Little Lost Lamb (attn: Drew)
MARI had specific instructions, and MARI never failed to follow them. Thus, when Aishe was on her turn at watch, she wasn't surprised when the AI popped up to warn her of something she was just noticing herself.
Drew, Kiamhaat's suspected wolf pal, was wandering aimlessly around the lowest level of Meridian's underground area, a place he was specifically not supposed to be. Oh, there wasn't anything particularly dangerous down there, really, but when Aishe had received the list of areas to program Drew's access key with limited security on, she had mixed them with some false leads in case he did ever decide to go wandering.
So, what was he doing down there? She watched him on one of the video screens for a while. He kept wandering around in a circle. Granted, the very lowest floor contained a network of halls and offices and a few storage rooms, but Drew didn't seem to be actively searching for anything that she could tell. His behavior was puzzling.
After watching with concern turned to amusement for almost ten minutes, Aishe deicded to go take a look for herself. With a brief thought to Kiamhaat she headed out to the elevator and down to the lowest level of the tower.
Drew grinned. He was actually a little serious, maybe not MREs but something. He was a growing boy after all and was often hungry. He had an odd image of himself during the full moon roaming the corridors hunting anything he could. It was not a pleasant picture.
"You left a mummy in the archives?! I would have thought OSHA would have a say about that."Â?
Aishe had always been polite to him so he was OK playing with her. So far she seemed to have a good sense of humor. But he was having trouble making up his mind about anyone closely associated with Kem.
"Will do. Thanks again."Â?
Well vampire stuff would have to wait, he really did have a job to do. Best he go in and do it before he drew even more attention to himself.
((OOC... Drew out too))