yeah the typing with one finger crap is for the birds and I haven't yet mastered the art of thumb typing.
le sigh

14 years ago
Huzzah! The Husband Unit wrestled the wireless interwebs into submission and I am hooked up again. Apparently some setting was magically changed and he had to go reset it.
I too call shenanigans!
I too call shenanigans!